It's the fear of being overtaken by others.

But someone came in ahead of him, did Ling Jun come here for that?Is that already in his hands?However, since he is so familiar with this place, why didn't he just take his things and leave?

The more Zheng Gan thought about it, the more frightened he became. The words that appeared in the cave before were only said by Jize, and no one else saw them except him, so naturally it was up to him to say what he wanted to say.He squinted his eyes, and the way he looked at Jize started to look wrong.That person asked him to look for Jize, and that person even hinted that he was someone close to him, that's why he found Shen Xingwen, and later he found Jize.

What if Ling Jun was sent by that person?Then the reason why he is still here is that there is something in the tomb owner's coffin that he can't solve, so he wants them to die, and Ji Ze is the inner ghost brought in by himself. Both inside and outside should be combined.

He couldn't help but think of the group of women he met in the forest before. Why did they show so much concern for Jize? Wasn't it because he was his own?He had brought people in countless times before, but he had never met anyone, except for those terrible bugs. As soon as he brought Jize, someone came to show them the way.

Zheng Gan slowed down, and the cold sweat dripped down his forehead. That person spread the news because he lacked lives to fill it up?Otherwise, why tell so many people instead of doing it yourself?Such a thing, as long as it is an individual, it will feel heart-wrenching.

Zheng Gan stood still. If this was the case, he could no longer follow Ling Jun, and he would undoubtedly be jumping into a hole dug by others.Looking at the backs of Ling Jun and Jize, he smiled and said, "I don't know where Mr. Ling Jun is going to take us?"

Ling Jun didn't even need to look to know that the old fox was doubting himself, and turned to look at him sarcastically, "Naturally, I will take you to see the tomb owner's coffin."

Zheng Qian: "Mr. Ling Jun has been there before?"

Ling Jun didn't want them to live, and didn't want to continue talking nonsense with him, so he turned around and left, whether he wanted to follow or not.

Zheng Gan narrowed his eyes, "Since Mr. Ling Jun knows the way, why didn't he say it before?"

Ling Jun snorted softly, "I am willing."

"..." The corners of Zheng Gan's eyes twitched slightly, "If you are willing to lead the way, they won't die." He pointed to the mess behind him.

Ling Jun turned around and looked at him with curled lips, "What does their life and death have to do with me?"

Zheng Qian was speechless for a while, and wanted to back out, but found that the road behind him had long since disappeared, filled with dazzling gold and silver treasures, and in front of him was the ladder where Ling Jun was, like a ferocious monster with teeth and claws .

No way forward.

Ji Ze stood next to Ling Jun and frowned. He had to hide from his old man about his entry into the tomb, so he had to ensure that Zheng Gan went back alive, otherwise that stubborn old man in his family would definitely not would easily let him go.

What's more, the old man demanded all kinds of military qualities from a young age. Although he still didn't look right in the end, those things had been carved into his bones over the years, so he couldn't just look at so many people like this. die here.Although these people are not good people, it is not for him to judge.

Especially the person who died in front of him reminded him of his comrades who fell in front of him in the same way when he was on a mission.

After hesitating for a moment, Ji Ze tugged at the corner of Ling Jun's clothes.

Ling Jun raised his eyebrows and looked at the people around him. The two of them stared at each other for a while, and finally Ling Jun looked away and left with his hands.

Jize looked at his back in confusion, not knowing where he had offended him, and whether he should go up with him or with Zheng Gan and the others.

As soon as Ling Jun left, the layout of the hall changed again. The place that was originally filled with gold and silver artifacts suddenly became empty, as if in the blink of an eye, those objects slipped away along the cracks in the tomb bricks.

Only then did they realize that they were actually standing not far from the door. The previous stairs were leaning against the wall, and there were dragon patterns on the bronze railings, winding their way up, like a green dragon wagging its tail.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then all looked at Zheng Gan.

Zheng Gan looked at Jize above, squinting his eyes and wondering what he was thinking.

Ji Ze leaned on the railing and looked up, it was pitch black, he couldn't see anything, and he didn't know where Ling Jun had gone now.

The author has something to say:

☆, Lingjun (eight)

Zheng Gan became suspicious of him.

