
While talking, the first course was served.

The first dish is two wild large yellow croakers. This wild large yellow croaker weighs seven catties and four ounces, the size that can be on the news.Previously, fishermen in Zhoushan could sell a large yellow croaker weighing four catties for 3 yuan. It is conceivable that the cost price of this fish is even more expensive. (1)

The fish was too big, so it was divided into two halves, one half was steamed directly, and the other half was made into a super enlarged version of the classic Xijiao No. 5 dish "Frozen Yellow Croaker with Flowers".

The method of this dish is to air-dry the fish first to concentrate the flavor, and then steam it in a steamer.Then use the small fish stew to filter and freeze, and finally shape the opening with the yellow croaker.Finally, it is topped with a layer of caviar to intensify the flavor of the fish. (2)

Yan Yun said to Mu Lianyun: "Try and see if this dish tastes good."

Mu Lianyun nodded, and picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks. The jelly melted in his mouth, and the caviar burst in his mouth. The taste of the three complemented each other. (3)

Mu Lianyun nodded and said, "It's delicious."

The next dishes to be served were half-head abalone stewed in sake and buckwheat maw in abalone sauce.

Mu Lianyun picked up a chopstick, and the taste of the half-headed abalone stewed in sake was refreshing and not sticky.

The fourth course was black and white top caviar.According to the supplier, the white caviar is 18 yuan per catty, and the taste of black and white caviar is different. (4)

The fifth course is the Yangtze River Crab Baliang.It may be the Yangtze River crabs produced in Changzhou, because the Yangtze River is flowing water, generally speaking, the Yangtze River crabs of the same level will be two or two larger than the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs that are pampered. (5)

The sixth course is Tangzhuo Wild Big Bang.It is the signature dish of Xijiao No. 5, the 30-year-old Boxiang shell snail, because the price is high and the production time is long, so this dish is not listed on the regular menu, and you can only order or eat a set meal. (6)

Because of the different positions of a whole snail, it will have two different flavors: springy teeth and soft glutinous. (7)

The eighth course is salt-fried gourmet Gongqi steak.It is said to be steak, but in fact it is different from the thickness of the steak we tasted. This kind of steak should be regarded as steak slices.But because the butter flower is too rich, there is nothing wrong with this treatment, and it will make people greasy after eating large pieces of butter. (8)

The ninth course is crocodile tail stew, the crocodile meat in the soup is uniform in size, probably from two crocodiles. (9)

Mu Lianyun took a bite of crocodile meat and said, "It tastes like chicken."

Yan Yun also nodded in agreement.

The tenth dish is crispy black ginseng with shrimp, a classic dish of Xijiao No. 5. The shrimp is fried and dried, with a strong taste. (10)

The No.11 dish is eight cold dishes-organic kimchi, crispy salted chicken, sliced ​​abalone with roasted peppers, snails in sauce, pork in shochu sauce, special fennel root, bitter summer bamboo shoots, and cold salad.These are some special cold dishes that can be ordered in the store. (11)

Mu Lianyun took a bite, and his eyes lit up: "The crispy salted chicken is delicious. I chose the best piece of chicken skin and chicken. It tastes very refreshing."

Yan Yun laughed: "It sounds like you are very satisfied with this dish."

Mu Lianyun said: "Of course."

The last dish is dim sum, double-flavored porridge with wine sauce.Glutinous rice flour Shanghai snacks, two flavors of rose and osmanthus with rice wine. (12)

After finishing the dishes, the boss personally handed over the bill to Yan Yun.

Mu Lianyun said: "Let me see."

I saw that it said:

Two wild large yellow croakers: 7.4*15800=116920

Stewed half-head abalone in sake: 2*12800=25600

Abalone sauce buckle fish maw: 2*5800=11600

Black and white top caviar: 25000=10000

Changjiang crab eight taels: 2*2800=5600

Tangzhuo wild loud gong: 8.6*1580=3160

Salt-fried gourmet palace steak: 2*1580=3160

Alligator Tail Stew: 16800

Shrimp crispy black ginseng: 2*398=796

Eight cold cuts: 694

Two-flavored porridge with wine sauce: 2*38=76

Total: 194406

When Mu Lianyun saw the bill, he was shocked: "We ate nearly 20 yuan in one meal."

Yan Yun said: "For you, it should."

Mu Lianyun was a little embarrassed.He won't feel embarrassed about taking Chen Jinyan's money, whether it's millions or tens of millions, because it's a contract, it's his job, and he deserves it.

But Yan Yun is different. Yan Yun is just his boss, the object he needs to imitate, and he has no responsibility or obligation to spend money on himself, even though Yan Yun is very rich.

After spending Yan Yun's 20 yuan, Mu Lianyun felt uneasy.

Mu Lianyun immediately said, "I'll pay."

He worked as a stand-in for two months, and in addition to the money spent on seeing a doctor for his sister, he had nearly 180 million left over, which was enough to pay for the meal.

Yan Yun laughed: "There's no reason for the birthday star to pay, I'll pay the bill."

Mu Lianyun said anxiously: "No, I'll come!"

Yan Yun scowled, and the familiar sense of oppression returned: "Mulianyun, do you look down on me and think that I can't even get 20?"

Mu Lianyun hurriedly said: "No, I don't want you to spend money."

Yan Yun said: "I booked the restaurant and ordered the dishes. Of course I will pay for it. Needless to say, boss, just swipe your card."

