Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 136 Go to Kyoto

Zhou Jin was awakened by the noise outside.He opened his misty eyes and was about to turn over when he suddenly felt a weight on his body.He turned his head and saw a short fat leg resting on his stomach.

When did this guy come back?Obviously there was no sign of him before falling asleep last night!

Zhou Jin mentioned that his short legs were still on the side, No. 01 groaned and turned over, smashing his small mouth, with a smile on his lips.His face was also flushed, probably reminiscing about yesterday's food.

It seems that yesterday's banquet satisfied him very much.

The noise coming in faintly from outside the yard was intermittent, big and small, not harsh, but it was also impossible to ignore.It's like a swarm of mosquitoes buzzing around your ears.Disturbing lucid dream.

He turned over and sat up, combed his hair neatly, and washed his face with the clean water that was placed yesterday.The water was icy cold, and the drowsiness that was still left disappeared in an instant.

As soon as he picked up his coat, he heard a slight knock on the door, and it seemed a little hasty when he listened carefully.Obviously there is something urgent, and I am worried that I will disturb the owner of the room and have to knock on the door.

No. 01's ears trembled, like a little fox.He rolled on the bed irritably, buried his face in the quilt, and there was no movement.

Zhou Jin put on his robe, opened the door, and saw a familiar servant standing at the door.When the servant saw Zhou Jin, he quickly saluted with a smile on his face, and only said that Mr. Xu invited him to the lobby.

When Zhou Jin heard that it was Mr. Xu, and saw the servant's face showing some distress, he thought that Xu Qingheng's condition had changed.Although he is very confident in his medical skills.But there are always unpredictable things in this world.He is not arrogant either!Without saying a word, Zhou Jin closed the door and followed the servant out.

On the way, the two of them passed the outer courtyard, and they saw workers in twos and threes hurrying to and fro, chatting in low voices from time to time with things in the form of drawings in their hands.

"Is the mansion going to build something?" Zhou Jin sized it up a few times, feeling somewhat curious.

The servant hesitated for a moment, then replied respectfully: "If you go back to Dr. Zhou, there is nothing wrong with the house, these people are all brought by the prince!"

Wang Renxun?What the hell is he going to do?

Zhou Jin's face darkened slightly, "Master Xu asked me to come over because of Mr. Wang?"

"Doctor Zhou, I don't know much about the affairs of the master's family. You can ask the master yourself when you arrive in the lobby!"

Zhou Jin nodded and didn't make things difficult for him anymore.Both of them quickened their pace, and as soon as they reached the door, Wang Renxun's arrogant voice came out along the wind.

"My son must do this! Master Xu, do you want to stop me?"

"My lord, this matter is of great importance. I have to report it. I don't want to stop you. There is really no rush!"

"Why don't you rush, my son will handle this matter immediately! This matter is of great importance to me. Even if it is reported to the emperor, His Majesty will agree!" Wang Renxun's voice was full of confidence and arrogance, as if he had identified himself What will be done will definitely be approved by His Majesty.

Zhou Jin narrowed his eyes, sure enough!This guy really didn't hit the house for three days!It doesn't stop every day!

When he walked into the lobby, the two of them stopped talking immediately and looked at him in surprise.

"Doctor Zhou, you are here!"

Zhou Jin was a bit inexplicable, Xu Wenzhang was happy to see him and he could understand, after all, he asked the servant to call him!But why is this dude so excited?Did he give him the illusion when?

Xu Wenzhang came up to meet him, his frowning eyebrows stretched, "Mr. Zhou, you are here, come and persuade the prince!" He is being persecuted here!

"Master Xu, what's the matter?"

Before Xu Wenzhang opened his mouth to explain, Wang Renxun stared at him and raised his neck, like a big goose that is fighting at any time, "Master Xu, what you said is wrong! My son did this, it is not For yourself. You have received such great favor from Doctor Zhou, but you refuse to do something for Doctor Zhou. It is simply abominable! If it weren’t for Doctor Zhou, would your son be doing well now? Don’t you, my son, bring this up? The most important thing is to support it? How dare you obstruct it!"

When Zhou Jin heard it, what, this matter is still related to him?

No wonder Xu Wenzhang hastily called him over!He is still stuck in this vortex of feelings!

He suddenly felt a little bad, what good can this dude do!

"My lord, what do you want to do?"

Wang Renxun immediately took a step forward, and looked at Zhou Jin as if asking for credit, "Doctor Zhou, I plan to build a temple for you in Yongning Mansion, so that you will be widely worshiped! And I even ordered people..."

"What did you say?" Zhou Jin was startled, his voice almost split.