Jize frowned, this old man is not easy to trust people at all, even when he was kind to him before, there were knives hidden in his eyes.

It is undoubtedly a better choice to follow Ling Jun, but there is something about that person that makes him very uncomfortable. Jize thought rather self-deprecatingly, probably because of his natural discord.Moreover, what he wanted was to go out with Zheng Qian. If this old guy belched here, his father would have to beat him up when he went back.

But obviously, if Zheng Gan didn't get the corresponding things here, he would not go out willingly, unless he really encountered something that forced him to give up these things and escape out in order to spare his life.

Now this old thing is killing him.

Ji Ze's eyelids trembled, he turned around and ran up, and the sound of bullets behind him followed.While running, Jize secretly scolded this old bastard for being so ungrateful. He was about to stab someone while he was still trying to save his life.

He gritted his teeth, and thought it was a bit ridiculous. He didn't die under the mouth of the worm, he didn't die under the mechanism in the tomb, but he was shot and collapsed by his companions. There was really nothing more fucked up than this.

Jize jumped on the railing, narrowly dodged a bullet, grinned and touched his waist, the impact was too hard, the old waist protested, feeling like it was about to break.He gritted his teeth and leaned on the railing, stepped on it with one foot and leaned over to the upper step.

Zheng Gan should be thankful that he doesn't have a gun in his hand now, otherwise he would definitely raise his hand and give him a gun.

Not only did he lure him in with clever words, but now he still wants his life. He really wanted to take this old thing out because his brain was eaten by a pig before.

He grabbed the railing above, and before he started exerting any force, a pair of cold hands grabbed his wrist. Jize was startled at first, and then instantly understood that it should be Lingjun.As soon as he stepped hard, Lingjun pulled him into his arms.

Zheng Gan seemed to be worried about something, and fired two more shots in this direction, but he didn't dare to catch up. A group of people were muttering below and didn't know what they were talking about.

Being rescued by Ling Jun again, even though Ji Ze had a thick skin, he felt a little embarrassed. It was he himself who rejected the other's kindness first, but before Ling Jun turned around, Zheng Qian used practical actions to fight against him. He was slapped across the face.

Pulling him up, Ling Jun didn't have the stickiness towards him before, but let him go, took a step back, turned around and continued walking up without saying a word.

The people below hadn't left yet, and he didn't know if they would continue to follow. He was outnumbered by himself, so naturally he couldn't stay here anymore. Besides, it wasn't known whether those bugs would come back, so staying here was undoubtedly courting death.Although I feel a little uncomfortable following Ling Jun, but fortunately, the safety factor is high, and I don't have to be afraid of a gun flying from behind me at any time.

On the wall there is a bronze figure holding a long burning lamp, which is brightly illuminated.Ji Ze didn't study these things, so he couldn't figure out what the lines on them meant, but these bronze figurines had clear faces and lifelike expressions, so they were very valuable.It's just that under the flickering firelight that was shaken by the wind, the facial expression was a little ferocious, and it was quite scary at first sight.

Coupled with Ling Jun who walks like floating in front, it adds a bit of weirdness inside.

Jize's psychological quality is strong, so he doesn't think there is anything scary about it, but the person who was annoyingly noisy before suddenly became so quiet, which made him a little strange and a little uncomfortable.

Lingjun should be angry because of what happened before, right?

Ji Ze thought about it, and felt that if he was so kindly treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, he would probably be angry, and since Ling Jun appeared, although he was a little noisy, but after careful consideration, he was indeed protecting him.

Although I don't know why he did it.

It's one thing to have a bad impression of him, but it's another thing to be able to feel the sincerity of others. He can see Zheng Qian's use of him at first glance, and although Shen Xingwen is a cold guy, But he is a person worthy of friendship, and the city is not too deep.

As for Ling Jun, this person always makes him feel dangerous, and he even wants to stay away from him, but it is undeniable that compared with the people below, he is the most trustworthy person.

Ji Ze felt that he was wronged, and he followed Ling Jun without saying a word, only the sound of footsteps on the empty stairs.

After walking for a while, Jize suddenly paused, his expression became a little strange.

