Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 43 Autumn's Merit "Doctor Zhou, your chapter is here...

"Doctor Zhou, you are back! How is Xiahegou Village?" Xu Wenzhang walked over to say hello.

"The plague has stabilized! Doctor Fang and I have found the source of the plague, and we have dealt with it! Basically, there are no problems!"

"That's great! Great! Thank you so much, Doctor Zhou!" Xu Wenzhang was overjoyed, the plague was finally resolved!He felt a lot more at ease!

Zhou Jin smiled, and stared at the majestic Lin Ke, "Who is this?"

Zhou Jin silently looked at the person standing not far away. The other person's gaze was like a torch, and his figure was tall and straight. It formed a sharp contrast with the people around him, and it was difficult for people to ignore it!

"Let me introduce, this is Lieutenant Lin Ke! He is here to help control the plague!" Xu Wenzhang hurriedly introduced.

"So it's Master Lin! You're being polite!" Zhou Jin cupped his hands.

Lin Ke nodded and said, "Doctor Zhou! I heard from Mr. Xu that the plague was quickly brought under control thanks to the Baidu powder you developed! I wonder if Dr. Zhou is willing to disclose the prescription so that other doctors can learn and study it." ?”

Lin Ke also secretly looked at this too young doctor in front of him!

It was hard for him to believe that he could find a cure for the plague in such a short time!

This is something that even the head of the Tai Medical Bureau can't do!

No, it should be said that no one has been able to do it since ancient times!

Suspicion grew in his heart.

But Xu Wenzhang said that the plague has been brought under control!

Could it be that the doctor made a mistake in diagnosis and treatment, mistakenly treating common diseases as the plague?

But this is obviously unlikely!What a sensational disease is the plague, and how can it be diagnosed and treated wrongly?

It is impossible for Xu Wenzhang to report the epidemic without confirmation!

Unless... this plague was fake from the beginning?

Lin Ke's slender eyes narrowed dangerously. Could it be that this is a scheme designed by Xu Wenzhang and the young doctor in front of him!

Lied that there was a plague in the town, and pretended to treat the sick, cured the plague in a short time!

Then report to the imperial court to claim credit!Xu Wenzhang has achieved rapid control of the plague, and Doctor Zhou also has the reputation of curing the plague!

In this way, the two of them worked hand in hand, gained fame and profit again!

Thinking of this, Lin Ke pursed his thin lips tightly, making his entire face look even more serious.

If this is the case, then Xu Wenzhang is extremely stupid!

"I have already handed over the prescription to Mr. Xu for dispensing! If Mr. Lin is interested, you can go to Jiminfang together!" Zhou Jin nodded, not understanding why the Mr. Lin in front of him seemed to have a hint of hostility towards him suddenly?

He slightly raised his eyebrows, these high-ranking adults are really inexplicable in their minds!If he can't figure it out, he doesn't bother to think about it, and he doesn't owe them anything!

He looked at Xu Wenzhang and asked, "Master Xu, how are the patients in Jiminfang doing?"

"The patient's condition has stabilized after taking your medicine, and old doctor Wei and the others are still taking care of the patient!" Xu Wenzhang tried his best to ignore Lin Ke, who was exuding air-conditioning!

He can't afford to offend Lin Ke!Now with Doctor Zhou's help, the plague is no longer a threat, and he doesn't have to be frightened!

As long as the plague is completely over and the Buddha is sent away, he can sit back and relax!

In the future, we are only waiting for His Majesty's reward!The future is limitless!

"I'm going to Jiminfang now to have a look. I'll have everyone in the town come to Zhou's Medical Center tomorrow morning. I'll treat them one by one, so as not to spread the plague even if someone is infected without knowing it!"

"Hey! Well, Doctor Zhou, that was really hard work for you! Would you like to take a rest?"

"No need, I can still hold on, the most urgent thing right now is the patient!"

Xu Wenzhang was deeply moved. Doctor Zhou is young, not only has superb medical skills, but also has unparalleled benevolence and righteousness!

"Doctor Zhou, are you going to Jiminfang now? I brought a few doctors with me to see if I can help you!"

"Okay! Then, Master Lin, let's go together!"

The more people there are, the more effort they will make, and he will not refuse when people come from thousands of miles to help!

"Master, I'm going too, and I want to help!" Gouzi quickly expressed his opinion.

"I'm going too! Ah Jin!"

"Ah Ci, you stay in the medical hall to clean up the medicinal materials! Master Lin and the others at Jiminfang are enough!"

Zhou Jin patted Gouzi on the shoulder, and said, "There are a lot of medicinal materials outside the door that are still left unattended, so I'm sorry for you!"

