May was still stunned on the stage, unable to react.

Things like "licking the dog and turning over" and "slapping Lu Jia in the face" have all disappeared from her mind now, and she doesn't even remember that Rong Que kissed her in front of everyone just now.

On the contrary, it was the person who promised her, with a smile on his lips, like a spring day at noon, and the sun is warming.Rong Que's hand on the back of her neck did not withdraw for a long time, but he pressed her forehead again and asked aloud:

"What about you? Will my wish come true?"

The system suddenly appeared next to Mei Yi, and celebrated her with the sound of fireworks and firecrackers synthesized with electronic sounds: "Congratulations, baby! You successfully conquered Rong Que! You did it! You created the biggest miracle in this game!"

The noisy voices were all around her ears, but Mei Yi's attention was still on Rong Que, so she could see her mouth shape clearly and hear what she said clearly.

So May asked, "What wish?"

"Be loyal to this marriage, to this relationship," Rong Que asked her, "Can you do it?"

May opened her lips.

Festive wedding music surrounds the wedding stage covered with flowers, the applause of the audience is so warm that it can almost blow off the roof, and the small speakers of the system almost hit her ears. As long as she tilts her head slightly, she can even see Mei Mrs. Mei and Father Mei are holding hands with tears in their eyes.

She seems to be...

Really step into a marriage.

The heartbeat also became abnormal, 'bang', 'bang', every beat was very clear in my ears.


May thought, I don't love her, why do I still feel nervous and excited?

She didn't answer this question, and the plot was suspended on the spot and offline.

When the game cabin was opened again, the real world had just dawned. When May was pushed to sit up by the device, she looked at her legs soaked in the nutrient solution.

Taking a deep breath, Mei supported the sides of the game cabin with both hands, first tried to move her toes, and when she saw that all ten toes could move flexibly, she couldn't help but try to bend her knees.

There was an obvious feeling of weakness in her legs, perhaps because she hadn't moved for a long time, and the muscles, nerves and bones were a little out of control... Even so, she still saw the knees of her legs slowing down driven by her own consciousness. Slowly bend up and float out of the nutrient solution.

When the soles of the feet step on the bottom of the cabin, they rub against the non-slip base with enhanced friction, and there is also a dull rubbing pain.

Mei couldn't wait to stand up from the game cabin, but just halfway up, she fell back weakly because she couldn't find her balance.

She fell into the game cabin in a state of embarrassment. The movement quickly alarmed Aunt Li, who was taking care of her, and hurriedly opened the door. Before she could see the scene clearly, she couldn't wait to say to her:

"Miss Mei!"

"Call me if you have something to do, or ring the bell, and I will definitely come to help you... Don't blame me for being old and talkative. Even with the strength I had when I was young, I couldn't get from here on my own in your state." Get out of the cabin."

"Besides, I have taken care of you for so many years, if you try to be brave with me, turn around and let the young master—"

Words that were usually dismissed as deaf ears or caused irritability fell into Mei Yi's ears smoothly today. Her body recovered and her mentality was no longer so extreme and sharp. Aunt Li hugged herself out of the game cabin. She went out, but when the other party took the bath towel, she took it on her own initiative.

"I'll do what I can, don't worry."

After a pause, May said again: "Can you contact my brother for me? I want him to come over."

It was rare for her to take the initiative to meet someone, Aunt Li heard this, and hurriedly responded, although she didn't know if Mei Ziqi would have time today, but since it was Mei Yi's request, he should be happy to find time to come over.

After Mei Yi wiped her body almost, she was carried into the wheelchair again, covered with a bath towel, and headed towards the bathroom, and waited until she was sure that the water temperature was right and would not scald her, and that all the toiletries were within her reach , Aunt Li retreated to the door.

Before leaving, I did not forget to tell her:

"If Miss Mei finishes washing, please remember to inform me. The bathroom floor is very slippery. If the young master knows that I haven't taken good care of you, it will be difficult for me to explain to him."


May watched her close the door.

Then, while the ground was still dry, the person in the wheelchair stretched out her legs carefully, and waited until the soles of her feet touched the ground before she slowly tried to get up again.

This time before she fell, she squatted on the ground in time, not caring about the coldness of the floor.

In this bath, May took a full bath for more than an hour, and her skin was wrinkled. She was still very happy, and from time to time, she raised her hand and pinched her calves in a masochistic way, until both legs were left with pain. After several red marks, May finally stopped with regret.

Before getting sick——

She never thought that being able to feel pain would be such a happy thing.

Mei Ziqi had just woken up from home when he received Aunt Li's call. When he heard what Aunt Li said clearly, he pinched the bridge of his nose and frowned, his voice still had a strong nasal tone, but he said in a hurry: "I'll be here soon!" come over!"

He hurriedly got up from the bed, walked into the dressing room, opened the door of the closet, casually tore off a casual outfit and threw it outside. He didn't shave his beard, just washed up casually, and rushed towards May.

In fact, both of them lived in the same neighborhood.

But Mei Ziqi didn't dare to go to her sister's house every day, because the request to "move out" was made by Mei Yi after she fell ill, and he could sense that Mei Yi had an obvious tendency of "not wanting to add to others." Trouble", he expresses his concern too frequently, which will put a lot of pressure on his sister.

All along, Mei Ziqi has been careful to measure his concern, as long as Mei Yi is not too self-closing at home, he will not rashly intervene.

This time it was rare to hear that she wanted to see him early in the morning, Mei Ziqi didn't even have time to guess anything, and his mind was full of how to get to the other party's place as quickly as possible.


