Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 104 Early in the morning on the 2nd day, too...

Early in the morning of the second day, the sun had not yet fully risen, and the layers of thick white clouds projected dazzling golden light, and the fiery sunlight spread over the earth.

Zhou Jin was riding on a horse, followed by a group of men and horses at the front and back, each of them was tall and thick, wearing armor and holding a long halberd.The entire wide road seems to be full of evil spirits, which makes people afraid to come closer when they see it from a distance.

Je Nacheng rode a tall, strong horse and walked in front of the team.His long hair was braided into two thick braids hanging on his chest, and he was wearing a slanted shoulder armor with leather armor on his wrists and elbows.

Zhou Jin looked forward through many backs, and saw that as he pulled the horse rope, the muscles on his body swelled up, and the power contained within could not be underestimated.

The white priest's horse followed closely behind Jenacheng. He was still wearing a snow-white robe, and his whole body was tightly wrapped.Except for a dazzling white, there are no other variegated colors.

Suddenly, a touch of crimson appeared out of nowhere in this snowy color, and in the blink of an eye, this brilliance disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Jin's eyebrows furrowed secretly. With his current eyesight, even at such a long distance, he still recognized his true face with the fleeting redness.

It was a thumb-sized scarlet poisonous snake!

The color of this snake is extremely gorgeous, and its toxicity is evident!

He suddenly remembered the masked man in black who was bitten to death by a poisonous snake in the general's mansion yesterday morning. Could it be that this snake killed him?

The sun above his head had already hidden in the clouds at some point. Zhou Jin originally thought that today would be a scorching day, but who knew that the sun shrank back not long after he set off.

There were large dark clouds floating in the western sky, and a gust of moderate wind blew up on the flat ground, rolling up the sand and gravel on the ground and flying all over the sky, so fascinated that I could hardly keep my eyes open.

Zhou Jin stretched his waist. Although the process was not fast, he hadn't ridden a horse after all. The freshness at the beginning had passed, and now only his waist was sore and his back hurt.

"Persist a little longer, and we'll be there in half an hour!"

Ji Liang rode a black steed parallel to Zhou Jin's right side, seeing his bitter face, he comforted him.

They are going to Tuquanba, which is [-] kilometers away from the General's Mansion, and it should be for the competition that Ye Nacheng mentioned yesterday.

Originally, Zhou Jin didn't intend to go, but when he thought of leaving the General's Mansion, this is really a golden opportunity!

After this time, Jena will take him to Beiliang Palace!

He didn't want to treat the Empress Dowager of Beiliang!If she really recovered, she might bring some troubles to Dayong!

Therefore, if he wants to escape, he must seize this opportunity!

He twisted his neck, and the wind and sand blowing on his face was not too unbearable, but the seemingly invisible pain was unavoidable, which was really annoying.

"What do you think this competition is?" Zhou Jin wanted to divert his attention and prepare mentally in advance.Ye Nacheng's words yesterday always made him a little bit concerned.

With his temperament, it is impossible to really take him to see some fun!

Especially what kind of surprise he said, I'm afraid it's more like a shock!

"What? Could it be that this competition is also a secret of your Beiliang?" Zhou Jin didn't wait for Ji Liang's answer for a long time, so he turned his head to look at him.

"You don't have to test me!" Ji Liang sat on the horse with a straight figure, "It's not a secret, otherwise the general wouldn't let you come with me! It's just..."

He paused, and said again: At that time, no matter what you see, don't talk too much!Don't mind your own business either! "

When he said this, Zhou Jin felt even more uneasy.

What is this Jena Cheng planning!

Tuquanba is located on a flat land surrounded by hills with jagged rocks and sparse forests.From a distance, there are few people.

Fortunately, there is no sun today, otherwise it would be a real pain!Not even a place to hide!

When Zhou Jin and the others arrived, several tents had already been set up, arranged and distributed in this spacious place.The tents in the middle looked more spacious and gorgeous, presumably it was Jena as their temporary residence.

There were soldiers patrolling around the tent, and the entrances and exits were guarded.

It seemed that Jenacheng was well prepared.

Zhou Jin was also allocated a tent, which was fully equipped.

It was the first time for him to live in a tent, but now he was too tired to appreciate it.

Before he could take a good rest, Ji Liang came over.

"Aren't you going to rest?" Zhou Jin felt a little upset, why is it really like a dog skin plaster?Isn't he tired after riding for hours?

