Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 114 The second day of accepting apprentices, it was still daylight when Zhou Jin got up...

The next day it was still daylight, Zhou Jin got up.And No. 01 was still lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, with his bare belly rising and falling.He resolutely opposed going back to Zhou Jin's mind, perhaps because he had been without a free system for too long, which made him especially like to stay outside in human form.

Zhou Jin woke up early because he was thinking about something.He sat by the window and read medical books for a while.Seeing that it was getting brighter outside, he got up and went downstairs.

Lao Fan and Aunt Wei started to work very early in the morning.Lighting a fire, boiling water, and preparing vegetables and meat are essential daily processes.Some patients will come over today, so they prepared more dishes than usual.

Yingzi is also busy with the work, and the wound from scratching before has healed, and half of her face is covered with pink and tender new flesh, a piece of red.With a smile on her face and sparkling eyes, even though she is immersed in cleaning, she can still see the vigorous joy from her body.

She heard the noise, looked sideways, and saw Zhou Jin turning down the stairs.He was wearing a light-colored gown that Dad bought from the market. The quality was not the best, but it was especially suitable for doctors.It made his already fair skin even more jade-like.

He held a book in his hand, and with his long black hair hanging behind his head, he walked towards her slowly facing the golden sunlight coming in from the window.She suddenly remembered a sentence she had read in a book before, "A man on Moshang is like jade, and his son is unparalleled in the world".

Inexplicably, her face felt a little hot, and she didn't know whether it was the heat or the new flesh growing on her flushed face.For her, Zhou Jin is her great benefactor.My heart is full of respect and gratitude to him.At the same time, he also felt guilty and remorseful for his doubts and speculations about Zhou Jin.This morning, both parents were busy in the back kitchen, and she was the only one left alone with Zhou Jin, and she immediately became nervous.There is nowhere to rest the hand holding the rag.

"Doctor, you got up so early!" She stepped back and hid the rag behind her.

Zhou Jin saw that she was uncomfortable, so he didn't go any further, and found the nearest seat to sit down.He only smiled and said, "It's not too early. There are still patients coming to see the doctor, so I came down early and prepared first. It's just that if there are too many people coming later, I'm afraid I will have to work hard for you!"

"How hard is it! You, the doctor, should be the hardest one..." Yingzi waved his hands quickly, and the volume rose a few degrees inexplicably.Then he realized something, hurriedly hid the rag behind his back, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Me? It's not hard work. As a doctor, it is also my duty to see patients." Zhou Jin smiled, shook the medical book in his hand, and began to look down.

Yingzi stared blankly at the man who was reading with his head down. He sat there quietly, with one sleeve hanging empty by his side.A gust of morning breeze came in from the window, brushing his long ink-like hair.The golden sunlight hit his side face, and the high bridge of his nose cast a deep silhouette.His whole body seemed to melt into the light, and his whole body exuded a peaceful atmosphere.It makes people feel very comfortable, and unconsciously wants to get close to him and trust him.

The doctor was the best person she had ever met, with such extraordinary medical skills, but still so gentle and kind.She thought of the doctors she met in the past when seeking medical treatment. There were many well-intentioned doctors, but most of them were full of arrogance because of their superb medical skills.Maybe they didn't realize it themselves, but the arrogance revealed in the words can make people feel uncomfortable very clearly.

But with the doctor, you can obviously feel comfortable and at ease, even if you are nervous at the beginning, you can relax under his gentle comfort.

The tip of her nose was inexplicably sore. How could such a good doctor have broken an arm!How painful it is!I don't know who is so cruel to hurt such a good doctor!She couldn't help cursing fiercely in her heart.

The lobby is very quiet, and the cool breeze in the morning makes people feel very comfortable.Zhou Jin looked at the medical books quietly. These knowledge are all knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.He is now proficient in surgery, and it is not an exaggeration to be called a "miracle doctor".The convenience of traditional Chinese medicine is relatively weak.Of course, this is only for his surgery.If compared with these ordinary doctors, it is also a lot higher.

