Healing black lotus

Chapter 33 Swimming Pool

After the mid-term exam, the time for senior high school students is even more tense.

Huayou and Bian Chengyi discussed with their families separately, and they didn't even go home on weekends, and they all studied at school.

After that night of company, their relationship tended to be more stable and tacit, and usually they could tell what the other was doing with just one look.For example, Huayou glanced at Bian Chengyi, and Bian Chengyi would show her the physics she had just finished; Huayou stopped writing for a while, and Bian Chengyi also stopped writing, and packed up her things to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

Although none of them pierced that layer of paper after all, Bian Chengyi always felt that after the college entrance examination, maybe everything would fall into place.

Just recently, there is one thing that is quite entangled. The physical examination is three weeks earlier than the cultural subject college entrance examination, and the official registration form is about to be handed in, but Bian Chengyi is still hesitating whether she should register for the college entrance examination physical education to run 800 meters or swim 200 meters.Although she has been training in school to run 800 meters, according to Bian Chengyi's mother, Bian Chengyi's swimming performance seems to be better than 800 meters, and the probability of a perfect score is higher.

Therefore, Hua You suggested that on a rest day, accompany Bian Chengyi to the swimming pool near the school to practice and test in person.Although Bian Chengyi's home also has a swimming pool, Bian Chengyi obviously prefers to test it outside with Huayou, rather than being pressured by her mother when she goes home.

It's almost summer, and Huayou slowly took a breath of the hot air, and for the first time, she had a clear sense of participation in the upcoming college entrance examination.

Summer is the season of exams.

She and Bian Chengyi's progress bar was stuck at 90.00% five after the last kiss, and it is estimated that it will become 100% by the end of the college entrance examination.Huayou looked up at the blue sky, and sometimes felt a little confused from the bottom of her heart.

Will the sky she and Sister Bian saw in the two worlds be the same?

The same is true, clear and pure blue.

My memory seems to be a bit fuzzy, what was the world like in the past?

When Huayou was in a daze, Bian Chengyi spoke softly and stared at her for two seconds: "Go in?"

Huayou turned around and burst into a smile: "Chong Chong!"

Huayou took the bag and went into the women's OMEGA changing room alone to change into her swimsuit.Although Sister Bian is here for the test, she can't play for a while as an accompanying tester!She happily changed into her swimsuit, and when she opened the curtain to go out, Bian Chengyi was already standing by the pool waiting for her.

It can't be blamed on Huayou's strange perspective... Sister Bian's figure is thin, and wearing a swimsuit makes her look even more slender, like a white swan spreading its wings by the pool.She smiled, and the pool filled with golden waves seemed to rush towards her: "You are slower than me."

"I didn't promise you to compete with you in this aspect!" Hua You pouted and laughed quickly, "Don't talk about this, hurry up, go down and play!"

"Have you ever showered?" Bian Chengyi frowned slightly, but was pulled into the water by Huayou: "It's okay, it's summer, the water is not cold." She took the lead in going down into the water through the iron railings, and looked up at the pool with a smile Bian Chengyi, "Sister Bian, good sister, come down and play with me."

Bian Chengyi could only shake his head, and followed into the water: "Have you forgotten what we are here for?"

"What's the matter?" Huayou looked at the sky and thought for a moment, "Didn't you come to swim? Oh, it's okay, I have a waterproof watch on my hand, help you remember."

Bian Chengyi smiled lightly, and stopped at the edge of the pool in the shallow water area: "Then please help me time it, kitten."

Then, Bian Chengyi stepped forward into the water, like a fish thrown into the ocean.

Girls ALPHA swims 200 meters in four minutes and 46 seconds with a full score, and Bian Chengyi is now around four minutes and 40 seconds.Huayou showed Bian Chengyi the watch: "Actually, I think swimming is okay. Sister Bian, compared to the 800 meters, your performance is better, and you can sprint a wave of full marks."

"How are you swimming, kitten?" Bian Chengyi asked.

The female voice OMEGA is ten seconds longer than the female ALPHA's full score, but Huayou thought for a while: "I'd better choose running, I think running is more suitable for me."

Bian Chengyi smiled resolutely: "That's in the swimming pool, you will definitely not be able to catch me."

Huayou refused to admit defeat and threw the water on Bian Chengyi's face: "Hehe, although I can't catch you, I can hit you with water!"

Bian Chengyi propped up her body and went ashore, with the tone of adults not playing with children.Hua You was triumphantly thinking that she had won the victory, but Bian Chengyi walked back wet with a water gun in her arms...

Money ability up to baa!

Huayou was beaten so hard that she ran around in the pool with her head in her arms, begging for mercy repeatedly: "Sister, sister, stop! Let's have a truce, okay?"

Bian Chengyi went into the water and raised her eyebrows: "Are you sure about a truce?"

Huayou nodded like a chicken pecking at rice while approaching Bian Chengyi, then suddenly poured a lot of water over it, and said loudly: "Fake! I declare that the war is starting again now!!!"

