The night before the wedding, Rong Que received a call from her family saying that her mother had suddenly fainted at home. Although she was sent to the hospital by the nanny in time, it was found out that it was a cerebral hemorrhage caused by high blood pressure and she was sent directly to the ICU.

Father Rong was on a business trip abroad, and even if he flew back halfway across the world overnight, he couldn't handle the matter in time. The family quickly contacted Rong Que, and by the time she got to the hospital, it was already early morning.

Thinking of May's routine when she was by his side——

Standing in the corridor of the hospital, Rong Que slid his fingertips across the edge of the phone in his pocket, but in the end he still didn't send any message to May.

Thinking of the shadow left by the previous wedding, she closed her eyes and prayed that her father would arrive at the hospital by seven tomorrow morning.

Everyone in the Rong family knew that she was going to have a make-up wedding with May the next day, even before Rong's mother had a sudden high blood pressure, she was still looking at the pair of ancestral imperial green bracelets in the room, and picked a time to give them to May after preparation .

The image of May sitting in front of the dressing table, happily telling her about the wedding procedure appeared in front of her:

"I want to tell those who are not optimistic about this relationship, I am with you! I also held a grand wedding and told everyone that we are very much in love!"

"I would also like to invite several well-known media people to come and report on this wedding, and let them all know how happy it is to be your wife."


Memories are warm and warm, but reality is full of the smell of disinfectant on the tip of the nose.

Rong Que sat on a chair outside the intensive care unit and suffered from insomnia all night.

When the corridors of the hospital became lively, she took out her mobile phone to check the time, and couldn't help but call the assistant next to Father Rong: "Where are you now?"

"Something happened at the airport this morning, and the road is a bit congested," the assistant told the truth, "It will take at least half an hour to reach the hospital."

On Rong Que's end, there was only the sound of breathing.

There was a rustle from the receiver, and then Father Rong's voice came over: "When I got off the plane just now, I called the dean. I won't know the details of your mother until she wakes up. She is still alive now. Are you awake?"

"No." She replied calmly.

Father Rong sighed, his tone full of exhaustion: "I'm sorry, your wedding with Xiaomei may have to be postponed for a while... I've already asked the driver to try to choose a road that is not blocked."

"You pay attention to safety," Rong Que lowered his eyes, looked at his palm, and replied slowly: "Mother, I will always pay attention to the situation."

After a pause, she said again: "May is a very reasonable person, she won't blame me."

Wait for the phone to hang up.

Rong Que turned around and looked at the intensive care unit behind him. Through the thick wall, he was silent for a long time, then turned on the phone screen again, and dialed a number with his slender fingertips.

The phone was put to her ear, and the answer was quickly answered:

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

Seven thirty.

In a luxury hotel suite.

Mei Yi didn't care about the liquid foundation on her face that was dry and hard to wipe off, she hurriedly went to find her mobile phone, took the pearl handbag next to the chair, and said to Mrs. Mei without raising her head:

"Why didn't she tell me directly if she had something to do!"

"If we had discussed with me earlier, we would have been able to communicate with the master of ceremonies and the hotel manager last night, and add some procedures to let the guests pass the time. Now everyone present knows that the wedding will start at nine o'clock. When does she want to postpone it?"

Mrs. Mei looked at her helplessly, until May took out her phone and pressed it for a long time, but the screen was still pitch black.


Last night at home, she had a rare moment of freedom before going to bed. She was so excited that she played with her mobile phone all night and forgot to charge it.

Licking her lips, Mei Yi borrowed the power bank from left to right, and at the same time looked at Mrs. Mei's direction eagerly: "Then... what happened to her house? Can I make it today?"

She hurriedly added: "As long as she can arrive, I can wait forever, really!"

Mrs. Mei sighed. For no reason, she felt that her child's life was miserable. There were two major events in her life, and the results did not go well. They were all carefully selected auspicious days. Why is it so rough?

Just like...

The two of them are not compatible, and they are not worthy of each other.

Muttering this in her heart, Mrs. Mei was a little uneasy, but thinking of Mei Yi's feelings for Rong Que, she still smiled, sat next to the child, and patted her hand, "She will come, you Don't worry, put on your makeup first, your face looks like a cat, sit down quickly - with your mother here, today you will be in charge of being a beautiful bride, don't think about anything else, don't be afraid of anything ,Um?"

Mrs. Mei didn't say anything about Rong Que's mother's illness.

She always felt that with Mei Yi's thoughts on Rong Que, she might be able to make a move to run out and announce that the wedding was canceled on the spot.

There were a lot of media present today, and they invited relatives and friends from the two families to witness. If Mei Yi really made such a fuss, what would happen to the child's reputation after word spread?

Does it make people laugh that she married the same person three times?

It sounds bad luck.

Mrs May must not let this happen.

Nine ten.

The two protagonists were still missing from the venue.

Lu Jia was eating nuts. She sat on the four legs of the chair so that only one leg was on the ground, and the other three corners dangled for a while. She kept her eyes on the position of the wedding table, wondering what she was thinking.

Until the person next to her touched her with an elbow:

"Hey, Jiajia, I heard that the other protagonist hasn't come yet. Do you know what's going on? I finished her red carpet look last night. I'm really looking forward to her stunning appearance today."

Lu Jia leaned forward suddenly, and when the chair legs fell flat on the ground, he couldn't help sneering: "What's the matter? Someone is bragging about it? Maybe it's because I haven't licked it for a long time, and I have a mental problem. You don't usually watch the entertainment industry." News?"

"What news?" The friends around him were curious and cheered.

"Similar to 'a woman was obsessed with star chasing and suffered from paranoia, she told her relatives and friends that her husband is a big star', or 'crazy fans jumped on stage at a star's press conference and openly threw roses to propose marriage on the spot'... …there are too many examples, see for yourself.”

