my grave welcomes you

Chapter 58 Foggy Valley

Ji Ze's heart turned cold for a moment, he looked at Ling Jun's back in a daze, Yu Yangting, is he really dead?

He was in a trance for a while before shaking his head vigorously. The fake Zheng Gan sent Yu Yangting's things here just to lure them here. According to that person's deliberation, it is unlikely that he would do such a thing. After all, if Yu Yangting was alive , will cause great constraints to them, at least Jize asked himself that it is impossible to let him go.

Xue Yuncheng's long sword is said to be a good thing handed down from his ancestors. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can cut iron like mud. Lingjun vented all the anger that came out of his heart just now on the giant snake. After a while, that piece of bad luck There is no good place all over the body of the snake.

The shiny black scales splashed and were barely cut off by Lingjun. The snake fell from the tree in pain, and the huge snake tail swept wildly. The surrounding vegetation suffered instantly, and the branches and leaves were smashed.

The other people couldn't help but took two steps back. There were still puddles left by the rain on the ground. When the snake swept away like this, there was a burst of flying sand and rocks, mixed with the rain that had not yet evaporated, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Although Jize comforted himself in his heart that his previous thoughts were unlikely, he was still uneasy. If he didn't see Yu Yangting standing in front of him alive, he would feel like there was a thread tightly held in his heart, hanging Hanging.

After a lot of tossing, Ling Jun neatly inserted the sword into the giant snake's head. He flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked back.

Xue Yuncheng looked at him eagerly, "My sword..."

"Get it yourself." Ling Jun leisurely walked back to Jize's side, wrapped his arms around him, and ignored him.

Xue Yuncheng looked at the still struggling giant snake, took a step back to avoid the flying stone, and once again felt that Ling Jun was really not trustworthy at all.

His angry look was really cute, Shen Xingwen couldn't help touching his head.

The movement of the giant snake gradually became quieter. No matter how strong its vitality was, if it was directly pierced into the head by the sword, it would be impossible to recover.Jize went up first, followed by Xue Yuncheng, but Jize was looking to see if there was anything strange about the snake, but Xue Yuncheng was there for his sword.

He tentatively pulled it out first, and was stunned in his heart, this guy Lingjun is really strong, he must have pierced his bones... But after being amazed, he began to feel distressed, and he didn't know Is Xiaobai dull?If there is one more vacancy, he will definitely look for Lingjun to desperately.

After he finally got the sword with pain in his heart and brain, he was borrowed by Ji Ze. The snake is really too big, and it has been so long. To be honest, Ji Ze Ze hadn't expected to find anything inside.

But thinking about it this way, if he just let it go like this, he would feel uncomfortable in his heart.The snake scales on the snake's body were almost completely stripped off by Ling Jun, which saved Jize a lot of effort.

Xue Yuncheng yelled from behind: "Hey, hey, be careful, don't give me a hole, yay... This is too disgusting, can you just find a knife? Ouch, my baby white……"

Jize ignored him, and cut open the snake's belly neatly, and all the contents flowed out, and the stench was overwhelming, forcing everyone to take three steps back in unison.

Ji Ze casually threw back the sword in his hand to Xue Yuncheng, picked up a relatively long branch from the side, and began to rummage through the pile of things.

Xue Yuncheng was twitching in pain, seeing Jize's movements but didn't try to treasure his sword any more, he also picked up a branch to look for it.

There wasn't much in the snake's belly, except for some disgusting gastric juices, the rest were undigested food, such as frogs and mice.Xue Yuncheng turned and felt disgusted, "Such a small thing, I'm afraid it's not enough for this big guy to stick between his teeth. No wonder his mouth is about to flow down when he sees it. But Ji Xiaoze, are you sure you can still find something in it after such a long time?" ?”

Jize frowned, apparently so disgusted that he didn't even want to say anything.

Ling Jun is still under observation now, so he honestly picked up a small wooden stick to put on a show, but when he thought that Jize's nervous appearance was because of another man, he lost interest.

Shen Xingwen stood aside with his sword in his arms. He didn't know what they were looking for, but he thought of another snake, "If you want to find something swallowed by it, you might as well look around for its hole, the snake will eat it. Spit out what you can't digest."

Xue Yuncheng clapped his hands, "Yeah, why didn't I think of that? Ji Xiaoze, do you remember the hole we climbed through last time? It was full of bones spit out by the snake. If we can find this guy's lair, maybe What can you find in there?"

