Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 30 The 1st Warm Brocade Picks all the petals...

Zhou Jin picked off all the petals and put them into the storage compartment of the system to prevent the petals from withering.

He got up and slowly walked towards the few people lying on the ground with their buttocks pouted, and stood behind silently, watching them one or two as if they were picking up some treasure, their faces were as excited as if they had been slapped with chicken blood.

Under the moonlight, Zhuzi sat on his knees on the ground, desperately holding the fallen osmanthus with both hands and putting them into the bag that he carried with him.

He has to take advantage of this opportunity to earn more, maybe there will be no such opportunity in the future, his girl is still waiting for him at home!

If I bring some more, I can give his mother something to eat. His mother has not been in good health in recent years. After eating the flowers of the sacred tree, she will definitely get better!

The scent of flower petals floated into his nostrils one after another, calming his beating heart that was beating very fast and flustered unconsciously.

He thought to himself: It really is worthy of being a sacred tree, the fragrance is so rich and delicate, it is different from ordinary sweet-scented osmanthus.

After filling the small package, he lifted it up and looked at it contentedly.

He stood up and pinned the package around his waist.

The moment he lowered his head, out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a shadow slowly approaching beside him, and the twisted and huge figure bared its teeth and claws like a demon.

There was the whistling wind in his ears, and the cold air brushed across his face, as if it was the yin air of an evil ghost.

His heart tightened, his eyes widened suddenly, and he unconsciously let out a shrill cry: "Ghost!"

Zhou Jin couldn't help covering his ears, it was too harsh!

The two people beside them who were concentrating on picking flowers also jumped up in shock, moving as swiftly as two rabbits.

They hid behind the osmanthus tree in fear, chanting tremblingly:

"God tree, help me..."

"The sacred tree is here, and the demons and ghosts are scattered..."

"Don't come here, don't eat me..."

The coda of the long and broken sound of the pillar came to an abrupt end. He rolled his eyes and fell down straight, making a dull and loud noise.

Zhou Jin: ...

This is passed out?

He didn't do anything!

Does he look that scary?

"Host, you see that you scare others, hahaha..."

The system giggled gloatingly in his mind.

Zhou Jin watched the remaining two trembling behind the osmanthus tree, he rolled his eyes unbearably.

He felt ashamed to be so timid and come here in the middle of the night to be a thief.

There was another loud "bang", and the door panel hit the wall, making an overwhelmed creaking sound: "Where is the ghost? Don't hurt my master! Where are you, master? I will protect you!"

Gouzi rushed out with disheveled clothes and disheveled hair, and shouted with his eyes wide open, holding a striking big stick in his hand!

Zhou Jin: ...

What's going on this big night!

Leng Yue hangs quietly in the sky, spreading Ganjiu Town with her brilliance.The bright Xingzi blinked her mischievous eyes as if no one was around.

The streets and alleys were silent, with occasional barking of dogs coming from the courtyard wall.

Zhou's Medical Hall was once again brightly lit.

Zhou Jin sat on a chair in the lobby, and there were three bulging packages on the low table next to him.

Gouzi stood aside, glaring at the front, still holding the big stick in his hand.

Zhuzi and the others stood in front of them with their heads bowed and their waists bowed, none of them dared to speak.

Zhou Jin watched them quietly for a while, and after putting enough pressure on them,

He said, "Tell me, why do you come to my clinic in the middle of the night?"

Several people glanced at each other, but they didn't dare to speak.

"Hurry up! If you don't say anything, I will send you to the yamen immediately!" Gouzi swung his stick and snapped.

Several people trembled, and all raised their heads, their eyes showing horror.

"No, Doctor Zhou!"

"Please don't send us to the Yamen. I have an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old son. What will they do if I go to jail!"

"Doctor Zhou..."

Zhou Jin frowned and looked at them and said, "If you don't want to go, then tell the truth! Who told you to come?"

"No, no one asked us to come..."

"It seems that you still refuse to tell the truth, Gouzi, send them to the Yamen!" Zhou Jin said with a straight face.

"No. No, please, Doctor Zhou!" Several people knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy, the panic on their faces did not seem to be fake.

"Yes, master!" Gouzi immediately agreed and was about to step forward.Then he stopped and turned to look at Zhou Jin, aggrieved: "Master, I don't call me Gouzi anymore, I have a name, Zhou Cixin, please call me Aci, don't call me Gouzi."

"Uh...sorry, dog...uh, Ci!"

