
There seemed to be some clues in Huayou's heart that were gradually connected together. After the summoning system failed, she still pretended to be surprised and asked Bian Chengyi, "Then...do you remember what happened in the last life?"

Bian Chengyi said slowly: "Basically, most of them don't remember... But I only know that I was very sad in the end of my previous life."

very sad.

It's the kind of sadness that can't hold on for another second, the kind of sadness that doesn't matter and is fearless, the kind of sadness that feels meaningless to do anything.

That is the sea.

The same is true for her, looking down from top to bottom, but the scenery at that time was only the fog and sea at night.

She stood there for two hours, and the people passing by didn't pay much attention to her, as if they regarded her as a landscape symbol by the night sea.

She thought, if she really merged into this fog and sea, would her life become more meaningful?

The sound of the sea seemed to be the only response.

She gradually knew how to describe the pain of her susceptible period, just like the pain of drowning in the bottom of the sea in her last life, she couldn't breathe all over her body, her blood seemed to burst, she was so uncomfortable that she only hated how she couldn't lose consciousness earlier.

It turned out to be the case.

Perhaps this was a small punishment for her self-destruction by those who played tricks on her fate.

Her destiny is never her own.

And Huayou opened her mouth at this moment.

"What I want to ask is, in your previous life..." Huayou thought about the plot in the book, and felt overwhelming sadness in her heart, "Is it one of the reasons that made you sad?" .”

"Maybe, I can't even remember what you were like in my previous life, but I think it doesn't really matter, because..."

"You are not the worry of flowers in the previous life, nor the worry of flowers in this life."

When Bian Chengyi said these words with certainty, Huayou's heart was turned upside down.

Bian Chengyi pursed her lips and smiled again, as if she was very confident in her guess:

"Maybe, it should have started from that time when you pretended to be special. I feel that something is changing."

"My life may just be repeated once, or it may be twice, three times, or even more. After all, I will lose almost all of my memory every time... But I can feel it. took a different trajectory.”

"So, if I'm telling the truth, even though I told you not to be afraid just now..."

Bian Chengyi sighed helplessly, her eyes were slightly red.

But fortunately, Huayou couldn't see her.

"Actually, what I want to say is."

"The one who is really scared is me."

"I'm very scared. If something unexpected happens today, the next time I wake up, it will be the first day of my senior year."

"I will never break free, and I will never get rid of the shadow of the college entrance examination..."

"The results of the college entrance examination and everything in the third year of high school will tell me that I am a complete failure and have no meaning for survival."

When Huayou heard this, she realized that the mission bar was close to 90.00%.

She knows where that one percent regret is.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the college entrance examination.

As long as she says "I love you" to her, Bian Chengyi will be freed from the endless cycle of her senior year in high school.

But when the words came to her throat, she seemed hesitant.

Compared to Bian Chengyi who loves with sincerity and magnanimity, her love is utilitarian, like holding a knife against the lover's back when embracing, the touch is warm and cold, making people feel like they are in hell.

She didn't want Bian Chengyi to come out of one hell and go to another hell.

What should she do, what can she do.

Huayou can only sigh:

"Sister Bian."

"Actually, you don't know... In some places, not this world, there are actually many people who like you very much."

"Your life is not a failure, nor can it be defined by someone, nor should it be at the mercy of fate..."

Bian Chengyi silently shed a tear.


Fortunately, Huayou couldn't see her.

And Huayou is still thinking about every word she uses: "Actually, if you can successfully break free from the shackles of the frame and find your own life, you will be very happy..."


All I know is that I can't be happy without you.

Huayou watched the blackening value soar all the way, racking her brains to think about the problem with that sentence.Her words also unknowingly rushed:

"In short, you can't, you can't go to another extreme..."

"Sister! Sister Bian!"

"Don't you know that I also exist because of you?"

Bian Chengyi was taken aback.

Just when Huayou felt something was wrong and wanted to find a better explanation for her, the roller coaster suddenly started.

At this moment, Huayou has no time to be afraid of weightlessness, instead she is more worried about Bian Chengyi's state.After unfastening the safety buckle and getting off the roller coaster, Huayou hurriedly went to hold Bian Chengyi's hand, but Bian Chengyi let her hold it, but his whole body showed a state of emptiness.

