Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 124 Zhou Jin is crisp...

Zhou Jin woke up to the sound of crisp birdsong.A burst of fresh fragrance drilled into the nasal cavity, which made people feel refreshed.

Sure enough, sleeping at home is to...

With difficulty, Zhou Jin lifted the thigh on his chest and threw it aside. No. 01 smacked his lips, turned over, and rolled into a corner.

No wonder he always felt like a boulder was on top of him when he slept last night!It turned out to be this guy!It seems that renting a house is imminent!

He walked out of the room, and there was a sound of flapping wings above his head. Accompanied by the clear and melodious birdsong, Zhou Jin looked up and saw several birds with green feathers jumping among the lush branches of the osmanthus tree. Flower petals all over the ground.

There is very little smoke from the kitchen next to it, and there is a faint sound of conversation coming from the outer lobby. Such a beautiful scene of morning smoke and fire mixed with birds playing on the branches makes people feel relaxed and happy.

There seems to be a sense of emptiness and reality where dreams and reality overlap.

He stayed quietly for a while, then picked up the basin next to him and fetched water from the well to wash.The well water is cool, like a clear spring in the forest.

After a while, a person walked out of the kitchen, holding a pot of fragrant hot porridge in his hand.It was Mrs. Chen.

When Aunt Chen saw Zhou Jin, her eyes lit up, "Oh, Doctor Zhou, are you up? I'm about to call you!".

"Morning, Mrs. Chen, what kind of porridge is this cooking today? It smells so good!" Zhou Jin leaned over and saw some white and greasy fish meat wrapped in the thick white porridge. The meat was tender and delicious. Works up an appetite.

"It's fish porridge!" Mrs. Chen replied with a smile, "I'll put the porridge on the table first! The kitchen is still full of dishes!"

"Okay, I'll call Agui and the others to have breakfast!"

When Zhou Jin walked to the outer lobby, he saw Shang Gui's dog Xiao Qi and the three of them were cleaning, and the door projected gentle sunlight into it, looking full of vigor.

"Master, are you up so early?"

It's still early, I didn't see that the shops on the street have already opened, and the lively day is about to begin.

"You guys pack up and go eat, Mrs. Chen has already made breakfast!"

As he said that, he walked out of the gate, and the shops facing the street were already open, and the breakfast shop was steaming steaming towards the sky.Zhou Jin looked around, and suddenly found that the cloth shop on his right was not open, forming a conspicuous anomaly among the many busy shops.

"Could it be that the guy overslept?"

Zhou Jin shook his head, turned around and went back to the clinic.

Everyone sat at the table to eat, and sat at a large table lively.

Shang Gui looked around and found that there seemed to be someone missing, "A Jin, why didn't Xiao Luo come, do you want me to call him?" He was about to get up.

Zhou Jin held him down, "Don't call him, let him sleep! Eat!"

He was the first to pick up the porridge and started to drink it.Everyone was stunned for a moment, they had no choice but to follow suit.After all, I'm still busy waiting, so I'm afraid I'll be hungry soon if I don't eat more.

It's just that everyone is still a little strange, how come they don't call that child for breakfast, it's obvious that Ah Jin treats that child very well at ordinary times!Almost give what you want!

In their hearts, eating is always bigger than sleeping.No one skips meals in order to sleep.Xiao Qi, in particular, was even more incomprehensible.In their village, which child runs fast during meals, and whoever delays breakfast because of sleeping late will be laughed at by everyone as stupid!

It can be seen that Dr. Zhou was engrossed in eating happily, and he didn't take it seriously. He thought to himself, could it be that the young master made Dr. Zhou angry?So he was fined not to have breakfast?

What a pity!Xiao Qi took a bite of the big meat bun, feeling pity in his heart for a second, before he was attracted by the strong meaty smell in his mouth.

If Zhou Jin knew Xiao Qi's thoughts, he would definitely cry out that he was wronged!No matter how perverted he is, he will not punish children for not having breakfast!In fact, No. 01 doesn't like to eat these.He just loves meat that has a lot of flavor!These light porridges are really not to his liking, it is better to let him sleep for a while, anyway, he does not need to rely on carbohydrates to grow his body!

The morning time is spent in treating patients.At noon, it was considered a little free time. Zhou Jin left the matter to Shang Gui and the others, and went out to find a house by himself.

He went to the dental room first, and the people there helped to find some houses, and went to the site to see some, but he was not very satisfied, either it was too far away, or the environment was not good.Although it is for employees to live in, the conditions should not be too bad.

After running for several hours, I didn't see a place.Seeing that his expression was not right, the clerk in the dental room comforted him and said: "Doctor Zhou, it is not a one-time job to find a house, you can only look at it slowly. These few houses are not good. I will go back and look for you. If there is a suitable I'll let you know again, what do you think?"

