Blow up the guardian circle?

Hearing this, Xu Yuheng couldn't help frowning, even Bai Feng restrained his playful smile and became serious.

Although they haven't seen it yet, after playing the game for so long, they already know what the guardian circle is.

Now the five main cities of the Roland Empire are able to survive surrounded by interstellar beasts because of the contribution of these five guardian circles.

The consul of Lanyue City will abandon the central town because the protective circle of Lanyue City is very fragile, with holes appearing from time to time, and more people are needed to defend the border, so they finally focus on the development of the border.

If the guardian magic circle of Lanyue City is blown up, what kind of fate will be met by the civilians exposed to the interstellar beasts, one does not need to think about it.

What's more deadly is that the population of Lanyue City is concentrated around the guardian circle. Once the interstellar beasts attack on a large scale, there is no time to escape.

The fall of Lanyue City is a certainty.

And relying on the current strength of the players, it will take a long time to recover the lost ground after the official public beta of the game.

In the past few days, they have watched the live broadcast of the escort team—a one-star interstellar beast whose levels range from lv10 to lv19, but whose strength has risen exponentially.

A lv10 interstellar beast has no less than 10000 HP, and it has thick blood and high defense. With the player's current level, a team of less than 20 people will definitely not be able to defeat it.

It would be fine if they could be destroyed one by one, but the deadly thing is that the interstellar beasts have a characteristic - they like to get together, and it is easy to attract a group after hitting one.

This is also the difficulty for the NPC army to clear the road, and the AI ​​​​of the star beasts is also very high!

They are not like the brainless monsters in the past online games. They have keen senses and excellent survival skills in the wild, just like real wild animals.

If there is any trouble, it is easy to attract attention, and then trigger an unpredictable chain reaction.

In short, if Lanyue City falls at the current stage, it will be difficult to regain it by relying on players.

Besides, even if it can be taken back, those NPCs...

are also dead.

Don't talk about others, just talk about Jayne's three children, just thinking that they might die at the feet of the interstellar beast, Xu Yuheng and Bai Feng feel solemn.

The main city fell...

Is this game crazy?Engage in such an exciting plot killing before the server is opened?

Xu Yuheng has secretly turned on the recording system.

So far, he and Bai Feng haven't received the task reminder, and they don't know if it's because they are in a dead state.

After the young woman asked, there was a brief silence in the room, and then the old man said softly, "Beina, are you scared?"

The woman named Bella lowered her head under his sharp eyes.

She murmured: "If... if Lanyue City falls, we will also become the rations of interstellar beasts..."

"That's nothing to worry about."

The old man narrowed his eyes and took out a small bottle from his sleeve, "This is given to me by His Majesty Arnoldon, do you know what it is?"

Bella and the black cloak looked over, their eyes full of curiosity.

"This is the blood of the four-star beast golden squirrel."

The old man looked at the two with surprised expressions, and a glint of complacency flashed in his eyes.

"How strong is the four-star beast, you should know, right?"

The two nodded.

Not to mention four-star beasts, even three-star beasts, the army of the Roland Empire would have to pay a lot to deal with them, let alone their opponents.

At this moment, the two couldn't help but yearn for the Baywater Empire, which could easily hunt four-star beasts.

Realizing this, the old man nodded in satisfaction.

They betrayed the Roland Empire just to survive, they did nothing wrong!

He has experienced too much. Although the Roland Empire a hundred years ago was severely damaged after the natural disaster, it still has enough strength.

But what about a hundred years from now?

There was not one out of ten cities in the past!In the end, only these five crumbling cities remained, and Lanyue City where they were located became an isolated island.

This decaying empire will eventually be destroyed by the interstellar beasts.

They just accelerated the process. This is the trend of history, and there is no way to stop it. Only those who follow the trend can obtain enough capital in advance to survive.

"The body odor of the golden squirrel is so bad that even some five- and six-star interstellar beasts dare not approach, let alone those below three stars." The old man continued.

