Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 20 Free Clinic 1 Early in the morning, Zhou Jin was systematically "...

Early in the morning, Zhou Jin was pulled out of his sleep by the system's "Deadly Serial Drop". He rubbed and rubbed, turned and turned on the bed, and sat up rubbing his sleepy eyes.

The operation last night consumed most of his energy, and he didn't fall asleep until early in the morning.

He was so sleepy right now that he just wanted to fall asleep.The amiable Duke Zhou was still waving to him from the opposite side.

"Look at you, cheer up! As a technical talent, you should overcome drowsiness without a doubt." No. 01 couldn't understand Zhou Jin's lazy look.

Zhou Jin opened his mouth and yawned, "You don't even think about it. I only slept for a few hours, and it's hard for a god to hold on."

Having said that, he still opened the closet, picked out a water-blue robe and put it on, combed his hair carefully, and tied it behind his head with a headband.

He still remembers today's plan "free clinic"!It has to be tidied up.As the saying goes, "a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle".He has to make the patients feel close and trustworthy to him from the appearance.

Outside the lobby, voices and clanging of cleaning could already be heard. Shang Gui got up early in the morning and opened the door for business.

Zhou Jin couldn't help lamenting that he was so hardworking, which made him a little embarrassed as the boss.

He straightened his hair in front of the bronze mirror, raised the corner of his mouth to reveal a smile, and a small dimple was sunken in the right cheek.

Looking at the handsome young man in the mirror, Zhou Jin nodded in satisfaction, then straightened his clothes and went out.

Stepping into the lobby, I saw a man half bent over, wiping the medicine cabinet with a rag in his hand.

"Ah Gui, don't be busy, have you eaten yet? Let's take a rest first!"

"Doctor Zhou! Are you up? Why don't you take a longer rest?" The man turned his head, facing the bright light projected from behind, with a smile on his face.

"Are you... a dog?" Zhou Jin was surprised.

Is the handsome guy standing in front of him actually a dog?

His hair was neatly combed, his face was white and tender, and a pair of dark eyes were shining with sly light.A scarlet tear mole under the corner of the left eye catches the eye.

He was wearing Shang Gui's half-worn light-colored cloth clothes at the moment, standing there thinly, looking at Zhou Jin with a smile on his face.

If he hadn't made a sound, Zhou Jin really wouldn't have recognized him.

Zhou Jin stared, ten thousand muddy horses galloped past in his heart.The contrast between this and yesterday's beggar's appearance is too great!This made him wonder if his face was covered in mud to hide his beauty on purpose!

"What are you? What are you doing here?"

"Anyway, I'm free, so I just help to wipe it. Doctor Zhou, you saved my sister. I have nothing to repay you, so..."

"You don't think that this can replace the consultation fee, do you? Let me tell you, not a penny is missing!" Zhou Jin was vigilant.Even if you are handsome, he is very principled.

"No, no, no... Don't worry, I will definitely pay you a lot of money for the consultation fee. I just want to help you with some work." Gouzi's eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, the corners of his mouth turned up, and his smile was bright and eye-catching.

Zhou Jin blushed, quickly turned his head away, and turned away, his eyes were almost blinded!

The dog scratched his head blankly.What's going on, the well-spoken Doctor Zhou suddenly ignored him?Did he say something wrong?

There was a strange silence in the lobby. Zhou Jin cleared his throat and said, "You don't have to be busy. I want a free clinic today. If you have any friends who look down on the doctor, you can ask them to come to the clinic."

"Really! Doctor Zhou, you are so kind, I thank you on their behalf!" Gouzi looked at him with a moved face.

Almost all of his friends are beggars, so there is no money to see a doctor.If you are sick, you will stand up. If you pass the fortune-telling test, if you can't make it, you will wrap it in a torn straw mat and throw it directly to the mass grave outside the city.

"...don't be so polite." Zhou Jin coughed, his eyes fluttered, and a suspicious blush appeared on his face.

Sorry, he has no resistance to beauty.

To avoid embarrassment, he turned around and entered the ward. Ah Hua was already awake, lying on the bed in a daze, seeing Zhou Jin coming in, with a shy smile on his face.

"Doctor Zhou..."


Xiaotong is still asleep, her pink mouth is slightly open, her eyelashes are fluttering, and she doesn't know what sweet dreams she is having.Apparently it was too late last night and didn't get enough sleep.

Zhou Jin went over to check her pulse, and let the system scan it again. All body functions were normal, and the wound was recovering well. He nodded reassuringly.

"You are recovering well, and you can leave tomorrow."

"Thank you, Doctor Zhou, I thought I was going to die."

"You don't need to thank me. It's your brother who should be thanking you. He was the one who begged me to heal you behind your back in the middle of the night. Therefore, he still owes me a large sum of money for consultation, and I don't know when he will pay it off. Hey." Zhou Jin sighed .

"Doctor Zhou, don't worry, I will earn money with my brother and return it to you!" Ah Hua made a serious decision.

Zhou Jin smiled slightly, showing an upright boss attitude, and nodded.

At this moment, Shang Gui came back with a bag of buns, "Ah Jin, are you up? I was going to call you later."

"You are all up. As the curator, of course I have to get up too. Today will be busy, so you can study hard together." Zhou Jin sat down and took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun.

"Hey!" Shang Gui responded excitedly, and then asked in confusion: "What are you busy with today?"

This medical clinic has been deserted since it opened, and no one cares about it, so there is nothing busy.

"I plan to open a free clinic today, and there should be many patients coming to see the doctor." Zhou Jin showed a confident smile.

The shops facing the street have already opened for business, and the shop assistants are diligently soliciting business.Pedestrians come and go on the road, hawkers shout one after another, and the food stalls are steaming and full of vigor.

