Xu Yuheng waited, but Xiao Wu didn't continue.

He had no choice but to soften his voice, and asked, "Xiao Wu, tell Second Brother, what did you see?"

The little robot held its chin, tilted its head and struggled for a while, then shook its head and said: "This can't be said."

Although it doesn't understand it very well, a certain feeling tells it that if I tell my second brother, my brother won't kill it, but...

corporate event.

That guy is so cruel, if he knows, it will be very troublesome.

Xu Yuheng pursed his lips, and he pondered, as if he would not continue this topic.

In the end, when Xiao Wu thought it was safe, he suddenly heard him ask: "Did you see your brother kissing someone else?"

"Wow, how do you know that!"

Xiao Wu said subconsciously, it flashed a pair of electronic eyes, looking at him, as if full of admiration.

But Xu Yuheng, who got an affirmative answer, couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Xiao Li...is he in a relationship?

Although ten years have passed, in his perception, his younger brother is still that child who can't grow up. Tell him now...Xiao Li is in love?Whose girl did you marry?

This news shocked Xu Yuheng.

But soon, he thought of something again, and his expression became serious.

Xiao Li made his debut as an idol group. At that time, he was only a teenager. After the group disbanded, he went solo, and only then did he achieve his later achievements.

And the reason for the disbandment of this group...

The captain and a young actor filmed a Dangai drama and did a fake show, got married and retired, and the other two members also got married...

Yes, the second child in the team got married to the maknae.

Recalling this long memory, Xu Yuheng suddenly felt creepy.

No way?Xiao Li can't?

In addition to cheating, is there still a possibility that his precious brother has been cheated?

Xu Yuheng's face was livid.

And the dull Xiao Wu watched his expression change, and finally realized something.

It just... Did it slip up?

Ah, it's none of its business, it's because the second brother is too smart!He guessed it himself!

"Little five..."

As soon as Xu Yuheng opened his mouth, the little robot shook its head like a rattle.

"Little Wu doesn't know, Xiao Wu doesn't know anything, Xiao Wu is going to monitor Bryce, goodbye, brother!"

After speaking, the little robot disappeared with a whoosh.

Xu Yuheng: "..."

He looked at the communicator and turned around in place, his face full of irritability.

What is the situation?

Who is Xiao Li in love with? NPC or player?male or female?The one above or the one below?

"Brother Yu, what are you doing here?"

Just after Bai Feng went online, he came out of the tent in the barracks, and saw Xu Yuheng wandering around in place with an ugly expression on his face.

Hearing his voice suddenly, Xu Yuheng stopped in his tracks, he opened his mouth, and in the end he didn't feel ashamed to say that he was worrying about his younger brother's lifelong affairs.

"When did you come online?" he said.

Bai Feng didn't know why, "Just now."

Xu Yuheng nodded, "Then let's go, I'll take you to change jobs."

"Professional change! Elementalist? I see they are all talking about it on the Corps channel."


Xu Yuheng took him to find the consul. He just sent a message that the consul had already received the order from the imperial city, so he was willing to cooperate with him.

They did not change jobs in the barracks, but instead found the Elementalist teacher who had just arrived, and took them out of the barracks under the pretext of escorting them to the central town.

All the players in the escort team have gone offline. Apart from changing the nutrient solution to meet their physiological needs, everyone hasn't been out of the game cabin for almost two weeks. No matter how fun the game is, they can't stand it.

They thought that the teacher of the Elementalist would stay in the barracks obediently, and then go to establish a branch of the Elementalist when they went online, but they were cut off by Xu Yuheng.

After leaving the barracks, Xu Yuheng turned the car around and took the Elementalist teachers directly to the warehouse he rented earlier.

Endis sat in the back of the car, looking a little dazed amid the swaying of the old suspension car.

She is the leader of the Elementalist teachers and will be the branch dean of Lanyue City, but in fact she is not very old, so the experience of the past two weeks is like a dream to her.

It was originally thought that there would be heavy casualties, but because of the protection of the heroes, not only the teachers were safe, but also the soldiers who protected them survived.

But thinking of those brave men who died, she still felt a heavy heart.

Although the heroes kept saying that they could be resurrected, she had never seen it with her own eyes, so she didn't quite believe it later.

Thinking of Professor Belen who told her this information, she bit her lip, not knowing what happened to the professor...

The message she sent in the past has not yet received a reply. She dare not think too much, and can only pray silently in her heart.

Soon, Xu Yuheng brought them to the border town.

When the suspension vehicle drove into the warehouse, the instructors panicked.

Although the consul had greeted them in advance, it was normal for them to be afraid when they were unfamiliar with the place and brought to such a strange place.

Under the comfort of Endis, everyone calmed down, then put the table on the table, and took out the crystal ball.

