Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 148 Let's see if the healing god's mana is still alive...

Everyone stretched their necks and waited. The sky was gloomy and the cold wind was blowing. Everyone shivered. They all wrapped their clothes tightly and shrank like quails, but they still refused to leave.

Not long after, Mrs. Li was covered with golden needles all over her face. She lay on the recliner and did not dare to move. Everyone looked at her like a monkey, pointing and whispering.

Although she felt uncomfortable, there was nothing she could do.I was afraid that I would annoy the cold young doctor in front of me by showing something.

She endured the itchy pain on her body, and regretted it in her heart. If she knew this young man was a doctor, she would dare to offend him!

She was thinking wildly, when suddenly, a strange itching ran down half of her cheek, and she twitched uncomfortably.The crooked and weak mouth suddenly trembled.

She froze immediately, then subconsciously puffed up half of her cheeks and trembled.

"Oh, look, her face can move!"

"It's amazing, that mouth is not crooked!"

The sharp-eyed person immediately noticed something was wrong and screamed out.Immediately, the exclamations of the crowd erupted one after another.

Li Pozi's eyes suddenly burst into excitement, she twisted her cheeks and moved, trying to restore muscle activity.

When she found that half of her face could indeed move freely, she laughed loudly: "I'm healed, I'm healed, son, I can move!" With her laughter, the golden needles on her face were like the thorns on a hedgehog Shaking uncontrollably, it looked terribly frightening.

"Don't move around! The golden needle is still on your face, if you move it, you will regret it!" Zhou Jin reminded without emotion.

Mrs. Li immediately stopped talking, staring at the dangling golden needles on her face with horrified eyes.

As time went by, Mrs. Li found that not only her face, but also her arms and thighs gradually began to recover.

Warm currents flowed through all the meridians of the body, even though she was lying in the cold wind without daring to move, her limbs were still gradually warming up and burning hot.

Realizing this, Mrs. Li's surprise became more and more intense. She couldn't help screaming, "I, I can feel my hands! My legs too, I seem to be able to move!"

While staring excitedly, she moved her hands and feet lightly.Although it is not as flexible as before the stroke, it can already swing from side to side.It's not as disobedient and ignorant as before like two noodles.

"This, my God, it can really move! How long has it been?"

"This... this is impossible! Can a stroke be cured?"

"Even the wind and cold didn't take effect so quickly! What's going on? Am I dazzled?"

"It's true, God, have I seen a miracle doctor? Can a few needles be cured?"

The villagers squinted their eyes in amazement, and one or two seemed to have seen something rare and rare in a lifetime.

They were unbelievable and inexplicably shocked by the miraculous sight in front of them.If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they might think that all this was just a dream.

Mrs. Liu twisted her wrists and stared blankly at the excited Mrs. Li. She thought of the gash in her daughter's stomach and what her daughter said to her.

Her heart was full of fire, this really is a fairy!No wonder the daughter's stomach was cut open, and nothing happened!

Not only the villagers present were astonished, but even Pang Maomoyan and the other three were stunned.

Although they already knew about Dr. Zhou's medical skills, they were still shocked when they saw this miraculous medical skill with their own eyes.

Can this stroke be cured so easily and quickly?Apart from Dr. Zhou, I am afraid that no one in this world can do this, right?

By the way, the life and death of the great general was unknown back then, and he was also Dr. Zhou, who turned the tide so easily.

Dr. Zhou's medical skills are unmatched in the world today!

No wonder the General attaches so much importance to Dr. Zhou!Fortunately, Dr. Zhou is one of their people in Dayong.If such talents were replaced by Beiliang, how much would they have to lose!

After waiting for a while, Zhou Jin guessed that the time was almost up, and began to lick the golden needles one by one under the adoring eyes of everyone.After the last golden needle was pulled out, Mrs. Li finally couldn't wait to jump off the couch.

She shouted in surprise: "I'm cured, I'm cured! Son, mother is really cured!"

She hugged Li Dafa for a while and wept bitterly, and then hugged her own arm and jumped up and down, thinking that she was already insane.

Zhou Jin slowly placed the gold needles in the gold needle bag one by one.Ignoring everyone's amazed and admiring eyes.

He's already used to this look!

"Miraculous doctor, miraculous doctor, miraculous doctor, please help me take a look, too?"

"Genius doctor, me too. I've been suffering from headaches lately, please help me!"

"I want to see it too, divine doctor, look at me..."

"Look at me, look at me..."

Everyone shouted, their hearts were so hot that they could only rush forward and leave this young genius doctor in their village

But thinking about it, everyone dared not really rush forward, not only because of their awe of this superb medical doctor, but also because of their fear of the two tall and straight men in black next to him.

"Doctor Zhou, it's getting late, we should set off!" Pang Mao urged loudly while sitting on the tall horse.