Bian Chengyi was caught off guard and was splashed on the face again, but she was not angry, she could only hold her head and chuckle: "You're so cunning."

"How can you be so cunning!" Huayou walked towards the deep water area while splashing, "Don't come here!!"

Unexpectedly, Huayou slipped on the soles of her feet when she was going back, and fell directly into the water, but the house was leaking and it was raining all night, her legs cramped twice at this time...

The swimming pool security officer's whistle had already sounded, Huayou jumped twice, and soon saw a lifebuoy thrown down in front of her.But before Huayou grabbed the life buoy, she was already firmly supported by a pair of hands.

Huayou took two deep breaths, took advantage of the situation and hugged Bian Chengyi tightly, and said in her arms, "It's alright, alright..."

"In the future, you have to get rid of your lack of warm-up." Bian Chengyi let her hang around his neck. She is taller and can stand in deep water.She walked to the edge of the swimming pool, but she saw Huayou's shock and unwillingness to let go, and she couldn't say any words of reproach.

What a child.

A child like a sweetheart is not willing to scold him.Bian Chengyi glanced at Huayou's wet eyes, like some small animals in the forest, sometimes well-behaved and sometimes agile, and felt his heart beating so fast, not to mention being hugged so close by her, he could only look away with his lips pursed.

But how to hide the fragrance of peach blossoms.

Bian Chengyi could only apologize to the security officer and say that she was fine, and then try to deal with the frightened child in her arms.

Bian Chengyi dragged Huayou ashore, took out a towel from the shower, and spent a while with her on the chair by the swimming pool.

But it has to be said.

"Will you warm up in the future?"

"It's hot... Sister Bian, don't be angry, this is an accident!"

"What if there is no security officer and me at the seaside, it's not..." Bian Chengyi became more and more frightened as he thought about it, but he didn't dare to think any more.When she scolded others with a straight face, there was still a bit of the majesty of the monitor on that pretty face, which made Hua You, who had always been lively and cheerful in front of Bian Chengyi, dare not even say more.

"Forget it..." Bian Chengyi supported his forehead, seeing that Huayou seemed to be in shock, he couldn't bear to say too much about her, "Do you want to eat ice cream?"

Huayou raised her head abruptly.She loves sweet things the most!

So, after the two walked out of the swimming pool, they found the ice cream truck, and each of them bought an ice cream to eat.Huayou eats strawberry flavor, while Bian Chengyi eats chocolate flavor.

"Chocolate doesn't matter what kind of chocolate." Huayou said, "Although they all say that good chocolate is bitter, but I just think that the sweeter the chocolate, the better it is! As a result, I don't want to buy expensive chocolate now."

Bian Chengyi licked her own ice cream: "I think my chocolate ice cream is sweet."

"Really?" Huayou's eyes lit up, she had already eaten half of her strawberry ice cream, and her eyes couldn't help but look towards the chocolate.

Bian Chengyi saw what she was thinking, and passed the chocolate ice cream over: "If you don't mind, you can have a bite and try."

Huayou leaned over and licked lightly.

She said happily: "This chocolate is really sweet!"

Bian Chengyi smiled: "Don't think I can't see it, you're just making an excuse because you want to eat two flavors of chocolate..."

Huayou said coquettishly: "Don't tell me if you see through, think about it, I suffered such a big fright in order to train with you, so I don't have to make up for it..."

It's so coaxing.

Two ice creams can coax a good kitten.

Bian Chengyi took another bite of chocolate ice cream, it was really sweet.

Without a clear destination, they took a walk arm in arm under the shade of the tree for a while, just to relax, and chatted for a while about the details that need to be paid attention to in the college entrance examination sports.

"I hope my volleyball will suit my 'fate'." Huayou said a little worriedly, "If I don't hit a few times and then drop it, then I will really be ashamed in front of the school next door."

"No." Bian Chengyi smiled slightly, "Then do I have to pray that my basketball is what I want, not only the basketball, but also the basketball hoop, otherwise I won't be able to score and my score will be relatively low."

"Oh, it seems that perfect sports scores are really good luck." Hua You said with emotion, "I still have to pray for good weather, and pray that I don't feel any discomfort in my body, and don't break my leg before the exam..."

"Luck is a part of strength." Bian Chengyi was caught off guard, "Just like if I hadn't met you, some science questions might still be difficult for me. I would keep doing the questions, making mistakes, and constantly making mistakes. There is no solution..."

It will also continue to be destroyed.

But luckily, some things have been completely different.

Hua You didn't think too much, but said seriously: "It's okay, Sister Bian."

"No matter how difficult a question is, there will be an answer."

"If you really can't figure it out..."

"Then let's skip it!"

"Go around, and it's a brand new scenery."

Huayou smiled and pulled Bian Chengyi to run: "Come on, let's eat in a small restaurant today instead of going back to the cafeteria."

Bian Chengyi looked at her back.

For me...

——You are the most brand new and mysterious scenery in my life.


The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 170 bottles of white lines; 5 bottles of Huawu sunset late; 4 bottles of Shanjin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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