Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 145 Are you an immortal?

There was a strong smell of blood immediately after entering the room.

Zhou Jin quickened his pace, and saw a dusty mosquito net hanging on a low old bed frame in the room. Through the dilapidated mosquito net, a figure could be seen lying inside.

"Hong'er! How are you? Open your eyes and look at Mother! Mother is here to see you!" Before the two approached, Mrs. Liu began to cry.The piercing voice made Zhou Jin frowned.

When he got closer, he saw clearly that the woman lying on the bed was as white as paper.His lips were chapped and peeled, and his whole body was very thin, except for his high raised belly, which was blue-purple in color.The temperature is very low now, she is lying on the bed in thin clothes, but she is soaked in sweat, and her temple hair is messy sticking to her face.

Seeing Liu Hongzhu's miserable state, Mrs. Liu cried even more fiercely, making those who didn't know outside think that Liu Hongzhu had returned to the Hall of Hell.

Zhou Jin didn't care about her anymore, and didn't delay, he frowned and checked quickly.The condition of the patient is really dangerous, he is unconscious and his breathing is weak.The condition of the fetus is also not optimistic, and it will really suffocate to death in the stomach after a while.

"Aunt Liu, please wait at the door, I will treat the patient immediately!"

Saving people is like putting out a fire, Zhou Jin quickly put the medicine box aside and opened it, took out golden needles, and first pierced various acupuncture points on Liu Hongzhu's body, then immediately took out a "Yinzhi Shengyuan Pill" and pinched it open Liu Hongzhu's mouth made her swallow it.The main purpose is to help her stabilize her vitality, so let her hold her breath first.

This elixir was made from the last bit of leftover material from the previous refining process.The effect has been diluted a lot, and it is not very useful for increasing lifespan. At most, it can make her live a hundred years!But this was already a very long life in ancient times when the average life expectancy was only a few dozen years old.

This series of actions stunned the crying old lady Liu, with wet tears streaming down her wrinkled face, "Master, can my daughter be saved?" When she first saw her daughter's miserable condition, Thought she was out of smoke!

"If you don't leave and let me concentrate on treating her, I'm afraid she will die soon!" Zhou Jin said coldly, without stopping the needle.At this moment, he is indeed so domineering, and he is completely different from the gentle and friendly appearance before.Mrs. Liu didn't dare to say a word to disturb him.

"I...I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now! Young Master, you must save my daughter!" Mrs. Liu looked at Zhou Jin weepingly, and walked towards the door.

Zhou Jin immediately opened the space shield, and took out the "Red Bone Dragon Soul Scalpels" shining with silver light from the space.These are all system configurations, and each one contains special healing energy.Except for Shang Gui and Gouzi, he has never used it in the eyes of everyone.Every time it is necessary to send the patient's family members away, lest they ask, and it is difficult for them to explain.

"Everything, monitor her blood pressure, electrocardiogram, oxygen saturation, I want to give her a caesarean section immediately!"

Zhou Jin was worried that the patient would not be able to persist until the end of the operation due to his weak health, and that an accident would occur during the operation. Every operation would let the system monitor the patient's condition, so as to avoid problems that would not be treated in time.

"Yes!" Number 01 replied in his head.

With a beep, the patient's vital signs data appeared in front of Zhou Jin's eyes.A series of numbers danced and changed beside it.

He first anesthetized Liu Hongzhu, injected the anesthetic into the lumbar spinal cord, and anesthetized her lower body and legs.So as not to make the patient unbearably painful while waiting for the operation to begin. .

Zhou Jin held the scalpel gently close to his belly, with only a little force, the blade, as thin as a cicada's wing, cut into the skin.


As soon as the words fell, the blood oozing from the wound suddenly solidified, forming tiny blood beads that condensed at the gap.He and No. 01 already had a perfect understanding. As long as he said a word, No. 01 would immediately understand what he meant. He was simply the best partner during the operation.

Zhou Jin's hands were dexterous and nimble, and he quickly and neatly cut through eight layers of abdominal tissue including skin tissue, subcutaneous fat, covering membrane, and uterine serosa layer, penetrated deep into the abdominal cavity, and opened the abdominal wall.

Soon, the lower section of the uterus was exposed. Zhou Jin's eyes were sharp, and without any hesitation, his subordinates directly selected a position and dropped the tip of the knife steadily.

At this time, Liu Hongzhu, who had taken the pill, gradually regained her consciousness. She opened her eyes wearily, and she saw a very cold and handsome face.

Her mind, which was not yet fully awake, seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, and she couldn't tell where she was and the situation she was in.He just stared stupidly at the handsome and cold face in front of him, "Am I dead?"

She just thinks that this person is the most beautiful person she has ever seen, probably only after death can she see him?

"With me here, you can't die!"

Zhou Jin cut open the uterus neatly, and calmly said: "Prepare the suction device!" As soon as the words fell, he immediately pierced the amniotic sac, and the moment the amniotic fluid flowed out of the opening, a suction device was directly aimed at the wound, and the amniotic fluid was sucked into the amniotic sac. Little by little.

This process is relatively dangerous, because once the amniotic fluid flows out, enters the maternal capillaries, and reaches the lungs through blood circulation, it is very likely to cause amniotic fluid embolism.Even though it was Zhou Jin's first caesarean section, he was still able to handle it with ease.

"This is..." At this moment, Liu Hongzhu seemed to notice what happened to her body. She looked at her stomach, and was immediately horrified by the bloody scene.

"What are you doing? What are you trying to do to me? Who are you? Help..."

Liu Hongzhu screamed, but her body was very weak, she had exhausted her strength from the previous labor, her voice was so hoarse that she couldn't make any sound at all.She struggled in fear, but found that she couldn't move at all, she couldn't even raise her upper body slightly.