This urging made everyone's excited hearts cool down a lot. They looked at Zhou Jin expectantly, hoping that he would take the initiative to stay.

But Zhou Jin didn't seem to notice anything, ignoring everyone's eyes that seemed to be on fire, he just put the gold needle bag into the medicine box neatly.

Then he looked at Mrs. Li who was still extremely happy, and said, "Li Guifang, I am willing to treat your illness today because of your son's filial piety. You must be kind to others in the future, and don't be so mean and rude again! If you continue to talk about immorality, there will be no good things like today!"

Li Pozi immediately bent over and said in panic: "Yes, doctor, I will never dare again!"

Zhou Jin glanced at her coldly, "I hope you will do what you say! Otherwise, you won't want to see the consequences!"

Mrs. Li was swept over by that stern look, her heart trembled, she nodded hurriedly.

Li Dafa also swears again and again.

Zhou Jin nodded, hung the medicine box on his shoulder, turned and left without thinking.

"Doctor Zhou, are you leaving now? You can help me treat it too!"

"Doctor Zhou..."

The villagers reluctantly watched Zhou Jin jump into the carriage neatly, their faces were full of disappointment.

It was getting late, Zhou Jin didn't want to delay, for fear that it would rain again later.He just took a look at the bodies of the villagers. Although they are not very healthy, they are not seriously ill. Occasional discomfort is harmless.

The old man yelled, and the carriage moved slowly and turned out of the yard.Pang Maomoyan held the reins to protect the left and right sides.

"Doctor Zhou, have a good journey!" Old man Liu followed behind, waving his hands and saying goodbye.

The villagers piled up outside the fence, sending the young genius doctor who shocked them away.

Looking at the carriage gradually disappearing into the distance, everyone finally looked away.

"Old man Liu, do you know where this little genius doctor is from?" Someone asked curiously.

"Yes, old man Liu, didn't the genius doctor live in your house? Did he tell you where he lives?"

Everyone has different thoughts, the genius doctor is so good at medicine, if they know where he lives, they will have a place to go to see him in case something happens in the future!

If you ask them to say, this little genius doctor is so good at medicine, maybe even better than that God of Medicine in Yongning!

After all, seeing is believing, and hearing is believing!This one is amazing but they have seen it with their own eyes!

Mrs. Liu was also a bit reluctant to look at the carriage that disappeared into the distance. The fairy left just like that, and Hong'er hadn't come to say goodbye yet, so she didn't know how sad she felt.

"Oh! Hong'er, mother and son are still at home!" Mrs. Liu exclaimed.Eyes filled with anxiety.

"Mother, let's go back! I don't feel relieved that Hong'er, mother and son are at home." His old mother was fine, and Li Dafa finally thought of his daughter-in-law and son.He squatted down to carry his wife on his back.

Hearing about her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Li felt a little uncomfortable.At the beginning, she really thought that her daughter-in-law and grandson were going to die, and she said a lot of unpleasant things in a fit of anger, how will she face it now when she goes back!

She pushed her son's back away, she was already healed, how could she let her son continue to work hard on her back!

She felt depressed, and when she looked up, she saw Mrs. Liu's anxious face, and she didn't know what was going on, as if she had found a way to vent.

"Good lady Liu, why are you a mother? Why do you let Hong'er and her mother stay at home by themselves! If anything happens, whoever will take care of you!"

Mrs. Liu was stunned immediately after being yelled at by Mrs. Li.After she reacted, the breath rushed out of her chest, and she immediately turned back,

"How can you act like a mad dog, you damned thieves? If it wasn't for you, a black-hearted bastard, would I have thrown Hong'er at home?"

When the two disagreed, they began to spit all over the place. The surrounding villagers were shocked at first, but they immediately saw the strangeness.As for Mrs. Li's mouth, if it can be corrected, then the sun is really coming out from the west!

Only a person like a little genius doctor would believe her nonsense!

Everyone stepped back in disgust, for fear of being splashed by Mrs. Li's spittle.

"Mother, didn't you promise the doctor to change it in the future? Why..." Li Dafa scratched his head anxiously, his mouth was stupid, so he anxiously pulled Granny Li, trying to make her stop.

As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change.Mrs. Li couldn't hold back the quarrel, her mouth seemed to have a temper, and all kinds of words came out.

"Don't worry about it, son, but this old lady scolded me first! You old lady Liu, you can't be bullied if I'm an orphan and widowed mother. I'm going to..." She suddenly ouched, and her voice stopped abruptly. , the whole person suddenly fell backwards.

Fortunately, Li Dafa was standing beside her, and he supported her quickly with his eyesight and hands, preventing her from falling!

Mrs. Liu was also frightened by this sudden attack, she thought Mrs. Li was going to kick her legs!

