Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 156 The Broken Wing Bird

It was getting colder and colder in December, Zhou Jin woke up from his sleep, stretched subconsciously, and stretched his arms out of the bed.A gust of cold wind hit, and the bare arm seemed to have been hit by an ice cube, and goose bumps swept across the whole body in an instant.

He shivered from the cold, and hurriedly rolled into the warm quilt again.

It took a while until the palace servants came to deliver the toiletries.He just got up and put on his clothes trembling.

After everything was packed, he walked slowly to the window. At this time, the sky outside was already bright, and a ray of golden sunlight cut through the gray sky, and dyed the thin layer of silver frost on the ground with bright light.

In the cold, it seems to make people feel a little warmth in the bottom of their hearts.

After breakfast, he led No. 01 to stroll in the garden.

It just so happened that the emperor didn't look for him recently, so he simply had a good rest first, and temporarily put all those complicated things behind him!

The sun has come out completely, and the warm light has dispelled the cold air, and the hoarfrost on the grass leaves and flower branches has also melted, turning into drops of dew and disappearing into the soil.

Zhou Jin was sitting on a low stool, drinking hot tea, eating snacks, basking in the sun, so happy and happy!

At this moment, it seemed that all the bad things had gone away from him.

On the side, No. 01 nimbly drilled around in the flowers and trees, with drops of water all over his head.The exquisite clothes on her body also darkened a color.

He didn't feel cold either, on the contrary, he played more vigorously!

Zhou Jin also let him play, anyway, there is no need to worry about him catching a cold.He bowed his head and took a sip of hot tea, the slightly hot tea slipped down his throat, warming his stomach, and he squinted his eyes comfortably.When he looked up again, No. 01 had disappeared.

Startled, Zhou Jin got up and looked around, but he still didn't see No. 01.

This is the palace after all, he was worried that No. 01 would go somewhere he shouldn't go, although there would be no danger of his life, it would be a trouble after all!

Resigned to his fate, Zhou Jin got up to look for No. 01.

This garden is very big, Zhou Jin walked around, but he didn't know where he went.Seeing that the sun was getting hotter and hotter, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his back.

Looking at the huge yard, Zhou Jin shook his head dejectedly, forget it!Forget it, he'd better go back and drink his tea!

He turned around, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small figure.He suddenly stopped and looked over, feeling a burst of disappointment in his heart, he thought it was No. 01!

I saw a child squatting under a tall tree in front of me.The child was motionless, with his head down, not knowing what he was looking at.

The child was dressed in brocade clothes, wearing a brocade gown of gold silk and red satin, with a white jade crown on his head, and a pearl inlaid on the crown, shining dazzling golden light under the sunlight.

Zhou Jin looked around and found that there was no one around.He had no choice but to stop the steps he was about to leave, and walked up slowly.

Soon Zhou Jin walked up behind the child, but the child didn't react at all, just lowered his head with an extremely focused expression.

He followed his gaze curiously, but saw a dying bird lying on the ground, with a white belly and a little light blue in its wings.The feathers on the bird's body were messy, the surface was stained with water, and one wing was twisted in an irregular state, looking extremely embarrassed.

Zhou Jin guessed that probably because the temperature was too low at night and he couldn't find anything to eat, he fell from the tree directly under the hunger and cold.

Zhou Jin glanced down at the child's curly and thick black eyelashes, and said softly, "Do you like this little bird?"

The child's body trembled, and he turned his head abruptly, his piercing eyes opened wide, filled with panic.

"Who are you? Why do you walk without sound?" The child quickly calmed down.He reprimanded with a straight face, his voice was waxy, and there was a trace of forced calm.He looked like a little grown-up.

Zhou Jin snorted, "You are too obsessed! I walked behind you and you didn't even notice. If you meet a bad guy, wouldn't you just catch him without a fight!"

The child didn't show any fear after listening to it. Instead, he pouted and looked Zhou Jin up and down. He raised his chin, as if he disdained his words, "Who dares to bully me in this palace!"

Looking at the child's tender, round fleshy face, Zhou Jin moved his fingertips, wanting to pinch it very much.Must feel very good!

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you before?" The child frowned and muttered that there was a trace of caution in his eyes.

Zhou Jin suddenly felt a little funny, "There are so many people in this palace, could it be possible that you have seen them all?"

"I just saw it!" The child pouted and snorted.

But the bird on the ground flapped its wings suddenly at this moment, and then lay powerlessly on the ground, as if it had completely despaired.Even those round bean-like eyes were covered with a layer of gray mist.

The child's haughty and haughty face just now became gloomy in an instant. He stretched out a hand and gently stroked the bird's wings, as if he was afraid of hurting it.

"Its wings are broken, and it can't fly anymore!" The child said in a low voice, with infinite loss and intolerance in his childish voice.

It is rare for a boy of this age to have such a compassionate heart, as if he empathizes with the pain of animals!

"Who says it can't fly again?"

