Mei Yi's kneeling voice was so loud that Rong Que felt for a moment that the other party's kneecap might be broken. Her eyelids twitched, but her complexion did not change at all:

"Which show are you acting in?"

She bit the word "acting" very hard, with a deep sense of irony. Thinking of the best actress awards she had won, Rong Que felt even more ridiculous. After all, in terms of acting, she is really the queen of the three gold medals Among the folks—what is he compared to May's affectionate appearance full of lies?

Mei Yi knew that she must be very angry. According to her usual strategy style, she should consider the next time here, but now the favorability bar above Rong Que's head has disappeared. Judging by Rong Que's performance of being so angry with her, It is better to have mood swings for her than to be calm and be at the beginning of a disagreement. After weighing it again and again, May feels that she can still struggle again.

She took advantage of the situation and wanted to fall on Rong Que's body, but was quickly avoided by the people in front of her, causing her precarious figure to almost fall to the ground. Mei Yi was not discouraged, tears as wide as two noodles rolled down the corners of her eyes, she was so tender He raised his head pitifully, his voice full of tears.

"I shouldn't have left you, I was really wrong, please forgive me—"

In the middle of the conversation, Rong Que suddenly raised his hand and pinched her jaw, just like their first wedding night, the other party looked down from above, but compared to the utter disgust in the past, now those black eyes are full of shattered pain .

"Have you played me enough, May?"

Mei Yi trembled with her right hand, holding her wrist, as if she couldn't feel the pain that her mandible would be crushed by the opponent's fingers, and only focused on looking into her eyes, "I didn't play with you, Rong Que, I think Have a good time with you..."

Rong Que sneered, and his voice was extremely indifferent, "What you mean by having a good time is saying goodbye to your partner on the wedding day, and disappearing after a disagreement? Let's forget it."

She said, "I can't stand a lover like you."

She let go of her hand suddenly, and Mei Yi's pale skin on the chin showed obvious red marks from fingerprints, and her body kneeling at the door shook, as if she had been seriously injured by Rong Que's words.

"You... do you want to divorce me?"

May asked hoarsely.

Rong Que didn't answer, but this kind of silence is also her attitude. Obviously, there is only the door frame of the wedding room between the two of them, but the kneeling person can clearly feel that he is completely excluded from the other party's world .

"I know... I shouldn't have left..." She spoke again with difficulty, as if she wanted to explain something, her words stuttered and stammered, and her posture seemed to be very difficult, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she couldn't When I opened my mouth, I could only droop my shoulders, and said as if giving up: "This marriage should make you happy and happy, but I did something wrong and made you unhappy. I'm sorry, if you don't want to continue, I will Someone will deliver the divorce agreement tomorrow."

Rong Que was leaning halfway by the door, without any change on his face, as if he had pulled out all his emotions towards May from his body, and now he had returned to the appearance that lacked all emotions and desires.

"Enough acting?"

When she heard the pause, she calmly raised her hand and made a "please" gesture: "Then go, and then don't appear in front of me again in this life."

In the past, after these words, the picture of the whole world would be grayed out, and a big line of "badending" would pop up, followed by Rong Que's inner monologue, telling Mei that there was no possibility for them to continue in this life.

But not this time.

Mei Yi waited, and settled in her heart. When the other party closed the door, she raised her hand to try to block the door, but was mercilessly pulled back. When Rong Que saw her fingers being slapped on the fire door, her heart jumped suddenly. , I couldn't help but lose a little strength in my hand.

The person outside the door secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, her pain sensation has long been zero, otherwise today's fight may be unstoppable. She opened the door again, lowered her eyes and said in a low voice:

"I know, you suspect that I have ulterior motives for you."

"Maybe in your heart, I'm already a monster that doesn't fit in with the whole world."

"But... I never intended to harm you."

She raised her head and looked deeply into Rong Que's eyes: "All my lies are just to let you see me, and all my lies are just to get your love."

"I exist only for you in this world. If you don't want me anymore, my existence will lose all meaning."

Rong Que came back to her senses. She had already made up her mind not to be deceived by this liar who was full of lies, but she found that she still couldn't resist Mei Yi's sweet words. The only way to be fooled.

She slammed the door shut in front of Mei Yi, leaving no room for the other party to play.

The sky outside suddenly became gloomy, as if it was going to rain heavily, and the festive wedding room layout in the house seemed to fade away, which made Rong Que, who was standing in the house, feel extremely depressed. She wanted to destroy everything, destroy them all The impulse to drop.


Mei Yi leaned against the door, silently clicked a rain card that she had drawn with her hands behind her back, and the system silently appeared beside her. After watching her stand for a long time, she chose to turn around and leave this place, and went all the way outside. Dare to say:

"You... your speech just now was very affectionate."

