Invisible diva

Chapter 143 Finale: I am Gu Feixue

Gu Feixue was fascinated, and looked at that thin figure from a distance.

Until she finished the song.

After she finished playing, the girl handed the violin back to a homeless man with long hair.The tuxedo butler next to the girl stepped forward and asked something.

The little girl nodded.

The butler then gave a business card to the wandering musician and said something to him.

Gu Feixue's English is pretty good, and she barely understood what the butler said, "Are you interested in coming to our company as a musical instrument producer?"

It turned out that the homeless man made the instrument himself, and then he was discovered by the little girl, who turned out to be a music elf.

Gu Feixue didn't know what happened next, because she quickly turned around and left to attend tonight's music festival.

Although the girl's music is lonely, she still feels that life is still full of beauty.

Because there are people as beautiful as that girl in this world.

After the performance, Gu Feixue was ridiculed by some local media reporters. Gu Feixue responded with a smile.

She still retains tolerance and kindness towards the world.

After returning to China, she still clearly remembered that it was the beginning of that year, not long after New Year's Day, and it was still snowing, just like her name.

Gu Feixue received a song that was delivered to her after several twists and turns, "Flying Snow".

This is undoubtedly a tailor-made song. She cried after watching and singing this song.

She didn't expect that there were people in this world who understood her so well.

Since then, Ms. X has become her exclusive composer, and she has written many, many songs for her, and then Gu Feixue relied on the courage those songs brought her to come to the present step by step.

Waiting until... the day when she finally mustered up the courage to meet her idol.

The girl who looked too young said to her nervously: "I am X..."

"How is it?" Gu Feixue finished reading the 'little composition' she wrote to Xia Xi, looking forward to Xia Xi's reaction.

Xia Xi has already finished reading the story that Gu Feixue wrote specially for her, and it is deeply remembered in her heart.

Although the first encounter was fake, it seemed to be real. She knew that Gu Feixue must have put her heart into it.

But Xia Xi was very honest, and still said, "It's broken, how can I go to the street to find some wandering musicians." "I'm autistic, and I don't go out."

"...Why is that impossible? Isn't this someone watching you?" Gu Feixue obviously had the feeling of wanting to take this matter as real, acting like a baby to Xia Xi.

"Okay..." Xia Xi nodded with a smile.

She understood how Gu Feixue wanted to write about this matter, and Gu Feixue wanted her to know that she was also saved by Xia Xi.

"Seriously, have you never been to a similar place?" Gu Feixue asked, "Maybe I have actually seen you?"

She stayed around for a long time during that time, what if she really met her?

Xia Xi thought for a while, "You also know that I have a good memory. If I really met you, I wouldn't forget it."

Gu Feixue's appearance is so outstanding, if Xia Xi really saw her, she would not forget it.

She felt that she would definitely fall in love with Gu Feixue at first sight.

Gu Feixue was disappointed, and threw Xia Xi down with a sigh, and said aggrievedly: "Then you write it too, I can't be the only one you complain about."

Gu Feixue asked her to write, and Xia Xi wrote, "Okay..."

City S has the largest amusement park in China. During the holidays, many parents will bring their children to play here.

It was summer, the time of vacation.

On a bench in a rest area of ​​the amusement park, a beautiful woman was sitting there resting.

She is a pregnant woman, she seems to be pregnant for a long time, and her body is so thin that one wonders if she is eating on time.

This woman was surrounded by a melancholy atmosphere, and no one was willing to approach her, nor dared to approach her.

Hua Ruchu just sat there, touched her pregnant belly, said with a wry smile, "You don't even seem to like this place."

The baby in her womb is too quiet, it doesn't seem to like anything, if the doctor didn't tell her that the baby is healthy every time it is checked, she really wonders if there is something wrong with the baby.

While she was sitting quietly, a pretty little girl came over suddenly, tilted her head and smiled at her.

"Auntie, are you unhappy?"

Hua Ruchu looked at the beautiful little girl in front of her, who looked only six or seven years old.

"Well, a little." Hua Ruchu replied honestly.

"Why are you unhappy?" "This is an amusement park, can't even an amusement park make you happy?"

Hua Ruchu was moved by the little girl's happiness, and smiled, "Are you happy to come here?"

"Well, I haven't been here before, our family is not here." "I just won a prize in a piano competition in our place, and my parents brought me to play."

Hua Ruchu felt that this little girl was really cute and smart, and felt much happier for some reason.

"I'm not unhappy, but she is not." Hua Ruchu rubbed his belly.

It was not the first time for a child to see a pregnant woman, but Hua Ruchu said it as if he could understand it, which was amazing.

"Then she is very naughty." The little girl walked over, and with Hua Ruchu's consent, she touched it carefully, and then said, "Little guy, you have to be happy." "It's very fun here, there are many Interesting stuff."

But obviously the child in Hua Ruchu's stomach didn't respond.

The little girl thought for a while, then took a few steps back, and said to Hua Ruchu, "Auntie, our music teacher said that music can make people happy. Let me sing you a song. Then both of you will be happy." .”

After finishing speaking, the little girl sang a nursery rhyme she only learned to Hua Ruchu, whom she didn't know at all.

Sure enough, she was very happy, Hua Ruchu was really happy, this child is really too cute.

After singing, the little girl's mother who had been by the side called her.

"Lu Feixue, your father is here, let's go." The little girl's father just went shopping.

"Okay." Lu Feixue agreed, and left happily, a family of three who loved each other very much.

Hua Ruchu looked at the angel-like girl, then patted his stomach again, "It would be great if you could look as cute as her."

The stomach that seldom responds, actually responded to her at this time, and it was so violent...

She was born prematurely, on August 8th.

14 years later, Xia Xi, who suffers from autism, sits in the house and plays the piano. She travels in her own music world, and the movements she plays are also lonely and desolate.

On the TV not far away, music-related programs are being played, and this is the only type of TV program she will watch.

A girl's singing voice suddenly appeared in Xia Xi's ears. She stopped playing with her fingers and listened to the voice from the TV.

It was an English song, very famous.Xia Xi had heard it many times.

But this time, the singing made Xia Xi feel a soul-like resonance.

Who is she?

Xia Xi looked at the TV, and saw the girl on the TV screen.She was as beautiful as Shahi imagined, and as powerful as the music she sang.

After the performance, she introduced herself.

"I'm Gu Feixue."

Xia Xi suddenly smiled with tears in his eyes.She thought, she found that, what she was looking for, the most important thing in life.

Gu Feixue finished reading Xia Xi's 'Little Composition'.Uncertainly asked: "Xia Xi, tell me, did you make this up, or is it true?"

Gu Feixue knows that some geniuses remember things from the womb, and Gu Xiao is like this.Xia Xi is also a genius, so she is very uncertain now whether this matter is true or just a 'composition' written by Xia Xi.

More importantly, she really went to an amusement park in city S when she was six years old. As for whether she had met Xia Xi's mother, she really couldn't remember the details.

Xia Xi didn't answer her directly, but just smiled mysteriously, "Guess."

Gu Feixue couldn't guess, but she was sure of one thing.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, she also found the most important person in her life.

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