Mu Lianyun had nothing to say and could only watch Yan Yun swiping his card.

After swiping the card, Mu Lianyun said to himself, "I will work harder for Orange Juice Entertainment in the future."

After dinner, the two took a taxi to the hotel for a lunch break.

While in the hotel, Mu Lianyun received birthday wishes from his parents and sister in the WeChat group chat.

Mu Lianfeng: Brother, happy birthday!

Mu Cheng: Happy birthday, transfer 250.

Qian Qian: Son, happy birthday, transfer 250.

Mu Lianyun didn't have much feeling for the parents in the book, but at this moment, he felt a little warm, and felt that the other party was really his relatives.

Mu Lianfeng made a video call, and Mu Lianyun connected.

Mu Lianfeng said: "Brother, happy birthday. I'm out of the hospital and I'm playing in Nanhu. My parents are with me. I'll let them say hello to you."

Mu Cheng: "Son, happy birthday."

Qian Qian: "Son, happy birthday. In the past two months, thanks to the life-saving money you gave me. It's useless for parents. I want you to pay for my sister's medical treatment."

Mu Lianyun said: "Mom and Dad, we are all a family, so don't be too polite. It's right to work hard to make money for your sister to see a doctor."

Mu Cheng took out a cigarette and lit it. After taking a puff, he mustered up the courage to ask, "Son, where did you get the 20 yuan from? Tell me the truth."

"Dad, don't worry, it's absolutely legal." Mu Lianyun said with a smile, "I'm working for Orange Juice Entertainment Company as a manager. I have two artists under me, He Zici and Lu Lingfei. My monthly salary is [-]. The boss advanced one year's salary."

Mu Cheng took a puff of smoke: "Son, thank you for your hard work."

"Where is this?" Mu Lianyun said, "It's not hard at all, I really like this job now. Today is my birthday, and the boss even treated me to a big meal, which cost a total of 20."

After hearing Mu Lianyun's words, Mu Lianfeng was very excited: "Brother, is the Lu Lingfei you brought the same as the one in "New Idol Student"?"

"Yes." Mu Lianyun said, "Have you seen it?"

Mu Lianfeng was pleasantly surprised: "Yes, I have seen it, I really like her, even the picture of smoking is so beautiful. I buy drinks every day and vote for her, just hoping that she can make a C debut and slap her in the face The face of Heizi who took Hei’s nickname and P’s posthumous photo.”

Mu Lianyun didn't expect that his sister was still chasing stars, and she was chasing artists under him.

Mu Lianfeng pleaded; "Brother, since you are Lu Lingfei's manager, you must be able to help me get a to sign, right?"

Mu Lianyun said: "Yes, this is no problem, it's a trivial matter. It's just that Lu Lingfei is still in the factory, and I have no way to get in touch with her. She is in a closed training. When she comes out, I will help you ask She wants to sign.

"What do you want her to leave a message for you, say it, brother will satisfy your wish."

Mu Lianfeng thought for a while, and said, "I want her to leave a message for me—everyone is a light, even in the depths of a dark abyss, there will always be a gap for light to come in."

Mu Lianyun said: "Your sentence is very literary. But it's a bit long. Send me a WeChat message later."

Mu Lianyun said: "Okay, thank you brother, I love you the most."

After chatting for so long, the people who are most familiar with Mu Lianyun are his family members. Mu Cheng and Qian Qian immediately found out that something was wrong with him.

Qian Qian said: "Son, you've become more talkative recently. In the past, you couldn't make a muffled sound with three sticks."

Mu Lianyun said: "I can't help it, life is forced, in order to make money, I have to change my personality and communicate with other people."

Mu Cheng nodded and understood: "When I was young, I was exactly like you, with an introverted personality, but after all these years of hard work, I can still say a few more words. You have improved faster than me and are more adaptable to this society. That's a good thing."

Mu Lianyun nodded, thinking: "Fortunately, they didn't doubt my words and believed my reasons. This family seems really warm, and it's pretty good to be their family."

At this time, Mu Lianfeng interrupted and asked, "Brother, you are still He Zici's manager, is He Zici the lead actor in "Smile 100%"?"

Mu Lianyun nodded: "Yes, he is currently filming in Hengdian, and I was with the team in Hengdian yesterday."

Mu Lianfeng said: "I am a fan of "Smile 100%", and I am very satisfied with He Zici's appearance. How is his acting skill, is it as good as his appearance?"

Mu Lianyun said: "His acting skills are pretty average."

Mu Lianfeng let out an "ah" and said disappointedly: "That's over, I don't even want to watch the drama "Smile 100%", I'm really afraid that the book will be destroyed."

"That's not true." Mu Lianyun said, "The director has been NG until the filming is satisfactory. This drama is our company's flagship, and it must be filmed carefully. Don't worry."

Mu Lianfeng turned from sadness to joy: "That's good."

Mu Lianyun said: "I can send you some videos I took, but you must not spread them outside."

Mu Lianfeng said: "That's great, thank you brother. Wuwuwu, I'm so happy to have such a good brother like you."

The family chatted, and the time passed quickly. At the end, when there was nothing to talk about, Mu Lianyun said, "Then I'll hang up."

Mu Lianfeng said: "Okay."

Mu Lianyun finally asked: "You should cultivate well."

Mu Lianfeng nodded heavily in agreement.


The author has something to say:

All numbers marked are from Zhihu posts.

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