It’s just that there is no end to medicine, and only continuous learning and consolidation can make further progress, which is also responsible for patients.

As the cool wind blew, a strand of hair brushed the tip of his nose, his nose itched, and he lowered his head and twitched the tip of his nose.Just at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Yingzi was still standing where he was, and his eyes were staring at him in a daze.A trace of nervousness suddenly floated in his heart. Could it be that there is something wrong with his attire?

This can't be blamed on him, but since the loss of an arm, many things are inconvenient.Especially dressing and washing.I'm afraid that it's inappropriate and rude to others.

He secretly checked around and found that there was nothing wrong with him, so he was a little surprised.At this time, his eyes glanced at the medical book in his hand, and he immediately felt that he knew the reason.

He shook the half-open medical book in his hand, and said with a smile, "How is it? Interested?"

Yingzi stared slightly. Originally, she was extremely embarrassed because the doctor found her staring at the other person in a daze. This sudden question made her stunned for a while, her head seemed to stop functioning.

When she finally understood what Zhou Jin meant, even her fingertips trembled slightly.Suddenly, her two eyes burst into light, staring closely at the very ordinary book.

"I, can I?"

"of course can."

Yingzi's heart was beating violently, and with a sudden force on his hand, a few drops of water dripped to the ground in an instant.Only then did she realize that she was still holding the rag in her hands, and the water stains had already dripped all over her hands.Immediately, blood rushed to his cheeks.

"Doctor, wait a moment, I'm going to wash my hands!" After speaking, without waiting for Zhou Jin's reaction, he rushed into the back kitchen in a hurry.Aunt Wei's doting scolding suddenly sounded in the kitchen, "Why is this kid running away? Have you finished wiping the table outside?"

"It's over, it's over!" Yingzi hurried out after washing his hands.

Aunt Wei looked at her daughter's anxious back, smiled lightly and shook her head, since her daughter's face was healed, she became more cheerful.

"Doctor, I've finished washing!" Yingzi stood in front of Zhou Jin, her clean fingers twisted together.

The sunlight outside is getting stronger and stronger, projecting in from the open door, hitting the ground, and the clean and tidy stone slabs are dripping with water, which is the water mark left by Yingzi's cleaning in the morning.

Lao Fan cleaned up the mutton and put it in a basin beside him.Then he got up and stretched his sore waist.Then put the pot on the table beside it.

He walked into the kitchen, and suddenly a gust of hot air came over the face, and the strong aroma of various spices was mixed together.He opened the pot, poured out the cooked porridge, and put the dishes that had already been cooked on the side on the tray, and then said to Aunt Wei who was lighting the fire, "I'll go and bring breakfast to the doctor."

With that said, he picked up the tray and walked outside.When he reached the door, he pushed aside the curtain with his shoulder and walked into the lobby.When she raised her eyes, she saw her daughter sitting on a chair, holding a book she had never seen before, flipping through it seriously.The doctor sat aside and looked at her with a smile.

Yingzi pointed to the book from time to time, with doubts on his face, the doctor lowered his head slightly, talking to her softly.Soon, Yingzi's frowning eyebrows gradually loosened.

The sun shines through the window, everything looks so quiet and peaceful.

Lao Fan stood at the door, but he didn't dare to step over it.His hand holding the tray was trembling slightly, and the wrinkles at the corners of his mouth were stacked together.But at this moment, the curtain behind him was suddenly lifted.

"Hey, why are you still here, you haven't taken the steamed pumpkin yet!"

Old Fan was startled, and hurriedly said: "You keep your voice down!" He eagerly wanted to cover Aunt Wei's mouth, but he was holding something in his hand, so he had to hurry her to keep her voice down.

It's just that the lobby is very quiet after all, the sudden sound was too loud, and the two people who were immersed in the medical world raised their heads instantly.