"As long as we smear the blood of the golden squirrel on our bodies, we can escape safely to other cities, and someone will pick us up at that time."

The black cloak listened to his words with a look of awe and excitement.

Five or six-star interstellar beasts...

That was only heard in legends, but the old man said it so casually.

Of course he didn't think that the old man had the strength to deal with five or six-star beasts, but the old man had a lot of contact with the people of the Belwater Empire, and it must be those lizardmen...

The black cloak rubbed his hands together and looked at the young woman.

"Berna, it's already this time, don't you still want to back down?" He persuaded.

"I know you are soft-hearted, but don't forget that you have participated in several operations before, but many soldiers were killed. Even if you leave the organization, the Roland Empire will not let you go."

"What a great opportunity is now?"

"The strongholds of the imperial city have been destroyed. It is time for us to make meritorious deeds. As long as we complete this matter, it will definitely be a great achievement! Elder Bryce may even become a leader because of this great achievement."

"At that time, although we have left Lanyue City, we will definitely be able to obtain more and better resources than now. Will our status still be low when the Beiwat Empire takes over Aixuexing?"

Bella clenched her lips, her eyes flickered, obviously moved by the prospect he described.


Thinking of the lives of tens of millions of people in Lanyue City, she became a little entangled again.

"Beina, you have to know that Lanyue City will be breached sooner or later."

The black cloak continued to confuse her, "You have been active on the border, haven't you noticed? The frequency of holes in the protective barrier of Lanyue City is getting higher and higher."

"Just today, it appeared on all three sides of the east, west, and east."

"How long do you think the current situation of the guardian circle can last?" He said in a deep voice, "Anyway, it's only a month or two."

"Is it possible for Lanyue City to turn the tide in a month or two? Impossible." The black cloak said firmly.

"That's right." The old man also nodded, "Lanyue City will perish sooner or later. If that's the case, it's better to advance it a little earlier so that we can gain some benefits."

Bei Na's face turned pale. She hesitated for a moment, but she was still a little puzzled and said: "Why do you have to let Lanyue City perish? Since the people of the Bewat Empire are so powerful, why can't they send troops to rescue us?"


Hearing her words, the old man was not angry, but sighed, "If you want to blame, you can blame the little emperor Roland just ascended the throne."

"I promised to hand over Ai Xuexing's authority, and His Majesty Arnoldon also summoned the army to prepare to send troops, but the day before, the little emperor suddenly backed out!"

Bella and the black cloak stared wide-eyed, apparently knowing this top-secret information for the first time.

The old man continued to speak, his voice full of anger.

"And after repenting, the little emperor suddenly increased his efforts and destroyed all the strongholds of the organization in the imperial city. Now there has been no news for more than a month. It is estimated that those people have already..."

He shook his head with regret.

"Therefore, the reason why we have to take such an extreme method is because of the little emperor's forcing!"

He said through gritted teeth.

"It was he who held on to his authority and refused to let the Baywater Empire send troops to Aixue Xing, which killed so many people."

"Blowing up the guardian circle of Lanyue City now is to give him some color, and at the same time let the whole empire see clearly the ugly face of the little emperor."

The old man said gloomyly, "If he is sensible and can accept the aid of the Baywater Empire, then Lanyue City will not be able to reach the point of destroying the city."

He hid the small bottle in his hand into his sleeve, and said in a low voice: "His Majesty Arnold has contacted me, and now the army of the Baywater Empire is on standby at any time. Once the little emperor agrees to nod to the Star Alliance, he can lead powerful reinforcements from Safe passage to Aixue Xing."

"With the strength of the Baywater Empire, do you think these one- and two-star star beasts will be their opponents?"

"At that time, Lanyue City will be rescued."

"Although some people were sacrificed, many more people will be liberated from the shadow of the interstellar beast, and they will live a stable and happy life under His Majesty Arnoldon's rule."