Zhou Jin is silent, is it time to talk about this?

He cleared his throat and changed the topic, "Since you don't want to go, then tell the truth and don't try to fool the past. According to the laws of the Dayong Dynasty, if you break into a house at night and get all the stolen goods, you can be sentenced to thirty sticks and two years in prison." punishment."

"No, no, please don't report it to the officials. No one really instructed us, so we just want to take some sweet-scented osmanthus back..."

"You came here in the middle of the night just to get this bag of sweet-scented osmanthus?" Zhou Jin lifted the cloth bag on the table and shook it. He didn't quite believe it, but he didn't look like they were lying.

"This is not an ordinary sweet-scented osmanthus, it's a flower from a sacred tree. After eating it, all diseases will disappear!" Uncle Cai looked serious, with a hint of awe in his expression.

Zhou Jin: ...

Superstition is bad!

"How do you know that eating this sweet-scented osmanthus will cure all diseases? If you are sick, you have to see a doctor, don't do such tricks!" Zhou Jin said speechlessly.

"No, no, no, what I said is true! A few days ago, Dahai from our village came to the town to deliver firewood. When he passed the medical hall, he saw the sweet-scented osmanthus blown into the alley by the wind. I picked some flowers at home and soaked them in water to drink. Unexpectedly, the next day, his throat, which had been hurting for a long time, would be healed! It’s amazing! The divine tree really has boundless magic power!”

Uncle Cai has a serious face and is full of trust in the effect of the divine tree.

"So you guys came to my yard together to be thieves? Don't you know it's against the law?" Zhou Jin raised his eyebrows slightly and lowered his voice slightly.

Uncle Cai immediately lowered his head in fear.

"I'm sorry, Doctor Zhou! I was in a trance for a while. My girl has been ill for a few days. I can't help it! Yesterday I heard Dahai talk about the magic of the sacred tree, so I just... just... Doctor Zhou, I I know I was wrong, please forgive us, I will never dare again!"

As Zhuzi was talking, he shed two lines of tears abruptly.

It's as if what happened to Zhou Jin happened to him.

Zhou Jin shifted his gaze to those bags of sweet-scented osmanthus. Although sweet-scented osmanthus has the effect of reducing phlegm, relieving cough, and warming meridians, the effect is not so obvious!

"Total, what's going on?"

"The host, it is the spiritual energy sand that strengthens the medicinal effect of the sweet-scented osmanthus, so they feel that the curative effect is obvious."

It turned out to be like this, and it really caused another trouble for no reason.

Zhou Jin sighed, and said in a serious tone: "This sweet-scented osmanthus has the effect of clearing away heat and reducing phlegm, so the sea will recover soon after drinking it. Your child's condition is unknown, and eating carelessly may make her condition worse! It's better to take her as soon as possible. Go see the doctor!"

Zhuzi's eyes were red, and a tall and thick man burst into tears like this, "Doctor Zhou, I also want to take my girl to see a doctor, but I don't have the money to see a doctor. The poor family can't even afford food."

Several people couldn't help but began to wipe their tears, and several big men knelt on the ground sobbing, the scene was both funny and speechless for a while.

"Where are you all from?" Zhou Jin closed his eyes, which were really hot eyes.

"We are the villagers of Xiagouwan."

Several people sniffed and made loud humming noises.

Zhou Jin held his forehead and choked speechlessly.

"I can't give you this sweet-scented osmanthus! This time it's your first offense, so I won't pursue it. Remember, this kind of thing can't be committed again. If there is a next time, I will never forgive you lightly!"

Zhou Jin warned sharply.

"Yes, yes, thank you Doctor Zhou, we will never dare again..."

Several people were relieved to hear Zhou Jin's words, their faces were relieved, and their flushed faces were covered with water stains.

Zhou Jin looked at Zhuzi again, and said helplessly, "Bring your daughter over tomorrow and let me have a look."

Zhu Zi suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Jin in disbelief, with excitement that he couldn't hide: "Doctor Zhou, you are a good person! Thank you, thank you." After speaking, he immediately kowtowed his head several times.

When he raised his head again, his forehead and heart were already red, which showed that he had exerted force.

"Hurry up and go back!" Zhou Jin waved tiredly.

Several people stood up excitedly, crying and laughing: "Thank you Doctor Zhou, thank you Doctor Zhou! We swear that we will never do it again in the future. If we violate this oath, we will be struck by lightning from the sky. We will die!"

"Okay, remember your oath today, it's already late, let's go."