She patted the nut crumbs in her hand.

The person sitting at the table next to her laughed dryly, "Impossible, the Mei family should not let her mess around like this."

"You do not believe?"

Lu Jia stood up suddenly, looked around the venue, just in time to see Peng You who came in from outside, and waved to her with a smile.

When Peng You approached, she deliberately raised her voice so that the people at the same table could hear clearly:

"Peng Peng, let me ask you, did Meizi have some brain problems a while ago?"

Peng You: "?"

She pressed her tongue against her teeth, and stretched out her fingers with a sly smile to warn: "Lu Jia, do you need me to teach you how to speak human? Something went wrong with her brain, she just lost her memory temporarily, and now she has returned to normal .”


Lu Jia clapped his hands together, shrugged his shoulders towards the people around him, and repeated in a protracted tone: "Isn't memory loss one of the manifestations of impaired brain function, that is, brain problems?"

"I haven't cleaned you up for a few days, your skin is itchy, right?"

Peng You raised his hand to hook her neck, trying to pull her out of the crowded venue.

Lu Jia thumped for a long time but failed to pull her away. With her head stuck, she tilted her neck and warned, "Try me!"

Peng You slapped her directly on the forehead.

The fact that some guests made a fuss quickly spread to May's ears.

Seeing Mrs. Mei slapping the table and staring, she hugged her wedding dress, tried to move a few steps, and hurriedly stopped her: "Mom, don't worry, it's my friend. I'll go over and see if there's any misunderstanding, you You've been busy all morning, sit here and rest."

Before Mrs. Mei could stop her, she walked towards the door in this embracing wedding dress appearance. Mrs. Mei couldn't laugh or cry, so she quickly ordered someone to help her lift the hem of the wedding dress, so as not to stumble outside later.


Panting a little, May took all her friends to a secluded corner, raised her hand, took two glasses of juice from the passing waiter's tray, stuffed them into the hands of Peng You and Lu Jia one by one, and then served a glass of cocktail by herself.

"Tell me, how did the two young ladies get into a fight on my big day?"

"You want me to be popular, for good luck?"

Lu Jia's new hairstyle was ruined, and her eyes were red with anger. There was still a friend next to her who kept patting her on the back, and someone from Peng You kept pulling her back to prevent the battle from becoming fierce.

"Ask her first what kind of rumors she's making with her mouth!"

Peng You pointed in Lu Jia's direction, still feeling puzzled: "Meizi, you shouldn't let this kind of person attend your wedding, it's really bad luck!"

"It's my bad luck to attend the crazy wedding!" Seeing her being held back, Lu Jia started talking again, not forgetting to look in Mei Yi's direction, and taunted her together: "Didn't you show off just now?" ? This is everything you need? You don't think that a wedding can be organized by one person, do you?"

May was silent for a while.

Then she poured the cocktail on Lu Jia's head.

In an atmosphere of shock, she raised her hand to let the security guard come over, and very politely asked Lu Jia, the shit-stick, to go and change her clothes.

Then he looked in Peng You's direction and saw that her face was blushing, so she couldn't help saying: "Don't be angry, her mouth is always so broken, don't you know?"

Peng You watched her for a long time.

Suddenly he raised his hand and poked her forehead.


She couldn't help but said: "Am I mad at her? I'm mad at you! How did you promise me that Rong Que has changed and is not what it used to be? Please let me come to bless your wedding. What happened? "

Peng You said that her chest couldn't stop rising and falling, and she was angry and angry, which made her makeup look more delicate, but she didn't think about it at the moment, she only held Mei Yi's hand, and said earnestly:


"If the partner doesn't work, let's change. We won't be wronged, can't we?"

May lowered her head, her eyes were red.

Tears fell from her eyes, blurring the makeup she just put on. Originally, Peng You thought that she must wake her up today, but seeing her crying silently, she felt a little soft-hearted, so she hurried to find her. The man asked for a tissue and wiped her face.

May took her tissue, raised her red eyes, bit her lip, and spoke again:

"No...she's not like that. She didn't come. She must be busy with something. Don't talk about it. I love her, and she loves me too."

She also emphasized it again: "Really, you trust me."

But the more she protects Rong Que at this time, the more pitiful she looks.

There were other guests and friends around who looked over, wanting to know what happened. May couldn't resist their gaze, and fled in a panic clutching a tissue.

in the bathroom.

Mei Yi propped up the sink, and the snow-white wedding dress was scattered all over the floor, only to hear her take a deep breath.

The system appeared beside her and tried to comfort her: "Her favorability is already 70, maybe there is really something urgent this time? You may be right to speak for her this time."

"Who knows?"

May wiped away her tears expressionlessly, wanting to touch up her makeup again, "But what do I love about her? Love her face that is always minus [-] degrees? Love her shabby, useless technology? Love what she gave Twelve times I BE? What is there in her that I love?"

She looked in the mirror, carefully examining her blurry eyeliner.

Seeing that the system was suddenly frozen, as if it was stuck, she asked aloud, "What?"


If Mei Yi felt something, she turned her eyes to the side——

The door of the bathroom was opened at some time, and there was a swaying and gorgeous figure standing outside the door, looking at this side with dark eyes, and I don't know how long it has been listening.

May: "!"

Wait, did she pause just now?

Soon, the facts told her the answer, because the favorability number above the other party's head was dropping little by little.

May's face also turned paler little by little.

Her head was blank, she forgot how to react for a while, and instinctively murmured:

"Give me another chance?"

The author has something to say: I want to be on the list these two days, so the update is at [-]:[-], thank you for your hard work.

Bear with me for two days, the update time will be adjusted back, you guys.

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