Before Huayou could answer, Bian Chengyi who was at the side spoke instead.

"Xiaoyu." She calmly said the words that made Fang Jinyu sad the most, "Huayou and I are used to eating together. After all, we have both obtained certificates. It might be a little strange to bring you along."

Fang Jinyu suddenly didn't know how to answer the conversation.

She looked at her best friend from the past with some strangeness, her eyes were almost red, and Huayou opened her mouth: "If you want, you can eat with Ling Wan and the others for a few days. Don't worry, they are fine For those who get along, I’ll just go and talk to them. Qiezi, oh no, Lu Qianzi, she has always liked you very much, but she admires your liberal arts talent.”

Fang Jinyu didn't expect that the two of them, who were not easy to deal with in the past, would have a day when they sat together and had a good talk today.Her eyes were a little blurred, she said thank you softly, she didn't mean to bother and complain, but turned and left.

Huayou turned to look at Bian Chengyi, saying that she didn't feel guilty at all, but she was a little moved after seeing this scene: "Actually, I don't mind..."

"Then I'll call her back." Bian Chengyi clasped his arms and said, Hua You panicked a little, and said, "Don't, don't, don't... Sister Bian, Sister, Second Miss, let's talk if we have something to say."

"Who is used to having an extra outsider while eating?" Hua You muttered in a low voice.

Bian Chengyi chuckled: "That's fine." She patted Huayou's head, "Let's go, let's eat. By the way, imagine how you will speak at the grade meeting."

"You still miss me, why don't you imagine how to coax your good friend." Huayou waved his hand, "I should do this villain, and it would make me look bad if you do it."

"No, I should do it." Bian Chengyi smiled even more happily.She leaned closer to Huayou's ear in a low voice: "Otherwise, how could I see my kitten's hair is about to explode."

Well, this must be teasing her again!

Huayou didn't know that her face was already blushing, she just secretly pinched her sleeve and said, "Sister Bian, you are teasing me again!"

However, what was said at the grade meeting, Huayou hurriedly typed up a draft after returning to the dormitory on Monday night.

Hua You was writing hard, while Bian Chengyi was sitting on the chair next to her, flipping through an English dictionary that was almost too tattered.Huayou wrote and wrote, and occasionally brushed her hair, looked out the window, and played with her hands, which proved that she had encountered a bottleneck.

"Why don't you understand." Versailles from the god of learning, Huayou, sighed, "Isn't this obvious at a glance? How should I say this?"

Later, Bian Chengyi couldn't stand the tangled look she was explaining in science, so she weakened her "Versailles" speech to appear more humble and decent.

But when Bian Chengyi sat on the red conference chair and saw Huayou sitting there alone, he was still a little nervous for no reason.The people around were also very interested in the "Sleeping Beauty Demon King" who ranked first in the entrance examination, and they were all discussing there.

"I know her grades were bad before... Yes, the kind of bad grades on the black list, I don't know why she suddenly became enlightened."

"I heard that there are some unconvinced people from the school next door who want to check the test papers. Heh, after checking, he is still No. 1 from our school."

"She looks so cute! I really want to pinch her face."

As the microphone audition session began, the venue gradually became quiet.

"Cough." Huayou cleared her throat, "Good afternoon, teachers and students, I am Huayou from Class [-], Grade [-], and I am very glad to be invited by Teacher Lu today to tell you about my learning experience. .”

Look, this word is a word in the style of Byun Seung-yi.

Huayou opened the PPT, and the screen displayed a huge classification of ten college entrance examination subjects.

First, she clicked English.

The audience watched her turn the page silently, only to see that after the word English disappeared, a low-quality animation appeared, and a large character appeared.


"In this world, there are actually people who want to know how to learn English?"

"Isn't that just a back?"

Take a look, this is the typical Huayou style, and I have found the feeling.

Huayou tilted her head, took out an English vocabulary book and shook it: "Tell me, whoever has memorized this English vocabulary book and you still can't score 120 in the test, you come and scold me."

"Watching American dramas or reading original books, don't believe it." Huayou put the English vocabulary book next to her face like a fan, and shook it, feeling very comfortable, "90.00% of people will watch it until the end. The plot of the land, the matter of learning English has long been thrown out of the blue."

"Of course, it's not rote memorization... Has anyone among you ever read a sentence, looked up the words one by one, and didn't recognize them when they were put together, right? This requires cultivating the sense of language... Well, this is not at all The meaning of asking you to watch American dramas is to ask you to do more reading and analysis!!! Or ask the teacher to recite the sentence structure..."

