Invisible diva

Chapter 2 What kind of person is she?

【This honor also belongs to you】

Seeing Gu Feixue's reply on the phone, the corners of the girl's mouth turned up in front of the computer screen. She was not happy with the glory in this sentence, but because she felt that she was connected with Gu Feixue because of this song. .

And this relationship will continue forever.

Knowing that there will be an interview with reporters later, the girl did not turn off the live broadcast, but turned on the barrage again, ready to appreciate the fans' love for Gu Feixue.

Unexpectedly, the focus of netizens has shifted away from Gu Feixue himself, and now everyone is talking about the interaction between Gu Feixue and the new king Xie Yun.

[Heavenly King and Queen, Aoao looks quite suitable] [Yeah, the interaction is good] [Zhukou, Feixue is mine] [Zhukou, brother is mine]

Knocking CP has always been human nature, but...

[Fans of certain female artists should be conscious, please, I don’t want to get involved with you, don’t cue] [Brother won the most popular male singer at 26, the future can be expected]

Men's 26 is a rising period, but women's 30 has already entered the ranks of older female youths.Now the newly promoted king Xie Yun is gaining momentum, and Gu Feixue's reputation has always been mixed, male celebrity fans can understand if they don't want to be bundled with publicity.

[The previous one, let me share with you who was so popular and didn't get a b number. Is it amazing to win the prize at 26? We Feixue won it at 21, and now we have won three times in a row]

[Fans of an old artist, stop bragging, did you cook and write "Flying Snow" yourself? 】【Our elder brother is a new generation of singer-songwriter, so what's the point of having only one song "White Deer"? 】

[In addition to "White Deer", "Love at First Sight", "Winter Sunshine", "Slight Heat", "Left Hand", etc.]

[The previous ones, except for Bai Lu, were written by others] [That is, if there is no strong creative team, Gu Feixue is considered a p] [Without X, she is nothing]

Seeing that the barrage was getting louder and more fierce, the girl became more and more unhappy watching it, so she clicked again and turned off the barrage again.

Gu Feixue has such a strong topicality. Of course, many people like her and her songs, but some people will hate her.These controversies have never stopped since Gu Feixue's debut.

But no matter how much people hate her, they can't attack her in terms of strength. No one dares to say that Gu Feixue's singing is not good, and countless people will be deaf if they dare to say that.

This is Gu Feixue's strength.

The only thing is that Gu Feixue's famous works and many masterpieces were written by others.In this era of creative stars, it is a bit thin.

And the X mentioned in the barrage above is a well-known lyricist and composer in the circle, whose pseudonym is Ms. X.It was she who wrote the song of the same name "Flying Snow" and many masterpieces for Gu Feixue.

At this time, the phone rang again, and the girl picked it up quickly, but she was a little disappointed when she saw the person who sent the message.

Manman: [Great God, is the new song finished? 】

Qian Manman is Gu Feixue's manager, and the screen flickered again in the next second.

X: [OK]

Man Man: [Great, @古飞雪 Wait for the reporter to ask me and just say it directly]

Chu Shuai: [Is it so casual, Sister Manman, don't you need to hold a press conference? 】

Manman: [Your sister Feixue needs this position now?Let’s just say it, it’s a custom to post it every birthday anyway. 】

Gu Feixue: 【Alright, I see. 】

Not long after Gu Feixue finished posting these words, a picture of Gu Feixue appeared on the webcast. She was seen coming out of the venue holding the newly-won prize in her hand, and the way she smiled was so charming.

In the early years, many people were amazed and regretted that Gu Feixue was a singer and not an actor, and it was a pity that he had such a good skin.

The woman in front of the screen felt that it was almost time to open the barrage at this time, and sure enough, those bad voices were covered up by more rainbow fart barrages.

The girl in front of the screen has bright eyes.

Reporter a: Feixue, congratulations on winning the Most Popular Female Singer Award for the third time. You have won the award three times in the 11 years since your debut. You have almost never given up this award. This is a symbol of popularity.Do you still have the confidence to win this award in the next Feixue?