There was the sound of fingerprints unlocking the lock. When Mei Ziqi entered the door, he was still holding the pajamas he had just changed from. He probably forgot what he was holding when he went out.

Aunt Li was stunned for a moment, then came over and asked him if he wanted to wash this for him.

Mei Ziqi followed her gaze to see the clothes in his hands, and he couldn't help laughing, handing the balls of clothes over, he said helplessly: "That's troublesome, by the way, where is Yiyi? She's so early Are you looking for me...?"

"I just came out of the game and I'm in the bathroom. Miss Mei seems to be in a good mood today. I was passing by and heard her humming just now." Aunt Li took his clothes and walked to the washing machine, and then came over to wash them. Automatic coffee machine, one more question: "You came so early, haven't you had breakfast yet? Or are you with Miss Mei?"

"Okay, hard work."

Mei Ziqi sat down at the dining table, and took the time to stroke the lock of hair on the top of her head.

Not long after, there was a sound of opening the door from the bathroom, making Aunt Li, who was making a butter sandwich, "Ouch", hurriedly turned off the fire, dropped the spatula, took off her apron and rushed over there:

"The eldest young master has arrived, Miss Mei, wait a moment, I will come to help you right away!"

She thought Mei Yi didn't know about Mei Ziqi's movements, so her voice raised a lot.

Unexpectedly, when she reached the door of the bathroom, Aunt Li was stunned, because Mei Yi was sitting in the wheelchair in full clothes at the moment, the buttons of the clothes were not crooked, and the excess water on the wheelchair was wiped clean.

Still in surprise, she saw May controlling the wheelchair and heading towards the living room.

"Big brother."

Mei Ziqi got up from the chair with a gentle smile, which made Mei feel kind at the first sight: "You can't call me here so early because you miss me, can you?"

He thought his sister would not respond.

But Mei Yi nodded solemnly, and even pushed the wheelchair in front of him, spreading her hands to embrace him, and when Mei Ziqi was stunned for a long time, she leaned over carefully, before she said seriously: "Yes, I suddenly miss my brother."

Mei Ziqi let her hold him stiffly, neither hiding nor not hiding, so he could only ask: "What's wrong?"

May let go of his hand, made him stand up straight, and suddenly asked, "Does brother know about the game "Customized Lovers"?"

"Did you never look at the production company before playing the game?"

Mei Ziqi raised one eyebrow, a little helpless: ""Customized Lovers" was researched by Youlong Culture Studio. Our company acquired this studio a few years ago, but when it was acquired, the studio was already bankrupt due to the closure of the game. edge……"

Speaking of this, he paused and said, "Why are you asking this?"

"Game off server?"

May's focus is this.

"Yes." Mei Ziqi felt that there was something strange about her younger sister today, and after answering, she did not forget to ask, "Why, do you want to play this game?"

May responded blankly: "Ah."

"It's useless to want to play," Mei Ziqi leaned over and rubbed her hair, "That game was a rented server back then, and all the data was destroyed after the server was shut down. Even if I find you the game, you won't be able to log in... Let's have breakfast."

"...can't log in?"

Mei repeated it in a murmur, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on her back.

Mei Ziqi pushed her wheelchair to the dining table, saw the sweat on her temples, thought it was the water marks she didn't pay attention to wipe when taking a shower, took a tissue from the table and handed it to her, and pointed to the corners of her hair, Unexpectedly, May didn't take the tissue, but grabbed his wrist instead.

"Brother, do you know someone called Rong Que?"

Mei Ziqi: "Who?"

Mei had no choice but to change the question, "Then May...Merlin...?" She realized that she had never asked Mrs. May's name, so she temporarily pulled out her father's Merlin Group from the game.

However, Mei Ziqi laughed when she heard her question, and asked her if she had played too many Western epic games recently, and she even asked the name of the foreigner.

May: "..."

She finished the breakfast absent-mindedly.

After Mei Ziqi confirmed that she was fine, and arranged for her to send several games, and then hurried to work, Mei Yi pushed the wheelchair back to her room.

She was just in front of the game cabin, and saw the blue light of the game connection port still flashing.

This is the "login available" state.

May's throat moved.

Unexpectedly, she turned around and closed the door, then went to the game cabin and struggled to reconnect to the game. The first thing she did when she went online was to continue the plot.

She solemnly complied with Rong Que's vow to be "loyal" to this marriage.

The wedding is business as usual.

Wedding banquet, wedding reception, bridal chamber.

She stared at the favorability level above Rong Que's head for a full half a day, and when she was about to bridal chamber, she finally couldn't hold back and paused the plot again.

Then, the bride in a beautiful white wedding dress sat on the edge of the bed, holding a flying metal ball in her hand, and said to it seriously:

"Your game..."


"The favorability level reaches 100, isn't it the embodiment of HE?"

The system responded to her in a daze, "Yes."

Mei Yi motioned it to look at the favorability score of Rong Que who was standing by the bed. The bright '100' symbolized perfection and joy, and it made people feel happy whenever they saw it.

But May was happy for a long time, and finally realized that something was wrong.

She asked the system seriously: "Since I have HE, it means my strategy has been successful, why is it not over yet?"

Which strategy game has 100 favorability points and is still going down?At this time, you should directly give the player a finale VCR, okay?

And she waited for a long time!

Nothing happens!

The system was dumbfounded, and even forgot about it, it just sat in her hand and repeated:


"Why hasn't it ended yet?"

The author has something to say: why?

Guess there is no 1.

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