He listened for a long time, but there were only his footsteps here, if he didn't look at it with his eyes, Ling Jun walking in front of him seemed to be a non-existent person.

Thinking of the previous events, his heart trembled, and he felt that his worldview of nearly 30 years had been impacted.

At first he only thought that Ling Jun was also a tomb robber who came here for the things inside, but now he thinks, if he really came here for this tomb, how could Zheng do their business? Just vacated the place.

Ji Ze couldn't help but think a little too far, all the ghosts and snake gods were put on Ling Jun's body, what fox demons, snake demons, all the ghost stories he had read came to mind, while looking at Ling Jun's back and imagining, adding a With a tail, a pair of ears, and his face, he really looks more like a vixen.

He pursed his lips and suppressed his smile. Given how noisy this person was, he felt more like a sparrow.

Ling Jun glanced at him with the end of his eyes when he turned the corner, and suddenly felt blocked. He was angry now, and J Ze was so happy behind him. It was really a waste of looking for him for so many years.

He pouted secretly, feeling that this Jize is really not cute at all now, neither his character, nor his speech, nor his expression, and the most unlovable thing is that he has been completely forgotten.

Fortunately, he found out that it was Jize who came and opened the mountain gate, specially sent someone to escort him in, and even let the tomb robber he hates the most into his tomb.

Jize actually opposed him because of those tomb robbers, really, he was about to vomit blood.

Adding those inexplicable imaginations to Ling Jun, Jize actually felt that the bad feeling towards this person before had lessened.He walked a few steps quickly, walked to Ling Jun, walked side by side with him, and thanked him by the way.

Ling Jun felt a little complacent, the corners of his lips were about to turn up, but he suppressed it forcibly, and still kept silent.

Jize secretly smiled in his heart, but he was too depressed to open his mouth.

Ling Jun waited for a long time without seeing him speak, and finally lost his composure and coughed softly.

Jize lazily put his hands in his trouser pockets, as if he didn't realize it at all, and continued to walk forward with a leisurely expression, as if he came here for vacation, rather than being tricked into being a tomb robber.

Ling Jun pouted from behind, murmured that it's not cute, put it on Jize's shoulder, and stuck it to him, but still refused to speak, and only let out an angrily "hum", reminding Jize of that The little nephew when he asked his father for candy.

His father is the most unpopular parent of children. Every time the little guy is sent to his house, he always looks unhappy, and even worse when he can't get candy from his father. That's it, a small face swollen like a steamed stuffed bun, which is similar to Ling Jun's current appearance.

Seeing that Jize still didn't respond, Ling Jun rested his chin on him again, almost wanting to hang his whole body weight on Jize.Although he walked silently, his body was extremely heavy, and when he was caught off guard, Jize almost fell to his knees.

He is like a piece of dog skin plaster, once it gets on, don't try to tear it off easily, even with a face full of awkwardness, he still sticks to it and refuses to let go.

Finally, Ji Ze was helpless, and took out the trick he used to coax the child before, and touched his head with his backhand, "Hey, go out and buy you candy."

Ling Jun: "..."

Ling Jun finally realized that waiting for him to say a soft word was undoubtedly more difficult than climbing to the sky. This point was quite similar to before, they were so stubborn that they did not leave any room for others.

After Jize committed suicide, he put Jize's body in his coffin, and stood beside him for many years, until he felt that the face in front of him didn't look like Jize anymore.At that time, he couldn't understand why Jize was like this, because Jize never gave up in the previous situation, but after finally surviving, he begged to die.

It wasn't until later that he stayed outside for a long time that he realized that the thing that drives Ji Ze's horizontal sword is dignity.

And that person who was originally just intended to be amusing, has become an obsession in his heart that he can't let go of for a long time under the precipitation of thousands of years.

The person in his arms now has a warm body temperature, the same eyebrows, the same name, and even the same curvature of the corners of his lips when he smiles, but he can't find the same person as the person thousands of years ago. Feel it.

Maybe that person has been beautified in his heart, and he is no longer like the original Jize, so when the real Jize appeared, he felt that all the excitement disappeared.

What he fell in love with was Jize in his heart.