Gu Feixue: "Not anymore."

Reporter A: Huh?

Don't you usually say that you do your best?The reporter was confused by Gu Feixue's disappearance.

Gu Feixue smiled and said: "I remember that there seems to be a rule that after winning the award for three times, you will no longer be nominated for the award."

Reporter a: "Is there such a regulation?"

They didn't even know.

Gu Feixue continued to smile: "It seems to be."

Even if it wasn't there before, it's almost time to have it now. After all, it has dominated this award for nine years, and it's time for a new look.This award was originally given every three years as a cycle, because I was afraid that the music scene would be updated too quickly, and I wanted to consider it from the perspective of long-term comprehensive strength.

As a result, the monster Gu Feixue came out, who won three consecutive terms.

Regardless of whether there is such a rule or not, at least the reporters heard Gu Feixue's meaning that she will not participate in the competition for this award in the next three years. While feeling a little regretful, they also admire Gu Feixue. After all, this kind of honor is not for ordinary people. I can let it go.

Reporter b: "Feixue, it will be your 30th birthday in a while..."

Gu Feixue: "Yes, yes, there is no need to remind me, I know I am getting old, alas!"

The reporters all laughed, because everyone knew that the previous colleagues didn't mean that.

Reporter B also smiled and continued to ask: "Will you release a new song for the 30th birthday?"

It's also Gu Feixue's custom to release new songs on birthdays every year, and everyone is waiting.And every year is a love song, a hit song.

Gu Feixue: "Yes!"

Immediately, some of Gu Feixue's fans in the reporter group yelled twice.

Reporter c: "It's become customary for Feixue to release new songs on her birthday every year. Is this year still the original creative team?"

Gu Feixue: "Yes, Ms. X wrote the lyrics and composed the music."

"Really? What style?"

Gu Feixue spread her hands: "It's a pity, I haven't got the song yet, but I don't think she will let everyone down."

Yeah, she never disappoints.

"I'm looking forward to it, Feixue, what kind of person is X?" At this moment, a sassy woman with short hair walked out from behind Gu Feixue, and asked with her arms around Gu Feixue's shoulders.

"It's Wen Wen. Wen Wen has won the Best Group Award this time. May I ask what your plans are next? Does winning this award mean what you said..." The reporters saw the female singer who came out behind Gu Feixue , then shifted the target.

This girl named Wen Wen, who doesn't look gentle at all, is also a popular singer-songwriter in recent years, especially her image is especially popular among girls, she has a large number of loyal fans, and her strength should not be underestimated.

Because they have different styles from Gu Feixue, there is no direct competition in the circle, so the relationship between the two is pretty good.

The topic was taken away, so Gu Feixue naturally didn't answer Wen Wen's question just now, and dealt with it for a while, before the reporters let her go.

In fact, Gu Feixue is an old fox who has debuted for 11 years. It is difficult to dig out any material from Gu Feixue. Knowing that Gu Feixue is about to release a new song is enough to write some pages.

Sitting in the nanny car home, Gu Feixue leaned on the seat to rest, but was thinking about what Wen Wen said to her just now.

"Chu Shuai, what kind of person do you think she is?" She had been thinking about it for ten years.

Chu Shuai who was driving: "Ah? Sister, who are you talking about?"

Gu Feixue didn't reply, because the phone rang at this time, she unlocked it and found a new email in the mailbox, the sender: Ms. X.

His eyes lit up, he opened the email happily, and downloaded the file inside. It was a score, and the name of the song was "The Tenth Song".

"What do you mean?" Gu Feixue murmured puzzled.

After reading it slowly and carefully, Gu Feixue hummed the song softly after a while.

Another excellent song, sure enough, she never disappoints.

If the song "Flying Snow" is Gu Feixue's turnaround, then Ms. X, who composed the music and lyrics for this song, is like an idol of Gu Feixue.

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