"You exist because of me..." Bian Chengyi couldn't restrain the choking in her words, and asked intermittently, "What does this sentence mean?"

"Could it be that you were imagined by me?" Her tone was extremely sour, "I just had a beautiful and long dream. When I woke up, you and I still didn't like anyone... we I have never been together, and no one has ever accompanied me through the vulnerable period..."


"It's really not like that, sister Bian."

Huayou took Bian Chengyi to sit down on a bench by the side of the road, and gently wiped away the tears beside Bian Chengyi's eyes:

"I'm not who you imagined..."

"But how to put it, there is no way, I am a person who can only exist for a while."

"Maybe, at some point, I will disappear from your life."

Huayou smiled again: "So, I want to spend as much time with you as possible when I can..."

Bian Chengyi was stunned.

She felt her body start to ache from the marrow of her bones again.

"Stop it." She murmured softly.

When Huayou looked at Bian Chengyi for the first time in her eyes, there was a little sadness: "Sister Bian, when you fall in love, you will be separated. It is actually a very normal thing that people cannot be with you until the end..."

"Stop it, please!"

Her tears poured out uncontrollably.

"I beg you, Huayou..."

Huayou was also stunned.

It was the first time she saw that Bian Chengyi lost his composure like this.

In the past, Bian Chengyi's susceptibility period was so painful, it was a pain that made Huayou feel scared, but Bian Chengyi never went to this point.

Bian Chengyi rested her head on her knees, obviously trying her best to suppress it, but she was still crying so hard.

Huayou wanted to pat her on the back, but Bian Chengyi gently sat beside her:

"Let me take it easy...please."

In Bian Chengyi's memory, it seemed that she hadn't cried like this for a long, long time.

At least not in this life.

"Can you stay?"

She cried for a while, then pleaded in a low, humble, sobbing voice.

She repeated the question again:

"Can you not go?"

And Huayou understands that she can only be ruthless at this moment:

"Sister Bian, from the very beginning when I asked you to bite me, it was all tasks issued by one system."

"Yes, I'm not the original Huayou."

"I really don't hate you..."

Huayou slowly burst into a smile:

"But once the college entrance examination is over, I will completely leave this world."

Bian Chengyi raised her head and begged again and again: "Is there really no other way?"

Huayou shook her head: "Sister Bian, do you still remember that one night, you said that if God really wanted you to fall in love with someone, you would definitely do the opposite..."

"If it's you, you can do whatever you want." Bian Chengyi suddenly seemed to have grasped a straw.

"As long as it's your words..."

Principles can be broken, rules can be changed, reincarnation can be allowed, and it is no longer a nightmare of shackles, but a sweet repetition.

"Everything can be changed."

"Huayou, kitten, listen to me."

Bian Chengyi insisted, firmly, although his eyes were completely red, but there was still a little light of hope:

"If I am admitted to Keda...can you not leave?"

"Or, what should I do..."

"Only then can you truly fall in love with me and stay by my side."

Huayou looked at the blackening value that was almost at full value, and silently gasped in her heart.She looked a little unbearable: "Sister Bian, you don't know what kind of me is real, or in other words, every day I am with you, some of my actions are to make you happier. "

"To be precise, the self I show in front of you contains some unreal elements..."

"If you see the complete me, I don't know if you will still like me."

Huayou finally said all the words in her heart.

At this moment, Bian Chengyi, as if she had grasped a certain straw, stood up abruptly, and walked back and forth twice:

"I see, kitty, I know what you mean..."

"You want to say, I don't know the real you, right?"

Bian Chengyi knelt down halfway, looking up at Huayou, whose eyes were also reddened:

"It's okay, it's okay, it's really okay..."

She clenched Huayou's hand tightly, her strength was even a little out of control.

"This time, let me get to know you, chase you, and love you."

"Well... I will bring you breakfast, then listen to your real story, chat with you, complain with you, and eat with you after class, yes, I will give it to you, just like you once did to me. "

"Little cat, no, classmate Huayou, the first time I met Huayou..."

"Can you give me this chance?"


The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: lsyjkry18 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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