She could only stare at Zhou Jin's movements with wide eyes in horror, watching him cut open his tall belly, and the bright red abdominal tissue was opened, nakedly exposed to her eyes.It was also at this time that she seemed to regain her sanity and remembered her child.

"My child, what happened to my child? Please, don't hurt me, don't hurt my child..." she begged, terrified.This was probably the scariest thing that had happened to her in her life.

"Don't be afraid, you will be fine, and your child will be fine!"

Zhou Jin frowned and didn't dare to be distracted. After finally sucking up the amniotic fluid, he gently pressed the bottom of the uterus and slowly took the fetus out of the uterus.

Liu Hongzhu watched helplessly as the man in front of her took the child out of her stomach, it was a small one, wrinkled and red.So fragile, so cute, and yet so still.

Tears flowed out of her in an instant, and she wailed silently. She knew that her child was dead!

Zhou Jin frowned, and quickly sucked out the mucus from the child's mouth and nose.Yet the child remained unresponsive.He was in a small ball in his hand, his whole body was dark red, his lips were bruised, and he was very weak, almost unable to feel his breathing.

Staying in the mother's body for a long time almost made him suffocate.

Zhou Jin patted the soles of his feet and rubbed his back, trying to let him recover his breathing on his own.At the same time, the system immediately released a wave of energy, wrapping the baby inside, preventing his heat loss.

This action made Liu Hongzhu hopeful, she realized that this strange person in front of her was saving her child!

Waves of weak energy entered the baby's body through Zhou Jin's palm, promoting his cardiac resuscitation.Zhou Jin rubbed the baby's heart, and his small body trembled unconsciously under his palm.

Liu Hongzhu bit her lip and stared at the baby without blinking, praying in her heart that God would let her baby survive.Just when she was on the verge of despair, suddenly, a small cry sounded in the room.

The baby closed his eyes, clenched his fists and cried, his limbs kicked feebly. Although his voice was weak, it represented the hope of life!

Zhou Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly checked the baby's condition and found no damage to his brain, so he wrapped the baby in a cloth and placed it next to the mother.There is a system to keep warm, so he is not afraid of freezing.

Liu Hongzhu's eyeballs seemed to be glued to the baby, until Zhou Jin put the baby beside her pillow, and she saw the baby purring and whining, although it was so small, it was still alive beside her.

She was finally relieved.

Zhou Jin walked back, stripped the placenta from the uterus, cleaned the uterine cavity quickly, sutured the uterus, closed the covering membrane, and finally sewed up the epidermis carefully.

Liu Hongzhu stared blankly at the man in front of her who restored her stomach back to its original state with extremely neat methods. This fairy-like method made her feel both shocked and in awe.

"Who are you? Are you a god? Did you hear my prayer and come here to save me?"

The baby couldn't be born after several hours, no matter how hard she tried, it was useless.The severe pain seemed to tear her apart.She clearly felt that her life was passing by bit by bit.When her consciousness was blurred, she seemed to hear that her mother-in-law and midwife had given up on her, along with her unborn child.

Consciousness gradually dissipated, the pain seemed to go away from her, and the tense spirit gradually relaxed.She felt more relaxed than I ever had.Maybe she can finally stop suffering from this pain, and she can rest well.

But the faint movement in her stomach finally made her unable to let go.She is not reconciled, she is pregnant in October, no matter how hard she is, she gritted her teeth and persisted, how could she give up at the last moment?

She prayed in her heart, praying that the gods could save her and save her child!She is willing to give anything for it!

Now, it seems that the gods finally answered her!

Zhou Jin rubbed his hands with sterile transparent liquid, and said calmly, "I'm not a god, I'm just a doctor."

He wiped off the stains on his hands with the cloth next to him, and then he walked to the bedside and looked down at her.

"You..." Liu Hongzhu looked at Zhou Jin inexplicably, when she suddenly saw a hand stretched out towards her, she subconsciously pressed her head down on the pillow.

The next moment, she saw a slender golden needle appear on the fingertip of the other party.

Only then did she suddenly realize that there were several golden needles piercing her body.

Zhou Jin took the golden needles off Liu Hongzhu's body one by one, inserted them into the golden needle rolling bag in an orderly manner, and put them back into the medicine box.

"You just finished the operation, it's best not to move, so as not to tear the wound on the stomach." Zhou Jin instructed, then raised the corners of his mouth, and said softly: "Congratulations, mother and child are safe!"

This congratulations directly made Liu Hongzhu's eyes red, she blinked, and tears flowed out instantly, both mother and child survived!She raised her hand to gently hug the child, and pressed her face against the baby's delicate face.

Only then did she realize that she could move.Not only that, but a hot current seemed to be flowing slowly in the body that seemed to have frozen blood.The heat flowed from the apex of her heart to her limbs, ironing her internal organs.The strength of the overdraft is also slowly recovering.

" could I?" She felt the warmth in her body, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

Zhou Jin smiled knowingly: "Don't panic, just now I saw that you were breathing weakly and almost lost your breath, so I gave you my unique secret medicine. Now this medicine is taking effect!"

What kind of magic drug is this?

Liu Hongzhu was completely surprised.

"Your parents are still waiting for your news outside. Since both mother and child are safe, I'll let them know so that they won't worry!" After speaking, Zhou Jin walked out with the medicine box on his back.


"Huh?" Zhou Jin stopped and turned to look at her.

"I...I, are you really not a fairy?"

With such a miraculous method, she could cut open her stomach and take out the child, making her feel no pain at all!And bring her back from death.

Besides gods, who else can do it?

Liu Hongzhu's eyes were wide open, full of awe and admiration, staring straight at him.It seems that as long as he turns around, he will disappear into this world directly, and he will never be seen again!

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