"Okay!" Gouzi nodded reluctantly.

"Ah Gui, you just came back, go back and see Aunt He first! She must be very worried about you!"

Shang Gui wanted to insist at first, but when he heard Zhou Jin mention his mother, he hesitated, and he was always worried about his mother's situation. Since Ah Jin didn't need help here, he went back to see his mother first. Case.

"I'm going to change clothes, I'll be here right away, Master Lin, Master Xu, please wait!"

"Okay, Doctor Zhou, let's go!"

Xu Wenzhang nodded in understanding.

Lin Ke also nodded, agreeing!

He didn't care about the time, as long as he arrived at Jiminfang, everything would be revealed, after all, no matter what the disease is, you can't fake it.

Zhou Jin walked sideways into the yard, and was immediately surprised by the huge osmanthus tree in front of him!

"All! What's going on here? How did it grow so fast? It was obviously not so big last night!"

The canopy of laurel trees almost covers the sky in the back yard!The branches and leaves that cover the sky and the sun sway gently, and countless sweet-scented osmanthus flowers that exude a delicate fragrance flutter down, as beautiful and dazzling as the scattered flowers of a goddess.

"Host, it is the only one in this yard! It must desperately absorb the energy of the spiritual sand!"

No. 01 said silently. In fact, he was also shocked for a moment. Is this osmanthus tree going to become a spirit?He is so smart and knows how to snatch resources!Let him go on like this again, maybe what will happen.

That's too fast!

Zhou Jin sighed in his heart,

With this growth rate, even if he didn't want to admit that it was a divine tree, no one would believe it!

Seeing Zhou Jin looking up at the gently rippling osmanthus tree, Xu Wenzhang said, "Doctor Zhou, this sacred tree is really powerful. I saw him grow bigger and bigger! I was worried that there would not be enough osmanthus flowers! Look, How well he drives!"

Zhou Jin smiled helplessly, he couldn't explain it, so be it!

"What's the matter with this laurel tree? Why is it blooming in June now?"

Lin Ke finally found a chance to ask out his doubts. This town is full of weirdness!Especially in this Zhou's medical center, there is a young doctor who can cure the plague, and this huge osmanthus tree blooms ahead of schedule!

"Master Lin, you don't know this! This osmanthus tree is a sacred tree! Some time ago, auspiciousness fell suddenly, and the osmanthus tree bloomed ahead of schedule.

"What? Auspiciousness from heaven?"

Lin Ke frowned slightly, and sneered in his heart, this Xu Wenzhang really took him for a fool!

Auspiciousness from heaven can also be said casually?How could he, Xu Wenzhang, be able to make auspiciousness descend from the heavens!

He lived such a big life, he has seen stupid people, but he has never seen Xu Wenzhang so stupid!

Not only lied about the plague, but also created a sacred tree!

Really greedy, stupid!

Forget it, when he goes to Jiminfang, if the patient is not a plague.He will definitely report to His Majesty, so Xu Wenzhang will just wait for the head to fall to the ground!

Zhou Jin changed his clothes, and he planned to take a bath.However, the diagnosis and treatment of patients is the most important thing at present, and Baidu powder does not know how long it can last. Once the Yersinia pestis adapts to the efficacy of Baidu powder and makes a comeback, the patient will really suffer!

It was getting dark, and candles were lit all over the town.

The moon quietly climbed up the branches, and sprinkled the delicate twilight over every corner of the town.

Zhou Jin followed Xu Wenzhang and the others to Jiminfang. This was his first time here.

Jimin Square was brightly lit, and everyone was busy with their heads down, sweating profusely and flushed.

Rows of medicine canisters were bubbling, and billowing hot air rolled up into the sky. As soon as Zhou Jin arrived here, hot sweat dripped from his body, and the clothes he had just put on were wet.

"Master Xu! You are here!"

Dr. Gong was dispensing medicine, but seeing a large group of people approaching from a distance, he was still a little worried.As the waiting crowd approached, he saw Xu Wenzhang in the middle just now, and he quickly put down the nickname in his hand and went up to meet him.

"Doctor Gong, thank you for your hard work!" Xu Wenzhang nodded, and introduced: "This is Master Lin, and these are the doctors who came from Yongning Mansion with Master Lin to help!"

"Caomin has met Master Lin!" Dr. Gong saluted immediately, and from Xu Wenzhang's attitude, it could be seen that the status of the calm and arrogant Master Lin in front of him was unusual.

"Doctor Gong, you don't need to be polite!" Lin Ke nodded without saying anything.

Xu Wenzhang introduced them to each other one by one, and finally pointed to Zhou Jin and said, "This is Doctor Zhou Jin who developed Baidu Powder!"

