my grave welcomes you

Chapter 68 Foggy Valley

Ling Jun patted him lightly on the shoulder, signaling him to stay calm, the fog was already so heavy that he could feel the water vapor blowing against his face.

Ji Ze was concerned about Xue Yuncheng's safety, and at this time he was thinking more. Even Xue Yuncheng and the others were brought in by this snake before, and then this snake ran out again, just to bring them all in. What's in the depths?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, wondering if this snake was actually related to the master behind the fake Zheng Qian?

The little snake below that finally achieved its goal was so happy that it was about to fly up. No matter how psychic it is, it can't compare to the speed of a human's head. Now what I'm thinking about is that it will finally get what it wants. How can I guess the top of the head? People have made several guesses as to its purpose.

The two and the snake had different thoughts, and continued to move forward quickly, until Jize felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the little snake flicked its tail and stopped.

There seemed to be something in front of it that made it very afraid. It wandered on the spot for a long time but still didn't dare to take a step forward, making a low "hissing" sound from its mouth, which seemed to be both warning and fear.

Ling Jun squinted his eyes and glanced forward, and let out a light snort.

"what happened?"

Ling Jun chuckled, "It's nothing, I just think it's interesting..."

Jize's temper is not very good, and what he hates the most in his life is this kind of people who speak vaguely. At this time, he stepped on his foot angrily, "You're playing charades with ghosts, explain clearly."

Ling Jun grinned, "It's just that this place looks familiar to me, and it doesn't have any other meaning... Well, it may have been here before, but I don't remember clearly."

Since Jize's death thousands of years ago, he has been looking for him in various places, wherever he can go and where he can't. What is the place.However, few people come here, and it hasn't changed much. Although he doesn't remember when he came to this smoky place, but for thousands of years, even stones can be turned into sand, so it's understandable that this place has changed.

What really interested him was what was hidden in the thick fog.

The little snake seemed to understand what the two of them said, flicking its thick tail on the ground, the gravel on the ground was splashed, and some of them should have hit something, making a "dongdong" sound.

Jize frowned slightly, it sounded like the sound of stones hitting wood, could there be trees in it?How did it survive such a big fog?

He didn't think in the direction of the wooden house at all. After all, in this humid environment, no matter how good the wood was, it would have rotted into a bag of mud long ago.

Ling Jun rubbed his feet against the little snake's head, "Since you have the guts to threaten me to follow, why don't you have the guts to go in? You were very heroic when you spoke just now, but now you're scared again?"

There was still a smile in his tone, and a smile on his face, but there was not a single word he said that was not sarcasm, and there was a strange air between the lines.

The little snake twisted its body, but still didn't have the guts to take a step forward. Ling Jun looked at it coldly, and finally shrank its neck, as if I'd just show you.

Ling Jun sneered, and led Ji Ze to float down from its big head, and walked straight ahead, obviously throwing it away after it was used up.

The little snake neighed, turned around twice in place, closed its eyes at last, and rushed in.

As soon as he entered, Jize felt dizzy, and if it wasn't for Ling Jun pulling him, he would almost be unable to stand still.

The little snake behind rushed in without thinking, almost missed the two people in front, and was slapped back by Lingjun. The little snake was dizzy, rolled around, and crawled slowly again He came back, but those dark eyes were not focused at all, and it seemed that he hadn't recovered yet.

Ji Ze shook his head, pinched the tiger's mouth hard, and his eyes gradually became clear.

It looks like a room here, very spacious, and the huge snake booth at the back doesn't take up much space there, there are some scattered furniture inside, clean, it looks like someone is here Live the same.

He squinted his eyes, and at the same time he was secretly surprised. There was a clear separation between this room and the outside world. There seemed to be an invisible barrier at the door, and all the white fog was blocked outside, but there was light inside this room. Translucent, it can be called as clean as a window.

There is such a big house in this kind of place, and there seem to be people living in it, Jize feels that his world view has been refreshed again.