The two carried a table and placed it at the entrance of the medical hall.Zhou Jin wrote two large characters of free clinic with a brush and pasted it on the pillar next to it.

"Doctor Zhou, what's that word?" Gouzi asked while standing in front of the pillar, staring at those two words.

"Free clinic! Post it there so that anyone passing by can see it."

Gouzi watched carefully with his bright eyes, and traced the two words carefully with his fingers. Is this how the words "free clinic" are written?

Zhou Jin took out the silver needle and the pulse-diagnosing pad and put it aside. After everything was ready, he took out a small bench and sat behind the table, waiting for the patient to come to the door.

The sun has risen high, and the sunlight is spreading all over Ganjiu Town.Zhou Jin's position was just under the shadow cast by the house, the heat in the air mixed with the unique coolness of early morning, sticking to Zhou Jin's bare skin, everything was just right.

Pedestrians passing by on the road turned their heads to look at him from time to time, as if they didn't understand what he was doing sitting there.

Some people stopped to watch, pointed to the medical hall, whispered a few words to the people around them, and left together.

Among the bustling pedestrians, no one came forward to inquire, Zhou Jin's table was empty, and the long dragon he imagined did not appear.

He sat there awkwardly, feeling like a monkey in a zoo.

No, you can't sit still!He has to be proactive.

He cleared his throat, coughed, and said loudly: "Fathers and folks, Zhou's Medical Center has a free clinic today. If you have any discomfort, or if your family members have any discomfort, you can come to see the doctor, and you will not be charged any money."

As soon as he shouted loudly, people on the road turned to look at him.

"What is that kid doing?" Liu Yongchang sat at the window on the second floor of Xunyi Restaurant, looking sideways at Zhou Jin and asked.

Xunyi Restaurant is diagonally opposite the Medical Hall, and it is the only large restaurant in Ganjiu Town.It was under the name of the richest man in the town, Mr. Liu Xi Zhengliu.Although the business of the restaurant is not very good, according to the Liu family's family business, it can still support the restaurant.

Liu Yongchang is the second son of the Liu family. He was ignorant since he was a child. Eating, drinking and having fun is what he is best at.Last night, I drank with my friends all night, and I was as drunk as a dead pig.He was afraid of being scolded by Master Liu when he went back, so he just stayed in the restaurant overnight.

He just woke up now, sitting on the second floor eating breakfast with a tired face.

From his position, he could see the entrance of the medical hall clearly.

He lowered his head and took a sip of the porridge, and patted his chest. He felt short of breath, and his chest felt tight.Probably the aftereffects of a night of hangover.

"It's Dr. Zhou's son, and he's doing a free clinic." The boy on the opposite side poked his head out of the window for a look, and said with a flattering smile.

"Hmph, he's the only one who still offers free clinics? I heard that this medical clinic has become unpopular since Dr. Zhou passed away. It's a pity that only Zhou's medical clinic in this town can compete with Renjitang. "

When he thought of Fang Yingxuan's old stubborn face, he was upset, always preaching self-righteously, and getting angry at him for the way his eyes were not eyes, and his nose was not his nose.

Liu Yongchang let out a "hum", knocked the bowl on the table with a "boom", and said, "Go, go down and have a look!"

"Hey, young master, you're not going back home?" the boy Asong hurriedly chased after him.

After Zhou Jin shouted that, the audience was silent for a moment, and an invisible embarrassment lingered in the air.

He looked at the pedestrians opposite without blushing.

What a joke, he is a gold medal salesman, he doesn't even have the ability to bear it!

The old god Zhou Jin was sitting on the stool, looking calm and composed.

This made Shang Gui, who was standing by the side, see that his family, A Jin, was sitting there pitifully, being pointed at by a group of onlookers.

How can this work!

Ah Jin finally stopped being as taciturn as before, and now he mustered up the courage to come out for a free clinic. These people treat him so indifferently, what if he gets sick again?

Shang Gui was anxious, he moved his feet and blocked Zhou Jin.

"Everyone, Dr. Zhou knows that it is not easy for everyone to earn money on weekdays. Many people are not feeling well and they have to stand on their own. After all, the medical expenses for a doctor visit are not low. Doctor Zhou is sympathetic to everyone. Free clinic, if you have any discomfort, you can come here, Dr. Zhou will definitely try his best to heal everyone."

Zhou Jin stared blankly at Shang Gui's frail back. This kid always smiles and doesn't talk much. He does any work quietly by himself, neither complaining nor tired.Such people are often easily overlooked.

But now he is standing in front of Zhou Jin, blocking all suspicious eyes, and he is silently protecting Zhou Jin in another way.

There was a deep warmth in Zhou Jin's heart.In this other world, there is still someone who cares about him so much, how lucky he is.

The onlookers were all touched by Shang Gui's words.

That's right, there's no way this person doesn't get sick, it's just that the cost of diagnosis and treatment and medicine are too expensive.How can poor people have money to see a doctor?Usually when I feel uncomfortable, I just hold on. If I can’t make it, I will go to the doctor. The money I have saved all my life after seeing a disease will be gone, and the disease may not be cured.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.They are eager to try.It's not easy to get free diagnosis and treatment. If you miss this village, there will be no such shop.

But at the same time, everyone also has scruples in their hearts, is it really free?Such a good thing in the world?Will you ask them to pay you if you see half of it?

Now no one cares about Zhou Jin's medical skills, they only have the word "Free" in their minds.

The people present were talking in low voices, more and more people stopped and stopped, but no one moved, just waiting for the early bird to come first.

Zhou Jin frowned, and was about to pull someone over to show his hand.I heard someone outside the crowd yelling loudly, "Let's go, let's go!"

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