The old man became more excited as he spoke. He patted the shoulders of the other two and said loudly: "It's normal to have a burden in your heart. As long as you always remember that you are doing the right thing, your soul can be redeemed. "

Bella and the black cloak looked at each other. Although she still couldn't bear it, she was obviously persuaded.

There is nothing wrong with that, they are doing the right thing.

They are running to save the country, and the Roland royal family is the chief culprit preventing everyone from obtaining happiness!

The old man looked at the two of them, smiled very satisfied, then restrained his expression, and discussed the next plan with them.

Above their heads, Xu Yuheng, who was suspended in a state of soul, couldn't help admiring the old man after listening to their conversation.

I don't know if he really thinks so, or just to brainwash the two subordinates, but these words are indeed very deceptive.

such as……

"Brother Yu, is this really the case? Is it really the fault of His Majesty Roland?" A line of text appeared in front of my eyes.

Xu Yuheng turned his head and glanced at Bai Feng. The boy frowned, seeming a little distressed.

Obviously, he was also limped by the old man's words.

"of course not."

Xu Yuheng called up the input box and replied, "Just to ask you, how can they guarantee that those aliens will treat the people of Roland well after they take over the Roland Empire?"

"Are those aliens really doing charity? Of course not," he continued.

"They can incite these people to betray, and they can use the lives of tens of millions of people in Lanyue City as a bargaining chip, which is enough to show their temperament."

"This is a group of cold-blooded guys. They don't care about the people of the Roland Empire at all. What they want are the resources of this planet."

Xu Yuheng analyzed, "Based on Ai Xuexing's current situation, it may be difficult for them to obtain these resources effortlessly."

"In this case, do you think these aliens will choose to sacrifice their own people to deal with the interstellar beasts, or use the captives of the Roland Empire first?"

"Do you think they'll accept this relatively benign approach of clearing the roadblocks, or will they take a more drastic approach, regardless of casualties?"

Bai Feng was not stupid, he understood when Xu Yuheng said that.

And aliens...

As soon as he described it with this word, he immediately became wary of the Nabewater star.

He nodded, then glanced at Xu Yuheng's chat history, and edited the text with a smile: "Brother Yu, you use them so cleverly."

Xu Yuheng read his reply, couldn't help but give him a blank look, and then ignored him, but continued to eavesdrop on the action plans of the three NPCs.

In fact, it's not considered eavesdropping. They just "lyed dead" in this room openly, and it's hard not to hear them.

Soon, they got the general information - the number of traitors in Lanyue City was not many, as far as the old man mentioned, there were about ten people, and of course members he didn't know were not excluded.

Three days later, when the border guards of Lanyue City were at their weakest, they would attack the guard formation of Lanyue City and completely destroy it with bombs.

After destroying them, they will use the blood of the golden squirrel to mix with the star beast and leave.

In addition to making preparations for them, these three days are also to finish leaving Lanyue City completely - after all, after the guardian circle is destroyed, Lanyue City will become extremely dangerous.

These people cherish their lives very much, and naturally they don't want to stay here for a long time.

Xu Yuheng recorded all the images in order not to miss any details.

After the plot of these three people ended, they finally remembered his and Bai Feng's corpses.

"What do they do?" Bella said.

Elder Bryce waved his hand, and said indifferently, "Rouse, drag them out of the town and bury them in any place, clean them up, and don't be discovered by others."

The black cloak nodded, and at this moment, Bella said again: "Elder Bryce, have you heard about... the brave man?"

Elder Bryce nodded.

"It seems to be from the central town." He sneered, "Do you also believe in the legend of the brave?"

Bella hurriedly waved her hand, "I watched the video from the small town, they... are very weak."

"It's not over."

Elder Bryce said coldly, "It's just a bunch of clowns, who knows if they're liars in disguise?"

"Even if it is true, it has nothing to do with us."

"Instead of trusting a group of people who didn't know where they came from, it's better to trust the powerful Baywater Empire. After all, His Majesty Arnoldon has been helping us all along."

