my grave welcomes you

Chapter 75 Foggy Valley

Ling Jun's own tomb is full of organs, and he is naturally more proficient in these things than anyone else. Ji Ze looked at him in a daze, knocking here and there, and after a while, there were several "clicks" in the tomb passage. "Voice.

Immediately after that, the faint sharpness disappeared in an instant, and under Ling Jun's signal, Ji Ze touched an arrow on the ground and threw it in.

He threw it casually, the arrow rolled on the ground several times before stopping, and during this period, apart from the sound of the arrow rubbing against the ground, only the sound of Jize's own breathing was left.

The little snake shivered and shrank into Jize's trouser legs, obviously a little afraid of this mechanism.

The three people and the snake waited for a long while holding their breath, but there was no sound inside, and there was no sound at all.

There was still some hesitation on Shen Ci's face, Ling Jun's eyes swept away, just in time to see the trembling little snake holding Jize's trouser leg, he grabbed it and picked it up, before the little snake could react Throw it out.

Looking at the little snake flying out in a parabola in front of his eyes, J Ze: "..."

The little snake seemed to be stupefied by fright, and didn't come back to its senses at all, until it fell to the ground with a "pop", it let out a shrill neigh as if waking up from a dream, and ran away at high speed, rolling and crawling When he came back, he held on to Jize's trouser legs and kept shaking, making a "hissing" sound, mixed with grievance and anger, as if he was complaining to Jize.

Seeing that it was about to get into Jize's clothes, Ling Jun gave it a cool look, and a spineless snake crawled out again dejectedly, pulling Jize's trousers pitifully, looking precarious.

Ji Ze shook it down without sympathy, thinking that this guy's appearance is really embarrassing, he doesn't look like the little guy who dared to bite him with his teeth gnawing, tsk.

He shook his head in his heart, and looked up at Shen Ci who was standing in the front.

That person may still have doubts about the mechanism in front of him, and he stood there without moving, with an unpredictable expression on his face.

Ji Ze thought for a moment, thinking of what he said before, and wondered to himself, could this person be waiting for the person who went out to find Shen Xingwen to send a message back?Did Shen Xingwen really kidnap someone?

He stood still, and Ling Jun and Jize naturally stayed there as well, people on both sides were waiting for the news from those people, only the little snake was still rolling on the ground, making the fine sand on the ground rustle. rustling sound.

There was no sound outside. As the waiting time got longer and longer, the smile on Shen Ci's face became brighter and brighter. In the end, he was almost about to laugh out loud. He raised his hand and gently stroked his lips. , "Have you found anyone yet?"

The people outside hesitated for a moment, as if they were trying to discern whether this person was in a good mood or not, but he only asked this question, and there was still a smile in his voice that hadn't faded before, and he seemed quite happy.

But those who follow this ancestor know that sometimes the happier he smiles, the harder he strikes.

The few people outside made eye contact, and it was difficult to distinguish the holy intention, but they didn't dare to make him wait too long, so they had to reply tremblingly: "The people who went out before have not returned yet."

Shen Ci gave a soft "Oh", and then did not speak again, despite the people above guessing countless times in their hearts, waiting anxiously for him to give the order, but after waiting for a long time, no one said anything.

They didn't dare to ask, and they still stood there respectfully. At this time, they could only hope that those who went out to find someone would come back soon.

Ling Jun has been like a big dog since just now, lying on Jize's body, Jize couldn't help touching his head, and almost said "good boy".

After realizing this weird thought of his, Jize twitched the corners of his mouth and took his hand back, but Ling Jun stretched out his hand to hold it down, and squeezed it back and forth.

Jize was tickled by him, and was about to withdraw his hand when he realized that this person was actually writing in his hand.


He was speechless for a while, then turned to look at him, and Ling Jun also looked at him with very innocent eyes.

Jize twitched the corner of his mouth, is there anything he can't say?Where did he get the idea of ​​writing in the palm of his hand?

Seeing his speechless eyes, Ling Jun thought he didn't understand, and took his hand to draw again.

There are probably a lot of nerves in the palm of his hand, every movement of his can be clearly captured, and... very itchy.This kind of part feels extremely itchy even if I paint on it, let alone other people?

Ji Ze felt that it was a good idea for him not to pull his hand out and laugh for a while, but Ling Jun obviously didn't think so, he stubbornly wanted to communicate with him through this method that he didn't know which TV series he saw, In the end, Jize pulled out his hand viciously and glared at him.

