The wind rolled the sand and dust and rolled it over the ground, and the sky was gloomy, as if another storm was brewing.There was a gust of cold wind, making the clothes rattle.

Zhou Jin pulled the hair that flew into his mouth, and after a while, it was messy and covered his face again.The weather was so bad that he could not help but pray in his heart that it would not rain, otherwise, he would not be able to go on his way.What makes people even more uncomfortable is the sand in the wind, which blinds the eyes.After rubbing against the delicate skin for a while, the tongue is full of mouth and tongue for a while.

Compared to Zhou Jin's embarrassment, No. 01 seemed much happier.Sometimes dancing with the wind and sand, sometimes running for miles, the whole wilderness is filled with his crisp laughter.It's also thanks to him accompanying him all the way, otherwise Zhou Jin might not be able to hold on alone.

According to No. 01, according to their current progress, it may take at least half a month to go back to Ganjiu Town.Hearing this, Zhou Jin fell into a sad silence!After secretly scolding Ye Nacheng in his heart, he had no choice but to lift his two legs and continue on his way.What else could be done?Life has to go on, the road has to go!

The two of them have been walking in this uninhabited place for three days, but there is still no sign of anyone. Everywhere they can see is bare sand and gravel, and the ground is full of withered grass.

Fortunately, with No. 01 leading the way, Zhou Jin would not lose his way like a headless chicken.

Zhou Jin scratched the top of his head, and the nails were full of fine sand.He flicked his nails expressionlessly.Compared with the beginning, he is now able to keep his face unchanged.There is no way, after all, on this condition, I haven't showered for a few days.

01, 1 and ran back from miles away.He turned a corner and was about to continue. Zhou Jin grabbed the back of his neck and said, "Total, see if there's anyone nearby?" It was unbearable.

No. 01 shook his head innocently, "No!"

Zhou Jin sighed and let go, he knew it was so!Don't say when he can go home, just say when he can take a hot bath!Is there a God of Medicine who is worse than him?

No!Zhou Jin thought sadly and angrily.

"Eh?" No. 01 tilted his ear.

"What's the matter..." Before he finished speaking, No. 01 suddenly dispersed into countless blue particles, lingering into strands of blue-colored fluorescent light, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Jin swallowed the unspoken words in his throat, patted his sleeves, raised his feet and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

Is it amazing to be able to fly?

It's amazing to be able to fly!Before Zhou Jin could slow down, No. 01 flew back again.

"Ajin! Ajin! There is someone in front!"

Zhou Jin pressed 01's little head, raised his eyelids, and said, "How far is it? Can we walk there in two days?"

At the beginning, Zhou Jin also let No. 01 explore the way with great expectations.Soon No. 01 Jiu ran back with an excited expression on his face, saying that he saw many houses and people in front of him!

When Zhou Jin heard that, he was so excited, he ran over with his clothes on his hem.I just ran and ran, ran and ran until it was getting dark, and I didn't even see a ghost.

Panting heavily, he finally collapsed on the ground and asked wearily, "Where is this person? Why haven't I seen him for so long?"

No. 01 floated in mid-air, squatting in front of Zhou Jin, he was also very puzzled, tilted his head and scratched his head, "But I saw it just now! I just flew for a while, and I saw it! Why did you go so far away?" How long has it been?"

It was only later that Zhou Jin found out that most of the places he saw were residents near Julupi.Old Fan once said before that apart from Ada’s small town, the nearest place to here is Julupi.There is a small town in the south of Julupi, with a population of more than 300 households.At the beginning, General Cang Su used Julupi as a base to confront Yenacheng. Although he was plotted and poisoned by Yenacheng at first, he still defeated Yenacheng and drove him out of Julupi.

At this moment, Zhou Jin's ears moved, as if he really heard a humming sound.The sound was getting closer and closer, and even the ground felt a vibration.

He was startled, could it be that Ye Nacheng sent someone to chase after him?

He wanted to find a place to hide when he fired on the condition. He thought that when he had just escaped, he had been hiding all day long, and what he was most afraid of was hearing the movement of pursuers behind him.During that time, it can be said that he was restless day and night, and he didn't even dare to sleep, for fear that he would be arrested if he was not careful!

