"The connection to the outside world has been disconnected—"

"Do you want to restore the original data of the world?"



"The data is being restored, please wait."

Particles formed a storm, hovering around Rong Que, her arms suddenly emptied, and even Mei Yi's appearance slowly disintegrated, like the light of fireflies scattered, and the mechanical ball that had originally stopped on her shoulder shouted for help, The wings were only slightly touched by the surrounding storm, and they were directly smashed into pieces.

She couldn't catch May, and her right fingertips stuck into the storm. She couldn't become the same, nor was she repelled like a mechanical ball. Her long hair was blown by the storm and fluttered in the wind, blocking her vision.

...In the end, in the white and snowy world, only she and this mechanical ball were left.

Rong Que watched May disappear, and grabbed the mechanical ball on his shoulder, "Is this the option you mentioned?"

She looked like she wanted to throw the mechanical ball directly into the white wasteland ahead.

The system quickly turned the wings into mechanical arms. While grabbing her shoulders to stabilize her body, the red light in her eyes flashed like an alarm, and the data that had been deleted by mistake or the messages that were discarded were restored at the same time. , causing its processor to fail to respond, and the sound is in a state of freezing.

"Restoring the initial data...for you...you all have...benefits...she is the first npc to wake up in this world..."


Rong Que was a little blurry for a moment, but the next moment, the system's eyes glowed red, and at the same time illuminated her pupils.

Unfamiliar yet familiar images poured in.

She saw her youthful appearance.

The gentle and ordinary life, the infancy period that flashed like a slide, everything was interrupted by the sudden kidnapping, although it was a near-miss, it was the most thrilling and exciting that she could remember from her childhood s story.

The protagonists in the story are her and May.

The little girl always loves to follow her. When she is indifferent and reading a book, this person will climb up and down the table, showing off the biscuits made by her mother, and even stare at the cicadas outside the window for a long time.

Then he came over and pulled the corner of her clothes, making a fuss that she wanted to go out to play.

When Rong Que put down his book and went out with her, Little Mei pushed her under the tree and told her not to move.

She stood there in a daze for a while, then felt a sudden chill on the top of her hair, Rong Que was taken aback, thinking it was a gift left by a passing bird, but when she took it off, there was nothing, only a little wetness .

"It's raining?"

She held out her hand to May, trying to bring him back into the house.

But I heard a burst of belly laughter: "Hahahaha! The teacher said that the cicadas on the tree will pee at any time after sucking the sap. It is true! Can you smell your hands?"

Rong Que: "..."

She turned around and left with a dark face, refusing to let May visit for a week.

A week later, she couldn't hear the doorbell at the familiar time, and she went to the door of the house again and again, even looking outside.

Until the sound of fireworks rang in my ears:


"Happy birthday! Hey, are you waiting for me?"

With her head full of broken colored stripes, her face darkened again, she turned and opened the door to enter the room without saying a word, and the other party followed her, with a helpless tone:

"Are you angry again?"

"I heard that beauties are always angry and get old easily."

"..." Rong Que remained silent.

Mei Yi grabbed the corner of her clothes from behind: "But it's okay, if you marry me, even if you are old, I still love you, old baby, how about it?"


"Wow, has anyone told you that you are really difficult to coax..."

"Then don't coax."

"Coax~ How dare I not coax you...Hey, you are so good-looking and so cold, are you suitable to be a big star? Surely many people like me are rushing to coax you? But you will only be I'll coax you, right?"



When she was a child, May was always too skinny, making her feel that if she didn't put on a tense expression, she didn't know which ditch she would be led into by the other party.

But at that time, she always felt that there was still a long time for the two of them, and no matter what, they would always be together in the future.

Everyone who thinks this way will get separated from the person he cherishes the most.

One day, a line of options she had just seen appeared in the sky.

"The world running program has been captured, is it loaded in the "Customized Lovers" mode?"


"Entering the world line... Modifying the world line... Capturing the protagonist of the strategy..."

"The main character 'Mei' has been successfully captured - closed beta starts!"


Everyone's memories have been tampered with.

The trees in front of the door are always fixed in summer, lush and lush, and the fragrance of the sweet-scented osmanthus trees on both sides of the street made Rong Que suddenly unable to bear to live at home forever, so he moved outside.

