Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 143 Difficult Labor

After a while, the man led Pang Maomoyan and the others in.The three of them were all wet from the rain, sticking to their bodies stickily.The hair is also wet, with some broken leaves.A look of embarrassment that was hit by the wind and rain.

The man patted the dead leaves on his body, "It's raining heavily outside, and it's hard to find a place to tether the horses. I took them to the cow shed over there, and it took some time..."

"Hurry up and change your clothes! Don't catch a cold!" the old man greeted worriedly.

"Several guests, the little old man's house is small and there are not so many rooms. There are only two empty rooms, which belong to my two youngest sons. They went to work in the city and only come back once a month. I this time Just ask someone to clean it up, just to make a few people feel wronged!"

It is better to keep everything simple when you are away from home than to eat and sleep outside.

Soon, Zhou Jin and the others settled down. Zhou Jin lived in a room at No. 01 Laobatou, and Pang Mao and Moyan lived in a room.

The man went back to his room to change clothes, and the old man took them to the room.

"Old man, what's your name?"

"Little old man, my surname is Liu, so you can just call me old man Liu! The one outside just now is my eldest son, named Liu Deng! The ones you saw outside just now are my old woman and my eldest daughter-in-law! I have another Grandson Liu Ming, just turned three years old, has already fallen asleep."

Holding a candle, the old man said while leading them into the small door on the left.The inside was divided into two small rooms next to each other. Zhou Jin went to the left, and Pang Mao and the others went to the right.

The room was very dark, even with candles it still looked cramped and dark.It is half smaller than the side room used for the staff in the medical hall.

"My lord, this is the place, I've wronged you for not being well received!" The old man held a candle with a look of forgiveness on his face.

He looked at Zhou Jin through the candlelight in his hand, the clothes on his body seemed to be able to shine, they were so precious that he didn't dare to take a second look while walking on the street.The wet hair was twisted and stuck to the cheeks and neck. In the dark, the delicate skin was dazzlingly white.

It was so out of place for such a precious and noble person to stand in his humble and small room.And I actually collected so much money from the young master, I'm afraid I'm going to be struck by lightning!

But this amount of money is so tempting, if you miss this time, you will hardly have the chance to get it again in the future.Desire and shame are intertwined, and in the end this reluctance prevailed.

Zhou Jin only took a cursory glance, and said with a smile, "It's a blessing to have a place to shelter from the wind and rain when you go out, the old man is very polite!"

There was only one small window in this room, and there was a bed against the inner wall with only a mattress but no quilt.A dilapidated cabinet was placed against the wall by the window, and a small stone was placed at the foot of the cabinet, barely leveling the square.

In a word, at a glance, it is a barren house.

"Young master, you should change your clothes first, and the little old man will bring you a quilt!"

The old man put down the candle and hurried out.

Zhou Jin put the burden on the bed, he doesn't care if the room is smaller, he has even lived in a prison, does he still care about this?


He looked at the only bed in the room, and couldn't sleep the three of them!

No. 01 also pouted, very dissatisfied, "A Jin, do we really want to live here?"

Zhou Jin patted him on the head, "Of course, it's raining so much outside, how can we go!"

Looking at No. 01's fearless eyes, he was really worried that he would dislike this place too much, so he just ran away!

This will not work!

If only the two of them were fine, now there is the old man, and Pang Mao and Mo Yan who have keen five senses.If No. 01 was gone, how would he explain the sudden disappearance of a child who was only about ten years old in a stormy night?

At that time, if they still have to brave the rain to find them, will he stop them or follow them?

Zhou Jin pinched his face and signaled him to stay calm!

"Doctor Zhou, I'll make a bed on the ground when I'm done with the old man, and you and the young master can sleep on the bed!"

The old man took off the clothes neatly, shook them off carefully, looked around, and found a pole to hang the clothes to dry.These are the clothes that Dr. Zhou gave him, don't let such a good cotton coat get ruined!

"How can this work! The old man still sleeps on the bed, and Xiao Luo and I can sleep on the floor!" What a joke, how could he let the old man sleep on the floor with peace of mind.

"Doctor Zhou, don't talk too much! The old man sleeps on the floor, and I'm used to my rough skin and thick flesh. Don't argue with me, or I won't sleep well all night, and I won't have energy tomorrow. Hurry up!"

The old man is very firm, Zhou Jin can't hold him back no matter what, he never thought that the usually kind old man would have such a stubborn side!

The fire-lit walls in the kitchen are bright, and the wind and rain are blowing outside the window, and the heat is steaming inside the window.