It's a pity that this place is so desolate that there isn't even a slightly larger rock, let alone a place to hide.After a little delay, a small black dot suddenly appeared in front of him. Gradually, the black dot gradually became bigger and became a group.The horseshoes trampled, the dust was flying, and several horses came galloping.

A ray of orange light was printed in the gray sky, and the sun pierced through the clouds, and half of his body protruded.The sound of rumbling hooves in the distance is from far to near.

Zhou Jin was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked up, the crowd riding horses in front of him was galloping towards the red light in the sky, the banner with red characters on black background was fluttering in the wind, and a big "Yong" character was swaying in the howling cold wind .

Zhou Jin was overjoyed, his whole body seemed to be full of strength.He raised his legs and rushed over.He waved his hands and shouted excitedly:

"Here I am! Here!"

No. 01 also followed, shouting excitedly.

The fiery red light became more and more intense, and beams of light penetrated the gray sky, staining the dark ground with a blush, shining brightly.

The warm light cast on Zhou Jin's ashen face finally gave him a tinge of color.The high bridge of the nose cast a dark shadow on the side of the face, and the shadow cast by the eye sockets made his eyebrows more picturesque.A long shadow rose from behind him, and it was printed on the ground together with No. 01's shadow.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes intertwined with Zhou Jin's excited roar, resounding in the vast sky surrounded by orange light.

The crackling of the fire, accompanied by the whistling wind, is like a different kind of music in the dark night.A group of soldiers in armor gathered around the fire, drinking strong wine and eating barbecue, laughing and clamoring one after another.

At this time, a small black head popped out quietly, its eyes fixed on the grilled meat that was dripping with oil.

"Didn't Doctor Zhou bring this kid here? Why are you here? Kid, do you want to come over and eat some meat?" A soldier raised up the steaming barbecue and shook it, and the child's eyeballs immediately followed the barbecue. It's like the hungry wolf that surrounds it when it sees food.Without Yuxue's cute appearance in the daytime, it's a bit permeable.

"Hey, isn't this child reincarnated from a starving ghost? That look is too scary, right? But he doesn't look like that!" The soldier looked suspiciously at No. 021. Du's face didn't look like he was hungry. At first glance, he looked like a spoiled young man.

"Okay, stop teasing him!" Pang Mao swallowed the meat in his mouth, raised his chin, and greeted, "Want to come over to eat?"

Ever since they found out that Zhou Jin was missing, they sent people to search everywhere.Later, news came that Dr. Zhou was arrested by Ye Nacheng and taken to Beiliang.Although they didn't say it in their hearts, they all felt that Dr. Zhou was implicated by them. Otherwise, how could he, a doctor who heals and saves people, offend Ye Nacheng?

It's just that if you want to save Dr. Zhou, it's not easy.They were supposed to cooperate with the secret agents arranged in Beiliang, and when they were planning to arrange a rescue operation, suddenly news came out that Doctor Zhou had escaped.

Although they didn't know how Dr. Zhou escaped from Ye Nacheng's hands, they knew that this was an opportunity.The general ordered that Dr. Zhou must be found before the soldiers of Beiliang.These days they kept searching, but they didn't have any news, and they didn't know how Doctor Zhou, a frail scholar, hid himself.

But no news is good news.They couldn't find it, and neither could anyone else.

At this moment, it is a great joy to finally find Dr. Zhou.Everyone is very happy.The general also acquiesced in their celebration.

No. 01 stared, swallowed, and quickly ran to the fire in the crowd. Without waiting for orders, his little hands grabbed the barbecue on the fire.

"Be careful..."

No. 01 let out a groan, and began to gnaw voraciously.

Pang Mao: ...

Everyone looked at No. 01 in horror, their eyes almost popping out.

Isn't this kid afraid of being hot?

Pang Mao frowned subconsciously, then looked at No. 01 calmly and intently.The hot barbecue seemed to have no effect on him, and even the most unconscious person could not be like him.He looked at the child's hands, they were delicate and fair, and there was not even a little red mark on the small hands.Taking meat from the fire rack with bare hands, even rough-skinned and thick-skinned men like them are not so casual.

