Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 116 "Yingzi, put me on the table...

"Yingzi, quickly bring the golden needle on my desk!"

Zhou Jin grabbed Huzi's jaw to prevent him from biting his tongue in too much pain.

"Tiger what's the matter?"

"Hey, did you have some strange disease?"

Everyone present was frightened by Hu Zi's painful appearance, even Lao Fan and his wife ran out of the kitchen, looking at a loss.

Yingzi also panicked suddenly, her heart was beating fast, but she still followed Zhou Jin's instructions and handed over the golden needle.Zhou Jin took the golden needle, frowned and said, "Suppress him!"

A Da immediately used his hands and feet to hold the tiger down.Zhou Jin pulled out the golden needle and quickly pierced his head several times, then lifted his clothes and pierced the golden needle in several large points on his chest, back, and arm.

After a while, Hu Zi gradually calmed down, and his twitching eyelids slowly returned to normal, revealing a pair of tired eyes.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, and Yingzi was so nervous that his hands and feet were sweating, probably because this was the first time he faced a sick person as a "doctor"!

"Doctor, Brother Huzi, what's the matter with him? Why is it so serious this time?"

Zhou Jin squatted down and checked him carefully, and soon found a slight lump on the back of the other's head, which should be caused by a more serious impact before.He lightly held Huzi's head and looked at it. The swelling at the back of the head was not obvious. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all, but there are obvious traces of blood under the skin on the side of the ear.

Zhou Jin's brows tightened, and he asked Ah Da, "Did he have a head injury two months ago?"

"Yes..." At this moment, Huzi suddenly said tiredly, his face paled visible to the naked eye, "doctor, do you think I broke my brain? I have been suffering from headaches recently, and I will I'm not going to die..."

Huzi's eyes turned red as he spoke, and he often suffers from headaches these days, which makes him lose energy in doing things, and his heart is always heavy like a stone.Just now, he was fine at first, but suddenly there was a sharp pain, which caused him to fall to the ground all of a sudden, unable to care about anything else.This time the pain was obviously different from the previous ones, as if my head was about to split open.He knew that his condition was getting worse.

Zhou Jin paused, and with a flash of blue light in front of his eyes, he knew his specific condition.This should be a cerebral hematoma in the bilateral frontal lobe.It should be that when the back of the head hit the ground when he fell to the ground, the intracranial tissue caused contusions to the bilateral frontal lobes, that is, the front of the brain under the action of the counter force, resulting in intracerebral hemorrhage and the formation of a hematoma.

This injury must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise the intracranial hematoma will increase and the condition will continue to worsen, and the patient may become unconscious or even life-threatening.

I really don't know if he was lucky or unlucky, it's not unlucky to have a cerebral hematoma after such a fall.But at this juncture, he met Zhou Jin who was the only one who could save his life.So the fate of people is too unpredictable!

Zhou Jin suddenly sighed that his fate was unpredictable. Seeing his strange expression, Hu Zi thought that his life was really not long.Thinking of his old father and his young children, if he left, who else would take care of them, wouldn't the whole family starve to death!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling sad, and the tears flowed down like broken beads, just like a little girl who has been wronged, which formed a great contrast with his strong and muscular appearance. Zhou Jin's heart skipped a beat and he shivered.

He coughed lightly, and said seriously: "Don't worry too much, the back of your head was injured with bruise and swelling, that's why you feel the pain is unbearable, but this disease is not incurable!"

When Huzi heard this, he choked up in an instant, and tears hung on his eyelashes, which was similar to the little boy just now.

"Doctor, do you mean that I can still be cured? I won't die?" Huzi groaned, and with a beep, a crystal snot bubble popped out.He was stunned, and raised his eyes to look at Zhou Jin in a daze, with a bit of bewilderment in his eyes.

Ah Da was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the normally serious brother Hu would have such a cute side. He said that he would not be able to accept it for a while.

Zhou Jin held back his smile, upholding the professionalism of a doctor, and said seriously: "It's just that although this disease can be cured, it will take time to recuperate later, and it will take about a year to take medicine in the later stage..."