"Tweety, bring over the jerky hanging in my room, I'll fry some meat dishes!" Mrs. Liu's sword is still young, and the vegetables in the pot are stir-frying, and the aroma is steaming up with the heat. , the aroma is overflowing in the not-so-big kitchen.


"Hey!" The woman who was lighting the fire in front of the stove came back to her senses, "Mother, what's wrong?"

"I asked you to fetch the meat I hung in the room, what are you thinking so engrossed in?"

Tweety was a little embarrassed, "Mother, that silver is so big! I've never seen such a big and bright silver! It must be more than ten taels?" Fire roasted.

"So you're thinking about it?" Mrs. Liu quickly took out the dishes, and squinted at Tweety'er.

"I, I didn't, mother, I'm just curious!"

The old woman smiled, "I don't know what you guys are thinking! Let me tell you, you can keep your mouth shut on this money matter, don't go around talking nonsense! This money can't be moved now! It will be bigger tomorrow." I will also send him to learn how to read, it is better than staying in this village for the rest of my life.”

Tweety's eyes lit up immediately, and she couldn't speak fluently, "Mother, you, is what you said true?"

Ming'er is her son, who is only three years old now, if she is really sent to learn how to read as her mother-in-law said, then it will be fine to let her be a cow or a horse!

"Okay! Serve this dish out quickly, don't make the distinguished guests wait too long!"

"Hey, good!" Tweety picked up the plate and went out with a smile on her face.The wind is blowing under your feet!

These distinguished guests are all her living parents. Thinking about going to school tomorrow, they will be different from them. They are talented masters who can read!

The farmer's hands and feet are very agile, and a large pot of hot water has been boiled.Zhou Jin asked the old man to take a hot bath first, and then took No. 01 to the toilet to take a bath.

This latrine is connected to the pigsty, but the pigsty is empty, presumably because the family is too poor to raise piglets.Otherwise, almost all the pigs at this time can be killed to celebrate the New Year!

Even without pigs, the latrines still stink.Zhou Jin walked in holding his nose.I just feel like I have nowhere to go.

No. 01 pouted even more, standing at the door and refusing to come in.

The cold wind was blowing outside the door, and the blowing wood creaked.

"What are you doing, come in quickly, I'm going to close the door!" Zhou Jin urged with a candle, lighting up the crude toilet a little.

The cold wind came in through the gap, as if the air conditioner had been turned on, and Zhou Jin shivered from the cold.

No. 01 glanced at the toilet, frowned fiercely, and his whole body suddenly scattered into countless light spots, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Startled, Zhou Jin quickly glanced around.Did this little ancestor want to scare him out of a heart attack?

If this is accidentally seen by others, they will feel that they have run into a ghost!

He hurriedly closed the toilet door, "Come out soon after I finish washing, otherwise I can't explain your whereabouts!"

When he came out of the shower quickly, the food was already set on the table, and the aroma was overflowing.Pang Mao and Mo Yan had already changed their clothes and sat at the table.

"Young master, come and eat quickly! They are all homemade side dishes."

Zhou Jin led No. 01 and sat down. There were four dishes on the table, some meat and some vegetables, which looked quite rich.He guessed that the family probably took out all the good vegetables and meat stored at home to entertain them.

When No. 01 saw these dishes, his eyes lit up, and he immediately forgot about the unhappiness just now. He jumped onto the bench in two steps, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

"By the way, old man, the dry food we brought is almost gone. When we leave tomorrow, can you make some dry food for us and we will take it away! Of course, we bought it!"

Cui'er was overjoyed, and felt that the money her son would go to school in the future was waving to her, "What do you want to bring, Master?"

"Hmm... just steamed buns!" These things don't taste good when they are cold, but they are not easy to spoil and are easy to carry.

"Roasted chicken! Roasted meat! Both!" No. 01 muttered with food wrapped in his mouth.

"Young master, don't worry, we will definitely take care of it for you!" Old man Liu responded with a smile.Who wouldn't want to earn more money!

After eating and returning to the room, there was already a clean quilt on the bed.There was also bedding on the floor.

Several people were also tired, blowing out the candles, and fell asleep with the wind and rain outside the house.

The next day, Zhou Jin woke up to the sound of rain.

He opened the window, and the yard was wet, and the fence was standing in the rain, shaking, as if it would fall to the ground together with it in the next moment.

Looks like we can't leave today!

When he came out of the room, Pang Mao and Mo Yan had already got up, standing under the eaves, watching the raindrops fall.

A large bowl of porridge was placed on the table with some side dishes in the middle.There are freshly fried meat dishes, pickles, and some leftovers from their last night.

