Winter nights always come quickly.The cold wind howled in the dark night, and the denser and denser snowflakes flew between the vast sky and the earth, decorating the land in silvery white.

The warm pavilion is full of warmth, and the faint fragrance of incense diffuses in the air, drifting into the nasal cavity as if there is nothing.Jin Shen knelt on the ground, buried his head deeply in the ground, and the cold sweat on his forehead slid down his cheeks into his neck.

De Jing stood on one side, waiting for the emperor's order.He knew that the news brought by the chief planer was of great importance, and he had already sent people to ask the people who were on duty in the imperial dining room one by one, and there was no discrepancy with what the chief planer said.If it is true, this matter will definitely involve a lot.

But I don't know how His Majesty will deal with this matter.

The room was quiet, only the ups and downs of suppressed breathing could be heard.His heart sank, and he quietly raised his eyes and glanced to the upper right.

But the emperor was sitting quietly on the soft couch, with his clothes loosely draped over his body, and he didn't even change his posture.The corners of his mouth were pursed, his face was calm.Those eyes were too dark to see clearly, but they were shocking for no reason.


The emperor's deep voice suddenly sounded in the empty room.De'an was shocked.He hurriedly stepped forward, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty!"

"I have long heard that Doctor Zhou's younger brother, Zhou Luo, is exceptionally talented, and has been taught by a master, with outstanding martial arts. I am very happy. You go to the West Palace yourself and invite Doctor Zhou and his younger brother to the Nuan Pavilion."

De'an tightened his heart, "Yes!"

"Let General Chen go with you! Remember, treat each other with courtesy!"

"The slave obeys the order!"

The sky was getting darker and darker, the cold wind was biting, and the snowflakes were flying all over the sky, falling on people, and after a while, hoarfrost piled up.

Zhou Jin gave Xiao Xizi a bottle of medicine for treating wind and cold, and he left with gratitude.Snowflakes rushed in through the open door, hitting the face with a bit of coldness.

Xiao Xizi carried the empty wooden box forward step by step in the snow, and disappeared into the night after a while.

"Ah Jin, it's snowing so hard, I don't know if it will stop after waiting." The door was closed tightly, blocking the wind and snow outside.

"Maybe." Zhou Jin came to the window, looked at the flying snowflakes, and frowned.For some reason, I felt uneasy in my heart.

I don't know what kind of disease Xiao Qu'er has?He also couldn't go to see it in person, if it wasn't for the wind and cold?

Isn't a life just lost like this?

He thought of the person holding the umbrella for him under the heavy snow that day, and Xiao Qu'er's innocent and bright smile appeared in front of his eyes.And the footprints deeply sunk in the thick white snow hovered in his mind one by one and could not be dispelled.

Maybe it was because he got sick from the wind and cold while clearing the road for him in the snow that day.He still remembered his pale face that was almost bloodless, wet trousers, and thin shoulders that kept shaking.

"Don't worry, Ah Jin. Even if it's snowing heavily, I can take you out of the palace. Let's go when the night is quiet." No. 01 looked at Zhou Jin's face, as if he was worried about the heavy snow. It's not easy to run away.

Zhou Jin gritted his teeth. If he didn't find out about Xiao Qu'er's condition, he would always feel uneasy if he just left.

"Total, go and see Xiao Qu'er now to find out what kind of disease he is. If you can cure him, help him cure it. If you can't cure it, come back and tell me."

"Ah?" No. 01 didn't understand why this topic came up suddenly, his face was blank for a moment, and then he realized who Zhou Jin was talking about.He pouted and said, "Ah Jin, you care so much about what he does, didn't you give him medicine?"

"You go, that boy helped me after all, since I know he is seriously ill, I can't just sit idly by." Zhou Jin patted No. 01 on the head, and said: "Be careful on the road, and come back immediately when you're done. Don't be playful. Also, don't let others find you!"

"Got it, got it." No. 01 muttered, but he was very obedient, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Zhou Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief.With No. 01, it shouldn't be a big problem.Although 01 can't perform surgery for others and has to rely on him to do it, Xiao Qu'er shouldn't be seriously ill enough to need surgery.If it doesn't work, No. 01 injects some healing energy into him, which will surely help him recover some bodily functions.

Under the heavy snowfall, a pair of people and horses hurriedly walked under the night sky, the lantern in their hands was emitting a hazy yellow light, swaying non-stop with the cold wind, reflecting the heavy snowflakes flying all around.

The closed door cut off the howling wind. Zhou Jin sat reclined on the soft chair, the stove next to him was glowing red, and there was a kettle on the stove, steaming hotly.It also made the room warmer.

He warmed his hands by the stove, then picked up the kettle to make another pot of strong tea, he couldn't sleep tonight.Suddenly, there was a sound of kicking footsteps outside the courtyard.Zhou Jin's heart tightened, and the next moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Doctor Zhou, are you asleep?"

The voice was actually Mr. De'an!I don't know what to do here in the dark when I'm not serving the emperor in this snowy weather!

Zhou Jin felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart, he was afraid that the emperor would have something wrong again!But isn't it three days yet?The majestic king of a country will not change his orders every day, right?

As he pondered in his mind, the knock on the door rang again and again, one after another, which meant that he would not stop unless he responded.

He sighed and put the kettle aside.Then he gathered his collar and came to the door, and opened the latch.

The heavy snow all over the sky whizzed in along with the cold wind, swallowing up all the heating in the house.Zhou Jin shuddered violently, and his teeth chattered up and down.