This kid is abnormal!

Although Doctor Zhou said that he picked up the child accidentally on the road, he didn't believe it.Not only him, presumably even the general didn't believe it.

When they first met, Dr. Zhou was covered in dust and tired.But this child is clean, as if he just sneaked out of the house to play casually.How can an ordinary child be so fair, tender and energetic after walking on deserted gravel fields for several days and nights?

It's just because of Dr. Zhou's face, they didn't make a mistake on the spot.

Now, it is even more strange that this child can even stuff hot barbecue into his mouth!

No matter who this child is or what his background is, he will not allow any dangerous existence around Dr. Zhou!

Pang Mao raised the corners of his lips and smiled, "Is it delicious? Do you want to eat more?"

He also passed over the barbecue in his hand.

No. 01 had already forgotten Zhou Jin's instructions. At this moment, all he could see was the delicious barbecue, and the smell of the meat was still lingering between his lips and teeth.

Without saying a word, he took the barbecue that Pang Mao handed over and started to eat it.The pouting cheeks were covered with oil stains, "It's delicious, although it's a little worse than Lao Fan's..."

"Who is Lao Fan?"

"Old Fan is Lao Fan, and his roast lamb is the best!" In just a few words, the roast meat in No. 01's hand was finished. As if it wasn't enough.

Pang Mao winked, and the soldiers at the side immediately offered the barbecue, "Come on, little brother, I'll eat my brother's too!"

No. 01's eyes lit up, and he was not at all polite.

"Hey, this kid has a big appetite!" someone sighed.

No. 01 had a meal, and his cheeks were still bulging.At this moment, he suddenly remembered Zhou Jin's entrustment, rolled his eyes, and instantly felt guilty.

"What's the matter, are you choking?" The soldier next to him panicked and wanted to find water for him to drink.

But Pang Mao suddenly lifted the jug next to him, opened the lid, and shook it, the wine was rushing, and a strong aroma of wine diffused along the cold wind.

"Would you like a drink?" Pang Mao smiled, his eyes slightly raised, and he looked straight at No. 01. Although it was a question, his tone was very certain.

No. 01 shrugged the tip of his nose, his eyes fixed on the flagon and did not move.

"Brother Pang, this..." Pang Mao glanced over, and the other party immediately stopped talking.

He handed over the flagon and stopped in front of No. 01.

No. 01 leaned over, looked at the jug, and suddenly hiccupped loudly.

A low smile came from Pang Mao's throat. No. 01 looked up, and saw a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and his dark pupils were hidden in the night, so he couldn't see clearly.

The aroma of the wine went straight to the nasal cavity along the cold wind, a little strong and a little irritating.

He stretched out his hand to hold the flagon over, raised his head and poured it in with a grunt.

There was a sudden gasp around the fire.

After gulping it down in one breath, No. 01 slammed his mouth, his face didn't even turn red, his eyes flashed with surprise and curiosity, "What is this?"

"This is wine! Is it good?"

"It's delicious!" No. 01 smacked his lips, "Is there any more?" He looked at Pang Mao with bright eyes, full of longing.

Pang Mao smiled, "Although the wine is delicious, you can't drink too much. As the saying goes, drinking is a mistake, just taste it and stop it!"

No. 01 frowned, a little dissatisfied.

"Did you tell Dr. Zhou when you came out? I haven't seen you for so long, he must be in a hurry!"

No. 01 was taken aback, and instantly remembered that he had told Zhou Jin before that he would tell him when he left. This time, he was only thinking about eating and forgot the time.He got up hastily, and ran towards Zhou Jin's tent like he was on a hot wheel.

Everyone looked at the back of No. 01 leaving, and they were all shocked.

"What did this child grow up on? Can he hold a lot of alcohol?"

"Did you see that, he ate such hot barbecue without blinking his eyes!"

"This is a pair of iron teeth and copper teeth!"


Pang Mao's eyebrows were tightened even more, and his eyes were dark and dark, showing no emotion.Immediately he got up and said: "You guys continue to eat! I have to leave beforehand!"

Pang Mao kept walking towards Cangsu tent.

This kid is too weird, he must report to the general!

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