Zhou Jin returned to the clinic smelling of alcohol.It was already the end of the hour at this time, that is, around three o'clock in the afternoon.The banquet will be dispersed.

After everyone bid farewell to Zhou Jin one by one, the carriages left one by one, and the lively atmosphere suddenly became much quieter.

He wandered around the clinic alone, admiring the freshly baked decoration pattern with satisfaction.

I'm afraid there are not enough people in the medical center now.The doctor is still Shang Gui, Gou Zi and himself.But Xiao Qi is the only one who dispenses the medicine, I'm afraid it won't work!This is really too hard.

There is also the cash register in the clinic, and there must be a talent.It's just that this person is harder to find than others!After all, he is in charge of the daily income of the entire medical clinic, so he must know the basics and do the math well!

Such a person is really hard to find, Zhou Jin made a difficult case.

He stared at the cashier counter and thought about the suitable candidate, when a familiar call suddenly came from behind him.

"Doctor Zhou!"

Zhou Jin turned around immediately, and saw Master Liu walking over with several men of similar age.Probably a friend of Mr. Liu's business dealings.

"Master Liu, gentlemen, Mr. Zhou is slow!" Zhou Jin stepped forward to exchange greetings, "I don't know how many of you are..."

Hearing Zhou Jin's question, Master Liu's expression suddenly became weird, with hesitation in his eyes.He stroked his beard and coughed lightly, and immediately turned sideways, looking at the few people who came with him.It seems that the place is handed over to them!

Zhou Jin raised his eyebrows and turned his eyes to them.

The masters looked at me and I looked at you, their lips covered by beards moved a few times, and a tangled look appeared on their faces.

Zhou Jin became curious now, what exactly is this?

Could it be that there is some unspeakable illness?

In a flash of inspiration, he suddenly realized, what a man!He understands!

He smiled and spoke softly, "Masters, if you have anything to say, you can tell me directly, I will never disclose it in private! I hope you all don't hide your illness from the doctor!"

"This... Dr. Zhou, it's actually not a big deal! Just, alas, I'll just say it straight! My wife insists on asking me to come to you to prescribe a beauty prescription for her!" The person who opened the mouth looked embarrassed, as if Forced by my wife, I had no choice but to come here.

Some people have said that it will be easier to speak later.Everyone came out bald.

"Me too, my wife doesn't know where I heard that you have any secret recipes for skin care, so I must ask you! If you don't agree, she will cry and cry, alas!"

"That's right, I can't help it, so I just want to follow my dear friends to ask!"

Zhou Jin: ...

So I would like to ask a maintenance prescription, why do you make such an embarrassing look?

I don’t know, but I thought you guys were failing in that aspect!

Zhou Jin was ashamed, but luckily he had a bad mouth, otherwise he would really have died!

But this maintenance prescription, he has it!His freshly baked elixir is still worrying about nowhere to sell it!

At this time, the wives who were anxiously waiting outside were fidgeting, and from time to time they lifted the curtains of the car to look at the clinic, fearing that their master would not do enough to help them, and they would return home disappointed.

Zhou Jin subconsciously looked outside the door, and saw several carriages parked on the avenue outside, the curtains of the carriages had been lifted to a corner, revealing half of his delicately made-up face.

It was as if he had noticed Zhou Jin's gaze.The car curtain immediately fell down as if frightened.

It turned out that the wives were still supervising outside!It's no wonder that these masters are all in distress.

But they were in pain, but Zhou Jin was overjoyed!

If you want to say who earns the best money, modern marketers will tell you that it is a woman!

Not long after he refined the new medicine, business came to his door!

This new medicine was just refined by him not long ago. He tested the efficacy of the medicine with the system, and it was very good!

Since returning to human form on the 01st, he has been away from home all day.The medical supplies that come with the medical system are all piled up in the space.A few days ago, he took advantage of his spare time to sort out the contents inside.Just turned out a Daiqing Huanbai grass and seeds.

The leaves of this grass are black in color, and it has strong beauty and beauty functions, and anti-aging.When Zhou Jin saw this introduction, he was overjoyed, and an excellent opportunity to make money immediately floated up.

He combined with Qianye Huanyucao to refine a kind of recuperating elixir for oral administration, which is mild in nature and can be taken regardless of health or not.

Just like Xu Qingheng, who was suffering from heart disease before, if he had already refined this elixir before the operation, Mr. Xu would not have to drink so much medicine every day to recuperate his body, but just eat this, the effect will be better.

Afterwards, he combined with Angelica dahurica, Poria cocos, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Job's tears and other medicines to grind it into powder, and developed it into "Skin Rejuvenating Cream", which is very suitable for women to apply on the face.

"Doctor Zhou, look..."

Zhou Jin immediately came back to his senses, and hurriedly started his sales promotion.These people will be his living advertisements!