Zhou Jin squatted down, gently picked up the bird, touched the water-stained wings lightly, checked the injury of the bird, and then smiled, "Don't worry, it will be fine! It's just a broken wing I will cure him!"

The child's eyes lit up suddenly, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, adults won't lie to children!" Zhou Jin gently kneaded the bird's wings and smoothed his messy feathers.Then, with a little force on his hand, the little bird twitched in his palm.Then there was another blow, and the flapping of the wings became more and more powerful.

Then, it let out a cry, raised its head and flew away from Zhou Jin's palm, and flew high into the sky.

"It's done! It's flying! It's great, it's great!" The child was jumping excitedly, one sleeve fluttering in the wind.

The smile on Zhou Jin's face froze suddenly, "You are..."

"How did you do it? You are too good!"

The child looked at him adoringly with black and white eyes, and couldn't hide the surprise and curiosity in his eyes.

"I'm a doctor, it's just a piece of cake to treat a little bird! It's not great!" Zhou Jin felt that his throat was a little dry, and he wanted to go back to drink tea again.

"Doctor? But those people in Taiyuan Hospital are also doctors, so they are not so powerful!" The eighth prince scratched his head, somewhat disbelieving.

Zhou Jin took his eyes away from his empty sleeves and stared at his childish eyebrows, "The Tai Hospital has gathered the most powerful doctors in Dayong, how could they not be great! It's just that they are not here today, if they are here , will definitely cure that little bird!"

The eighth prince curled his lips, "That's not it! They're useless at all! Father's headache can't be cured, nor can it be cured..." His voice became lower and lower, and it dispersed into the air with the wind .

Zhou Jin suddenly regretted meddling in his own business, he should go back to bask in the sun!How wonderful!

"Eighth Prince, you..."

"Do you think that little bird will always be fine? Will it fall down again next time? What will happen if no one saves him then?" The eighth prince looked up at the sky. The bird had already died. He disappeared, but he looked at it so seriously, his eyes were a little sad, as if he had already seen the tragic end of the little bird.

Zhou Jin also looked up at the endless sky, "Every bird has its own destiny, no matter what happens to it in the future, as long as it is still flying freely in the sky, it will be worth it!"

"You're right! It's still lucky, at least it met you and healed its wings, unlike me..."

The eighth prince lowered his head, his left hand pressed the sleeve that was hanging down on his right.

"Eighth Prince, why are you here alone? Where's your attendant? They shouldn't be worried if they can't find you!"

The eighth prince curled his lips, "They only control me, they are not allowed to do this, and they are not allowed to play with that! How disgusting!"

What a childish temper!

Just as Zhou Jin was about to speak, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps on the path ahead.A group of palace maids and eunuchs rushed over anxiously. In the cold weather, they broke out in a cold sweat.

"Eighth prince, this servant has found you!"

A group of people chrysalis came up and surrounded the little Eighth Prince.For a while, the quiet garden was filled with ridicule.

Zhou Jin was isolated from the circle, and he saw a bit of impatience on the immature face of the Eighth Prince who was surrounded by people.But in the end he endured it, he just pursed his mouth and sullenly, showing a bit of Cang Zhao's calm appearance.

He smiled and was about to leave.

Another thick voice suddenly sounded from the side, "Doctor Zhou stay!"

Zhou Jin paused and followed the sound, only to see a middle-aged man in brocade clothes standing two meters away, looking at him steadily.

Zhou Jin's eyebrows frowned almost imperceptibly, because he recognized that this person was Wang Guifei's father Wang Jing Wang Taifu!

"Caomin has seen Mr. Wang!" Zhou Jin raised his hand.

"Doctor Zhou, you're welcome!" Wang Jing waved her hand with a smile, signaling Zhou Jin to get up.

"Grandpa, why are you here?" The eighth prince ran over with a patter of steps, with a smile on his face, his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon.

Wang Jing patted the Eighth Prince's head, and said gently: "Next time, the Eighth Prince is not allowed to walk away alone without saying a word, the imperial concubine should be worried!"

The Eighth Prince lowered his eyes apologetically, "I'll go back and find my mother right away!"

Surrounded by eunuchs and maids, he was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something, stopped in his tracks, turned around and ran towards Zhou Jin, raised his pale face and said, "Doctor, where do you live? You are too From the hospital? How about I go play with you next time?"

Zhou Jin looked at the eighth prince who looked joyful and expectant, and couldn't bear to refuse.

"I'm not in the Tai Hospital! But I will be staying here in the near future. If the Eighth Prince wants to come to me, just let me know!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, the eighth prince finally left contentedly.

Through the figure of the eunuch, who was too tired from the court lady, Zhou Jin saw him walking forward seriously, his small body swayed, and the sleeve on the right also swayed as he walked.

Soon, the thin body disappeared around the corner.

Zhou Jin looked away and was about to leave, "Master Wang, if nothing happens, Zhou Jin will go back first!"

"Wait a minute!" Wang Jing shouted: "Doctor Zhou, I have something I want to talk to you about, can you move on?"

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