"Doctor Zhou, you don't have to be so happy, I just thought of it temporarily." Wang Renxun chuckled, "This is what I should do, and you deserve it! You have good medical skills and have done so much for the people. Even Your Majesty Everyone praises your benevolence and righteousness! Everyone should build a medical shrine for you!"

Zhou Jin felt his ears buzzing. He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and smiled, "Thank you so much, Mr. Wang!"

"Doctor Zhou, you are welcome!" Wang Renxun waved his hands and grinned.He seemed rather embarrassed.

Zhou Jin: ...

Even more angry, isn't it!

"Doctor Zhou, what are you?"

Zhou Jin looked at Xu Wenzhang, "Master Xu, please let those workers go back. There is no need to build the Temple of Medicine, and I don't need other people's offering incense!"

He's not dead yet!Zhou Jin just rolled his eyes!

The gloomy look on Xu Wenzhang's face dissipated immediately, "Okay, Doctor Zhou, I'll let the workers be invited back!"

He turned around and ordered a servant to go down to arrange the matter. , Zhou Jin was very satisfied with the speed.

"Wait, Doctor Zhou, what are you doing? You don't want the temple anymore?" Wang Renxun asked Zhou Jin after being surprised.His face was full of disbelief. , as if he couldn't understand why Zhou Jin would refuse such a great offer.

Zhou Jin glanced at him, and said coldly: "My lord, I'm just an ordinary doctor. I don't need to build any temples, let alone believers in incense! Are you doing this to set me on fire? ?”

When Wang Renxun was questioned, he couldn't react for a while, "How come..." He murmured: "But there is also a medical shrine in Xiahegou? I just want to help you. It's so remote, how can it compare Go to Yongning! If I build one for you in Yongning, won’t your followers have more incense?”

Mana will also be stronger!He felt in his heart that the reason why Zhou Jin refused to help heal the little prince's arm might be because he didn't have enough mana?He heard that the magic power of the gods needs incense from the world.He thought of how many believers could burn incense in the valleys of Xiahegou?

Wang Renxun felt extremely wronged.He kindly helped to organize the construction of the Temple of Medicine.Because of this matter, I didn't sleep well yesterday, and I got up early in the morning to make arrangements.

Thinking that he has grown up so much, who else made him care so much?

Zhou Jin didn't care what Wang Renxun was thinking.At this moment, he really realized the power of a dandy who wants to come out!

He is not talking nonsense!He didn't take care of it just because the lower river ditch was remote.No matter what, it was established spontaneously by the common people.And this is Yongning Mansion!The capital of a state really wants to build a temple for him in the name of the government, so what is he doing?

The meanings of folk and official are too different!Of course, Beiliang doesn't count, and he doesn't live in Beiliang, and he can't control what Ye Nacheng is up to.

"Prince, no matter what your purpose is, I will not agree to build a temple. Also, I made it very clear last night that no matter what you do, I will not agree to you. I don't agree with that matter." Can do it, can't do it!"

After Zhou Jin finished speaking, he turned around and left, no matter how early Wang Renxun barked his teeth and claws, his face was congested.

Because of Zhou Jin's strong opposition to the construction of the temple, Wang Renxun had to give up.Maybe something else will happen to him, Zhou Jin plans to go back to Ganjiu Town.

He has stayed in Yongning Mansion for too long, now that Mr. Xu is fine and he bought a house, it is time to return to Ganjiu Town.

He bid farewell to Xu Wenzhang, but the other party did not hold back much.

After all, Zhou Jin still has a medical clinic in Ganjiu Town, so it is impossible to stay in Yongning all the time.He has been delayed for many days because of Xu Qingheng's matter, Xu Wenzhang is really embarrassed to keep him.

Xu Wenzhang was thinking about the imperial decree, although His Majesty has not brought up the matter of letting Dr. Zhou go to the capital again.But the imperial decree has been issued, if you don't go to the capital to renew the decree, you are afraid that it will be used by someone with a heart after a long time, which will be detrimental to Dr. Zhou.

After discussing with Xu Wenzhang, Zhou Jin and Xu Wenzhang felt that it was still necessary to go back and explain the matter before going to the capital to revise the order.It's really not good to keep procrastinating. If His Majesty thinks of this on a whim one day, it will not be worth the candle to punish him for disrespect.

Zhou Jin, No. 01 and Liu Yongchang drove back to Ganjiu Town together.Entering the main street, several people separated.Liu Yongchang returned to the Liu Mansion, while Zhou Jin returned to the medical clinic.