But he was reluctant to let go of this person, afraid that if he didn't pay attention, this flesh and blood Jize would turn into flying smoke again.

This is the person he has been waiting for for thousands of years.

Ling Jun buried his face in Jize's neck, and slowly raised his lips, "Baby, what were you laughing at just now?"

The breath of his words sprayed straight on Jize's neck, not at all warm, but as if a ghost had blown a breath of cool air into his neck, which made Jize tremble.Jize forcibly suppressed the desire to raise his hand to touch that place, and walked up with this heavy burden on his body, while pretending to be nonchalant, "Laughing? I didn't laugh just now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Jun bit the side of his neck, and then licked him soothingly.Ling Jun didn't speak, but with these two movements alone, Jize didn't dare to move.

Jize really didn't know what he meant, if it was a warning, but it was completely ambiguous, but reminded Jize, don't forget that he seems to be a non-human creature.

As if he had seen something interesting, Ling Jun pushed forward and wrapped his earlobe upwards.

Jize was startled and almost jumped up. Damn, is this the rhythm of treating him as food?

Ling Jun's hand forcibly held him down, and he licked his ears carefully before finishing. Jize had already made up all the causes and consequences in his mind, such as why Ling Jun protected him from the beginning Woolen cloth?Birds still know how to protect their food, let alone a bird that has only become a fine bird.For example, why did Ling Jun secretly look at him from the beginning?Of course, it is to choose which one can be imported.

I don't know where he looks like he wants, maybe it's because he has been exercising for many years, and he doesn't have much fat on his body. Didn't he say it before?I think Zheng Gan's brain is full of fat.

Ling Jun originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, but before he started to move his mouth, he saw J Ze's face full of death.He reached out and pinched Jize's face, "What are you thinking?"

Ji Ze touched the army stab behind his back with his hands behind his back, while staring at Ling Jun, if he dared to come up again, he would give him a knife.

But this action did not know how to poke Ling Jun, he obviously became a little excited, ignoring the military thorn he had already pulled out, and rushed over to hug him regardless.

Ji Ze's hand holding the army stab shrank back unconsciously, but it still touched Ling Jun's body, as if he didn't feel it, he held Ji Zele tightly in his arms.

The author has something to say:

☆, Lingjun ([-])

Jize didn't make any other response for a long time, what does this mean?

Ling Jun gave a low laugh, "This looks quite similar... Don't move, baby, let me hold you for a while."

Jize rolled his eyes at his disgusting words, baby, and finally couldn't maintain the calmness on his face, so he raised his hand and pressed the saber to his neck, "Let go."

Ling Jun was forced to retreat a little by him, but the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, and his eyes seemed to be ignited, full of blazing light.

Ji Ze moved his lips, and before he could say anything, Ling Jun quickly blocked his mouth, of course, with his mouth.

Ji Ze gritted his teeth and stared at him fiercely, Ling Jun put his index finger in front of his lips, and made a gesture of silencing him.He froze for a moment, and listened carefully. There were rustling sounds from the stairway below, accompanied by deliberately light footsteps.

Zheng Gan and the others were unwilling to see the opportunity right in front of them, but they went back home and followed along.

He was slightly distracted and glanced down, then Ling Jun grabbed his belt and went up.

On the winding stairway, Ling Jun was like a dexterous bird, tapped his toes, and disappeared in the faint flames.

Zheng Qian led the people up cautiously, and the slightest movement around them could cause chaos among the crowd. After experiencing the previous incident, it is difficult for anyone to have any good fantasies about this place. At this moment, it is said that the lamp on the wall Some people believe that the bronze man can eat people.

But all the way up the winding road, the wind and the sea have been calm, not to mention things that eat people, but I didn't even see a bug.

Zheng Gan didn't dare to take it lightly, the calmer he was, the more he felt that this was a conspiracy by Ling Jun and Jize, deliberately luring them up to achieve their own goals.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to retreat right away. Seeing that everything is already in front of him, even if the trap is right under his feet, he has to step in and try it out. Maybe who will die in the end? ?

He didn't believe that weird Lingjun was really made of copper skin and iron bones, and he couldn't penetrate it with a gun. There were only two of them, and there were a lot of people here, even if he used human lives to fill it, he would definitely get it that thing.

