not my cat

Chapter 5

"What are you writing?" Zhou Yichi saw Ji Jin sitting in the classroom early in the morning and studying hard.

"Damn it, isn't it Ji Jin, are you really ready to reform yourself?" Looking at the English homework in Ji Jin's hand, Zhou Yichi felt incredible.

Ji Jin rolled his eyes: "Is this so strange, can I not learn English?"

"Who said, yes, I strongly support it." Zhou Yichi gave a thumbs up.

Ji Jin: "..."

Ever since he found out that Zhao Maixun was an English teacher that day, Ji Jin started to write English homework abnormally and didn't sleep in class.

Even Zhang Min felt that the child must have awakened.But Ji Jin felt that learning English well might be the only way to get her attention.

"By the way, Zhou Gou, I really need your help with something."Ji Jin opened his mouth and remembered something.

Zhou Yichi: "Hey, let's hear it"

"Don't you have friends in class 12? Go and ask me, what's the name of the teacher we saw last time?"

Zhou Yichi: "Didn't you say that last time?"

Ji Jin: "Then I don't know, what are the specific words."

Zhou Yichi: "Trouble..."

Ji Jin smirked at him, "Do me a favor, treat you to dinner."

Zhou Yichi agreed straight away: "Deal."

They came to the door of Class 12. Although Class 11 and Class 12 were only separated by a corridor, it seemed that they were separated by a world.

"What's the name of the English teacher in your class?" Zhou Yichi asked, calling out a girl.

"Zhao Maixun." The girl replied.

Zhou Yichi added, "Which Mai, which Xun?"

"Mai is the wheat of wheat, and Xun is the Xun of Xunmi," the girl replied.

"Then how old is she, and does she have a boyfriend?" Ji Jin who was standing aside suddenly spoke.

"I seem to be 22 years old this year. Boyfriend... I really don't know." This question is a bit embarrassing for girls.

"Then..." Ji Jin wanted to continue asking, but Zhou Yichi patted the back of her hand, implying that she should stop asking.

"Thanks, let's go first." Zhou Yichi said to the girl.

Zhou Yichi: "I can understand your mood, but you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, as the saying goes, good things take time..."

Ji Jin looked disgusted, "Okay, you don't do this kind of thing"

"Look ahead." Zhou Yichi touched Ji Jin's shoulder.

Seeing Zhao Maixun walking from here, Ji Jin couldn't help slowing down until he was about to brush shoulders with her.

"Hello teacher!" Ji Jin said loudly on purpose.

"Hello." Zhao Maixun smiled, his eyebrows were curved, his eyes were gentle and cute, and if he looked at Ji Jin one more time, he felt that his heart was about to be stolen.

Zhao Maixun is really good-looking, but she doesn't like to smile very much. Usually when her classmates greet her, she always responds flatly. I don't know why she smiled at her when she saw Ji Jin today.

"This is really good-looking," Zhou Yichi couldn't help sighing.

Ji Jin: "Don't watch it, you have nothing to do."

Zhou Yichi: "Cut..."

"22 years old, then she is five years older than me. At 22 years old, she should not be married yet..." Sitting in the classroom, Ji Jin thought to himself.

The math teacher seemed to have noticed Ji Jin who was in a daze, "Ji Jin, get up and tell me how to solve this problem."

Ji Jin glanced at the title "the root of two is three"

"Sit down, don't be distracted in class." Seeing that Ji Jin gave the correct answer, the math teacher stopped being embarrassed.

"Ah, Master Ji," Zhou Yichi, who was sitting behind, sighed softly.

"Small idea," Ji Jin said proudly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Deng, I have something to inform you. In the afternoon, everyone will take their English books and go to the multimedia classroom opposite. The English teacher from Class 12 will give us an open class. Remember not to be late." Zhang Min knocked on the door and interrupted Said at the door after class.

Zhou Yichi was thoughtful, "Class 12..., isn't that beautiful teacher going to give us an open class this afternoon?"

"It seems... yes." Ji Jin looked calm on the surface, but his heart was already in turmoil.

When she returned to the dormitory at noon, Ji Jin didn't fall asleep much. She felt that the time was so slow, and finally made it to the time of class in the afternoon. Ji Jin ran to the multimedia classroom with her English book.

Ji Jin was the first to arrive in the classroom. There were only her and Zhao Maixun in the room. She found a seat close to her and sat down, not daring to look at Zhao Maixun. The air was so quiet that she could hear herself clearly. breathing and heartbeat.