"Don't worry, everyone, there is indeed a secret beauty recipe. It's just about beauty, the most important thing is to maintain the skin from the inside out, so that the skin can delay aging and achieve the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin. But this is a long-term maintenance process , and there will be no immediate astonishing effect..."

"It doesn't matter, Doctor Zhou, as long as you have this prescription! I'm also doing a job for that family member!"

"Yes, yes, it is better to give a prescription than to return empty-handed!"

"Everyone listen to me first." Zhou Jin said with a helpless smile, "I have two kinds of prescriptions for internal use and external application. The internal use focuses on cleaning up the toxins accumulated in the body and strengthening the body. Each bottle of elixir is priced at 100 taels of silver. "

"100 taels a bottle? This...?" Someone hesitated.

100 taels is not expensive for them, but there are always some stingy people who feel pain.After all, this is only for the beauty of the wife, and it is not certain whether it will be effective or not!It's not a necessity either.

"This elixir is not only for your wives, but you can also take it!"

"Can we eat too?"

Even Master Liu looked up at Zhou Jin.

Zhou Jin nodded, "This elixir is called Wenxin Dan. It is mild in nature and extremely effective in health care. Children over five years old, elders in the family, or those who are weak can take it!"

"As for the ointment for external application, it's called Yingji Skin Rejuvenation Ointment, which is more suitable for ladies and ladies. The price is also lower than that of internal medicine pills. It only needs 60 taels of silver per box. Apply it on the face every day, which can make your skin feel better. The skin is more refined and fairer."

"Do you want to take it internally or apply it externally?"

"Doctor Zhou, why don't you bring me ten bottles for internal use and ten boxes for external application! It just so happens that there are people in need at home!"

Only after Zhou Jin asked the question, Master Liu immediately took the lead and bought it without blinking an eye.

"Later, the old man will ask his servants to bring the money to the clinic! I, Liu, absolutely believe in Dr. Zhou's secret medicine!"

"Master Liu is being polite!" Zhou Jin was delighted. Master Liu really deserves to be his number one spokesperson!

Although he guessed that Mr. Liu bought it back for Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Xuan, they may not be able to be live advertisements for new medicines!After all, there is the Yinzhi Shengyuan Danzhuyu in front.This Wen Xindan is absolutely incomparable.

But after all, this is the first order for a new drug. Regardless of whether Master Liu really wants to buy it, or just wants to save him face and wants to help, he is still very happy.

He hurried back to the clinic to get the medicine.

The rest of the people saw it, and quickly stopped Zhou Jin, "Doctor Zhou, I want it too! Ten of the same!"

"Me too! I want twenty!"


Several people opened their mouths one after another, and all of them bought some.They know that Mr. Liu is not someone who will suffer!

Some time ago, everyone heard that Master Liu got a very rare elixir, which can bring the dead back to life!Worth a thousand dollars!

I heard that this medicine was bought by Dr. Zhou.

They also sent people to the medical center to ask about it, but unfortunately the doctors in the medical center said that the medicine was no longer available!

Think about it too, isn't such a powerful elixir just a price but no market!

Now Dr. Zhou has developed a new drug, although it is for skin care.But in the end it is still the medicine of the god of medicine, it is different after all.

They are afraid that if they miss it today, they will regret it!I simply bought some of them.

Zhou Jin was suddenly excited, and hurried to the backyard, took out the elixir from the space and handed it to them.

Fortunately, he refined more.Generally speaking, this kind of health and beauty medicine is the best seller!His inventory is extremely well prepared!

Several people took the pills and thanked them again and again, and returned satisfied.

Thinking about leaving tomorrow, he took out many pills and ointments to sell in the medical hall, and explained the efficacy and price to Shang Gui and the others.

When several people heard the price of the medicine, their eyes widened a little, as if they had never seen the world!

Zhou Jin felt a little funny, if they knew the price of Yinzhi Shengyuan Pill, wouldn't their eyes be about to pop out!

But if you think about it, you can't blame them.The medicinal materials in Zhou Jin Medical Center are relatively cheap, slightly lower than the market price.

Fortunately, apart from Zhou's Medical Clinic, there is only Renjitang Medical Clinic in the town. Doctor Fang is a real good doctor who can help the world. He doesn't care that this price difference will affect his business. On the contrary, he admires Zhou Jin's benevolence and righteousness.

It is really rare that there is no vicious competition in business.He is really satisfied with life in Ganjiu Town.

Compared with cheap medicinal materials, the biggest profit in Zhou Jin Medical Center is his doctor visits and the sale of the elixir he made!

But almost all the diseases that require him to go out to see a doctor are intractable diseases, and the consultation fees he charges are not cheap.And these elixir, the efficacy is absolutely unique, the price is naturally very expensive!