Ling Jun blinked his eyes, wondering where he had offended him again, why was he stared at again?

Ji Ze didn't want to pay attention to him, and kicked the little snake on the ground lightly with his foot, turning it over, the little snake felt that his dignity as a snake was challenged, although it was very timid in front of Lingjun, but If it is so cowardly in front of this person, it would be a bit embarrassing as a snake, trying to resist.

But it obviously forgot that the person in front of it is not really someone to mess with. Seeing that it turned over and was about to flee to the other side, Jize moved his hand slightly, and a cold light brushed its body and inserted it into the ground, revealing Another part of the ground was still vibrating, making a "humming" sound.

As soon as the little snake's body froze, the feet pressing on it increased their strength, pinning it firmly to the ground.

Jize looked at it with a smile, and a black arrow gleamed from between his fingers.

The little snake's upturned tail fell down in an instant, lying limply on the ground like a dead snake, with a look of letting the king fuck.

Only then did Jize lean down to take back the arrow stuck in the stone, and continued to turn it over with the corners of his lips hooked.

So it wasn't until Shen Ci's people came back and told him that Shen Xingwen had led someone into the goddess's tomb, that J Ze stopped his cruelty to animals. Nothing to love.

Before the people outside finished speaking, the movement of Jize's feet paused for a moment, and the little snake quickly rolled on the spot, avoiding someone's Lushan feet, while hugging its own tail to pretend to be transparent.

But Jize is not in the mood to tease it anymore, the light in his eyes instantly became sharp, and he looked at Shen Ci, "Isn't the entrance to the goddess' tomb here?"

At that moment, his thoughts turned, and the first thing he thought was that Shen Ci used himself as a bait to attract their attention here, and even pretended to be flustered to confuse them, so that Shen Xingwen would take the two of them with him. People quickly moved to other places...and this other place is still in this tomb.

What Shen Ci wanted was inside, and now that the hostages were brought inside, they had to follow in obediently, at least not daring to act rashly until they found Xue Yuncheng and Yu Yangting.

Ling Jun stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder, and looked at Shen Ci calmly.

Shen Ci smiled, took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket, and wiped his fingers carefully, "We did try to dig a way in before, but failed. Except here, digging in all other places is difficult. It's the fog like that outside, and I think you have already experienced it when you came here. This fog is very evil, and many people died when digging the tunnel.

"After we failed, we tried many times, but the result was the same no matter where we dug from. That's why I invited Mr. Ling Jun over here. It's just that you may have gone astray below. You should have directly I just walked here... But this is not a hindrance, I think Ah Wen must have found another way to get in, so I went in first..."

As he spoke, he looked at his fingers, seemed satisfied, then put aside the handkerchief and stood sideways on the side of the graveway, and made a "please" gesture to them, "In that case, please invite Mr. Ling Jun... "

Ling Jun smiled noncommittally, and dragged Jize in. The little snake flicked its tail and followed. Although it might not be able to gain any advantage in front of these people, people make mistakes and horses make mistakes. Maybe the three of them will fight on their own, and it's not impossible for them to pick up a ready-made bargain.

Shen Ci was at the end. I heard that the mechanism in the tomb of the goddess is very powerful. It was just an appetizer just now, and there are many mechanisms inside. He was not so stupid to walk in front of them. in this way.

Before he came in, he originally thought that based on what he had seen and heard over the years, even if he could come and go here freely, he would be able to escape safely, but now he dared not make such a big deal. In, it really is a well-deserved reputation.

It's just that Shen Xingwen...he can be sure that he broke in not because he found a way to get in, but because he was unfamiliar with this place and was chased by his men, so he had nowhere to go. A neat person, his current situation will only be worse than his current situation.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, the two hostages might not survive this time, if Ling Jun wanted to continue to follow their previous verbal agreement, he had to find something that made him even more taboo.

And such a thing was right in front of his eyes, and he glanced at Jize's back with fiery eyes.If it wasn't for the fear of angering Ling Jun, he would have wanted to use this person to threaten him directly. Now that those two people are dead, he has no choice but to do so.

Seeing them go in, the guards on the top also came down from the top, and followed Shen Ci into the tomb passage.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty tomb passage, as if the god of death had sounded the death knell maliciously.

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