
The next day, He Zici started the kissing scene, Mu Lianyun and Yan Yun followed the group.

As expected, what Zici said, even Kissing Pillow is capable of acting so well, let alone kissing such a living person as Cai Xinran.

At first, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he cupped Cai Xinran's small cheeks with both hands, leaned forward lightly, and kissed her lightly.Then let go and asked, "How do you feel? Hate me doing this to you?"

Cai Xinran blushed, shook her head, bit her lip and said, "I don't hate it."

The director said: "Ka! The performance is very good! He Zici, you have been thinking a lot this evening. Your acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds. I am impressed."

He Zici said modestly, "Boss Yan and Brother Mu taught well."

The director had already seen Yan Yun and Mu Lianyun beside him.This time, when filming a must-have drama like "Smile 100%", it was Yan Yun who overcame all opinions and decided to let him be the director, so he was very grateful to Yan Yun.

The director worshiped Yan Yuna: "I didn't expect Mr. Yan to teach acting, even better than me. I taught He Zici so many times yesterday, but he didn't learn it; Mr. Yan taught for one night, and the effect is so good .I think my director can be handed over to Mr. Yan."

As soon as Mu Lianyun heard it, he knew that the director's EQ still needs to be improved, and the flattery was a bit too obvious.

Yan Yun really said: "Okay, you put it away, I can't do the professional job of directing."

After filming the kissing scene, the main scene came next—the character played by He Zici had a falling out with the owner of the club.

He Zici plays an e-sports master, because he is too handsome, and his operation is also the best in the whole server, so he has countless fans.

In order to make money, the owner of the club starts a live broadcast every day, and the life of the character played by He Zici is broadcast live 24 hours a day.In this regard, after many times of patience, He Zici couldn't bear it anymore, and a fierce quarrel broke out.

Before the official filming, you have to walk twice.

He Zici sat on the sofa at the base, with a look of silence that was about to come.

The owner of the club said: "Do you know how many rewards you get for a day of live streaming? At least 50. After a year, we can earn at least 8000 million. Just bear with it. You have so many fans, and I didn't let you." You please your fans, what should you do or what should you do.

"I just let your life assistant take pictures of your day's life, and it won't bother you too much. Just ignore the life assistant."

He Zici was silent, his chest began to heave slightly, the heave became bigger and bigger, and finally his chest heaved violently: "I can't take it anymore!"

When he said this, he choked on his own saliva and coughed.

The director quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

He Zici waved his hand: "It's okay, I just choked on my own saliva."

As soon as this remark came out, the theater staff burst into laughter.

Mu Lianyun frowned, picked up a bottle of Nongfu Spring, stepped forward, and handed it to He Zici.

Chen Long, He Zici's life assistant, hurried over and said, "Brother Mu, you don't need to come, this is my job."

So Chen Long took the Nongfu Mountain Spring from Mu Lianyun and donated it to He Zici, saying, "Brother Mu is more thoughtful."

Mu Lianyun patted He Zici on the back and asked, "Is it better?"

He Zici smiled and said: "It's just choking, it's a small matter, look at how nervous you are. It's okay, I'm fine now!"

After coughing and laughing, the drama continued.

He Zici still acted in the same way - first panting lightly, and then the heaving of his chest became bigger and bigger.

"Wait." The director stopped, "Zici, your acting style is fine in TV dramas, but if you follow the requirements of the movie, I'm afraid it's a little bit worse. Before filming this movie, President Yan You told me to check according to the quality of my graduation film, if you follow that quality, your performance should be more delicate."

So he went through the play over and over again, half an hour later, the director was still not satisfied with He Zici's performance.

The director rubbed his brows, frowned and said: "At this time, you have endured it for a long time, and decided to lead the members of the team to leave and re-establish a new team. At this time, you are not fighting for yourself alone, but Fight for all the players who trust in you. Your performance should be a little more determined."

He Zici smiled and said: "I have no experience with this. Orange Juice Entertainment, which I signed in my life, is very good to me. My goddess Liu Shiyi is in Orange Juice Entertainment. As soon as I signed a contract, they gave me a big drama rated by SSS. I don't know what to do Act out."

At this time, Mu Lianyun stepped forward and asked, "Do you mind if I punch you twice?"

"What?" He Zici didn't respond.

Without waiting for He Zici's consent, Mu Lianyun thumped He Zici's shoulders with all his strength.

"Fuck! Brother Mu, what are you doing?" He Zici yelled.

Regardless of He Zici's reaction, Mu Lianyun punched He Zici one after another without mercy or explanation.

At the end, He Zici dodged and roared unbearably: "Brother Mu, what the hell are you trying to do?"

