Rong Que saw the number above her head change to '100' by the light of her mobile phone.

It seems to indicate some kind of success and fulfillment.

She held the tail wrapped around her arm with her backhand, lingered gently in the direction of the tail, and then embraced May's waist. Those thoughts washed by the rain, not only did not become colder, but at this moment Burning up, like the fire that finally melted the ice, it bloomed in full bloom.

Rong Que pressed Mei Yi onto his body, and through the rain-soaked clothes, the two fiery bodies pressed together, and the heat spread to each other.

Everything suddenly became logical.

It was as if the obstacles between the two of them that could not be seen clearly and had not been moved away were all resolved by the sudden rain and power outage, and their hearts were suddenly very close.



Stumbled from the bed to the bathroom.

The darkness encouraged those hidden thoughts to grow savagely. At this moment, Mei Yi forgot those Rong Que who had made her fail time and time again for no reason, and also forgot how the other party divorced her in a heartless tone in the last world, and I hope I will never appear in this world again...

All she remembered was that this man was in the elevator, in the earthquake, under a rainstorm that almost cut off the city, wading from nowhere, just to hug herself in the dark.

The most superficial evaluation of Rong Que's appearance in the past has become blurred now. If it is the current Rong Que, she finds that she has almost lost her judgment on beauty.

But there was a feeling that stood out even more than that.

It is security.

No matter how desperate the situation she was in, she found that as long as she saw Rong Que, she would feel extremely at ease, and even had a feeling that as long as she stayed with this person, even if the next moment was the end of the world, it didn't matter.

She didn't bother with the unreliable panel anymore, and she didn't worry about the strange state of her ears and tail anymore. She remembered that she squeezed out a suggestion from between her vague lips and teeth: "Do you... want to take a bath?"

But for some unknown reason, the hot water also splashed on her face and body in the end.


After the air conditioner received a call, the display screen jumped again, but it did not turn on.

There was only one night lamp on by the bedside.

There was a damp and stuffy feeling in the room, as if the water vapor outside the window had penetrated through the cracks in the windows and doors. Mei Yi was sweating all over her body. I don't know if it was because the hot water in the bath was not wiped off just now, or because she sweated again later.

She smelled a particularly ambiguous smell spreading from the tip of her nose, and in a daze, she thought that she had made too much trouble with Rong Que's absurdity just now, so she tried her best to open her eyes from the sleepiness , wanted to get up and move the smelly quilt to the side.

But after squinting his eyes, he realized what was moving in front of him. was a long black tail that flicked only slightly leisurely.

But the tail is not as clean as its owner.

Obviously they went into the bathroom together, but now the end of the tail is wet, something sticky is stuck on it, and the hair stubble is sticking together in pinches.

May stared at her own tail for a long time.

Reluctantly, her cheeks turned red with a "bang".

Those details rushed out of her mind, as if she was afraid that hitting her face would not be loud enough, wishing she could magnify those indescribable reactions to mock her:

Didn't you say that some people are not good at technology?

Who is the person whose face is flushed and heartbeat tonight, and who burst into physical tears in less than half an hour?

Wide-open eyes, rapid breathing, constantly pushing away, but being forced between the body and the wall by the other party, can only bite his lips, letting others dominate without any strength...

May recalled for 5 minutes.

The pair of animal ears on the top of the head turned red.

She tried to hide under the quilt, as if she could hide those shady stories together, but she just moved, and beside her was the long arm of a man who slept with her and came out of the bathroom without even a decent cloth After sweeping her around, he pulled her into his arms again, Mei Yi moved her head a little, and found that she didn't know where to put her eyes.

She closed her eyes, but couldn't sleep.

Because I can't figure it out.

Is there a type of technology that can vary so much from person to person?

May can be said to be puzzled.

After an unknown period of time, she suddenly raised her hand and pinched her thigh. Without any effort, she felt a sharp pain in her thigh, and an even more strange feeling.

May: "???"

Damn, she wouldn't be spoiled by the strange ears and tail, would she?

She was too scared to sleep by the speculation.

They even woke up Rong Que who was next to him.