Zhou Jin nodded, it seemed that was the only way to go!

He went home.On the way, I bought a hot roast chicken for No. 01 and chose the biggest one!Thinking of the boy's wide-eyed and happy look, he pursed his lips and smiled unconsciously.

"Doctor Zhou, stay a while, Doctor Zhou!"

Zhou Jin turned around, and saw a man in the uniform of a government official running towards him behind him.

"This official, is there something important?"

"Doctor Zhou, I found you. The doctor at Zhou's Medical Center just said that you came out at noon. Fortunately!" The official wiped his sweat, "Doctor Zhou, my lord is here to invite you!"

"Your lord?"

"My lord is the new county magistrate in the town, Lord Kong!"

Zhou Jin suddenly remembered that Shang Gui seemed to have told him before that Master Xu Wenzhang had been promoted to be the Governor of Yongning Mansion.Now the new adult in the town is Kong Qu, who was born as a top three Jinshi this year.

I don't know how the new county magistrate is like?There are three fires for a new official to take office, don't burn this fire on him!

The county magistrate asked, so naturally Zhou Jin dared not refuse.

He followed the yamen servant to the yamen.Everything here is so familiar, but it's a pity that the owner inside has changed.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jin suddenly thought of Xu Wenzhang's son Xu Qingheng.

Oops!At that time, it was said that he wanted to change Mr. Xu's heart!Now I don't know what happened to Mr. Xu?But don't have a heart attack!Although it is also God's will to trick people, but thinking of Mr. Xu's loving father's heart, and Mr. Xu's pure youthful heart, if it really passed like this, then it really...

Zhou Jin suddenly felt a little depressed.He followed the yamen servant into the living room.I saw a man about 25 or [-] years old sitting on the main seat, with a white face and beardless, thin body, with the air of a frail scholar.

From the perspective of appearance and temperament alone, he is far from Xu Wenwen.Perhaps Xu Wenzhang has been immersed in officialdom for many years, and he has an aura of calmness and prestige.And this grown-up, who is just a fledgling, looks like a bully scholar.

But just watching, Zhou Jin would not really treat him as a scholar who didn't know anything.

"Cao Min has met Master Kong!"

"Doctor Zhou, please get up quickly!" Kong Qu stood up and helped Zhou Jin up, and served tea again, looking very talkative.His voice was clear and light, and there was a breath of paper and ink in his movements.He is indeed a bookish person!

Zhou Jin stood up and sat down at the bottom.

"I don't know what Master Kong called Caomin to come here?"

Zhou Jin looked at Kong Qu up and down, and saw that although his complexion was slightly pale, his body was still in good health. It was just that he was weak due to years of reading and not doing any activities!These days, many scholars have this problem, but it's not a big problem!

Kong Qu chuckled, with a very gentle attitude, "It's not a big deal, but when I first took office here, I heard rumors from the people that there is a Dr. Zhou who has excellent medical skills, and he even saved the town from the plague before. I really admire him in my heart. It's a pity that Dr. Zhou was not in the town at that time, so I didn't have the chance to see him."

"Master Kong is polite!" Zhou Jin was a little surprised, but the new lord was easy to get along with.That's good too, after all, he will settle here all year round in the future.I don't want to have any trouble with the local parent officials.

The two chatted and laughed, but it felt like it was too late to see each other.

Zhou Jin really likes this gentleman who speaks eloquently.Regardless of whether it was for the convenience of someone above, or for the friendship that they had met at first sight, he took out a Yinzhi Shengyuan pill from his bosom and gave it to Kong Qu, which was considered a meeting gift.

"Master Kong, this is my Zhou family's unique secret medicine, Yinzhi Shengyuan Pill. This medicine is very effective, and it is very effective in regulating the body. I hope you will accept it!"

Kong Qu rarely showed shock on his face.

How could he not recognize this medicine!The gate of Liu Mansion was almost broken through, wasn't it because of this medicine?Everyone can see Mrs. Xuan's face changed every month!

He also knows the value of this medicine, even if he is an imperial official now, with his current salary, he still cannot afford it!Unexpectedly, Zhou Jin gave him one directly.

But if he accepted it, wouldn't it be suspected of taking bribes?If the value of this medicine is given by a caring ginseng, his official hat will probably change hands before it is warmed up.

"This..." Kong Qu was tangled in his heart for a while, although he couldn't bear the temptation of the magic medicine, he finally resisted, "I appreciate Doctor Zhou's kindness, but this medicine is too precious. If you don’t get paid for nothing, Doctor Zhou should take it back!” After speaking, he turned his head and stopped looking at the jade white pill mixed with a trace of blood red.