Ling Jun's speed was extremely fast, like a wisp of smoke, J Ze was brought to the top floor by Ling Jun before he could even see what was flashing in front of him.

On the contrary, it does not have the luxury of the bottom, not even a little extra decorations, the solitary coffin bottle is placed in the center of the hall, with ebony and gold lacquer, depicting exquisite dragon patterns.

It seems that it hasn't experienced a thousand years at all, and it still looks like it was just put here.

The expression in Ling Jun's eyes suddenly became a little unpredictable, and he stood there motionless, but the hand on Jize's waist tightened a little more.

Jize glanced at him inexplicably, thinking that this person is actually a little schizophrenic, always doing some incomprehensible things.

He searched all his memories from childhood to adulthood, but he didn't find that he knew such a person. He was strictly controlled by his father since he was a child, but he was born stupid when he was a child. He hasn't learned how to obey others, his father said Listen to whatever you want.Not allowed to hang out with others, okay, he didn't have any friends until he went to military school; he was not allowed to hang out after school, and he came home on time, okay, he was the first one to run out of the classroom every time; and so on, in short Well, he became like this after he entered the military academy, and his father often talked about it, especially after he was discharged from the army, he was not pleasing to the eye all day long.

So since he was a child, his social circle was very small. Except for his classmates, he didn't even talk to anyone else.Later, when he became a soldier brother, it was even easier. Apart from the mission, only his comrades were left, and Ling Jun was like... such a dangerous person, if they had seen him before, then he would not May not be impressed.

Especially Ling Jun always looks like he is very familiar with him.

Ling Jun's trance was only for a moment, and he quickly adjusted his expression and looked at him with a smile, "How about it, do you want to go and have a look?"

Hearing the words, Jize took another look, feeling a little conflicted in his heart, he couldn't help but frowned, this thing made him feel uncomfortable.Subconsciously feeling that there was something bad inside, he subconsciously took a small step back, but was stopped by Lingjun's hand behind him.

Ling Jun looked at him with burning eyes, and his phoenix eyes were full of eagerness to try.

Ji Ze's pupils shrank, raised his hand and punched him on the shoulder, got out of his arms, and retreated to the stairs.Pulling out the army thorn from his waist with his backhand, he looked at Ling Jun standing in front of him, all the muscles in his body tensed.

Ling Jun's expression was slightly dazed, and he touched the place where Jize had hit just now, his vermilion lips curled up slightly, and the flames in his eyes rose up like a prairie fire, "Did you feel it?"

Jize frowned, what is it?

There was a little madness on Ling Jun's face, "I knew it, you must have not forgotten me." With a flash of his figure, he arrived in front of Jize in an instant, and took his hand to take him to the side of the coffin bottle, "I I've been waiting for you to come back, and I've kept you here..."

His voice stopped suddenly, and he looked at Jize in surprise, but the strength in his hand did not decrease at all.

Ji Ze raised the saber in his hand and struck down with a ruthless strike, obviously he had no intention of showing mercy at all. This saber strike was violent, even if his hand was not cut off, it would be worth it.But Ji Ze felt as if the blade had touched a metal stone, which made his tiger's jaw ache, but Ling Jun's wrist was not even cut through the skin.

He was shocked, and stabbed Ling Jun's heart with his backhand.Lingjun had no intention of resisting at all, instead he turned sideways and let him do it.

The point of the knife stopped suddenly when it touched Ling Jun's clothes. Jize gasped, looked at him in horror, and said in a difficult voice, "What are you?"

The crazy look on Ling Jun's face faded at some point, but he didn't smile again, and his expressionless face showed a bit of sternness.He raised his hand and put his finger into his mouth, and then wiped the blood oozing from his fingertips on Jize's lips. After looking at it for a while, he hooked his lips, "Your master."

The curvature of the mouth didn't look like a smile at all, revealing endless weirdness.

Ji Ze's eyes turned cold, and he thrust his hand hard, but only tore his clothes, and he couldn't get in an inch.

Seeing that Jize was really angry, Ling Jun's eyes flickered, and the corners of his eyes curled up, all the haze on his face just now disappeared.He leaned over and licked all the blood off Ji Ze's lips, with a smile in his eyes, "Is the person who was joking with you just now really angry?"