Mu Lianyun asked: "Do you remember the feeling just now?"

He Zici looked confused, didn't understand what Mu Lianyun meant, and was still in grief and indignation.It wasn't until he gradually calmed down that he began to understand a little bit - Mu Lianyun was here to let him enter the play and give him experience.

He Zici rubbed his shoulders: "Brother Mu, I understand that you have worked hard, but you are really serious."

Mu Lianyun said: "You didn't strike hard enough, how can you be so angry?"

The two chatted for a few words, and then started playing again.This time, He Zici vividly expressed the e-sports master from the stormy silence to the outburst of anger.

He Zici said: "You are not the one being broadcast live 24 hours a day. You have no idea what kind of purgatory a life without privacy is! After all, I misread the person. You are a pure businessman who will do anything for money." ! I want to contact you for a contract."

"Hmph, terminate the contract?" the club owner said, "Do you know how much your breach of contract fee is?"

"Thirty-six million, I lost it!" He Zici said.

The owner of the club showed a surprised expression on his face. He thought that even if He Zici left the team, he would have to wait until the contract expired, but the contract was still three years away. He never imagined that He Zici would be willing to pay the sky-high price of the contract.

The owner of the club asked angrily: "Have you already found your next home, and your next home is willing to pay you for breach of contract, so you are so confident in front of me?"

"Fair and confident?" He Zici said, "I'm straight and confident. I don't have a private life. I'm live broadcasted by you 24 hours a day. How can I be unreasonable? It's all because I was naive at the time. I didn't let the lawyer read the contract in detail, so I signed it directly. "

The club owner said: "It's written in the contract. According to the situation, the club can broadcast live broadcasts to its members 24 hours a day. I haven't breached the contract."

"I can't take it any longer!" He Zici said, "I've already contacted the lawyer, you can talk to the lawyer, and I'll give you the 600 million breach of contract fee."

The director shouted: "Ka! That's great. As the owner of the club, He Yi really deserves to be an old drama player. He played a profiteer to the fullest. But I didn't expect that you, He Zici, would be able to get in touch with He Yi's drama. The two are evenly matched. Meet the enemy."

He Zici smiled and said, "This is all thanks to Brother Mu. If it weren't for his punches, I wouldn't be able to get into the show."

The director said: "Thank you, Mu Lianyun!"

He Yi said: "Thank you Mu Lianyun!"

All the staff shouted in unison: "Thank you, Mu Lianyun!"

Mu Lianyun smiled and waved his hands, a little embarrassed.

Yan Yun asked Mu Lianyun: "How did you think of beating He Zici?"

Mu Lianyun replied: "My family is not very good. When I went to work as a waiter in a restaurant, I was beaten because the food was served. I can't forget the anger at that time."

Yan Yun was a little surprised when he heard this: "You have a bad family?"

Mu Lianyun smiled and said, "Can't you see it?"

Now he is [-]% similar to Yan Yun, just like a noble son.

Yan Yun said: "I really can't see it. You still wear a Patek Philippe watch and drive a BMW to work. I thought your family was very good."

Mu Lianyun said: "The Patek Philippe watch, the custom-made suit on my body, and the BMW car were all given to me by Chen Jinyan."

Yan Yun thought for a while, then asked, "May I take the liberty to ask you a question?"

Mu Lianyun smiled: "Usually, if you say this kind of thing, the next question is not very good."

Yan Yun said: "Forget it, I won't ask."

"Don't mind." Mu Lianyun said, "Just ask."

Yan Yun blinked, and said, "Did you get together with Chen Jinyan, that's why you got so many things from him?"

Mu Lianyun quickly clarified: "Not at all! I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Yan Yun laughed, revealing his dimples: "That's good." As for the good thing, he didn't say clearly.

Yan Yun continued: "Next, I want to ask you a more presumptuous question, would you like to answer it?"

Mu Lianyun said: "You ask first, I'll listen before I talk."

Yan Yun asked: "You and Chen Jinyan are so close, are you greedy for his money?"

Mu Lianyun laughed out loud: "Mr. Yan, you know that my family has no money. But you must not know that I have a sister with leukemia who is close to Chen Jinyan. If he gives me money, I will I can treat my sister's illness. He gave me money, so how can I refuse to get close to him?"

Yan Yun was at a loss for words for a moment, and after a while, he finally recovered his voice: "Sorry, I didn't know your sister has leukemia."

"It's okay." Mu Lianyun said, "Boss Yan, you have nothing to apologize for, and you don't know. My sister has gone through the treatment period, and the cancer cells have been cleared. Now she is entering the consolidation period. The situation is very good. You don't have to feel sorry for it." Feel sorry."

Yan Yun heard the words and said, "That's good."

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