Sitting at the table was a thin, thin boy.He was looking at Zhou Jin and the others with a pair of timid eyes.

It seems that this child is the little grandson Liu Ming of this family.

Zhou Jin smiled at him, and he turned his face back shyly.

"Doctor Zhou, it seems that we can't leave today, and I don't know when the rain will stop!" Pang Mao's tall body stood at the door with a blank expression on his face, giving people a sense of oppression for no reason.

"Several distinguished guests, you can have breakfast!"

Old man Liu came over with a nervous expression, it could be seen that he was a little afraid of Pang Mao and Mo Yan.The eyes didn't even dare to stay on them for a while longer.

Several people sat around the table, and Zhou Jin noticed that the table had changed!It was much bigger than last night, and there were even a few more stools.

The fresh meat dishes are all on Zhou Jin's side, while the leftovers and pickles are all on the old man Liu's side.They drank porridge with these dishes and ate very deliciously.

Liu Ming buried his face in his eyes, revealing a pair of eyes staring straight at the fresh meat and vegetables, and his saliva almost flowed into the bowl.

"Let's eat these dishes together! You are welcome!" Zhou Jin pushed the fresh meat dishes over.This is a bit wrong, logically they are the masters!

"No no no, no need! Young Master, you are distinguished guests! This dish is specially made for you! This is enough for us!" Old man Liu refused repeatedly, even refusing to stick his chopsticks into the dish.

Cui'er picked up a chopstick and put the leftovers into a bowl, picked out the minced meat from it and fed it to her son, then poured half a bowl of porridge into her stomach with the oil soup.

Although this is leftovers, there is enough oil in it!It smells delicious, it's really a meal!

The rain would probably not stop for a while, Zhou Jinxian was bored, so he simply took out the medical book and read it.

Seeing old man Liu and the others, they were even more impressed.It doesn't matter what Zhou Jin is watching, in their opinion, as long as he can read and write, he is great!

Compared with Zhou Jin and the others' leisure and boredom, Old Man Liu and the others are very worried!

They know that distinguished guests are generous.Naturally, they didn't want to give up the opportunity to prepare dry food for distinguished guests to earn money!

It's just that my family is too poor, and I always need rice noodles to prepare dry food, as well as roasted chicken and roasted meat!How could there be so many precious things in their home!

If you want to borrow it, the people in the village may not be willing!After all, the Chinese New Year is not long left!Everyone wants to store up some food for the winter.

As a last resort, old man Liu thought of his daughter's family. He planned to tell his in-laws about this matter, and let the two families do it together. Everyone can earn a penny.

Liu Deng trotted in the rain wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat. His trousers were soaked in water and stuck to his calf icily.Very uncomfortable.

But he was very excited in his heart, as if a fire was burning, and he didn't feel cold even when the wind and rain hit him.

The younger sister, Liu Hongzhu, lives in the village, not far from them.It's only a quarter of an hour away.

Seeing the familiar fence yard appearing in front of him, he speeded up and rushed up again.

When he entered the yard, he suddenly felt something was wrong.The excitement in my heart also cooled down a bit.A man walked back and forth under the eaves, even if he couldn't see his expression clearly, he could feel his anxiety.

"Dafa, what's wrong with you?" The man suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red and frightening.

"Do you recognize this character? Liu...Ming..." Zhou Jin held the child halfway, pointed to the two obviously written characters on the ground and read.

"Liu...Ming..." The child looked at the ground ignorantly, and suddenly laughed, "It's my name!"

Zhou Jin touched the top of his head, "Yes!"

"My lord, this is too much trouble for you!" Old man Liu stood aside with joy and fear on his face.

"What's the matter, idle is idle anyway! This kid is quite cute! Teach him whatever you want, it's not worth it!"

Tweety was sweeping the floor in the kitchen and looked outside through the doors and windows from time to time. Seeing Zhou Jin hugging her son reading words, she was so excited that she couldn't even hold the broom.

"It's his blessing that you can teach him! I really don't know how to thank you, little old man!"

The rain was splintering, and the room was peaceful.Pang Mao and Moyan leaned against the wall, quietly admiring the rain and fog that filled the sky.They enjoy a rare peace and quiet.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in the rainy sky, and the figure rushed over in a hurry, splashing a burst of water.

"Boss, what are you doing in such a panic? What if you startle the distinguished guests!"

"Father, it's bad! My little sister is having a difficult delivery!" Liu Deng's eyes were red, and his face was covered with water stains.Can't tell if it's tears or rain.

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