There was originally only one test crystal ball, which was a spare imitation, and the accuracy would be slightly worse, but now that they have improved the teaching method, they will not fully trust the test results of the crystal ball.

After everything was arranged, Endis looked at Xu Yuheng and asked, "Where are the people who you said need to test their talents?"

As soon as she finished speaking, figures appeared one after another in the warehouse—the players who had been notified to go online.

And Bai Feng was the first to rush to the crystal ball for testing.

For the sudden disappearance and reappearance of the heroes, the instructors were no longer surprised, and soon began to test their talents.

And even though they already knew that the brave had powerful talents, the teachers were still shocked when 49 people were present, and Xu Yuheng called 48 more people to come over after testing their talents.

So, is the race of the brave all elementalists?And most of them are spiritual?And what's even more frightening is that they can learn any skills at once!

They were few in number, but they terrified Endis nonetheless.

If there are more of them...

She couldn't imagine what it would be like, and whether it would be a blessing or a curse for the empire.

An entire race of people are born elementalists...

This simply subverted her three views.

In the end, Endis contacted Dean Justin who was far away in the imperial city, reported her findings and concerns to him, and sought his guidance.

She believed that with the wisdom of the dean, she would know how to deal with it.

After everyone finished testing and taught them skills, it was already late at night.

Endis and the faculty spent the night in the warehouse.

After nearly two weeks of outdoor adventure, being able to fall asleep in such a stable environment, for these pampered elementalists, there is nothing to complain about.

The players who have learned the skills are naturally inexplicably excited and want to try it out.

However, in order not to make a big noise, Xu Yuheng stopped them, causing them to post a post on the forum to show off.

Besides the imperial city, their Lanyue City is the second main city in the game that has player elementalists!

Fanxue is indispensable for playing games!

There were also Lihai City players who had just arrived with the escort team, and suddenly they were all lemons.

"It's not fair! Why can Lanyue City change jobs in advance, and we have to wait until the Elementalist branch is established?"

"That's right, we have to change jobs in advance!"

"Hey hey hey, why didn't you trigger the task of guarding the main city? The cow is still the Yushu Linfeng God cow!"

"Yeah, Yushu is facing the wind, and will always be a god!"

Under the blowing of the players in Lanyue City, some players were successfully angered.

"Is the planning insane? You can be so intimidating after a free trial? Where can I rate it? This game has the most one star!"

"Did this Yushu Linfeng open a cheat? I thought he was weird before, and everyone else was still waiting for the teacher of the elemental teacher, so he changed his job to become an elementalist in advance!"

"Yes, if he didn't open a cheat, he had a strategy, or used a bug!"

The wind direction of the post suddenly changed, and some people noticed something was wrong, but it was too late.

In the blink of an eye, the homepage of Starry Sky Forum was flooded with various related posts, making the originally harmonious forum a mess.

In fact, the problem of unfair treatment in the game has been accumulated for a while, and it was immediately detonated under the rhythm of caring people.

Then, someone transferred the post on the Starry Sky Forum to other platforms, and various marketing accounts and game masters left one after another.

They didn't use too harsh words, and they all affirmed the quality of the game at the beginning, but after a few sentences, they immediately changed the style of painting and began to make various criticisms.

For example, the price of the game cabin is too high, for example, there are problems with the game mechanism, the lack of anti-addiction system, and a task that lasts for half a month.

The good word-of-mouth of the Starry Sky Era had a tendency to reverse for a while.

Xu Yuheng received the news as soon as he went offline.

He didn't need to investigate, he knew that some people had finally made a move, maybe it was the rival company, or it could be Lin Hua's old foxes.

Just as he was about to make a call, his cell phone rang.

It was his elder brother Xu Fengqing.

As soon as the connection was made, there was a single sentence - "Is Yushu Linfeng you?"

Xu Yuheng put on his glasses and nodded, "Yes."

He continued: "I know everything on the Internet, and I will find a way to solve it."

"How can you solve it?"

Xu Fengqing's voice was somewhat cold, "Did you really use a bug or cheat?"

"No." Xu Yuheng said.

Xu Fengqing was a little harsher, "If not, how do you explain the establishment of a mercenary group at this stage?"

Even if Xu Yuheng obtained the information in advance, it is unreasonable to be able to successfully establish a mercenary group.

Because according to the game settings, players should first set up a mercenary team, and only after completing enough points tasks and meeting the requirements can they apply to become a mercenary team.

The mercenary group is similar to the guild gameplay. In order to prevent the internal test players from developing too fast, this gameplay currently does not have a guide task.

At least in the first 20 days after the server was launched, it was theoretically impossible for any player to form a mercenary group.

Therefore, Yushu Linfeng looks a bit dazzling.

Xu Yuheng smiled wryly. At that time, he was only thinking about protecting Lanyue City, but it was a bit lacking in consideration.