From the corner of his eye, Ji Jin saw Zhao Maixun who was testing the loudspeaker. She was wearing a blue sweater with an embroidered bear on it today. .

"It's so cute." Ji Jin whispered in his heart.

After a while, all the students came together.

"Let's go to class." Zhao Maixun's voice is small but sounds quite gentle, so she often wears a loudspeaker.

"Hi students, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhao Maixun. You can call me Teacher Zhao. What we are going to learn today is sentence composition."Zhao Maixun slides the PPT on the blackboard while talking.

"Before class, I asked a classmate to get up and use a simple sentence pattern subject-verb-object to make a sentence. Is there any classmate willing to get up and answer?" Zhao Maixun felt a little embarrassed when no classmate raised his hand.

"Is no one willing to get up and answer?" Zhao Maixun asked again.

"I remember if there is a classmate named Ji Jin in your class?" Zhao Maixun called his name suddenly.

"The teacher called you, why are you in a daze?" Zhou Yichi patted Ji Jin.

"Ah... ah" The sudden roll call startled Ji Jin, but she hadn't reacted yet.

"Student Ji Jin, please come up with a subject-predicate-object sentence." Zhao Maixun walked to Ji Jin and said.

"Iloveyou" Ji Jin blurted out.

"Very good, please sit down."

"Student Ji Jin just gave us the example of subject, predicate and object. Let's talk about other sentence components..." Zhao Maixun continued to teach.

Zhou Yichi was also shocked by Ji Jin's blurted words, "Yes, Master Ji, then I will."

"...don't talk." Ji Jin's face seemed to start to flush slightly.

The teacher sitting in the last row listening to the class couldn't help laughing when he heard Ji Jin's words.

"It's over, it's over, why did she just say this, she doesn't think too much, it should be me who thinks too much." Ji Jin tried to comfort himself.

After the whole class, Ji Jin kept her head buried and didn't dare to look at Zhao Maixun. She didn't understand why she blurted out that sentence, and said it without thinking at all.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Zhao Maixun closed the book, "That's all for today, everyone, read the book again when you go back and remember to finish your homework."

Ji Jin didn't walk out of the classroom quickly. She secretly looked at Zhao Maixun at the door. She took off the loudspeaker and discussed something with the teacher behind.

"Let's go, class is about to start." Zhou Yichi tugged on Ji Jin's sleeve and said.

Back in the classroom, Ji Jin was still thinking about what happened just now, but what she didn't expect was that Zhao Maixun still remembered her name.

When she came home from self-study next night, Ji Jin sat on the bed and turned on the computer. She found that there were many comments under the cartoon she drew last time.

First floor: Why hasn’t it been updated for a long time, woo woo woo (*/ω\*)

The second floor: Exactly, I want to see new works.

Third floor: This is a fairy, don't stop changing.

"New work? What should I draw?" Ji Jin picked up a pen and relied on her own memory and imagination, and she drew Zhao Maixun who lowered her head to adjust the loudspeaker today.

In the comics, Zhao Maixun has light yellow hair, and with his head slightly lowered, there is an indescribable sense of atmosphere.

"I haven't slept yet, I told you not to stay up late." Xie He walked in with milk.

Ji Jin: "Immediately, immediately."

"Your light is not good for your eyes, and you are drawing again. Who are you drawing?" Xie He looked at the computer in Ji Jin's hand.

Ji Jin hesitated for a moment and said, "Mom, I seem to like someone."

"Oh? Then is she very good?" Xie He asked as he put the milk on the table.

Ji Jin was a little surprised: "How do you know?"

Xie He smiled: "How bad can my daughter's eyesight be?"

Both of them laughed, and the atmosphere in the small room was very warm.

"Then I'm going to bed. You, go to bed early. By the way, if you like it, you like it. Mom can't forgive you if your grades drop." Xie He patted Ji Jin's head lightly and said.

"Received!" Ji Jin made a salute gesture.

Ji Jin turned off the computer and lay on the bed. She recalled the words she said today, and Mercury Ji, which was playing on the earphones, was singing "How far will it take to enter your heart, and how long will it take to get close to you."

"Then how long will it take me to get close?"

Zhao Maixun was sitting on the bus. She remembered what the girl said in the public class today. Although she didn't understand why she said the word love, she thought it was quite interesting.

Looking at the bright lights in the high-rise building outside the window, none of them were reserved for her. Fu Dongcheng has not stopped harassing her today. She rubbed her temples and wanted to close her eyes and sleep well. Sleep.

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