The person who was soaked in the rain after rushing back, and then messed around in the bathroom for a long time, followed by the person who sweated on the bed, because he didn't cover the quilt much, under the alternating cold and hot conditions, the nasal sound when waking up became a little bit strong.

"what happened?"

Mei Yi pondered for two seconds, but she was not ashamed to speak directly, and changed her words: "You...were you working before you came back? Don't you need to go back?"

Reminded by her like this, Rong Que thought of the follow-up of the magazine shooting, and thought of the ability of his manager, his whole body went from nervous to relaxed: "Don't worry, go to sleep."

May couldn't sleep.

She lay in Rong Que's arms for a while, feeling that the other person's temperature was abnormally high, she couldn't help but move, stood up and pressed her forehead against Rong Que's, after a few seconds, she gently "ah" With a sound.

The man has a fever.

Mei Yi saw that she was sleeping very soundly, stared at her sleeping face for a while, and found that she was a little bit reluctant to shake this person awake now—could this be the charm of her improved skills while her appearance is online? ?

She smiled to herself, then got up from the bed lightly, covered Rong Que with the quilt, and walked to the location of the medicine box familiarly.

Rong Que was still woken up.

When the cup of hot water handed to me was just barely warm enough to drink.

Mei Yi was wearing a bathrobe, her tail was more clingy than her own, and when she left Rong Que, she fell to the ground with a wiggly appearance, but as soon as she got close, she would definitely get entangled with her before her, and she was extremely flattering.

"You have a bit of a fever. You should have a cold. Drink some Ganmao Ling first and sweat a little."

After being reminded by her, Rong Que did find herself a little dizzy. At first she thought it was because she was too tired today, but at this moment she couldn't help raising her hand to catch the water glass. Just as her fingertips touched it, she moved back and grabbed the water glass. Grabbed the wrist of the man who handed the cup.

May: "?"

Rong Que's nose was a little congested, and his voice was muffled. Because of the heat, the skin on his cheeks was flushed, and his usual glamorous appearance had long been forgotten, but now her skin is white and rosy. Even the fingertips are flushed, like a freshly ripened peach with a little pink tip emerging from it.

But it makes people feel very erotic.

Rong Que got closer, amplified the lethality of his appearance, and asked May in a hoarse voice: "What is our relationship now?"

May is used to wanting to retreat, but unfortunately her hands are tightly wrapped by the other party, and there is no way to retreat, so she can only stare at the cup of prepared medicine, and whisper: "It is whatever relationship you want, as long as you Just don't regret it."

Rong Que replied very quickly: "Of course I won't regret it."

She had been waiting for this day for a long, long time.

It's too late to be happy, how could you regret it?

"let go."

May reminded her softly.

Rong Que thought that she was going to repent, so she increased her original vigor: "Don't let go."

May reminded her helplessly: "If you don't drink it, the medicine will be cold."

"Then you say first, you are my girlfriend." The stubborn black eyes stared at Mei Yi tightly.

May moved her lips, and for a moment, she remembered her relationship with this person... It seems that from confirming the relationship, that is, from stepping into the marriage hall, is it now going back to the most normal sequence of love?

She laughed for a moment, and finally said in a low voice: "I am your girlfriend."

Rong Que's health is in good shape. Even in the entertainment circle with upside-down routines every day, he recovered from a cold very quickly. When he woke up the next day, the fever had subsided.

Last night, in order to avoid that she would snatch her quilt, May deliberately brought an extra bed over, but when she woke up in the morning, she found that she was sleeping on the bed halfway up the mountain.

Miraculously, Rong Que was sleeping next to her.

She sat up in a trance, and after hearing the sound of washing, she rubbed her eyes and raised her voice and asked, "Why did you sleep so poorly?"

Holding a toothbrush, Rong Que poked his head out of the bathroom, "I don't sleep badly, but I wanted to hug you last night, and you always hid to the side, so I just followed... When I woke up, it was like this."

After a pause, she asked again: "Is there any discomfort on your body? If not, don't stay in bed. The breakfast sent by Xiao Guo will become lunch."

Mei Yi lay limply on the quilt, and closed her eyes to answer her: "Well, do you have any plans to go out?"