Although he is a doctor outside!But he also has to eat.With such a large medical center and the wages of the employees, there will only be more and more employees in the future. He must ensure the operation of the medical center!

In the evening, Zhou Jin held another meeting for the big guys.Something about recruiting staff.

He plans to recruit five more people!The two people stamped the cash register at the front desk, and the two were assigned to the dispensing pharmacy to dispense medicines with Xiao Qi.He worked really hard alone!

One more person to clean up!If there is a patient in the ward, take care of the patient.But generally speaking, cleaning is still the main focus, because wards are rarely occupied by people.

Everyone is provided with food and housing, and if they have a place to live, they can live in their own home.

Speaking of living, Zhou Jin suddenly remembered that there are not enough places to live!No one will live in his yard anymore, and the clinic is full again.

It seems that I have to rent another house!

"Master, leave this to me! I helped Tie Dan and the others find a house before, and I met some friends. They can help you find it! Make sure you find the right one!"

Zhou Jin smiled and said, "Then I will leave this matter to you!"

Gouzi nodded hurriedly.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'll leave it to you to recruit people. You have to make sure you choose well! Character is the most important thing!"

The two nodded, with deep reluctance in their eyes.

Zhou Jin smiled, "You will have to work hard during this time! By the way, I forgot to tell you before that you will have four days off each month. You can choose whichever day you want! As long as you arrange your work in advance All right!"

"Master, we don't need to rest! How can we do it if we rest!"

"Yes, Doctor Zhou, I don't need to rest either!"

How could they rest with so much wages!If you say it, you will be beaten!

All three of them shook their heads and waved their hands, looking extremely reluctant.

"If you don't rest, then you will be compensated with ten cents a day. In short, it's up to you to choose!"

"Ajin, we really don't need it!"

"That's right, master!" Gouzi agreed with his eyes wide open.

Xiao Qi also looked dumbfounded, as if he didn't expect such a good thing to happen!

"Okay, it's decided!" Zhou Jin made a final decision!Do not continue this topic.

He wrote a job offer and posted it on the gate.Write down the employment conditions and the number of people needed.It's just that the treatment is not written, and we will have a direct interview when the time comes.

Early the next morning the carriage was ready.Zhou Jin was still looking for the old man.

Originally, Pang Mao's suggestion was to only rent a carriage, and they would drive it for him when the time came.

But Zhou Jin thought about it, after all, he was a general guarding the territory, so it would be bad for him to drive his car for him.And you can ask them to help you when you go, but what about when you come back?He himself and No. 01 can't drive a car.

It would always be inconvenient at that time, so he simply went to find his old acquaintance, Lao Batou.

At the beginning, Zhou Jin was worried that he would not agree. After all, the journey was far away, and it was a long journey. What if he didn't want to be too far away from home?

Unexpectedly, the old man didn't hesitate for long, and agreed very readily.This surprised Zhou Jin a little.

"Old man, we are going to Kyoto this time, and it will take at least a month to come back. Are you sure?" Maybe it will be the end of the Chinese New Year when we come back!

The old man put the towel on his shoulders very neatly, and said with a cheerful smile: "What's the matter! My old man also went there when he was young! As long as Dr. Zhou doesn't dislike me, I will send you off safely. Go to Kyoto!"

Zhou Jin also laughed, "How can you dislike it? Who in the town doesn't know that your driving skills are top-notch, old man! I'm just worried that the road is too far away and you'll be delayed for a long time."

The old man waved his head, "It's all right, my old man is alone, it's the same wherever he goes!"

It was only then that Zhou Jin remembered that he seemed to have heard people say that the old man was always alone.When he was young, his hometown was hit by a severe drought, and his parents took him away from home, and he died on the way.He followed an old coachman to this northern land to seek a living.Not long after, the old coachman also died, and he was the only one left. Life was difficult at that time, with no relatives and no one to rely on, and it was difficult for those who had left their homes to find a wife.

Later, I went out to help my boss drive a car and walked for a month. When I came back, I brought back a girl.

The girl was thin and frail, and one could tell at a glance that she was also a hard-working person.The two soon became husband and wife, and the couple lived a happy life.It's a pity that the woman probably injured her body while wandering, and has been relying on medicine to recuperate.Not long after, she too passed away.

Since then, the old man has never found a wife, and has been alone until now.

Zhou Jin thought of the past events he had heard, and then looked at the old narrow and old yard of Lao Batou, feeling very uncomfortable.When there was an epidemic in the town before, it was thanks to the old man who drove him here and there tirelessly all the way.

Perhaps at that time, the old man was also thinking of his family members who died of illness, and he didn't want to see this tragedy in the world, so he drove him to and from the epidemic area without hesitation.

His thin body also carries extraordinary energy, which is very admirable!

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