I was on the clouds

Chapter 4 The Beast Awakens

She swung a small stool and smashed it on a person's face, the person's head sank suddenly, and the spurted blood splashed on her face.

A little hot, with a little fishy smell.

She smiled.

Then she smashed it for the second time happily and happily. This time she heard the sound of the skull cracking clearly. The bloody man stared at her, his temples were bruised, and the blood from his head flowed into him. eyes, making his eyes look hideous like those of a wounded beast.

So what?

She picked up the stool and smashed it hard and accurately for the third time. The blood on the stool meandered and flowed onto her wrist. The man opened his eyes and knelt straight at her feet. His body fell slowly, white Brain mixed with blood flowed out of his head bit by bit.

It's a pity that this is just a dream, she is a little regretful, and has a little more to say.

Ye Xi quickly stared at the man rushing to the front with great interest.

Tall, muscular, and good.

The stool in her hand turned into a very long knife, the blade was dazzlingly bright.

She tightly grasped the handle of the knife and stabbed forward violently, and soon felt a stagnant resistance. The knife in her hand was too sharp, and the resistance from flesh and blood was too insignificant.

The man's body was pierced by her.

But he was wearing black clothes, so the color of the diffuse is not so bright.

What a mistake.

The weapons in her hands kept changing, swords, daggers, bows and arrows.

Later, the weapons in her hands kept upgrading, the efficiency was greatly improved, and the harvest rate was greatly enhanced. She looked at the piled up corpses and wiped her hands contentedly.

But this is in a dream, the faces of these people are very blurred, and their expressions are not vivid enough.

Things in the world always have a little bit of regret, even in dreams.

Ye Xi turned around and looked down at the shivering woman who was kneeling on the ground and huddled up in a ball. She hugged herself tightly and let out a small sob from time to time. She looked terrible.

The watermelon pajamas were so dirty that the original color could not be seen, and there were some solidified red pieces on it, and the tangled long hair was even more horrible, it was simply a pile of black wool that was scratched by a cat.

Onlyyu doesn't keep cats, as soon as she sees a cat, she can't wait to turn into a monkey and ascend to heaven on the spot—that's what she said on Weibo.

She doesn't like dogs either, she thinks corgis are ugly, even if they have short legs, their butts are so big, it's not very accurate to say that animals with short legs are cute except for humans.

After a period of time, she lamented on Weibo that the saying that all animals with short legs except humans are cute is indeed correct.

At that time, after seeing this Weibo, she felt that it was very imprecise, so she commented on 'Centipede to understand'.

Five minutes later, Onlyyu suddenly replied with a long string of ellipses.

Later, when she traveled to Yunnan, she saw real centipedes, and found that some centipedes had not very short legs. Of course, compared with its body, the proportion of the centipede's legs was indeed poor.

But such a terrifying animal as a centipede is really scary with its long legs.

Her thoughts were a little scattered, and her mind was in a mess, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Only Yu is a name-changing madman. At the craziest time, she changed her name five times in one day. In the past year, her Weibo name has been called 'not Dazhi Ruo only Yu'. Except for Zha Lang who forbids frequent ID changes, probably She is also very satisfied with the name.

Enough is enough, stop!

She shook her head and thought about whether she should go up to help her, or tell her not to be afraid, or take her hand and take her away. She thought a lot for a moment, but she stood there indifferently and coldly, nothing Do, just look at her quietly.

Maybe she would run away screaming as she walked by, or yell at her like crazy.

And she is just a phantom that appeared out of thin air in her dream, is it enough to make her treat her differently?

Obviously not.

Ye Xi raised her foot, but the next second, the person who was so miserable ran towards her with tears in her eyes, and cried out mournfully, "Don't go, don't leave me behind".

Ye Xi's feet seemed to have taken root, and she couldn't even move a step. She watched her throw herself into her arms with a blank face, and saw her looking like she wanted to bury her chest in search of a warm embrace.

But an embarrassing scene happened, Ye Xi was knocked away by her.


It really comes from the magical power in the dream.

Ye Xi flew over the subway carriage at an extremely fast speed, and looked at a big human-shaped hole left by the subway. She continued to fly, flying over mountains, rivers, and flowers blooming and falling in seasons.

With the sound of the wind in her ears, she saw the colorful falling flowers and glittering gold at the extreme speed.

The imaginary clouds and smoke blurred the magnificent scenery of mountains and rivers, and then ushered in a vast light. Under the scorching sun, her body transformed into a gilded butterfly, flying towards the most brilliant and hot light in the distance.

It was a beautiful dream, and within an hour of waking up, she felt endlessly aftertaste.

It was rare for Ye Xi to be in a good mood.

The clothes on his body were already soaked in sweat, his limbs were weak and he couldn't exert any strength, but Ye Xi was in such a relaxed mood, he could be said to be full of energy, and he didn't feel any trance or depression at all. She didn't care as much about the torture as usual.

The quilt was fluffy and soft, she buried her head in the quilt, thinking sullenly of the embarrassed girl who stumbled towards her.

It's really rare that she didn't get scared by the blood all over her body, and she threw herself into her arms foolishly. Sure enough, the people in the dream and the people in reality reacted very differently to the same thing.

Ye Xi closed her eyes, thinking about that Christmas gift, opened her eyes again after a while, got out of bed wearing slippers, and opened her closet. Ye Xi would feel uncomfortable wearing close-fitting clothes for a long time, so she had a lot of pajamas, made of different materials. They were also different, she picked and picked for a long time, and chose a sky blue cotton pajamas with little pink apples printed on it.

It would be even better if it had a watermelon printed on it, she thought.

As soon as this idea came to her, she couldn't help but tremble all over. This behavior is too brain-dead, no, no, no, she will not be brain-dead for anyone except Einstein and Gauss, she just simply thinks that pajamas are very beautiful.

Don't think about these messy things, she hasn't watched Simon's video yet, she rubbed her forehead and remembered that the red vocabulary book was casually placed on the coffee table in the living room downstairs.

It's 21:30 now, and there is still one hour of study time.

Going downstairs along the stairs, the half-open vocabulary book was buckled on the coffee table, and a few printed exercises were scattered on the sofa.

Next time, these things are best placed in the study room. Anyway, you can’t lie on the sofa to read them. If they are too comfortable, they will breed laziness. I just fell asleep on the sofa yesterday after memorizing more than 500 words. If I make up the amount, I may have to go to bed an hour later.

Ye Xi has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The tasks arranged today must be completed today. If the date of achieving the final goal is even one day away from her original plan, she will feel restless and blame herself.

Now she began to blame herself again, constantly doubting her self-control and willpower, and then doubting whether her learning ability has begun to decline. How does this state compare with those of her classmates, who are left behind by them? It was a terrible thing, and a sense of depression and loss gradually surrounded her.

When Ye Xi was about to go upstairs with those exercises and vocabulary books in his arms, the door suddenly opened.

Her father stood at the door reeking of alcohol. The collar of his meticulous suit was a little messy, his tie was a little crooked, there were several wrinkles on his clothes, and his eyes were a little loose.

In Ye Xi's perception, this is absolutely impossible to happen, but now she has no time to think about it, her eyes are sharp and cold staring at the alluring woman beside her father.

With long wavy hair, a red sexy wrap-around skirt, and black high-heeled shoes, she snuggled up to her father, pretending to support him, and said softly, "Ouch, Mr. Ye, be careful."

An uncontrollable anger burned in Ye Xi's chest.

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