The smile in his eyes was very sincere, as if the things just now were really his jokes.

But Jize still remembers the madness in his eyes just now, that strong and persistent desire, as if to swallow his whole body, if it was a joke, it would mean that his brain was blocked by a zombie I won't believe it even if I eat it.

Jize put his hands down, leaned lazily against the railing behind him, and glanced down from the corner of his eyes, but he didn't find anyone coming up, Zheng Gan and the others didn't know which floor they went to.He pretended to put his hands on the railing unintentionally, raised his eyes and smiled at Ling Jun, "Oh?"

Ling Jun returned to his previous appearance, smiling harmlessly, "Of course."

Ji Ze listened for a while with his ears open, but there was no sound below. He decisively stretched his arms, turned over and jumped down.

Ling Jun had already discovered his intentions, but he didn't move. Watching him run away from him, he only slowly licked his lips, which seemed to still have Jize's body temperature on them.

He stared at the empty railing for a while, then turned around and walked to the side of the coffin bottle, his fingers gently stroked the patterns on it, as if he was touching his lover's face.

Following the movements of his hands, the coffin lid slowly slid open, revealing the pale face inside.

The eyebrows are slender, and the tails of the eyes are slightly raised, and the arc seems to suck the soul of the person into it.

It was no different from Jize who jumped from here just now.

Ling Jun looked at him tenderly for a long time, then carefully reached out and touched his face lightly, the corners of his lips curled slightly.It's just that one is still alive and kicking, while the other has been lying here for a thousand years. The skin touched by his hands is smooth and soft, as soft as a living person, but it doesn't have the warmth that a living person should have.

It was so cold that even he felt cold.

The body can't help recalling the temperature of holding Jize in his arms before, warm and beautiful, that's what Jize should have, instead of lying here coldly, unable to even open his eyes to see him.

His eyes softened even more, and he leaned over and touched the pale forehead of "Jize" in the coffin, and whispered: "You are back...I know you must be back. I was so humiliated at the beginning. You, you will not forgive me easily, so you will definitely come back to settle accounts with me, and I know it. "

The person below him quietly closed his eyes, as if he had fallen into a dream and might wake up at any time.

Lingjun traced his eyebrows and eyes carefully with his fingers, and finally rested on his still soft lips.The feeling of kissing Jize just now still lingers on his lips, carrying the warmth he has lost for thousands of years.

He smiled lightly, his eyes burning, "I'll take it as your acquiescence if you don't speak. Three, two, one, ha, this is what you promised," his eyes suddenly darkened, "This time I will definitely not If you let go, you are not allowed to be like last time, or I will..."

With an ambiguous smile on the corner of his lips, Ling Jun leaned closer to "Jize"'s ear, and blew into his ear, "I will make you unable to take a single step, and you can't even hold a dagger, just hold it." Can stay by my side."

"Ji Ze"'s lips were crooked by his sudden movement, like a mocking smile, or disapproving of Ling Jun's self-talk.

The author has something to say:

☆, Lingjun ([-])

Before jumping down, Jize found a place to step down, kicked twice on the bronze railing, and turned over to another layer.

Zheng Qian, although Jize has not been in touch with him for a long time, he has a good understanding of his cunning and cunning, even if he can't tell how much he has suffered, he has to do it for him. It is worth Jize's thinking about the next road to work hard.

The old fox didn't know why he suddenly became suspicious of him, but the reason was probably related to Lingjun.

Ling Jun acted so familiar with him for no reason, although he was fooled by Zheng Qian after many entanglements, but that old bastard was too defensive and tried his best, so the relationship between him and Ling Jun might be in the wrong place. I don't know how many times I've gone around in my heart.Ling Jun is really too dangerous. Before, he thought he could win Ling Jun over by himself, but maybe after Ling Jun wanted to leave them behind, he felt that Ling Jun could not be used by him and would be bitten instead, so he felt The two of them are accomplices, and they want to strike first, get rid of them and then quickly.