"Yes," Rong Que replied, "on the first day we are together, we should go out on a date."

May: "?"

She wanted to point to her ears reflexively, and even consciously drove her tail to flick: "How can I go out like this?"

There was silence in the direction of the bathroom.

After a while, Rong Que turned out a small mirror from nowhere, walked to the bedside and faced her: "What do you look like?"

Mei Yi opened one eye. At first, she didn't know why she took out the mirror. After staring at herself in the mirror for a long time, she suddenly asked, "Where are my ears?"

Those cat ears!

And that treacherous tail!

are gone!

Rong Que leaned over and smiled at her: "You seem to miss it very much? Do you like it? Like last night?"

May: "!"

Not at all!

However, the disappearance mechanism of this thing won't disappear until it is solved in an adult way!This is too...exciting!

Mei Yi didn't react until she went shopping, the sudden increase and decrease of body parts made her feel a little lost.

Standing on the side of the road where the two projects of the amusement park fork, she saw Rong Que wearing a mask and hat, and his expression naturally blended into the crowd in front of the ice cream truck, and found it a little funny:

How could two adults come to an amusement park for a date?

It was pretty fun though.

"You two are together again, aren't you?"

A voice came from behind.

Mei Yi nodded halfway, then she suddenly came to her senses. Looking back, she saw a familiar figure sitting in a black wheelchair under the shadow of trees in the green belt next to her.

The shadow of the tree whirled, swaying with the wind and sunlight, and mottled on the man's body. For a moment, May felt that she had a kind of magical magic, which could only be seen by herself.


She stood there at a loss, with both surprise and surprise in her eyes, because the expression on the woman's face was so familiar to her that it confused her memory of the game file.

follow closely.

When she saw the person who was supposed to be sitting in a wheelchair and was rumored to have a strange disease in this world line stand up and approach her step by step, May couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"You are so special, everyone in this world is up to you to choose—"

"But why do you always choose her?"

Zhou Qi stood in front of her. This person had already come out from under the shadow of the tree, but Mei Yi still felt that there was a strong shadow on her body, as if she did not walk from the shadow to the sun, but brought the darkness to the light near.

She moved her lips, and said in a daze: "You...your legs..."

"I'm ready." Kiki looked at her, showing an exceptionally bright smile, instantly resembling the girl in May's memory who she had teased indiscriminately. She even turned around in front of May. circle, so that Mei Yi could clearly see her skirt flaring open like flower petals: "Look."


How on earth is this restored?

"It's Yiyi's turn to answer my question." Zhou Qi looked directly into her eyes and asked with curved eyes, "Why is Rong Que the choice every time?"

"What is it about her that attracts you?"

Ke Mei couldn't listen to these words.

She was eager to know, how did Zhou Qi recover from such a state where there was no cure?

"How did you recover..."

She murmured and stared at the lower part of the other person's waist.

Zhou Qi was dissatisfied with her distracted appearance, so he lifted her chin up a little bit so that she could look directly at him, and then laughed out loud: "Look at what you asked——"

"Sister Yiyi knows that I'm just meaningless data to you. Since it's data, won't I be able to return to a healthy appearance after repairing it?"

"Why do you look so surprised? Or do you players like this?"

May: "I..."

She still wanted to talk, but Zhou Qi had already seen the person who came back with ice cream not far away, she thought for a while, and patted Mei Yi on the shoulder; "This time, I wish you a happy date first."

The person in front of him disappeared.

The lover not far away returns to her.

A piece of green matcha ice cream was handed to her, and Rong Que complained in her ears: "I thought this was delicious, but after waiting in line for so long, I was almost recognized by others, but it tasted so greasy and melted so well. So soon, if you don't pick up this ice cream, it will melt—"

May was like a straight-eyed robot, reaching out to pick up the ice cream, but the other party put it too fast, and she didn't think about it.


The cone was buckled upside down on the hot stone road.

Rong Que looked at her puzzled: "What's wrong with you?"

Mei Yi's eyes couldn't focus for a while, and what Zhou Qi said just now echoed in her mind, and she couldn't help murmuring:

"Data repaired..."

"Can it be recovered?"

The author has something to say: try your best, and you will be fat!

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