After all, he is not a real player, and he still has to consider the development of the game. The future of this project is also related to the Xu family, as well as many people in reality.

He looked up at the bright moon outside the window, thought for a while and said, "Brother, if I tell you, it was Xiao Li who opened the back door for me..."

"Will you believe it?"

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

Finally, he heard his elder brother sigh deeply, and said quietly: "I will help you contact a psychiatrist. You can rest for a while. From tomorrow onwards, don't go to the company or play games."

"Don't! Wait!"

Xu Yuheng kept saying a few shit in his heart, if he had quarreled with his elder brother before, but now, after seeing Xiao Li, his mood has calmed down a lot.

He didn't confront the elder head-on, but said, "The closed beta will end soon, within a few days."

Xu Fengqing seemed to be convinced by him, and did not continue this topic, but said: "You can play the game, but don't interfere with the game process."

"Old Wang told me several times that the game is progressing too fast now, and he is a little worried, and the reason why he was found the attack point this time is largely because of this."

Xu Yuheng was speechless.

According to what he meant, the game team blamed him for the problem of the game's plot progressing too fast?

This is obviously Xiaoli...

However, don't mention that no one will believe you when you say it, but he has done a lot in the past to help his brother take the blame.

All right, it's all his fault.

As long as the game team can't think of Snow Roland and can't find Xiao Li's troubles, who calls himself a brother?

Then again...

Who is the object of Xiao Li's love?

This stinky boy, won't he be slapped by a pig, right? !

"Ah--" Xu Sili sneezed suddenly.

He rubbed his nose, wondering if he caught a cold or was someone thinking about him?

A cloak fell on his shoulders, with a warm and familiar atmosphere that belonged to a man.

Xu Sili didn't need to turn his head to guess who was standing behind him.

He slightly bent his lips and asked, "When did you come?"

At this moment, they were standing in the pavilion in the garden.

As soon as Xu Sili's work came to an end, he went out for a walk to relax.

"Just arrived."

Si Sheng tidied his hair, and then continued, "Wen Jishan has made arrangements, and I will leave for Lanyue City tomorrow morning."

"What time is it?" Xu Sili looked at him and asked.

"Six o'clock in the morning."

Si Sheng replied, looking at him deeply, with a bit of nostalgia in the depths of his eyes.

"It's too early, you can sleep for a while, don't send me off."

What Xu Sili just wanted to say was blocked just like that, he raised his eyebrows, but there was a smile in his lavender eyes.

After sweeping his mental power around, he said uncertainly, "Have all the hidden guards been withdrawn?"

He didn't see the favorability label, but it didn't rule out that someone was hiding somewhere and was blocked by something, so he couldn't see it.

Si Sheng nodded, stretched out his hand to hold a lock of the young man's hair, wrapped it around with his fingertips and played with it.

"There are ministers, there is no need for them."

What he said was domineering, but very convincing.

As long as Si Sheng was around, Xu Sili felt an inexplicable sense of security in his heart.


Strength is the last word.

Thinking of this, he suddenly put his arms around the man's waist and buried his head in his arms.

Si Sheng froze, then quickly relaxed, and opened his arms to hug him.

"I'm a little cold." Xu Sili whispered, "Give me a hug."

Si Sheng didn't speak, and stroked his silver hair with his palm.

"Winter is coming," he whispered.

Xu Sili suddenly remembered that in the game of the gods, when he manipulated the princess to rescue Si Sheng who was still a slave, it was winter.

I remember that it just snowed in Wangcheng that day, and it was covered in silver, which was very beautiful.

It was that day that he saw Si Sheng for the first time.

At that time, he was still so weak, naked and skinny curled up in the cage, with heavy shackles on his wrists and ankles.

Looking back now, I still feel distressed.

Xu Sili suddenly let go of Si Sheng, slowly pushed him away, and then... took his right hand.

The man's palm was covered with scars and thick calluses, as he had seen before, rough and hideous, not good-looking.

Si Sheng looked at him with lowered eyebrows, then curled his fingers up to cover those ugly scars.

He actually has a way to get rid of those scars.

But the wounds on the soul can never be removed, and he doesn't want to erase these traces from the past.

In addition to the scars left when he was a slave, there are also some scars left during training and fighting after being favored by the gods.

Every time he sees these traces, he can recall the past time.

He looked at the young man's brows and eyes that had softened.

In fact, after getting along with each other, he felt that Lord Shenming was a little different from what he had imagined.

Maybe it's the change of the character's position, so that Lord Shenming no longer regards him as in the past, only as...a believer who can be discarded at any time.

Si Sheng's palms suddenly tightened into fists. He was immersed in his own thoughts. Suddenly, a pair of cool hands held his fists, and his soft fingertips gently opened his fingers.

One by one, as if peeling off the wall in his heart.