Jize leaned on the railing and glanced down, curled his lips, and didn't know how he came in, it wasn't because that old guy Zheng Gan was stalking his father, otherwise he wouldn't be bothered to come here. The place to shit, he had had enough when performing the mission before, and now he was dragged into the ancient tomb, he didn't think his life was too long.

The stairs were so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, the permanent lamp on the wall flickered, and the shadow of the lamp flickered on and off in the aisle.Ji Ze's back felt cold, and he felt that there were pairs of eyes growing in the dark places without light, sticking to his body like shadows.

Ji Ze frowned, took a small step back, and left the place covered by the light, but the feeling of being on his back did not disappear at all, but became more and more arrogant.

This place is too dangerous, Jize instinctively wants to escape from here quickly, but Zheng Gan doesn't know where to hide now, so he went down rashly, there is no bunker under the Hades Hall, Zheng Qian only needs to give an order, and he can Shoot him into a sieve.

When Ling Jun brought him up just now, his speed was so fast that J Ze didn't even have time to count how many floors the palace had, but based on his shallow historical knowledge, he guessed it should be nine floors.The ancients admired the number nine very much, like the number nine or five, so the main hall where the body of the tomb owner is placed is almost like this.

He doesn't understand these things at all. According to his understanding, when a person dies, he is dead. Why do he cultivate so much after death? Didn't he deliberately lure these people to dig it out?If it was directly burned to clean, it would save so much energy to repair these things that no one can see.

The owner of the tomb must hate tomb robbers very much. Maybe he encountered some ruthless ones, and it was difficult to save even the corpse.

Jize tied the military thorn in his hand beautifully, and he was tricked into getting involved. If he didn't do so many useless projects, wouldn't there be so many things?trouble.

After waiting on the spot for a while, there was still no movement below. The feeling of being on his back made Jize's hair almost stand up, and his mind was thinking about other irrelevant things indiscriminately, but his eyes were not at all. Not idle, he quickly scanned the surroundings, thinking about the way to go if they hit Zheng Gan and the others.Then, without hesitation, he continued to jump down decisively. If he stayed here again, he was afraid that he would not be able to resist jumping out and pulling out the thing that was watching him in the dark.

I don't know if it's a human or a ghost. If you encounter an institution here, or a monster like Lingjun, it won't be fun.

But along the way, he was a hundred times more energetic, and even his waist was straighter than before, but he didn't see Zheng Qian and others at all.Ji Ze raised his eyebrows, could it be that he withdrew?

This idea just popped up in his mind, and Jize put it back again. A money-grubbing ghost who feeds on birds like Zheng Qian, even if it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair, Jize believes that he will grit his teeth and go there. The reason why he retracted when he reached the door.

On which floor was he standing still, waiting for him to go out and throw himself into the trap?

Ji Ze frowned, outnumbered, he had no way to fight Zheng Gan hard, and now Zheng Gan was hiding in the dark again, unless he had wings, nothing could escape his eyes.

He didn't dare to set foot in the palace behind him. The ghost knows there are some vicious institutions inside. If he is not careful, he may be confessed inside, but he still wants to go out with all his arms and legs.Jize stood on the stairs and glanced up. The steps were densely winding up, like an endless abyss.

Ling Jun might be watching him from there.

For some reason, he suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

That person is indeed amazing, and maybe he can really go out by following him, but the look Lingjun looked at him just now gave him a fear that he hasn't felt in a long time, even in the face of a hail of bullets. born of fear.

He was afraid of that man, and the fear rising from the bottom of his heart dominated him to flee quickly.

It is human instinct to stay away from things that make you feel dangerous.

Jize withdrew his gaze and walked down step by step, as if tearing off the lazy skin on his body, he suddenly became sharp.

No matter who it is, if you want his life, you have to pay a little price.

The surrounding was so quiet that it seemed that he was the only one left. Even though he had lowered the sound of his footsteps to the greatest extent, the bronze stairs still reflected the movement of his feet landing on them, making a dull sound. The dark sound seemed to knock on people's hearts, and it was so suppressed that it became difficult to breathe.

The air seems to have weight.

Until returning to the main hall where he had walked around for a long time, Jize didn't meet anyone.It was still there when Ling Jun just brought him up.

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