"Doctor Zhou, you're taking the liberty to visit late at night, and you're still looking at Haihan." As De'an approached, Zhou Jin had already seen clearly the guards behind him, all wearing golden armor and snowflakes all over their bodies.

Among them was the leader of the guards he was more familiar with, and it was Commander Xue who had been guarding him outside the door for the past few days.

This battle is quite big!

"I don't know what's the matter with Father-in-law De'an coming here in the snow?" De'an had a good attitude, and he couldn't lose his manners.

De'an's eyes turned around the room, but he didn't see anyone he wanted to see, and he didn't turn a corner. He just smiled and said, "Dr. Zhou is very polite! The old servant came today to follow His Majesty's order. His Majesty heard that Brother Ling is extremely gifted, a young hero, and he appreciates it very much, so he ordered me to come and invite Dr. Zhou and the young master to go to the Nuan Pavilion to face the saint. I wonder if the young master has fallen asleep?"

Zhou Jin's heart pounded, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.Oops, they came here for No. 01. It's just that they left not long ago, and won't be back for a while.How could it be such a coincidence that the emperor wanted to meet him at this time?

He has obviously stayed in the palace for so long, why did he think of summoning No. 01 just today?

He glanced at the guards behind him, stabilized his mind, and said lightly, "It's getting late, children are always sleepy, so they have already rested. I wonder if Mr. De'an can go back and report to His Majesty. After tomorrow dawn, I will Take your younger brother to meet His Majesty again?"

De'an's smile remained the same, and the lines at the corners of his mouth deepened, "How can His Majesty change what Dr. Zhou said? The young master is a genius, and he probably doesn't care about these things. Please don't embarrass this old slave, Dr. Zhou." .”

Zhou Jin frowned slightly, it seemed that De'an would not give up until he saw No. 01.

"Please wait a moment, father-in-law. I'll call him right away."

"Hey, how can I bother Dr. Zhou!" De'an raised his hand, and a little eunuch stood up behind him, "You go and ask the young master to come over, remember, don't scare the young master."

"Yes!" The little eunuch had a kind face, and his eyes were extremely pleasing, but his face was a little pale, and he must have been frozen all the way.

Zhou Jin's pupils shrank suddenly, but he was powerless to stop it.He could only watch helplessly as the little eunuch turned into the inner room.The more he does now, the more suspicious it will become.The matter has come to this point, and there is nothing to hide, but in this way, the only escape route he planned before is completely blocked.

After a while, the little eunuch hurried out, his eyes full of doubts.

"What's going on? Where's the young master?"

"Back to Eunuch, this..." The little eunuch looked at Zhou Jin's face, and then said with a look of distress: "Eunuch, there is no one in the room!"

As soon as these words came out, De'an felt something wrong in his heart. "Bastard, why is there no one? Can you see clearly?"

The little eunuch's face became even paler, and he immediately knelt down on the ground, "Qi Gonggong, I can see clearly, and I searched around the house again, and I really didn't see anyone from the young master!"

Commander Xue's complexion suddenly changed, and his body trembled.He subconsciously raised his eyes to look over, and saw that General Chen's mouth was tightly pursed, his face was resolute, and his sharp eyes shot straight at him.

His legs softened, and he immediately knelt down, "Forgive me, General Chen, my subordinates have been guarding here, never leaving their posts without permission, and I didn't see the young master leave. Please also check carefully, General!"

General Chen's voice was thick and blunt, "Your Majesty has his own decision on this matter. Such a big person disappeared for no reason. Commander Xue, you should figure out how to plead guilty to His Majesty!"

Commander Xue swallowed, his face ugly.With the facts in front of him, he couldn't justify himself.But he is the only one who knows best, clearly that the young master was still in the house before, and he disappeared after just one meal.

The west hall is guarded by him personally, not even a fly can fly out, but now the person has disappeared under his nose, could it be that he is really a "little fairy"?

As soon as this thought crossed his mind, he felt his body tremble.He even felt that Zhou Jin, who was standing not far in front, was covered with an impenetrable light and shadow, which was so unpredictable that he dared not look directly at it.

But De'an knew more than Commander Xue. With the testimony of Chief Jin Planer and the people in the imperial dining room, he became more and more suspicious at the moment. If Luo disappeared suddenly this week as Commander Xue said, then Jin Planer Didn't what the boss said come true?

He suppressed the turmoil in his heart, "Doctor Zhou, I don't know where the young master has gone? When will he come back?" De'an's voice became more polite, and now he dared not offend anyone in front of him.

Zhou Jin's expression remained unchanged, no matter what the group of people in front of him said, the matter had already been revealed, and he didn't bother to cover it up anymore.

"Mr. De'an, to be honest, I don't know where he has gone or when he will come. All I know is that he won't show up tonight. You don't have to wait here. You'd better go back and report to His Majesty, lest Let Your Majesty wait in vain."

Zhou Jin's words were not rushed or slow, but De'an found it difficult to understand for no reason.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhou, for your guidance. Since this is the case, this old slave will go back and report this matter to His Majesty. I hope Doctor Zhou will forgive you for today's matter. We are also obeying orders."

Zhou Jin's eyes moved, did this happen?He could see that Dean treated him with great respect.This is really strange. Although this person was polite in the past, there was a bit of arrogance hidden under the gentleness on the surface. It was not like today. Not only was he not angry, but he was afraid that he would be angry.

That's interesting!

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