"Doctor Zhou is back, Doctor Zhou is back!" The patient waiting outside had already shouted out.

Zhou Jin nodded and greeted everyone.

"Doctor Zhou, you're back. We thought you were on a long trip again, and you won't be back for a long time!"

"No, no!" Zhou Jin smiled and was in a great mood.

"Doctor Zhou, why don't you take a look at me and see how I am? Is there anything wrong?"

Before Zhou Jin could speak, the patient next to him immediately yelled aggressively, "Hey, what's the matter with you? Did you let Doctor Xiaoshang see it just now? You don't know what's wrong with you? That's all I have to trouble God of Medicine!"

The patient's face was a little astringent, he laughed and slapped a haha ​​and passed away.

"God of medicine, I always feel chilly at night when I sleep today, as if something unclean is blowing in my ears. Would you like to show me? Or give Zhang Fu, I will take it back and stick it on the head of the bed .”

Zhou Jin: ...

He looked at Number 01.

No. 01 hurriedly lowered his head guiltily, leaving only the top of his dark head.

"Wow, you, Xue Linfang! You are amazing! You even came to the medical clinic to say this! Who knows if your window is not closed properly when you are blowing by the bedside! Go back and have a look!"

Everyone stared at the man with mixed expressions on their faces.

Who in this town doesn't know that the God of Medicine is very low-key!I really don't like people talking about these things in the medical hall!Back then, someone came directly to the medical hall to burn incense and pray, but was severely reprimanded by Dr. Zhou.After repeating it several times, everyone will understand, it turns out that the God of Medicine doesn't want others to know his identity as the God of Medicine!

Later, everyone thought about it carefully and felt that there was nothing wrong with it!May I ask which god would open up his identity carelessly when he descended to earth?Always have a mortal identity to deal with it!

Naturally, everyone understood very tacitly that if you want to be cured, you should come to the medical center, and if you want to ask God, you should go to the medical shrine!I definitely dare not say these things in front of the God of Medicine in the medical hall!

Who would have thought that this fellow, with a lot of guts and a straight mind, actually prayed directly to the God of Medicine himself!

Everyone was angry and envious.They were also afraid of offending the God of Medicine.But praying to the God of Medicine himself is naturally more effective than praying in the temple.After all, the temple doesn't know how many turns it took.

Everyone condemned the man, and at the same time secretly observed Zhou Jin's expression to see if he was really angry.It's a pity that Dr. Zhou's expression was indifferent, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

Zhou Jin pursed his lips and said nothing.It's because he doesn't know what to say!I thought that when I returned to Ganjiu Town this time, everyone would not engage in these superstitions in front of him again.He thought that after a long time, everyone would lose interest.Occasionally calling him the God of Medicine is also because I am used to it.

I didn't expect that he would directly ask him for a spell to exorcise ghosts!

He is just a doctor!How did you become a magic stick!

"Ajin, you are finally back!"

Shang Gui and the others came out with a look of surprise.Zhou Jin quickly went up to meet him.He took a deep breath.Fortunately, Agui came in time, otherwise he really didn't know what to do!Is it possible that I really want to draw a ghost painting talisman for him?

However, seeing the undisguised joy on the faces of Shang Gui and Gouzi, he was so happy that he forgot all other messy things.

This is what it feels like to be home!very nice!

No. 01 shook off Zhou Jin's hand, and rushed into the backyard like a gust of wind.No matter how you look at the back, it seems to be running away.Does this guy have an embarrassing day too?

Zhou Jin patted Shang Gui's shoulder and looked at his flushed face, with the slight moisture on his temples.Inexplicably, he felt a little guilty.

Thinking about it, he has been away for so long, and just a few days after he came back, he went to Yongning Mansion again, and he stayed for another half a month.Shang Gui and Gouzi were left to worry about all the matters in the clinic, big and small.He is a real hands-off shopkeeper.

Seeing that it is estimated that I will leave for Kyoto soon, I don't know how long it will take this time.Thinking about it, I'm really sorry for them.

"Master, you're finally back..." Gouzi looked at Zhou Jin aggrieved.

Wait, why does he have the feeling that a ruthless scumbag abandons his hard-working girlfriend?

Zhou Jin shook and shook off the goose bumps.

He also has no choice, he can't stay in the hospital for consultation all the time.It is impossible for many people who are as seriously ill as Xu Qingheng to come to the hospital to see a doctor.Although Shang Gui and the others said that their medical skills are getting better and better now, they are still helpless for this kind of disease, so he has to do it himself.

And treating a patient is not a day or two, it may take half a month, a month, or even longer!Although it will be a little harder for him, it is also a pleasant sense of accomplishment to save a life and watch them burst out of hopelessness!