"Hey!" Several people sucked at their red noses.

Before leaving, he couldn't stop thanking Zhou Jin, and then disappeared into the darkness under the moonlight.

Gouzi closed the door and said puzzledly, "Master, why did you let them go like this? What if they come to steal again!"

Zhou Jin got up and threw the hair hanging down his chest behind his back, "Everyone makes mistakes, I just gave them a chance to turn around. It's up to them whether they want to seize this opportunity! If they make mistakes again, no matter what Whether it was in my hands or someone else's, they will never have another chance!"

Gouzi nodded with half understanding, and looked at Zhou Jin adoringly.

Zhou Jin smiled helplessly: "Okay, go back to sleep, it will be dawn in a while, you will be busy tomorrow!"

"Hey! Okay, then master, you should go to bed earlier!"

Gouzi held a candle in his hand to illuminate Zhou Jin, watched him enter the room, and then closed the door and returned to his room.

He still sleeps in the former anteroom.There were two single beds in the room, and the quilt on the inner bed was neatly folded, and Shang Gui slept on it.The quilt on the outside bed was twisted and spread on it, because he just got up in a hurry and didn't make it up.

There are several cabinets placed side by side by the wall, holding some small things.

The room is small but tidy and warm.

Gouzi lay on his bed, and this was his place from now on.He no longer has to worry about being kicked out the next day when he wakes up, returning to the old days of begging everywhere.

The clinic has been busy these past few days, he licked his face and stayed to help, as long as Dr. Zhou didn't ask him to leave, he would pretend he didn't know, and just kept sinking himself into the busy work.

Now he has finally succeeded in apprenticeship, and he has a name and a place to stay.Everything is slowly getting better!

This is a day he never dreamed of before!

Gouzi blew out the candle, closed his eyes, and fell asleep with a faint smile on his mouth.

I don't know when the moon quietly disappeared into the clouds, and the sparse stars gradually dimmed.

Thunder roared, and a bolt of lightning pierced the night.

The wind outside the window is getting louder and louder, and the osmanthus tree is swaying its branches like dancing in the wind.The petals of the trees are scattered in the courtyard, like a goddess scattering flowers.

The raindrops were falling, more and more densely, more and more urgently.The rain pillars shot towards the ground like thousands of sharp swords, and soon puddles formed on the ground.

The next day, Zhou Jin woke up from the sound of pattering rain.

The raindrops hit the roof and the ground, making rhythmic sounds.

He rubbed his sour eyes: "Is it raining?"

He got up and opened the door, a gust of cold wind blew in, and the fine flowers were stained with raindrops, accompanied by bursts of cold fragrance.

Zhou Jin subconsciously closed his eyes, and he shivered unconsciously!

It’s so cold!

He tightened his half-open collar, and looked at the osmanthus tree that was miserable in the rain, like an eggplant beaten by frost, sluggish.The petals had almost been knocked off, and the courtyard was covered with mud and water, completely without the elegance and beauty of yesterday.

"Damn it! My Silver Zhicao!"

Zhou Jin suddenly remembered the silver lucidum seeds that were planted last night. Such a heavy rain will soak the seeds!

He was about to rush to the rescue.

"Don't worry about the host, the silver fungus grass will start to grow when it enters the soil. Their roots will quickly grow out and penetrate deep into the ground. And the silver fungus grass is water-loving. Today's heavy rain is very suitable for the growth of silver fungus. Presumably the two A seed must grow very well."

Zhou Jin barely stopped rushing into the rain, it was so dangerous, he almost drowned!

He stood at the door and felt the humid air for a while. This was the first rain he had come to this time and space.

The raindrops fell on the roof with a crackle, and then dripped down the eaves, converging into a water column that could not be cut and connected to the ground.

With such a heavy rain today, it is estimated that few people come to the hospital to see a doctor!

Just treat it as a vacation!

The door to the next room opened with a creak, and Gouzi stood at the door fully dressed and energetic.

Seeing Zhou Jin standing at the door, he raised a smile: "Master, good morning!

"Dog...cough! Ah Ci, good morning! It's raining today, so there shouldn't be many people coming to the clinic. You've been busy for so long last night, why don't you sleep in?"

Gouzi scratched his forehead embarrassingly, and said, "Master, I'm not sleepy! If I'm not busy today, I want to study medicine."

After speaking, he looked at Zhou Jin expectantly.

