"Yes, it's the 'Xiaoyu' you mentioned."

Huayou smiled: "Did you think that I hated her?"

Bian Chengyi didn't show any special expression, but it clearly showed that she felt so.

Huayou shrugged: "Actually, I just envy her a little bit."

She turned around with burning eyes: "I envy her having the best love and friendship in the world."

It's just because Fang Jinyu is the heroine in the book, and her identity is that of a supporting role.

But that's not too much of an issue.Huayou thought to herself, from now on, she will work hard to change all this.She looked at Bian Chengyi, who was a little moved, with smiling eyes, and suddenly felt that although she was a black lotus in some aspects, she was also very cute: "Let's go, go back to class."

The third year of high school is monotonous and boring.

Huayou feels that in this environment, everyone is like a trapped animal, docile on the surface, but still irritable underneath.There was a drowsy and lethargic atmosphere in the classroom. When the bell rang after class, some of them were writing and writing, and some were whispering.In short, in Huayou's view, this cycle of chapters is indeed an excess that should be omitted in the book.

Wednesday's sports meeting is clearly an accident in this repetitive chapter.

In the book, the male protagonist Fang Huai almost took the No.1 in the men's group of all the registration events.In Huayou's view, this sports meeting, which should not be related to the third year of high school, is just a tool for the hero to show off.

After Bian Chengyi's clear voice read all the items of the sports meeting on the podium of the evening self-study, there were really very few people who signed up.Everyone felt that this sports meeting was just an obstacle that prevented them from studying hard. Although sports had been included in the examination items of the college entrance examination, its score of [-] points really did not give everyone the urge to spend a lot of time on it.

The men's program was a little better, and a few people signed up.When it comes to girls, it can be said to be completely silent.

Huayou felt that this scene was a different kind of high school drama.Seeing Bian Chengyi frowned slightly worriedly, Huayou raised her hand in the silence.

"What do you want to report?" Bian Chengyi didn't seem so surprised.

"600 meters and high jump." Huayou said in the center of everyone's gaze.

Bian Chengyi nodded, and recorded Huayou's name in the registration book.After Huayou raised her hand, several more girls signed up one after another, including Huayou's roommate Lin Lingwan.

Wednesday is the opening ceremony of the sports meeting. All classes in the third year of high school skipped admission, saving those so-called rehearsal time and giving students better learning efficiency and rest time.They sat in the auditorium and watched all kinds of Gao Xiaojiao enter the arena, some of them were playing roles, some were wearing doll costumes, and their smiles seemed to be bright and lively.

Huayou greeted her roommates, went down the steps, and sat down beside Bian Chengyi very skillfully.Bian Chengyi was holding a history notebook in her hand, but she was not the only one who worked so hard. Almost all the students in the class had a copy of study materials or homework.

Of course, Huayou is an exception.

She pointed to the famous anime character and asked Bian Chengyi: "Sister Bian, do you know that one?"

Bian Chengyi shook her head, with a slightly sad tone: "My family doesn't let me watch some things, saying it will affect my study."

Huayou smiled: "It's okay, you come to my house to study in the future, we can study for a while and then watch it for a while."

Bian Chengyi hooked the corners of his mouth, but did not answer.

She avoided talking about family with Bian Chengyi, then turned around and pointed to the student in a doll costume: "Hahaha, look, isn't that the most famous doll in our paradise! It's so cute! Yes A big bamboo!"

Bian Chengyi replied with a little helplessness: "Of course I know whether it is bamboo or a big bamboo."

Sensing that Hua You seemed to be made a little less happy by her words, Bian Chengyi did something she never thought of before, that is, to make Hua You angry and make love, but she did exactly that. Leo: "I can go and say hello to their person in charge if you want to hug it and take a photo."

"Really?" Huayou's eyes lit up instantly.

"Yeah." Bian Chengyi nodded, with noble and gentle eyes, "They all belong to a student organization, and I probably know them."

"That's still a little troublesome..." Huayou thought for a while, "So, after I run 600 meters, if I get No.1, I'll go find this big bamboo and ask for a photo."

Bian Chengyi nodded, and said again: "There are many ALPHAs in the 600-meter race. I don't necessarily think that OMEGA's physical strength will be weaker...but I hope you don't work too hard."

Huayou raised her fist and smoothly misinterpreted Bian Chengyi's meaning: "Don't worry, I will try my best to overwhelm them!"