Soon, several short slaves followed behind Ji Liang.Judging by their stature and appearance, these people are all Dayong people!

It is estimated that some refugees on the border were captured by Beiliang sergeants and could not return home, so they could only endure inhuman torture here!

They held plates of barbecue, jam, cheese and other food in their hands.When passing by Zhou Jin's side, he leaned over, lowered his head and carefully placed the things on the low table one by one, not daring to make a sound.

Zhou Jin glanced at the hot steam rising from the plate, and his throat moved unconsciously. He had already digested what he ate in the morning.

Ji Liang spoke at this moment, "After eating, you should take a good rest first, and you will go to the hunting ground later."

Hunting ground?

Is it hunting all the way here?

Zhou Jin thought of the barren mountains and ridges he saw before, full of crooked trees!What prey can there be?wolf?

With a "bang", a servant fell to the ground, and the plate in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter and fell to pieces.

The cheese on the plate rolled to the ground, and the white skin was stained with black dust.

Ji Liang frowned slightly.

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life..."

All the servants fell to their knees in the small tent, shaking with their heads down.

And the servant who caused the trouble trembled all over his body, begging for mercy in fear, his kneeling feet were almost unsteady, and his body fell limply on the ground.

"Pick up your things and get out!"

Zhou Jin slightly lowered his volume, and he sighed in his heart, these people don't know how much torture they have suffered on weekdays, and they are so frightened.

The skinny slave kneeling on the ground could hardly believe his ears.Those who can come here are nobles from Beiliang!Although this person did not look like a Beiliang person, he lived in the central tent and came with General Ye Nacheng, so he must be the general's distinguished guest!

Let them go out like this?Is there no punishment?

But immediately they were overjoyed, bowed their heads in thanks, packed up their things, and left the tent one by one.

Zhou Jin was sitting at the table, and scents came straight to his nostrils.

He sniffed, looked at Ji Liang who was still standing aside, and said politely, "Do you want to eat together?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the wooden pole in front of him really came over.

He sat down, picked up the chopsticks and started eating under Zhou Jin's surprised gaze.

There is no room for politeness.

Zhou Jin was taken aback, and quickly picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Well, it must be that Jenacheng treated his subordinates too harshly. This person must want to eat but is too embarrassed to say so.

He should just be a good person, anyway, he can't eat so much by himself.

Holding the dirty pastries in his hands, Xiao Hei silently followed everyone and walked into the sundry shed.

They are not qualified to live in tents, they are just small and simple wooden houses.

He has been a slave in Beiliang since he was six years old, and it has been 12 years now.People in the same batch as him have gone nowhere, maybe they are dead, maybe they are still living somewhere, maybe they have already returned home, but this is almost impossible...

He hid the cheese in his bosom, although it was already dirty, so what, no matter how many people could grab it if he could eat such a good thing!

"Heizi, you almost killed everyone just now, do you know that!" A thin, dark-skinned man walked over angrily, and pushed Heizi staggeringly.

Heizi managed to stand still, but when he looked up, he saw everyone looking at him with reproachful and angry eyes.

He was very sorry in his heart, the fright he had just received hadn't completely passed away, and his hands and feet were still limp.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just heard them talking about the hunting ground, and I panicked..."

Heizi can still remember that when they first came here, his only good friend, Asin, was called to the hunting grounds and never came back.

They can't leave here, let alone go to the hunting ground without permission.

But after all, he has been here for a long time, and he finally found out about the hunting ground from the chatter of the nobles.

It was a purgatory on earth, a place full of demons and ghosts.

All of them are afraid of the hunting ground, for fear that if they make the slightest mistake, they will be thrown into it and never come back.

"Why are you panicking! If we were thrown into the hunting ground because of you, you want to kill us?" The thin man was breathing heavily, his fingertips still trembling.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Heizi was both scared and guilty, he bowed his head and kept apologizing.

"Forget it, aren't we okay? Forget it..." Someone sighed softly, his voice full of helplessness and numbness.

Following the sound, everyone got busy one after another, with thin gray cloth clothes on their skinny backs.

The skinny man snorted, not knowing what to say.

"Be careful next time, if you make a mistake again, you will really die!" He reminded a few words and started to get busy.

"Where is the next time? With our identity, how can we deliver meals to the nobles! Today is also strange, and we are actually asked to deliver meals to the central tent."

A man next to him was splitting wood, his arms were not as thin as a grown man's.He muttered in his mouth, with a bit of doubt on his face.