When Zhou Jin said this, he looked at Huzi. It was not difficult for him to cure the disease, but it would cost some money to recuperate later. It depends on whether Huzi can accept it.After all, many ordinary families in this era cannot afford a person's long-term medical expenses, and it is very likely that the entire family will be directly dragged down.What he says now is also to prepare the patient psychologically.In order to avoid the later stage of surgery, if you know this matter again, you will not be able to accept it for a while, and you will be depressed and unhappy, which will affect your recovery.

Huzi's heart sank when he heard this.He didn't expect to have to take medicine for such a long time for this disease, and he began to silently calculate the savings for these years.

Ah Da watched from the sidelines, feeling nervous, afraid that he would give up because he would spend too much money, so he comforted loudly: "Brother Hu, don't worry! Isn't it just a year of medicine, let's work harder Are you afraid that you won’t be able to afford the medicine? If not, I’m still there! Anyway, I’m not married, so we two brothers, are you afraid that we won’t be able to pay for the medicine? Living is the most important thing! Think about Uncle Fu and his sister-in-law and nephew, they can't live without you!"

After hearing this, Huzi was moved to tears, and he held Ada's hand tightly, unable to speak for a long time.When he finally calmed down, he wiped away his tears, "Doctor, do you think I can go out to sell goods in the future? I am the only one earning money in my family. If I can't run away goods..."

Zhou Jin nodded with a smile, "Don't worry! It won't affect you, just run away! I'll prepare to treat you later, and I promise that it won't affect you in the future!"

Huzi finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a rare smile on his face.

Soon, Zhou Jin continued to diagnose and treat the patients, while Huzi sat aside to rest, and the gold needles on his body hadn't been removed yet.These golden needles have the effect of recuperating, which can also restore some of his energy.

After about an hour, almost all the patients were gone, only Huzi and Ada were left waiting in the lobby.

Zhou Jin stretched his neck, and Yingzi made tea for Zhou Jin with good eyesight. The fragrance of the tea was wafting, and a faint fragrance wafted from the hot air. Zhou Jin drank it in one sip, and his stuffy heart was relieved Not a lot.

"Yingzi, tidy up the room where I treated your face last time, and I will heal Huzi later."

Yingzi nodded quickly, staring at Zhou Jin with a pair of shining eyes, and continued to wait for his orders.Zhou Jin paused, and then said, "It's just that this treatment is more complicated, and you have never been in contact with it, so don't come in to watch and study for now..."

Yingzi's bright eyes were extinguished visibly with the naked eye, but she still lifted the corners of her mouth and replied energetically, "Yes, teacher!"

After speaking, he ran upstairs swiftly, and the sound of tapping footsteps came, with a different kind of vitality.

Zhou Jin felt a little guilty. He was really not a good teacher. Thinking that he would leave soon, he probably wouldn't be able to teach her anything. He felt an inexplicable sense of guilt for bearing the title of master for nothing.

He shook his head, put aside the abnormality, and went over to check the tiger's condition. Fortunately, he was in good condition. Except for the sudden onset just now, his condition was still stable.He took off the golden needles one by one, and seriously told Huzi, "I will treat you when the room is tidied up. , you will definitely get better!"

Huzi felt uneasy, and his palms had already started to sweat. He watched the patients leave one by one. As the time for treatment approached, he became more and more nervous.Now looking at Zhou Jin who was gently comforting him in front of him, his nervousness subsided a lot inexplicably.

It wasn't until he was lying in the temporary operating room that the anesthesia powder started to take effect, and he also became dizzy.He looked up at the one-armed doctor in front of him, his eyes were focused, his face was calm, and he was fiddling with the things in his hand.He had never seen those shining things before, and they looked both beautiful and terrifying!

He thought, maybe his illness is really serious, otherwise these knives, which looked extremely scary, did not make him feel terrified.Maybe it's because of the doctor's calm face, or maybe it's the inexplicable sense of trust he brings to people.His mind began to think wildly uncontrollably, and he didn't know if he could still catch up with today's dinner. The hare he bought with his friends yesterday has not been eaten yet!Is the daughter-in-law cooking rabbit meat tonight?He really wants to eat rabbit meat!