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Dafa, quickly support your mother!"

"Mom, what's wrong with you, mother?"

Everyone leaned forward to take a look, and were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

"She, she is..."

"This Mrs. Li has had another stroke!"

Everyone exclaimed, their eyes staring in disbelief.

I saw that Li Pozi was lying in Li Dafa's arms with her hands and feet curled up, her mouth tilted, and she was babbling.Isn't this the same stroke as before!

"What's going on here? Didn't the genius doctor cure Mrs. Li?"

"Yes, we all saw it with our own eyes!"

"This... this is too strange!"

Everyone's eyes are full of doubts, you look at me, I look at you, don't know what's going on.

"Could it be that the miracle doctor is a liar?"

"Impossible!" Old man Liu immediately retorted firmly.He will not allow anyone to slander the reputation of En Gong.

This man was just talking casually.It was also a little unpleasant to be slapped in the face by old man Liu in public, "Then tell me, what's the matter with Mrs. Li?"

Everyone's eyes were also a little suspicious, Mrs. Li's appearance is not fake!

Old man Liu was also at a loss, but he knew that Dr. Zhou couldn't be a liar!Otherwise, how to explain the matter of his daughter?

"I don't know what's going on with my mother-in-law. Anyway, Dr. Zhou can't be a liar! Besides, didn't you all see her with your own eyes just now and she's already recovered?"

Old man Liu saw that the villagers still had doubts and doubts on their faces, and hurriedly said loudly: "Whoever is a liar can't be a liar! Doctor Zhou saved my daughter only this morning! Besides, do you know who he is? He is the God of Medicine in Yongning My lord! How could the God of Medicine be a liar!"

"The little genius doctor is the God of Medicine?"


"That's such a coincidence!"

"Isn't the God of Medicine in Yongning? Why did you come here?"

Everyone chattered and whispered.

"Maybe it's really the God of Medicine! I heard that the God of Medicine is also named Zhou! Is that little genius doctor just now also named Zhou?"

"It's possible! The little genius doctor is so powerful! He's still so young! I heard that the God of Medicine is also very young! His age and surname match!"

"Then what happened to Mrs. Li?"

If this little doctor is really a doctor, he can't be a liar!Then why did Mrs. Li get sick again?

Just as she was talking, Mrs. Li suddenly struggled to stand up slowly again.

Her face was still wet with saliva and tears, and she was a little dazed, as if she hadn't thought about how she got better again!

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, the way they looked at her was like hell!

"Mother, you are..." Li Dafa was also puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and he was a little stupid.

"Mother-in-law, what's the matter with you? Why do you get better and get sick later?" Mrs. Liu also forgot the previous quarrel, and her eyes were a little straight when she looked at Mrs. Li.

"I... this is..." Mrs. Li wiped the water stains on her face with her still limp hands.

"I don't know either! I was terrified just now, but I can't move suddenly! The doctor left again."

Mrs. Li spoke incoherently, obviously she herself was in a daze, "I suddenly thought of what the doctor said to me just now, and I regretted it in my heart! I just thought that I would never dare to curse again! I begged God, begged him Get me well! Then suddenly I can move again!"

Everyone seems to be stupid, what's going on?

"Could it be that this is the punishment of the God of Medicine?" Someone murmured.

"That's right! Didn't the God of Medicine just tell Mrs. Li not to be mean in the future? He also said that if she continues to do this, she will be punished! Don't everyone see that, this Mrs. Li has just scolded a few words, and this disease came!"

"So she sincerely repented just now. So she got better again?"

Everyone, you said a word and I said a word, and analyzed it thoroughly.

"I've heard before that this God of Medicine is very powerful. There seems to be a shrine to the God of Medicine in a village over there that is particularly effective! Many people have gone to worship it!" Someone said secretively, with awe on his face.

"So it's really the God of Medicine! Who else can do it except him! I said just now why the God of Medicine believes in Mrs. Li's words so much. It turns out that he still has a back hand! No wonder!"

"Master God of Medicine has boundless mana! Of course you can't hide anything from him!"

Everyone seemed to have accepted God of Medicine's fairy tricks, and looked at Granny Li gloatingly, "Grandma Li, you are so blessed! This is God of Medicine healing you personally! You can't do it in a few lifetimes!"

"Grandma Li, why don't you come and scold me again! See if the God of Medicine's mana is still working!"

Mrs. Li also came to her senses. Seeing everyone's laughter and fuss, her teeth itch, her mouth moved as if it was stitched together by needles, and she dared not open her mouth to swear.

She felt very uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to really complain about Zhou Jin, for fear that Zhou Jin could hear her heart, and punish her again, and it would really make Tian Tian not respond well!

She regrets it now!Why does she have such a cheap mouth, no one is good to scold, but she is scolding at the God of Medicine!

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