When she got to the runway, Hua You realized that the runway was really endless.One lap is 400 meters, and 600 meters is four laps. Huayou is a little uncertain whether her body can survive.However, according to the setting of the original book, she is a tourist who loves to travel, and her physical strength should be good.

No matter how much mental preparation he had made for himself, Huayou still felt dizzy and almost couldn't hold on when he ran to the last lap.There was a burst of sweetness in her throat, and every part of her body was clamoring that she was about to fall apart, but under the premise of the whole school watching and boasting with Bian Chengyi, she must at least insist on finishing the run.

Please, please, please, fight for your breath, Huayou!

As for Bian Chengyi at the finish line, her eyes seemed to be steady, but her heart was not as calm as her face.

Her eyes fixed on the small figure that was moving forward all the time, and a strange feeling flooded her heart.In fact, if no one signs up for the 600-meter race, it is because of reason and reason that she, the class leader, will take it.

This is how she came over the past two years. After running 600 meters, she almost wanted to die immediately.No one was waiting for her at the finish line. Fang Jinyu wanted to watch the boy's long jump. She finished the run alone and walked slowly along the side of the playground, feeling as if she was pacing on the road to hell covered with raging fire.

The ranking is still second, and the sensory pain is also second, but it is the time for this person to recover that makes Bian Chengyi feel a little extra unbearable.

She looked at Huayou's figure, as if she was looking at herself two years ago.

After waiting for the last 200 meters, Huayou, who had fallen far behind, seemed to have suddenly returned to the light, bursting out with amazing strength and chasing forward.

She raised her head and ran vigorously, and even smiled slightly when her eyes locked on Bian Chengyi's figure.

At the whistle, she broke through the finish line directly and smashed into Bian Chengyi's arms without buffer.

"Sister Bian, I want to take a photo with Da Zhuzi..."

The force and inertia she erupted caused her and Bian Chengyi to fall to the ground together.Bian Chengyi subconsciously put his arms around her shoulders and took her into his arms, but he smelled a dizzying fragrance of peach blossoms.


No way.

Before she passed out, Huayou was thinking that she was finished, and the plot of the strategy was still performed correctly, and what she said seemed innocent and obsessed.

Afterwards, she couldn't bear it any longer, and slowly closed her eyes, falling into an overwhelming darkness.

Before she was fully conscious, she seemed to hear Bian Chengyi calling her name again.

"Huayou, Huayou?"

"Wake up! Where is your medicine...? Can you hold on for a while... Ayou!"

When she woke up again, Huayou stared at the white ceiling in a daze.

She stretched out her hand to touch her forehead, and the high fever caused by the special period made Huayou completely confirm the fact that the 600-meter loss of strength caused her special period.

Barely pushing herself up, Huayou suddenly realized that there was Bian Chengyi beside her.

Bian Chengyi seemed to have been staring at her for a while, she closed the notebook that was like an ornament in her hand, her eyes were still calm: "Are you awake?"

Huayou was silent, but Bian Chengyi didn't intend to go out to call the medical teacher, and continued in the original single room: "Do you remember, what happened?"

Huayou shook her head, and said tentatively, "Did I lose my strength and faint..."

"Yeah." Bian Chengyi said leisurely. She rubbed the notebook repeatedly, and then put the notebook on the shelf, her tone was inaudible, "Huayou, you have been an OMEGA for almost 18 years. Do you need to strictly control your medication beforehand?"

"Huh?" Huayou wanted to say that she had only been an OMEGA for a few days, so she really couldn't be blamed for that.But how dare she say that, she can only lower her head and remain silent, like a child admitting her mistake.

"Let's not bother with you about why you have two special periods in a month." Bian Chengyi said with a half-smile, "Do you know how your pheromone would get out of control if I wasn't there at that time?"

Huayou still had nothing to say, but raised her head, blinking and staring at Bian Chengyi with a little aggrieved eyes.What Bian Chengyi couldn't bear the most was Huayou's expression. She leaned closer to Huayou's body and pressed her face into Huayou's forehead. They were so close that even the most secret pheromones in their bodies were intertwined and confused, which made people feel uncomfortable. Huayou stopped her breathing for almost an instant.

Afterwards, Bian Chengyi buried her head in Huayou's neck.

"Just as the price for lying to me..."

She held Huayou's arms with both hands, and the salty sea breeze on the pavement made Huayou's body move unnaturally, but she was firmly held down again.


"Or, I beg you."

"Don't let others smell your peach blossoms anymore."

Then, when Huayou didn't react at all, she bit the back of Huayou's neck.


The author has something to say:

Happy New Year's Eve!

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