Zhou Jin met his fiery gaze, nodded amusedly and said, "Okay, since you are so motivated, I am naturally willing to teach you as a master."

"Thank you, master!" Gouzi narrowed his eyes with a smile, his face full of excitement.

Finally, he can start learning medicine immediately!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

There was a sudden knock on the door outside the courtyard.

Zhou Jin was puzzled, who came to the clinic under the heavy rain in such an early morning?

Is there an emergency?

"Master, I'm going to open the door!"

Gouzi took the umbrella in the room and rushed into the rain curtain first.

Zhou Jin then picked up his umbrella and followed.

Gouzi took down the door bolt and opened the door, and saw Shang Gui standing at the door covered in raincoat and covered in water.

"Brother Agui? Come in!" Gouzi hastily stepped aside.

Shang Gui walked into the house, stood at the door, and took off the bamboo hat. The door was soon covered with water.

As soon as Zhou Jin came in, he saw Shang Gui covered in water. He was surprised and said, "Ah Gui, why is it you? It's raining so hard, why don't you wait for the rain to stop before coming back!"

"Take off the coir raincoat quickly, what if you catch a cold!" Zhou Jin frowned,

Shang Gui took off his coir raincoat, looked at the water stains at the door, and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry. Ah Jin, I..."

"What are you talking about! Come in quickly." Zhou Jin pulled him over and saw that his clothes and hair were soaked, and frowned, "Go back to the house and change your clothes, what if you catch a cold! You are too serious, it's raining so hard I just came here, and I don’t know how to be so honest when the rain stops!”

Shang Gui pursed his lips and smiled, "I promised yesterday that I would come here early this morning, so how can I break my promise?"

Zhou Jin felt helpless, this kid was just too honest.

"Go and change!" Zhou Jin patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah!" Shang Gui went to the backyard with his coir raincoat and bamboo hat.

The rain was heavy and unstoppable.

There is not a single pedestrian on the usually busy street, and the shops along the street have not yet opened.The pouring rain has blurred the world.

The rain swept in with the strong wind, and soon the ground was wet again.

Zhou Jin closed the door, blocking all the wind and rain outside.

Gouzi picked up the rag and began to quickly wipe the water on the ground.

It seems that Chen Xiufang probably won't be able to make it this morning, so she can only make breakfast by herself!

Zhou Jin pouted at the thought of eating the rice he cooked himself, feeling unhappy.

After Shang Gui changed his clothes, he hung the bamboo hat and coir raincoat to dry on the corridor.

When he came into the lobby, he saw Gouzi squatting on the ground wiping the water stains left by him. He hurried over to snatch the rag from Gouzi's hand, and said with an apologetic expression, "Gouzi, let me wipe it. I messed up the water. Why bother you to help."

"It's okay, it'll be fine soon! By the way, Brother Agui, you can't call me Gouzi anymore. I have a name. The master named me Zhou Cixin. You can call me Aci from now on!"

"Really? Congratulations, Ah Ci." Shang Gui was happy for him, but then asked in doubt, "Master? Who is your master?"

Gouzi got up, took the wet rag, smiled so much that he couldn't see his teeth, and said, "Master is Doctor Zhou. Master accepted me as an apprentice yesterday, and he also gave me a name. I will follow the master's surname Zhou! From now on, I can follow Master Zhou." Brother Agui is also working in the hospital."

Shang Gui stared at Gouzi's bright smiling face, curled up the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Congratulations, Gou...Ah Ci."

Gouzi nodded happily, and went to the backyard with the rag.

Shang Gui stood at the door, staring at the wet water stains on the ground without moving.

Sitting behind the counter, Zhou Jin calculated the turnover of the past few days.

Counting from the day of the free clinic, except that there was no income on that day, the turnover of the remaining few days was almost daily.

This is also due to his excellent medical skills and the blessing of his reputation as a god of medicine. The people in the town, including the nearby villages, all come here admiringly.

Presumably after this period of climax, it should return to normal in the future.

After all, there are only so many nearby villagers.

Fortunately, the location of Ganjiu Town is not bad. Although the town is not big, it happens to be on a key point of the North-South Commercial Road. Many caravans will pass through Ganjiu Town, and some will stop and stay at Xunyi Restaurant.

But Zhou Jin hasn't seen any caravans recently, so the restaurant is extremely deserted.

Although there are many poor people in Ganjiu Town, there are also rich people.

The Liu family relied on this trade route to do business in both the north and the south, earning a lot of money.