Dr. Gong immediately stared at Zhou Jin with wide eyes. His eyes were frighteningly bright, glowing green as if a jackal had found its prey, and Zhou Jin shivered in fright.

"You are Dr. Zhou! Seeing is worth seeing! Dr. Zhou is really young and promising! Unlimited! Unlimited!"

Zhou Jin raised the corners of his lips, smiled and said, "You've won the prize!"

"Doctor Zhou, it is a great honor to meet you! I don't know when I will be able to ask you for advice..." Doctor Gong was so excited that his beard trembled. Even though Zhou Jin was very young, he alone was able to develop Baidu Powder , is an existence that he will never be able to reach in his life!

"It's easy to talk! Doctor Gong, why don't we go see the patient first!"

Zhou Jin couldn't stand the other party's enthusiasm, so he changed the subject quickly!

"Okay! Okay! Let's go there now! The patient has recovered a lot after drinking the prescription you gave, but he is still not completely cured! You just come over to have a look..."

Dr. Gong hurriedly led the way, talking to Zhou Jin about the patient's condition as he walked, as if he was the only life-saving straw!

"My lord..." Yuan Bo stood beside Lin Ke, hesitating to speak.

Lin Ke didn't speak, but just stepped up and followed silently.These people really can act!He wants to see what other tricks they can use!

The room was brightly lit, and the patients were lying on the bed and resting with their eyes closed.

A few people walked in, and immediately set off a huge wave.

"Doctor Gong, give me another bowl of medicine, I'm starting to hurt again..."

"Doctor Gong, I want to drink too. It's uncomfortable. When will I get better?"

As soon as the patients saw Dr. Gong, they clamored to drink the medicine. The medicine they drank before seemed to have no effect, and the body that was no longer in pain began to ache like fire again.

"Doctor Zhou! It's Doctor Zhou..."

A patient recognized Zhou Jin with sharp eyes.

"Doctor Zhou, save me quickly, I'm in too much pain..."

"Doctor Zhou, help me..."

One person called out Zhou Jin's name, and the rest of the patients struggled to sit up, wanting Zhou Jin to treat him.

"Doctor Zhou, take a look at me, am I out of law..."

The person closest to Zhou Jin stretched out a bruised hand and grabbed Zhou Jin's sleeve, his face full of pain and fear.

Zhou Jin stopped, held his wrist, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, let me show you..."

Seeing Zhou Jin taking his pulse, the man stopped struggling. He lay down quietly and looked at Zhou Jin expectantly with his gray eyes open, as if Zhou Jin could decide his life or death with just a word from Zhou Jin.

Zhou Jin gently held his pulse, and slowly injected the antigen factor into his body.

Fortunately, he came in time, if he was a little later, he might have a seizure.

Lin Ke glanced at the patients in the room calmly, all of them had haggard faces and swollen bodies, and they didn't look like they were pretending.

He gestured to Dr. Jiao who was standing aside with his eyes, and Dr. Jiao quickly understood, and silently walked to a patient next to him to start the diagnosis.

He was also full of doubts in his heart. Plague has been a fearsome existence since ancient times. Every time a plague breaks out, countless people will die, just like purgatory on earth!Where is it as peaceful as Ganjiu Town?

He held the patient's wrist and treated him carefully, but soon his eyebrows were tightly wrinkled.He lowered his wrist and pulled the patient's clothes away, and he saw blackened lumps on the neck, armpits, and groin!

He pressed it carefully with his hand, and the patient trembled in pain.

This turned out to be pimple plague!

He looked at the patient in the room in amazement. According to medical records, once infected with pimple plague, the patient would swell and ooze pus all over his body, in excruciating pain, and howl endlessly!However, although the patients in Jiminfang looked serious on the surface, they didn't seem to be tortured, and some of them even chatted with the people next to them!

Could it be that Doctor Zhou really developed a cure for the plague?

This is the merit of a thousand years!

Doctor Jiao's expression suddenly became secretive. Such a young doctor with superb and unfathomable medical skills will surely be remembered in history and everyone will praise him!Leave a strong and colorful stroke in Xinglin's lineage!

He got up and walked to Lin Ke, and nodded to him with a serious face.

Lin Ke's pupils shrank suddenly. Is this really a plague?

He quickly turned his head to look at Zhou Jin, his eyes were full of disbelief.

When did they have such a young and powerful doctor in the Yong Dynasty?

"Don't worry, you'll be fine, just drink another bowl of medicine and you'll be fine!" Zhou Jin let go of his fingers, turned his head and said, "Doctor Gong, give the patient another bowl of medicine, and you're almost done!"