The darkness in his eyes faded, he looked at the young man, saw him lower his head slightly, and gently kissed the scar on his palm.

Then, he raised his head, and the soft starlight reflected in his purple eyes.

"Si Sheng, you have suffered."

Si Sheng once again felt that something was crushed in his heart. He opened his mouth, wanting to call him God like before...

In the end, however, he stopped.

He didn't dare to take risks, and he didn't dare to break the intimacy that the two of them had established with great difficulty.

He has always been very cautious when dealing with the gods on the cusp of his heart... except for last night.

He looked at the young man, stroked his soft cheek with his palm, and said in a low voice: "If the past is for the purpose of allowing me to stand by your side, so that I can hug you like this, then I will be happy."

Xu Sili felt...

When Si Sheng talked about love, he really had a set pattern.

He should have been somewhat immune after hearing it too much, but in fact, looking at his gray-blue eyes like a bright starry sky, his heart was still moved.

Looking at Si Sheng, he suddenly tiptoed and pecked at Si Sheng's lips.

Then narrowly said: "In addition to standing beside me and hugging me, you can also kiss me, and..."

He leaned over to his ear and whispered two words.

Si Sheng blinked his eyes, as if he was a little surprised to hear those unrefined words from his mouth.


He loves such a godly lord very much.

He said solemnly, "Are you serious?"

What responded to him was the young man's nibble on his earlobe.

Si Sheng took a deep breath, without any further worries, he hugged the young man into his arms, then disappeared in place, and went to fulfill his duty as a lover...

The next day, Si Sheng was fully dressed.

Before setting off, he kissed the young man's snow-white back, took a deep look at his sleeping face, and then left quietly, boarding the military shuttle that had been on standby for a long time.

On the military shuttle, there are a total of 50 elementalist engineering teams and [-] production teams. They all signed up voluntarily and said goodbye to their family and friends.

At this moment, seeing the majestic Marshal appearing on the shuttle, everyone wished they could straighten their backs and do their military posture meticulously, wanting to impress the patron saint of the empire.

Si Sheng swept over everyone one by one. He didn't immediately conduct any military mobilization or speeches, but just being glanced at was enough to make this group of elementalists who were born in the army bloody.

As the patron saint of the Roland Empire, Si Sheng is even more prestigious among the people than the royal family.

Because he really managed to turn the tide at the most critical moment and saved countless lives with one person.

From that time, only three years have passed, which is not enough to make people forget this kindness.

"You should know the next task. After arriving in Lanyue City, construction and production will be carried out. This is related to His Majesty's future plans for the empire."

Si Sheng said.

If it were the same as before, he wouldn't bother to say these things. For him, his mission is to protect Roland from death.

But now, everything is different.

Recalling the young man lying on the table, looking at those drawings, racking his brains to write and draw, Si Sheng couldn't sit back and watch others trample on his hard work.

"I don't want to see people being lazy."

"Do your job well, or else..."

He said with indifferent eyes, although the words were very soft, but everyone present was sweating coldly and dared not look him directly in the eyes.

That is the coercion of the strong.

After killing the nine-star last time, Si Sheng's level has risen a few levels, and his strength has officially reached the eight-star level.

And these elemental masters present are at most half-star strength, the gap between the two can be said to be a world of difference.

Not to mention the admiration for Si Sheng from the bottom of their hearts, but the natural fear and obedience of the weak towards the strong made them dare not disobey Si Sheng's orders at all.

Si Sheng glanced at the crowd, seeing that the shock was almost over, he put away the coercion.

"lets go."

He said lightly, took the lead in sitting down in the front row seat, and said nothing else.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Marshal is scary, I have to say...he is really too strong.

As expected of the patron saint of the empire!

The military shuttle took off slowly, headed for the border, passed through the barrier of the guardian circle, and headed for the farther border.

When he was about to cross the border and enter the dangerous wilderness, Si Sheng didn't let the shuttle stop.

"Keep flying, fly to the sky."

Si Sheng cherishes words like gold, but the pilot is sweating profusely.

He has never flown beyond the border!

There is no safe channel to go to Lanyue City, people will die!

Seeing Mr. Marshal, who had a cold face after getting on the shuttle, exuding an inexplicable low pressure, the pilot finally mustered up his courage and said, "My lord, this won't work... There are, there are flying interstellar beasts..."

"Don't worry about it," Si Sheng said.

The pilot was about to cry, how could he ignore it?

However, looking at the marshal with a cold expression, he could only grit his teeth in the end, and under the shocked eyes of everyone on the ground, he drove the shuttle to the sky!

Someone tried to contact Fei Shuo, but it was too late.

Seeing a group of interstellar beasts flying from afar, about to smash the shuttle into pieces, someone screamed and watched helplessly—the group of flying interstellar beasts, which are usually lawless, avoided it?

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