Bella didn't say any more, and the black cloak turned into a shadow again, crawling on the ground and devouring the bodies of Xu Yuheng and the two of them.

Shadows are much larger and move slower.

It sneaks silently in the small town, and the warrior-type dark elementalists are the kings of the night, so it is difficult for anyone to find them.

Finally outside the town, the black cloak appeared again. Looking at the two corpses on the ground, he didn't do it himself, but directly found a cliff and threw them down.

Anyway, in three days, this place will be occupied by interstellar beasts, and he was too lazy to dig a hole to get his hands dirty.

After he left, after an unknown period of time, there was a little movement from the bottom of the cliff.

"Damn, this guy is too ruthless!" the young man cursed in a low voice.

At the bottom of the cliff, Xu Yuheng was sitting on the ground, while Bai Feng looked up at the top of the cliff, cursing.

Half an hour had passed since their death, so they chose to resurrect in situ—if they chose to resurrect nearby, they would most likely be resurrected in the central town, which meant that the journey during this period of time would be in vain.

Xu Yuheng didn't agree with Li Baifeng, but called up the video data just now to check carefully.

After the resurrection, they didn't receive the task reminder, but this was not the point, and he didn't care much about the task rewards.

This matter was related to his own younger brother, Xu Yuheng couldn't help but get serious, no matter what he couldn't let their plot succeed, otherwise Xiao Li's situation would become very dangerous.

The NPCs in the game are dead when they die, and they can't be resurrected - he knows this, even Wang Lao can't do anything about it.

If the little emperor in the imperial city is really Xiaoli from his family, then he only has one life!

He will still die.

This realization made Xu Yuheng panic.

He couldn't accept his brother's second death, he had to protect him, he didn't allow it, no one could take his brother's life again!

So this crisis must be resolved.

But the time left for him is a bit short, in three days, how will he find the high-ranking NPCs on the border and convince them of his words?

This image was recorded using the game's function and cannot be shown to them.

Moreover, if they escaped this time, who knows when they will act next time?How can there be any reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days?

So the best way is to catch them all when they act!

It's just a specific action, Xu Yuheng has no idea yet.

After editing and editing the video, he opened the forum and posted a post - Three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang. He believes in the wisdom of the players, and maybe he can get some inspiration in the forum.

And when Xu Yuheng was worried about how to let the officials know and believe it—Roland Palace.

When Xu Sili woke up early in the morning, he received surveillance video from Xiao Wu.

In the past few days, he has completely turned into a salted fish.

He eats and drinks every day, doesn't want to sleep at night and doesn't want to think about it in the morning, even if he wakes up, he plunges into the music room, doesn't hear anything outside the window, and only plays the music he likes.

It turns out that even without him, the Empire is running at its established pace.

He even went up a level, officially broke through lv20, and reached the two-star level.

Then, his grades stuck.

The experience bar no longer moves around, all the experience gained is accumulated, and he can only continue to upgrade when the imperial city level is raised to lv3.

However, he rose to two stars in two months. According to the current standards of the Roland Empire, he is already considered a peerless genius, so there is nothing to regret.

It's okay to slow down a bit, you have to give others some way to survive, right?

So Xu Sili gave himself a vacation with peace of mind, and didn't specify when the day would end.

He thought that he could rest for two or three months, but he never expected that in just a few days, he would receive such a message.

Blow up the guardian circle of Lanyue City?Do you know how many people will die?These people are mentally ill!

Xu Sili's first reaction was to blow his hair. After being an emperor for a while, he has become accustomed to thinking about things from the perspective of the people.

However, he sneered at the old man's slander against him.

It's just stupid and poisonous!

He immediately ended his vacation and called Si Sheng, Wen Jishan and others for a meeting.

Lanyue City is too far away, and he doesn't know the situation there, so it's better to leave it to professionals for advice.

The main issue now is time.