Even it made me sad to hear it.

"Affectionate?" May looked at it in confusion, "No?"

"I exist only for you in this world..." The system tried to repeat what she said just now. Although the mechanical voice could not simulate emotions, it imitated the pause and the pitch very similarly.

"Oh, I also want to do it for others, isn't it because you only allow one to be captured at a time?" Mei shrugged, and a rare card was pulled out of the warehouse by her at some point, and it was flying at her fingertips.

She looked at the weather until the rain was getting heavier and heavier than the day Yiping asked her father for money, so she nodded calmly in the rain, "Well, it's almost there."


May didn't answer it, and took the card to the direction of the airport, and booked a flight to the nearest foreign country.

three hours later.

Rong Que received a text message from May. Of course, she didn't want to read anything related to this person, but before she blocked the contact information, her eyes quickly processed the short content.

"Sorry, I will never lie to you again."

There is only such a line in the text message.

Gives a bad feeling.

But Rong Que looked at it blankly for a while, and chose to delete the text message, and blocked May's number by the way—she would never be fooled by this person again.

Sitting quietly on the sofa for a long time, listening to the crackling rain outside the window, Rong Que held the phone and let go of his thoughts, but suddenly felt the phone shaking again.

It's the broker's phone number.

She had ignored it for too long, but now that she got connected, the person who couldn't respond was the other person, "... Got it? Rong Que, Grandfather Rong, trying to contact you during the holidays is even more difficult than seeing the Buddha—— Didn’t you promise me to answer the phone even on my honeymoon? Does that put work aside?”

How sweet it was for her to hear such words in the past, but now she feels so suffocated, she interrupted directly: "What's the matter?"

Just about to communicate with her about an advertisement rescheduled, the agent said, "You seem to be in a bad mood. Why, did your little wife make you angry?"

"If you are free, find something for yourself, or do you just like to come to my place to find pleasure? Hang up if you have nothing to do." Rong Que did what he said, without waiting for another word on the phone, directly Hang up the phone.

This attitude of taking a shot made the agent Monk Zhang Er puzzled.

She could only ask Assistant Guo next to her: "Xiao Guo, didn't you tell me that she held this wedding with the person she likes? This attitude... I don't know and think she is forced to marry again."

The assistant was swiping his phone. Looking up, he was also puzzled. He could only shake his head. When he looked down again, a notification popped up on the phone:

"Shocked! A suicide appeared on Tidal Beach, the most beautiful vacation spot! It turned out to be a rich and second generation..."

Assistant Guo was used to crossing over all these party headlines, but he noticed the word "Tide Beach" in time, thinking that this place seemed to be one of the must-see spots for Rong Que and Mei Yi's honeymoon, so he conveniently posted this news Hey, I want to see what's going on, if someone dies there, it's somewhat unlucky for the honeymoon couples, always remind Rong Que to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, when she clicked on the video, in the noisy background, after she saw clearly the person who was rescued from the sea by the crowd, Assistant Guo's cell phone fell to the ground in an instant.


She stood up from the sofa in shock.

"Are you sure you want this?"

"No way, women just want to be harder on themselves."

In a small dark room with only a TV, Mei Yi sat on the ground with her knees hugged, staring at the TV in front of her. What was shown on it was everything that happened in the game. Now she was seeing Rong Que answering the phone, listening to Guo Guo The assistant reported the news to her.

In the movement of Rong Que's sneer to express disbelief, Mei shrugged, turned to the system and said, "Look."

Thinking of the [Rare Ward That Makes Her Lover Painful] that she just used, the system couldn't imagine that Rong Que would find out that May could only be in a vegetative state in this hospital bed from now on. She's pretty ruthless too."

Mei Yi tilted her head, then raised her finger and pointed at herself, "How? Look at me, now because of her favorability and not being exposed, I can only be locked up in such a small dark room by your game , I paid such a high price, I just wanted to show her a little favorability, am I going too far?"

The system shook its head, and quickly corrected it: "But... you haven't lost your freedom, didn't you just draw out a [Ordinary Ancient Disguise Mask]?"

"Oh." May sighed heavily.

"Rong Que is like this, am I in the mood to go out and play?"

System: "You..." Did you really have a crush on Rong Que?

In the next second, Mei Yi said decisively: "Of course it is in a vegetative state while brushing up her guilt and favorability while hanging up!"

It's a fart in the game!

She wants to roam freely in the real world!whee!

May couldn't help giving herself a thumbs-up in her heart, and said loudly: It's impossible to re-raid again, you can only hang up the phone to get good feelings and get free.

(This book comes from: Dragon and Phoenix Internet)

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