She vaguely felt as if she had forgotten something.

But because she couldn't find it, she entered the show business circle in a daze.

Rong Que actually didn't like being an actor, but the voice in her heart made her feel that she should do this industry, so she overcame her unaccustomed and stood under the spotlight.

day after day.

Then the face reappeared in front of her.

Sweating profusely and in a panic, it seemed like something was chasing her... When Rong Que saw this person on stage, he suddenly forgot his lines and didn't remember what to say until the girl was drawn by the host , walked to her side, and smiled at her with a microphone:

"Still remember me?"

"You promised me when you were a child that you would marry me. Now I want to ask again, are you still willing?"

"Let's elope if you want."

There was a commotion under the stage.

She stared blankly at the other person's eyes, feeling absurd at the same time, and taking it for granted at the same time, as if a girl who looked like this should be so arrogant and outspoken.

Before she could answer, the audience in the audience somehow broke through the line of defense, rushed up, and drowned the two of them in the crowd.

They were forced to separate, as if the lines of fate that had just intersected were suddenly pulled apart by a pen and drawn in opposite directions.

The man who said he wanted to marry her disappeared into her world again.

It hasn't appeared again for a long time.

How long?

... After a long time, Rong Que once again forgot her.

When the girl appeared for the third time, her eyes were calm, no longer filled with stars as before, but full of calculations.

The girl, with a calm mind, said to her with an exaggerated expression:

"I really like you."

"Can we be together?"

She has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and she has seen many liars. There is a proxy shooter who pretends to be a fan, and puts the camera on her face.

She had seen so many lies.

Alone can't stand this girl's deception.

A nameless anger welled up in my heart.

She hoped never to see this man again, ever.


"She...has appeared so many times..."

Rong Que stood where he was, with his eyes tightly closed, feeling extremely uncomfortable with the memories that surged up, and after sorting them out for a long time, he only asked this one sentence.

The system has restored the data long ago, and remembers all the stories about me from the beginning of creation to the present. Hearing this, he fluttered his wings, and the electronic voice could hear frustration:


"The person who created me, after discovering this world, had a bold idea. He collected the data of this world and connected it with another world, but made it into a game form, using the spiritual body of the people in the other world.

Send it in to play, and I'm the transit point that provides everything; he set May as the strategy character for the closed beta, and asked players to attack her...but May awakened. "

"After awakening, she is just a walking bug. Wherever she goes, the plot will change. The founder thinks there is no way, so he has to find a way to transfer her data to another world. Who knows when she leaves , unintentionally took her brother away with her."

"She forgot part of the data on you...so after the public beta, you will always create these strange bugs."

"In the end, the Creator dropped everything."

Rong Que lowered his eyes: "Who is so arrogant?"

Trying to change the world?

The red light in the system's eyes flickered, and he only replied: "According to my records, the creator died of a serious illness in the real world a few years ago-this is how the records are written, and I can't tell if it's true or not."

Rong Que stopped talking.

The system added softly: "She... didn't deliberately deceive you so many times, because after her data was extracted to another world, she forgot everything here, and entered as a raider when she came in... So talent……"

The woman shook her head.

"It's ok."

She said: "I didn't do well. She came to me every time. I never showed up when she needed it most."

How disappointed May would be?

The memory was also tampered with, she tried so hard to break free from the shackles and came to her side, but every time, Rong Que either failed to catch her, or pushed people further away.

"She has loved me for a long time."

Rong Que looked up at the front.

The snow-white world has long since disappeared.

The blue sky, white clouds, cities, high-rise buildings, the beautiful scenery has been restored, and the world has become what it was before it was disturbed, even the air is pure.

But everything is static.

It seems to be waiting for who will click the mouse to start first.

Rong Que took the first step forward. Following her movement, a gust of wind was generated, and the clouds in the sky floated slowly. There was a faint fragrance of flowers, and the trees beside the road also whirled, cutting the sunlight into pieces. spots.

She said with certainty:

"It's my turn..."

Not finished yet.

She sneezed violently, covered her nose, and quickly left the place where the flowers bloomed. When she was sure that there was no more smell in the air, Rong Que put down her hands, her nose was slightly red, like a ripe green peach on the branch.

The tone is decisive:

"It's my turn to insist on loving her."

The author has something to say: the end is coming.


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