There are only less than three days, and it is difficult to carry out effective dispatching from a long distance, not to mention that the military should also be infiltrated.

That one-star dark elementalist... must be in the army!

Thinking of this, Xu Sili felt somewhat regretful.

Chamo can no longer carry out space transmission in a short period of time, otherwise, Si Sheng can pass by. With Si Sheng as a big killer, are you afraid of these people's rebellion?

But luckily, he has Xiao Wu and players!

The accurate information provided by Xiao Wu, together with the dozens of players who followed the escort team to Lanyue City—they have reached level 10 or above, finally have the power to fight.

Although the blood volume is still very low, but relying on the elementalist skills, I believe that as long as they cooperate well, it should be no problem to catch those traitors.

Before Wen Jishan and the others arrived, Xu Sili called up the mission panel again and started editing elite missions.

After all, he was his second brother, and he found important information, so he secretly gave him enough benefits, and at the same time ordered Xiao Wu to provide Xu Yuheng with all conveniences.

If he encounters any difficulties, it will try to help.

The little robot responded with a loud whimper, and then continued to work.

It seems to be full of enthusiasm. The supervision of the Roland Empire during this period of time did not make it learn badly. Instead, it is happy every day and works hard for Xu Sili.

Although Xu Sili felt a little sorry, but seeing its intelligence level improve rapidly, he felt that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, so he finally let it go.

And now, the power of artificial intelligence has also been revealed.

If it wasn't for Xiao Wu, he might still be kept in the dark.

Xu Yuheng, who was far away in Lanyue City, had just left the bottom of the cliff with Bai Feng, when he received a task prompt from the system.

The trigger mechanism of this mission is quite random... He made a casual remark and accepted the mission.

Task rewards, white or white.

Last night, Xu Yuheng didn't rest almost all night. He only took a nap for a while in the early morning. After finally finding some inspiration from the information given to him by the game team, he re-entered the game.

His post on the forum received a lot of response.

The defense battle of the main city, no matter how it sounds, makes people excited, and it is also related to the vital interests of the players-if the city is broken, the players in Lanyue City will lose their birth points, and other players will also lose a map that they have not set foot in.

This will be a huge loss, and no one wants to see it.

What's more, that old NPC despises them!

Uncle can bear it and aunt can't bear it.

The crowd was furious, but many people found that—except for the imperial city escort team that was about to arrive, there were only two or three kittens among the players at the border.

and so……

They want to let players from the imperial city pick peaches for the task of defending Lanyue City?Why are all good things taken up by them?

Later, the building became crooked and turned into a war of tearing and forcing.

Xu Yuheng got a headache watching it, so he closed the forum and exited the game. In fact, he didn't want to rely on the players in the escort team, because he wasn't sure if they would arrive in time.

Therefore, players in Lanyue City must take advantage of it.

The crux of the problem is, how to get them to the border in a short time?

After a night of research, Xu Yuheng found a way. He went to the branch of the Mercenary Association in Lanyue City to find the robot in charge of registration.

Here, just after Xu Sili and Wen Jishan's meeting ended, they received a message from Xiao Wu.

"Brother, this brave man named Xu Yuheng is applying to form a mercenary group, but there are only two of them. According to the regulations, they do not meet the requirements."

"Do you want to break the rules and pass the application?"

The minimum number of mercenary groups to form is 50 people, and two people are naturally far from enough.

Xu Sili pursed his lips.

What does the second brother want to do?

He didn't understand, but agreed anyway.

"Okay, brother." The little robot responded cutely.

"Report brother, their application has been approved."

"After the data entry is complete, Yu Siqing's mercenary group is officially established. The communication devices of the group leader and members are automatically connected to the mercenary platform, and their registration information can be checked through the mercenary system."

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Xu Sili was startled suddenly.

Yu Siqing...

He muttered the name of the mercenary group, and couldn't help curling his lips, but his eyes quickly turned red.

When Si Sheng walked in, this was what he saw.

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