"Okay!" Dr. Gong quickly agreed, believing in Zhou Jin's words.

"Doctor Zhou, is what you said true? Will I be cured if I drink another bowl of medicine?"

The man on the bed asked tremblingly with his lips trembling.He was tortured by the plague before and wanted to end it on his own. Later, Dr. Gong and the others brought medicine, and he recovered a lot after drinking it.He thought he would be fine soon!But not long after that, he started to have pain again, and it got worse. He was worried that the medicine wouldn't work for him!

Fortunately, Dr. Zhou came over, and he will recover soon!

The man couldn't help sobbing, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"Doctor Zhou, show me quickly! Doctor Zhou, please..."

Seeing this, the people next to him immediately shouted, wanting Zhou Jin to treat him quickly.

"Don't panic, I will check everyone's pulse! Take your will be fine with me!"

Zhou Jin smiled slightly, exuding a strange power from his whole body!Everyone unconsciously fixed their eyes on him, as if no matter where he stood, he was the focus of the whole scene!The restless and anxious patients gradually calmed down, quietly waiting for him to come to treat them!

Lin Ke looked at Zhou Jin complicatedly, these patients actually trusted him so much!It seemed that as long as he said it, they would believe his words unconditionally!

Even though he looks so young!

The sophistication that has not been added to him by years is more reassuring than any doctor present who has been practicing medicine for decades!

"Lord Lin! You see, with Dr. Zhou around, the plague will no longer spread! I believe it won't take long for the plague to disappear completely!"

Seeing Lin Ke who was stunned, Xu Wenzhang was extremely proud!

He will be the first official to quickly discover the epidemic and quickly control the epidemic!

In the future, the plague incident will be recorded in the history books, and there must be a place for him!

Like Dr. Zhou, he will be famous in history and will be praised by later generations.

"Lord Lin, this is the prescription of Baidu powder. Take a look..." Xu Wenzhang and Lin Ke left the room together, and came to the temporary pharmacy nearby. It is unconsciously refreshing.

Lin Ke took the prescription and looked at it carefully. He didn't know medical skills, but he knew how to read, and he saw the sweet-scented osmanthus as a medicine at a glance.

"What is this sweet-scented osmanthus?"

Xu Wenzhang pinched his beard and smiled, "This is the sweet-scented osmanthus flower that grows from the osmanthus tree in Zhou's Medical Center. With this sweet-scented osmanthus flower as a medicine, this Baidu powder is so effective!"

A laurel tree has such a miraculous effect!

He didn't believe it at first, but now that he had indeed seen a patient infected by the plague, he couldn't help but believe it!

When he thought of the lush osmanthus tree he saw before, he was inexplicably shocked!

Could this really be a divine tree?

Otherwise why would it be in full bloom in June?

Still blooming so lushly?

"Come on, Mr. Wei, drink a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus soup! You have been busy for so long, and your body can't take it anymore. Hurry up and drink a bowl of divine water!"

Lin Ke followed the voice and saw a young medicine boy holding a bowl of steaming hot soup and handing it to an old doctor with silver hair.

The old doctor put down the herbs in his hand, took the medicine bowl and drank it down, sighed with comfort on his face, "This sacred tree is really wonderful, after drinking a bowl, my spirit has improved by half in an instant!"

"Yes, thanks to the sacred tree, otherwise the plague would not be so easy to control!" Doctor Lin echoed, smiling, "Give me a bowl too!"

"Master Lin! You have been exhausted all the way! How about drinking a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus soup?"

Xu Wenzhang narrowed his eyes, and his heart was full of pride!

This sacred tree belongs to Ganjiu Town!This is God's approval of him!This is more important than any praise and reward!

Lin Ke nodded calmly, "Alright! I'll try this magical sweet-scented osmanthus soup too!"

"Come here, bring a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus soup for Mr. Lin!"


Soon, a servant brought over a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus soup.

"My lord!" Yuan Bo stepped forward, wanting to try it out for Lin Ke.

"No problem!"

Lin Ke raised his hand to stop Yuan Bo, and he took the medicine bowl with his hand. The medicine soup was light yellow, with several golden osmanthus flowers floating on the surface.

A quiet fragrance came to the face along with the hot air, and after just smelling it, I felt refreshed.

He raised the medicine bowl and drank it all in one gulp. The mouthfeel was sweet and clear, and a warm ironing went from his throat to his stomach, spreading to his limbs and bones.

His tense nerves and muscles seemed to be instantly relieved by a strange force, and he almost groaned out of comfort.

Seeing Lin Ke's reaction, Xu Wenzhang was very upset. He still remembered the feeling when he drank osmanthus soup for the first time!

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