After Huayou finished the nine cultural courses eloquently, she finally added a point in physical education: "This kind of talent requires talent, a long timeline of growth experience, and small subjects with little value. Do your best, don't Put too much pressure on yourself and just treat it as a game."

After the voice fell, there was a long applause in the venue.Director Lu looked at Huayou with a smile on his side: "I saw this kid in the third year of high school, and he is considered a prodigal son. I didn't expect to write such a detailed and good study experience. We all have to thank Huayou."

"Is there anything you want to ask, students?"

A boy raised his hand and asked, "I want to ask Hua You, how did you get enlightened during the study?"

Huayou thought for a while, remembered Bian Chengyi's advice, swallowed the words "by feeling", and said vaguely: "How should I put it, do more questions. If you do more questions, you will be familiar with it."

Another girl stood up and asked, "I want to ask Sister Huayou, do you think the hard work in the third year of high school is enough to counterattack?"

Huayou said: "Enough. It's never too late to start. Miracles can be created the night before the college entrance examination. One year is enough to change a lot of things."

Bian Chengyi rubbed his forehead.It was not too late the night before the college entrance examination, and only a person like Hua You, who has a very efficient memory ghost, could say the words.

Later, someone raised their hand and asked Huayou: "Sister Huayou, I want to ask, in the process of learning, do you think the help of others is more important, or your own efforts?"

Huayou burst into a bright smile.

"I think..." She paused.

Just when Bian Chengyi definitely thought that she would say the words "the importance of her own efforts", Huayou said another choice that she had never thought of.

"I think it's the help of others that matters."

"During my study, my lover helped me a lot." She raised the manuscript paper in her hand, "Including today's speech, she helped me write it."

"She may have thought... that I learned it all by myself. Actually, no, I used to (smiling lightly), how should I put it, and my lover had been at loggerheads for a long time. I secretly wanted to surpass her, So that’s when I started to study hard.”

"It was only later that I realized... It turns out that she is the real motivation for my studies."

She pursed her lips, her eyebrows and eyes curved:

"I thought, I want to thank you."

"My legal lover, Bian Chengyi, the monitor of Class [-] and Class [-] of Senior High School, Xi Shi."

The audience burst into thunderous applause and laughter again.

In the center of the eyes of thousands of people, Huayou met Bian Chengyi's gaze firmly and proudly.

Bian Chengyi thought that she should have guessed the meaning in Huayou's eyes.

"Even if it's fake, it's something to be proud of being with me once, and something worth remembering for a long time to come."

For a while, Bian Chengyi couldn't bear the scorching gaze.


It would be great if it was really married.

Once this thought came up, even Bian Chengyi felt a little terrified.She felt that her heart began to ache again, which was a harbinger of her early susceptibility period.

But at this moment, Huayou is still continuing to speak:

"I know, many of you here have loved ones, or significant friends and loved ones. We've been fighting a silent war against our tired, lazy selves in order not to disappoint them."

"I also know that there are a lot of people who are devastated in this war. Although they seem to be intact on the surface, they have reached the extreme. Some of you don't even involve your significant other. Put aside the relationship and let them remember a good, even perfect self."

"But what I want to say is that no one is a permanent winner in this war. It's like I can't be sure whether I can get into Keda until the last moment of the college entrance examination."

"What they love is you who will be sad, you who will break down, you who will fail, and you who are all. If they only love you who are successful, you who are glamorous, and you who are always smiling... ..."

"Then, this love is love that can be discarded."

"But if it's the former... I want to say, no matter what, don't think that the result of this war is the whole of life."

"Catch the one you love, don't give up the one you care about, no matter how humble you are, if you are in pain, if you give up, the one you love will only suffer a hundred times more."

"The above paragraph is for my lover's friend's lover." Huayou smiled, "I know this is a bit of a mouthful (laughing), but I know that everyone has reached this time, and we will experience it together soon. After three years of ups and downs, let us spend the last two glorious months with the one we love."

: "At the end of the day, I want to say a word of blessing."

"Everyone! The college entrance examination went well!!!"

Especially you, Sister Bian.

I wish you victory in this war more than anyone.

But compared to victory...

——I also hope that when you leave this war, you will be a complete, healthy, happy, and free of obsession.


The author has something to say:

Author Jun: I wrote the original intention of writing this article.

It may not be possible to pass the signing, but someone can see this, I am very happy!


Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 6 bottles of Boeing ice; 563654002 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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