Zhou Jin was taken aback for a moment, feeling puzzled, not understanding what this meant.But when he thought about it carefully, he froze for an instant. Isn't this a large-scale bribery scene?

Although this thing is small and exquisite, it is so round and round in the palm of your hand.But that price is worth a thousand dollars.

Zhou Jin felt a little embarrassed, what would people think of him?Want to go through the back door?It won't make a bad impression all of a sudden, right?

It's just that taking the medicine back now, doesn't it prove that he is not in the right mind?

No, he has to make up for it!

He laughed, "Why did you say that, my lord? Although Zhou is a commoner, he had a good conversation with him and hit it off right away. Fortunately, he also knows some techniques of Qi and Huang. I think your lord seems to have a disease of Qi and blood. The parents of Ganjiu Town, taking care of your health is the most important thing, so I decided to prescribe this medicine for you, and I hope you must follow the doctor's advice and take good care of it!"

The more Zhou Jin talked, the more confident he became. Yes, he is a doctor. Isn't it common to prescribe medicine for patients?It's so serious that it's bribery!As for not charging for medicine?As a doctor, he accepted it as a matter of course, but if he didn't accept it, it was a free clinic!Where did all this nonsense come from!

However, it would be suspicious if someone else offered such an expensive pill!

Kong Qu was taken aback by what he said, it seemed like that was the case!

"My lord, you must follow the doctor's advice carefully! Take good medicine and take good care of your health, that is the blessing of the people of Ganjiu Town!"

Zhou Jin threw the pill in front of Kong Qu, and Kong Qu subconsciously took it.

So, Zhou Jin left with satisfaction!

After Zhou Jin left, another figure came out from the side soon.

"grown ups!"

Kong Qu stared at the jade-white pill in his hand, the bright blood in the middle of the round pill was particularly eye-catching.The faint fragrance kept lingering at the tip of his nose, which refreshed his exhausted spirit from investigating the case for several days.It is indeed a rare good medicine!

"Teacher, you should rest assured now, this Doctor Zhou is just as rumored, he is a benevolent person!"

The person who came was Jiang Huai, a fellow from Kong Qu's hometown before he took part in the scientific examination.He used to be a landed scholar, but he failed to pass the examination for more than ten years.Kong Qu's family is poor, but he likes to study.Jiang Huai loves talent eagerly. Not only does he give advice from time to time, but he also generously borrows his books to Kong Qu.

Kong Qu respected this teacher very much.

Jiang Huai sighed, "I can't help it. He is very respected by the people in Ganjiu Town, and he has a close relationship with Mr. Liu and Mr. Fu Yin. Sir, you are new here. If you don't know the character of this person, you may be afraid to handle cases here in the future. It will be very difficult!"

Kong Qu also nodded, with a happy expression on his face, "It seems that my luck is not bad. Doctor Zhou is a good person this week. If he is a difficult guy, I really don't know what to do."

Not to mention that both Kong Qu and Jiang Huai were secretly rejoicing.

After Zhou Jin came out of the yamen, he went straight to the hospital.

When I arrived at the entrance of the medical hall, I saw that the door of the cloth shop next to me was still closed.What's the matter with Ali?Not open all day?Are you afraid that Boss Song will be angry?

He shook his head and walked through the door.A chubby ball bumped into his arms head-on.

"Ah Jin, why didn't you take me with you when you went out to play!" No. 01's eyebrows were raised upright, looking menacing.

"Stop making trouble, I'm just going out to play! I'm going to get down to business!" Thinking of looking at the houses for several hours and not seeing any of them, I couldn't help feeling discouraged.

No. 01 suddenly twitched her nose, stared at her eyes, and wanted to cry, "Ah Jin, you're stealing roast chicken outside alone!"

Zhou Jin was taken aback.

By the way, where is his roast chicken?He is so big and so fragrant, what about the roast chicken that he bought for [-] yuan?

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't eat it and bought it for you?"

No. 01 pouted and looked at him, his cheeks puffed up as if he was about to take off.

Zhou Jin laughed and quickly changed the subject, "Well, Ah Ci, what's going on next door? Why didn't you see Ali open the door all day?"

"Master, Boss Song's family has something to do. I heard that his son wants to take him home for the elderly. He is not allowed to open the shop anymore. It has been closed for several days!"

"Closed? What about this store?"

"Who knows, I heard Ali said that it seems to be sold!"

"Sold it?" Zhou Jin rubbed over, his eyes brightened.

" seems not yet!"

God helped me, I just found a house with such a good location and close distance!

How could his luck be so good!Could it be that the legendary son of luck is him?

A smile floated on Zhou Jin's face, he is bound to win this house!

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