He thought about it in a daze, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it took, but when he finally woke up slowly, it was already dark outside the window.Occasionally, a insect chirped from the hidden night.He didn't realize where he was for a moment, so he wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't move his body.His head was heavy, and even his fingers were limp.

A trace of fear suddenly appeared in his heart, the room was dim and dark, only a candle in the corner of the wall continued to illuminate a circle of faint yellow light, and the crackling sound of the wick burst from time to time, and there was no further movement.

It took him a while to remember that he seemed to be treating a brain injury.How is this going?Why can't he move?Could it be that he is dead?He rolled his eyes slightly, there was no one in the room, as if he was the only one left in the whole world.

He opened his mouth to shout, but his throat was dry and hoarse, and he couldn't make a sound. Just when he was about to cry, there was a sudden creak, and the door opened.

"Are you awake? I guessed you would wake up around this time, sure enough!" A gentle and smiling voice sounded above his head.

Huzi rolled his eyes, and a handsome face appeared in sight, it was a doctor!Huzi was immediately overwhelmed, and his anxious mood relaxed inexplicably.

"Stop talking." Seeing Huzi's lips twitching, Zhou Jin obviously wanted to say something. He smiled and said, "You haven't completely passed the anesthesia yet. It's normal to be weak. Don't be afraid. It's getting late now , Ada went to inform your family that your wife has come and is outside. I didn't let him in. She looked at you at the door and felt relieved to see that you are fine. It's just that you will be here for a few days stay."

Zhou Jin explained everything that should be explained in one breath, so as not to affect the postoperative recovery of the patient due to anxiety.

Huzi sniffled and hummed from his throat.How good he is alive!

Zhou Jin checked his physical condition, and all the data were normal.Seeing that his eyes began to dim again, he knew that the other party was going to sleep, so he tucked the quilt for him, and quietly left the room.

For the next few days, Huzi stayed in the inn to recuperate. After Zhou Jin's guidance, Lao Fan also cooked many meals suitable for patients.So, under the careful care of his wife, Huzi got better and better, and soon he was able to get out of bed and walk around.

After Zhou Jin checked his body for the last time, he knew that he could go home, and it was time for him to leave too!

The weather was fine that day, the sun was not too strong, and the breeze was blowing.Huzi's family has come to take Huzi home.

Lao Fan made a lot of delicious food, congratulations to Hu Zi for his recovery.After the meal, Huzi's family thanked them a thousand times and left happily.

Ah Da walked at the end, looked at Huzi whose head was still wrapped in gauze and sighed: "Doctor, your medical skills are really good, thanks to you, otherwise Huzi wouldn't know what's going on now! I'll tell you quietly Ah..." Ah Da tilted his head and said quietly: "I think your medical skills are no worse than the God of Medicine, and one day, you will definitely be famous all over the world!"

Ah Da's face was serious, and his eyes were full of conviction when he looked at him. In his heart, perhaps he was more admired by him than the rumored god of medicine.Zhou Jin had mixed feelings in his heart, but after only a few days of getting along, he actually believed him so much.

People treat each other honestly, but he can't even tell his real identity.

Zhou Jin smiled lightly, "Thank you, I will work hard!"

Ah Da didn't expect Zhou Jin to respond like this, he scratched his head embarrassedly, sighed and said, "Hey, if only I had met you earlier, maybe my legs wouldn't have to be limped."

Zhou Jin paused, subconsciously looking at his legs.

"Hahahaha, but maybe your medical skills weren't as good as they are now, doctor at that time!" Ah Da laughed, "So God's will, my legs deserve to be lame, I've already gotten used to it."

Seeing Huzi and the others go further and further away, Ah Da waved to Zhou Jin, "Doctor, I'll go first, see you next time! Then I'll treat you to roast lamb again!"

After finishing speaking, he hopped and ran away with a limp leg, and after a while, he caught up with Huzi and the others. The sound of talking and laughing came from not far away, gradually blurring.

Bye now!Zhou Jin thought, this may be the last time we meet!

A gust of breeze blew and lifted his sleeves. Zhou Jin glanced sideways at the empty sleeves fluttering in the wind. After he left, his arms would grow back.And at that time, he and the people here will never meet again.

Otherwise, how to explain the rebirth of severed limbs?

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