Ji Ze pawed and pulled again. There was indeed nothing in the snake's belly. He threw away the branch in his hand, stood up and stood a little further away, he was almost dizzy from the stench.

He glanced at Shen Xingwen with a cold expression, and nodded to Xue Yuncheng, "Just look around here, don't go too far, I don't know what's in here yet."

Several people searched around, but did not find any traces of snake activity. Ling Jun leisurely followed Jize without saying a word.

Jize paused for a moment, and glanced around. It shouldn't be. If such a huge snake had moved here, it would leave some traces.

They turned around and returned to the previous tree. Jize squinted his eyes at the trunk. The tree has a huge and dense canopy, and the branches are full of parasitic black bugs. It seems that there are often snakes. How do you come and go?

Unless the snake didn't live here before, but was brought here from somewhere.

Since the owner of the fake Zheng Qian came here for Lingjun, he must know Lingjun very well, so the snake didn't come to cause trouble for them, so it must be to convey some message to them.

Ji Ze glanced at Shen Xingwen from the corner of his eye, and that person was staring intently at the crown of the big tree.

I don't know if it's because he was suspicious of him in his heart, but no matter what Jize saw this person did, he felt that there was a purpose. Even the kindness he showed for the first time in Lingjun's tomb, Jize felt that it was him. Made it on purpose.

Seeing his eyes fall on it now, Jize couldn't help but feel moved. The snake came out of the tree before. In fact, according to the inertia of human thinking, when it comes to the nest, it should think of the tree, but there are Knowing what happened in King Miao's tomb before, they preconceived that the snake lived in the cave, so they ignored such an obvious goal here.

Obviously the person who designed it didn't think of it either.

Ji Ze took two steps forward, climbed up the dense aerial roots of the giant tree, and climbed up. The tree was very lush, and the branches and leaves on it were criss-crossed. Even if he walked upright, it would be no problem. Wooden box among tree branches.

The man really went to great lengths to lure them into the bait.

As soon as Jize leaned forward, he took the wooden box in his hand, turned around and was about to go down, but bumped into the chest of the person behind him.

Although the branch he was stepping on was thick, it was wet and slippery due to the recent rain. He was holding the wooden box with one hand, and was hit by such a bump that almost fell off the branch.

Ling Jun grabbed him, his face was full of worry, "Are you all right?"

Ji Ze supported the branch to stabilize his body, and almost wanted to kick him, "Why did you come up?"

"You ran up all of a sudden, what if there is something else on it? If one is accidentally injured, you don't feel sorry for yourself, but I feel sorry for you..." He almost said the last sentence in his mouth , it was extremely inconspicuous in the "rustling" sound of the leaves, but Jize heard it all in his ears, and he could hear it quite clearly.

He suddenly felt hot.

There was still tension in Ling Jun's eyes that hadn't subsided completely. He tightened his hand holding the branch, and said as naturally as possible: "Go down first and then talk."

Ling Jun moved aside for a moment, making way for him, "You go down first."

Jize didn't dare to look into his eyes, he felt like there was a blazing fire inside, and he would burn him if he was not careful.He nodded slightly, supported the tree trunk and went down, only then did Ling Jun jump down after him.

Xue Yuncheng was looking forward to see through below, if he didn't go down again, he might not be able to help but run up too.

Jize tried his best to ignore the weird feeling in his heart. He was still angry with Lingjun, so he couldn't just be coaxed back by that guy's sugar-coated bullets.Seeing Xue Yuncheng approaching, he handed him the box in his hand.

Xue Yuncheng carefully opened it as if he was treating some kind of treasure. Inside was a small piece of rag and a note, which was exactly the same as the one they had received before. It was cut out of A4 paper and written on it with fine hair. The lower case letters, if the content is ignored, it is quite pleasing to the eye.

Even the content is similar, it should also be a place name, with only two words: Foggy Valley.

He took the note and read it again and again, and gave Jize a blank look, "Foggy Valley? Where is it?"

Ji Ze shook his head, but his eyes were focused on the piece of rag. The piece of cloth was not too big, as if it was torn from somewhere, but he was very familiar with this thing, or he Both Xue Yuncheng and Xue Yuncheng are very familiar with this thing.

That dark green thing is clearly their military uniform, so it goes without saying that it must belong to Yu Yangting.

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