Of course, he is not doing nothing for nothing.As long as the patient's family members can arrange everything properly so that he has no other worries other than medical treatment, it is acceptable.

From now on, most of the time in this clinic will be Shang Gui and Gouzi who will be visiting the clinic!Zhou Jin looked at the busy two people, thoughtful, maybe he should change their treatment.

"Master, someone has been waiting for you in the medical hall for a long time!"

"Huh? Who is it?" Is there any illness that they can't handle?

"Doctor Zhou, long time no see!"

A familiar voice suddenly came from the door, and Zhou Jin looked over in response.

"It's you!" Zhou Jin's eyes widened.

Pang Mao smiled, "Doctor Zhou, I have been waiting for you for several days! If you don't come back, we will go to Yongning Mansion to find you!"

Zhou Jin looked behind him, "You?"

Pang Mao glanced at the patients in the hospital, "Doctor Zhou, can you speak for a moment?"

Zhou Jin nodded and followed him to Xunyi Building.This is their current residence.

On the way, Zhou Jin looked at Pang Mao's tall back and felt a little subtle in his heart. When we parted before, he was still thinking that they might not meet each other, but after a while, they met again!

Nothing is absolute!

He didn't know until he got to the inn that not only Pang Mao was here, but also Mo Yan and the twenty soldiers who escorted him back, they all came.

This made Zhou Jin somewhat surprised, "What are you?" Could something be wrong?

"Doctor Zhou, take the liberty to come here and look at Haihan. We are here to escort Doctor Zhou to the capital under the orders of the General!"

Go to Kyoto?Although he did plan to leave for the capital after finishing his work, he really didn't expect that someone would come to remind him so soon?

Will he be punished by the emperor for disrespect?Contempt the sacred decree?

"Thank you everyone, but will this delay your business?" To be honest, he didn't really want to go on the road with them.Of course not because I hate them.It's just that he really doesn't want to have too much contact with these powerful people.

And with No. 01 here, he wasn't afraid of encountering bandits on the road.Now that Pang Mao and the others are here, he and No. 01 can't do whatever they want.

Hey, he originally planned that the two of them would walk along the way and admire the great rivers and mountains. It seems that this plan is going to fail!

It's just that this general actually sent Pang Mao and Mo Yan to come in person. Shouldn't he be a general who suppresses the country?How come you have time to pay attention to him, a commoner doctor?He won't be so narcissistic that he thinks how much he is in the eyes of the general.

Could it be that something really happened?

Seeming to see Zhou Jin's doubts, Pang Mao said in relief: "Doctor Zhou, it's a long way to go to Kyoto, and the general is worried that there will be accidents on the way, so he asked me to escort you to Kyoto."

Zhou Jin nodded, no matter what the opponent's purpose is, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it!

Although he was going to Kyoto, he couldn't leave right away.After all, there is such a big hospital here.Zhou Jin discussed with them and decided to leave in five days.

Back at the hospital, it was getting late, and almost all the patients had gone back, only a few were still waiting to get their medicines.Shang Gui and Gouzi were also cleaning things up.

After all the patients left, Zhou Jin gathered them together for a small meeting.

"Ah Jin, how are you doing, how are you talking with them?"

"Didn't they leave not long ago? Why are they here again?"

"They are talking about going to the capital, and the general sent them to escort me to the capital!"

"Going to the capital?" Shang Gui and Gouzi stared at each other immediately, looking extremely surprised.

Zhou Jin smiled, "Could you have forgotten? An adult from Kyoto came to announce the imperial decree before, and it would be disrespectful for me to delay until today!"

"Master, go to Kyoto! Can I see the emperor? There are many adults? I, can I go with you?" Gouzi's eyes are shining, and the mole at the end of the eye is reflected by the candlelight The lower the glaring red.

It's a pity that Zhou Jin had to break his expectations.

"The road is so cold and so far away in this winter, and you still have to suffer? If I didn't have the sacred decree, I wouldn't bother to go!"



Both of them looked at him earnestly, even Xiao Qi, who had been silent by the side, was excited and flushed.

Zhou Ji sighed, how could he not understand their mood.For a person who has lived in a small town since he was a child and has been to the farthest place, which is Yongning Mansion, Kyoto is a place that is beyond reach in the legend, a rich and noble paradise, and everyone yearns for it.Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to see it.

It's a pity that this time he is going to revise the order, not to play.He couldn't predict what would happen at that time.If anything, he really can't care about them.

Zhou Jin didn't want to involve them in this power vortex.

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