"It's probably because the nobleman can speak Dayong dialect? So let's go..."

"This nobleman has a very good temper. If it were someone else, we would all be killed!" Another woman who was wiping the bowl said fearfully.

"What a good temper! A traitor who betrayed the Lord!" A voice gnashed his teeth in a low voice.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and no one spoke anymore, and buried their heads in the work at hand.

Heizi touched the cheese on his chest, and a lot of saliva was secreted from his mouth.


Yes, he is obviously from Dayong, but he is the general's guest!

But maybe he has something to hide?

He thought of the kind and compassionate eyes of that nobleman before he left the tent.

How can a person with such eyes be a traitor?

At about three o'clock, a guard came to the tent and said that it was Jenacheng who invited them to the hunting ground.

Under the leadership of Ji Liang, Zhou Jin came to a high ground.Several tables have been set up here, with fine wine, barbecue, fruit...

Ye Nacheng and Priest Bai had already sat down at the main seat.

Seeing Zhou Jin approaching, he greeted with a big smile, "Doctor Zhou is here, sit down quickly, the fun is about to begin!"

Although Zhou Jin was somewhat puzzled, didn't he want to hunt?Why is this scene not quite like it!

But he wasn't stupid after all, and didn't ask directly.

He walked over to the only seat left next to him and sat down.

Ji Liang stood behind him.

From this position, it happens to be condescending, overlooking the scene below.

Below is a low-lying land with flat terrain, surrounded by many arm-thick pointed fences, forming a wide circular encirclement.

The fence is black and red in color, and the ground is craggy and dull in color.

There are several stone houses next to it, and several rows of heavily armed Beiliang sergeants stand.

Zhou Jin frowned, his heart beating a little faster.

His premonition was getting worse, the besieged land really looked like a hunting ground.The fence and the stone peaks are covered with blood stains. After time and wind and snow corrosion, dark mottles have formed, as if the traces were born there naturally, and merged with the gravel of the fence.

Look at Ye Nacheng again, drinking spirits boldly and eating the delicious food presented by the beauties next to him, looking very comfortable.

Zhou Jin's complexion was a little bit bad, he thought to himself, maybe there were some ferocious beasts locked in that simple stone house.

At this time, Jenacheng suddenly pushed away the beauty beside her and shouted a few words.

The guards below opened the stone door in response.

Zhou Jin's eyes were fixed on the wide open stone gate.

With the sound of shattering iron chains, a man in ragged clothes came out. There were heavy iron chains on his ankles. The blood and flesh rubbed against the iron rings, and the dry red color was extremely dazzling.

Then came the second, third, fourth...

There are Dayong people, Beiliang people, men, women, and even underage children!

But without exception, they are all embarrassed, tired, scared...

Zhou Jin let out a breath, leaning back stiffly on the back of the chair.

Those people were driven into the hunting ground by the soldiers like livestock, and someone beat the leather drum, which was deafening.

There are rolling dark clouds floating in the sky ten thousand feet high, and the wind is blowing, rolling up sand and stones and flying all over the sky.

The drums sounded one after another, like a burst of muffled thunder, hitting the hearts of everyone heavily.

"Doctor Zhou, you have to take a good look, this is the blood of a man!" Ye Nacheng shouted, extremely excited, his bulging eyes were full of cruel blood.

With a wave of his hand, another stone door was opened, and an eye-catching tiger walked out slowly with heavy steps.

The tiger's hair is thick and bright, and its limbs are thick and powerful.As it moved, the muscles in its chest and abdomen vibrated.

As soon as it saw these people, it immediately opened its mouth wide and roared, the sound was deafening, and the bloody gas spewed out of its bloody mouth made the people present trembling and screaming in shock, and they all rushed back .

The tiger trainer drove the tiger to the gate of the fence, and the soldiers beside him also showed fear, and they stepped forward tremblingly to open the fence.

The tiger was already so excited that it flicked its long tail, and when it saw this, it roared angrily, revealing its four sharp white fangs, and its black eyes were full of fierceness.

The soldier was so frightened that his legs went limp, he fell to the ground, and crawled to the side with his hands and feet. ,

The tiger roared loudly, startling the birds in the mountains to flap their wings and fly away.

It kicked back and rushed into the hunting ground like an arrow.

People in the hunting grounds ran away in panic, crowded and stamped on their feet,

Killing, gore, wailing, pain....

Countless screams and cries resounded on the desolate and ethereal rocky ground.

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