"Father, mother! What are you doing?" Yingzi's face was still full of excitement. This was a rare opportunity for her to have such a skilled doctor teach her medicine. She thought that she would have no regrets in her life!Probably because she has been injured for too long. After seeking medical treatment for so many years, she has dreamed countless times that she has learned superb medical skills and healed her face. Every time she wakes up from her sleep with a smile, the pillow is already wet.

But now, her face is gradually getting better, and even this medical skill seems to finally have the opportunity to learn!

Zhou Jin also stood up and said hello.

Disappointment welled up in Lao Fan's heart, and he walked over with a smile on his face, "I'm bothering you, doctor, I was going to bring you breakfast..." Lao Fan moved the tray forward Made it together.

Yingzi groaned and blamed himself: "I actually forgot that the teacher hadn't eaten breakfast. Look at my memory, it's too bad!"

"Teacher?" Lao Fan asked with a trembling voice, his throat tightened, and he didn't know what to expect.

Yingzi pursed her lips and smiled softly, her eyes sparkling, "Yes, the doctor said just now that he would teach me medical skills. Daddy, I am so happy!"

Lao Fan clapped his palms violently, and a gust of hot air rushed into his chest.He stomped his feet lightly on the ground, wishing he could raise his head and laugh a few times.Just now he heard his daughter and the doctor talking about something, although he didn't quite understand it, but after seeking medical treatment all these years, he also knew the names of a few medicines, which was obviously something the doctor was teaching his daughter about medicine.That's why he stopped there just now, and didn't dare to come forward to disturb him for a while.I was afraid that the doctor would be interrupted suddenly, and my daughter would have no chance in the future.

"Doctor, is what you said true?" Lao Fan's heart was agitated, and he still couldn't believe his daughter's words.This is the God of Medicine. My daughter has such an honor to worship the God of Medicine as a teacher, which is really a meritorious ancestor!

Zhou Jin looked at Yingzi and said with a smile, "Yingzi is very smart. I just explained it to her just now, and she quickly understood it. She is really talented in studying medicine. If she is willing to learn, I will teach her well." her!"

Lao Fan's face turned red on the spot, he was so excited!

"Doctor, don't worry, Yingzi will definitely learn by heart! Yingzi, hurry up, kowtow to the master!" He pulled Yingzi over and was about to make her kneel down.

"That's not necessary..." Zhou Jin hurriedly took a few steps back.

Lao Fan slapped his thigh suddenly, as if he had thought of something, and said: "Oh, you have to serve tea to the teacher, how can there be no tea! Hurry up, I have to make some tea!"

"It's really unnecessary..."

As soon as he said it, Lao Fan turned around immediately, and saw Aunt Wei standing behind, as if she hadn't realized what happened.Lao Fan hastily pulled her over, "Hurry up and prepare for the apprentice banquet, the doctor has accepted Yingzi as his apprentice, so don't be sloppy!"

After speaking, Aunt Wei rushed into the back kitchen with a shocked expression on her face.Zhou Jin was left standing there in embarrassment.

"So there's really no need to bother..." Zhou Jin finally finished speaking weakly.But no one listened to him anymore.

"Teacher, I didn't think it through. I didn't expect to have a teacher's banquet. Fortunately, my father reminded me, otherwise I would be really rebellious!" Yingzi was quite embarrassed, and she put out the meals on the tray one by one, " Teacher, please eat breakfast first!"

Zhou Jin sighed. Originally, he saw that Yingzi had talent in this area and she was willing to learn, so he taught her by the way.Why is it so complicated to have a teacher apprentice banquet?

He sat back on the stool, the breakfast was still very rich, we can see the intentions of Lao Fan and his wife.He looked sideways at Yingzi again, who was already sitting by the window with a medical book and began to read it.She frowned slightly, her eyes seemed to have taken root in the words above.Half of her pink cheeks added a different kind of cuteness to her.

Forget it, since that's the case, let's accept this apprentice!

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