That day, he treated Mrs. Zheng's face and received 50 taels of consultation fee, and the remaining 50 taels will be sent back two months later.

Zhou Jin felt a little embarrassed at first, but then he thought that his detoxification pill alone was worth a thousand gold, and he was at a loss no matter what!

So Zhou Jin stiffened his voice and quoted the price, but Mrs. Zheng didn't change her face and ordered Xiao Tao to take out a bag of silver. It seemed that she had already prepared for it.

After adding the 800 taels of silver sent by Liu Yongchang, Zhou Jin put it in the system space.

As a pauper who used to have only three taels of silver in his pocket, seeing so much money in vain all of a sudden, it is inevitable that he will be excited, and unconsciously worry that he will not know where to put this huge sum of money.

After struggling for a long time, Zhou Jin simply stuffed all the money into the system storage compartment.

Now he has a total of 1000 taels of silver under his name, and he has earned so much in just one week!

Zhou Jin's abacus hands were shaking violently.

Zhou Jin flipped through the account book. The medicinal materials used in the past few days were all left by Zhou's father before, and they are probably gone. It just happens that I am not busy today. I will clean up later and see which medicinal materials are missing, so that he can buy them. .

He made calculations and calculated, according to his current expenses, the monthly food and clothing expenses add up to nearly one tael of silver.

These days, he has roughly understood the prices of this era. Rice usually costs three Wen to eight Wen a bucket.The price is divided according to the quality of rice. Generally, the price of three pennies per bucket is almost very poor rice.

Many ordinary people will also choose to buy this kind of rice.

But Zhou Jin really couldn't eat this kind of rice. He bought it for 6 Wen a bucket, and meat was a must for every meal. He never treated himself badly when it came to eating.

He looked at the wages again, Shang Gui was 20 cents a month.

Zhou Jin frowned. This was too little. As a boss who already had a "big money" of 1000 taels, he really felt that the [-] taels were pitiful!

Although it was decided when Zhou's father was there, but now that the hospital's income is optimistic and the daily life is so busy, the twenty texts are really a little short.

Zhou Jin thought for a while. The monthly money he gave Chen Xiufang was two yuan a month, that is, two hundred Wen.Gouzi has decided to stay and work in the hospital, but he still has to pay some wages.Shang Gui's wages should also be increased, and the old employees should not be treated badly.

The clinic is getting more and more busy, and it is necessary to recruit more staff, and it is better to recruit a few more apprentices, so that he will not be exhausted all by himself.

Zhou Jin picks it up, he has to pay what should be paid.

He looked up thinking about it, and saw Shang Gui standing at the door in a daze, he didn't know what he was thinking, he frowned, and said, "Ah Gui! Ah Gui?"

"Huh?" Shang Gui returned to his senses.

Zhou Jin said: "Ah Gui, come here quickly, what are you thinking while standing there?"

"No, nothing!" Shang Gui hurried over, looked at Zhou Jin and said, "Ah Jin, what's the matter?"

"Ah Gui, come here quickly. I plan to recruit two more staff. Now the clinic is getting busier. If you have more people, you don't have to work so hard. What do you think?"


"I think it's pretty good, Ajin, you just decide." Shang Gui responded quickly.

Zhou Jin looked up at him suspiciously, then frowned and asked worriedly, "Ah Gui, what's the matter? Did something happen to you?"

"No, Ah Jin, I'm really fine. I'm just a little tired after running all the way here." Shang Gui smiled slightly.

Zhou Jin put down his abacus, turned sideways to him and said seriously: "Ah Gui, are you still not telling me the truth? Tell me if you have anything, no matter what, I will try my best to help you! Huh?"

Shang Gui looked at Zhou Jin's worried eyes, his nose suddenly felt sour, and tears rushed out of his lacrimal glands, blurring his vision.

"I'm sorry, Ah Jin, I didn't mean to..."

"What's the matter? What happened?"

Zhou Jin was extremely worried, and Shang Gui was the first person in this time and space who gave him warmth.From the time when no one cared about the hospital to now when it is crowded with people, he has been silently by his side all the time.

Zhou Jin has always regarded him as his own younger brother in his heart.

"I listen to the dog... Ah Ci said that you accepted him as an apprentice. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, but I just couldn't help but feel sad. I'm too bad. I should be happy. Ah Ci always wanted to stay in the hospital , now it's finally done, I should be happy for him! But I just can't help feeling uncomfortable..."

Shang Gui's eyes were red, and he spoke out with sobs.

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