The snake writhed on the ground for a long time before waking up. Its huge eyes were still somewhat dazed. After seeing its surroundings clearly, its huge body shook, and its eyes shone with excitement. It shook its head and tail and was about to go inside. rush.

But at the next moment, its forward movement stopped abruptly, as if it was restrained by some unknown force, and its raised head hung there motionless, which was strange no matter how you looked at it.

The excitement in its eyes melted instantly and was replaced by endless fear. It wanted to open its mouth to make a sound, and its body also tried to wriggle away from this strange force, but it was in vain. It seemed to be He lost control of his body in an instant, and he couldn't help it to move any way he wanted.

It was as if the consciousness had been pulled out of the body. It could feel the fear, but it lost all the physical sensations. At that moment, it felt that it was going to die here.

It wanted to ask Lingjun behind him for help, but at this moment it couldn't even roll its eyeballs, so how could it talk about such a difficult movement.

What's more, the two people behind it didn't look at it at all at this time, Ling Jun didn't want to save its life, and Jize was observing the structure of the house, thinking that if Xue Yuncheng was really brought here, So where is he more likely.

This house was beyond his expectation, the whole body was made of wood, and Jize took a closer look, but there was no trace of a seam on it, this huge wooden house seemed to be made out of a single piece of wood The wood was dry, and he couldn't see it from the outside, but he could tell from the inside that the wooden house was not affected by the fog outside.

Ling Jun followed him step by step. Seeing him looking at the house, he introduced it like offering a treasure: "This is not ordinary wood. Look here, this wood is not dead."

Ji Ze was slightly surprised, "You mean the tree is still alive, and the house is a tree?" The house is so big, how big would it be if it were a tree?

Ling Jun was a little smug, "This is a sinking tree that has grown for an unknown number of years. It was here when I came here before, but it hadn't been dug up like this at that time."

Jize was not sensitive to these weird names at all, and just nodded silently when he heard the words, thinking that this is a tree that can grow without seeing the sun, no wonder there are wooden houses in this kind of place.

Ling Jun pestered him to explain all the things in this room. If it wasn't for the fact that there was such a big snake sticking out in front of him, and the mist that lingered all year round outside, Jize would almost think that he was going somewhere. To travel, and Ling Jun is a chatty tour guide.

He curled his lips thinking about it. In fact, after this matter is resolved, this kind of life seems to be pretty good after thinking about it.

It's like an ordinary house inside, at least nothing unusual was found in the place that Jize checked. The snake is huge, and the distance after the sprint just now is not short, almost reaching the end of the wooden house. Inside, Jize looked over from behind, the snake seemed to be shot into the wall.

The little snake was imprisoned in the distance, first it was frightened, and then nothing happened after waiting for a long time, and the body didn't feel any pain, just couldn't move, and gradually relaxed, but as time went by , he began to feel light all over his body again, as if he was about to fly, and there was another wave of fear in his heart, which gradually disappeared.After repeating this several times, the fear in its eyes could no longer be suppressed. It wouldn't be trapped here until it starved to death, right?

Ji Ze and Ling have already checked this side, but there is nothing and no place to hide people. He straightened up, stretched lazily, and walked towards the snake.

His expression didn't look tense, but Ling Jun was walking beside him, and he could clearly feel the tension of the person beside him, like a bow that was stretched taut, and there would be tension at any time. It may explode, but it may also be broken at any time.

Ling Jun frowned, feeling that Jize's current state was very wrong, but he also knew in his heart that if Xue Yuncheng hadn't been found for a moment, Jize's current state would not get better. too heavy.

——Although he always likes to put on a look of indifference on his face, and usually speaks freely, when it comes to this kind of time, he is the most nervous person.

Ling Jun sighed secretly in his heart, so he really hated Xue Yuncheng.

But he couldn't help but secretly assume in his heart, if he was the one who didn't know what to do this time, would Jize be so nervous?Will he come to save him without hesitation, regardless of life or death?

He took a deep look at the person beside him before turning his head to look at the little snake that had been trapped there for a while.

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