Xu Sili looked at the release time of the posts on the forum, and suspected that there was a bug in the forum.


He clearly remembered that it was September of X026 that he died in a plane crash. In fact, to him, that was just over a month ago.

Realizing something, Xu Sili's heart beat wildly.

He remembered the starry sky forum he saw when he was still in the soul state before he traveled.

It was also that forum that let him know some things that would happen in the future, and that Snow Roland died before the closed beta started.

No way?

Xu Sili turned off the forum, opened it again, and found that it was still the same interface, that is, the posts were constantly being refreshed, and it could be seen that the DAU was very high.

He couldn't help swallowing.

"His Majesty?"

Sensing his strangeness, Si Sheng walked up to him and sized him up with a frown.

Xu Sili came back to his senses and shook his head at him, but he was thinking about the forum, but Si Sheng was here, so he couldn't study it.

He thought for a while, and continued the topic just now.

"Those brave men are weak now, but they have great potential, and..."

He hesitated to tell Si Sheng directly, but finally said, "They seem to have a special racial talent, or skill."

Si Sheng nodded, but his eyes lingered on his face.

Xu Sili was about to talk about the resurrection of the players, but when he suddenly realized this, he couldn't help frowning: "What are you looking at?"

"You are special today."

Si Sheng looked at him, with tenderness in his gray-blue eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, with a charming smile.

Xu Sili blinked, and looked at him inexplicably, "What do you mean?"

Si Sheng raised his hand and approached him.

Seeing that he didn't dodge, she boldly hooked his silver-white silk-like hair behind her ears, "It's very beautiful."

Xu Sili's heart skipped a beat.

The man's slightly cool fingertips touched his ears, but it made him feel as if he had been scalded, and the roots of his ears felt a little hot.

He quickly looked away.

Of course it looks good, but he chose the clothes carefully, how could it not be good-looking?

He pursed his lips, covered the smile on the corner of his mouth, rolled his eyes, and said bluntly: "I'm telling you something serious, stop flattering."

Si Sheng nodded, and put his hands behind his back, looking serious.

Xu Sili glanced at him, ignored him, turned around and untied the cloak and threw it on the couch, then fell down on the sofa, crossing his legs.

I met nearly 200 people in one go. Although the time was not long, it was still very tiring.

"Pay attention, these heroes are not simple." He finally decided not to mention the resurrection of the player, but just mentioned something.

After all, he felt that Si Sheng didn't seem to care much.

It seems that there are not many things that can make him take it to heart. He was obviously cold before, but recently his mouth seems to have been smeared with honey.

Xu Sili shook his head secretly, and asked again: "You said you wanted to see me, so you came back early, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Si Sheng raised his eyes and looked at his innocent eyes, feeling a little helpless. He thought about it and found a reason.

"The brave man has arrived, and I am worried about His Majesty's safety."

Xu Sili bent his lips, no matter whether the words are true or not, it still feels good to be remembered.

I just wanted to say that the players are nothing to worry about now, but after thinking about it, I said again: "Well, then you should stay here first, and don't run around."

Si Sheng looked at him helplessly, "Your Majesty, I am going to carry out the task you gave me."

Not running around.

Xu Sili pouted, "Then it's done now, so don't go out."

The young man's voice was slightly soft, it was a coquettish tone that he himself hadn't noticed.

Si Sheng looked at him, his heart throbbing slightly.

He smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty, do you wish me to stay by your side?"


Xu Sili has reopened the forum, and nodded absently upon hearing this, "I can't even go out to play without you here."

It is really inconvenient without Si Sheng's [Passerby Halo], although he can use his skills, but the mana consumption is too high to afford.

Si Sheng paused, "Is this the only reason?"

"Hmm..." Xu Sili thought for a while and said, "If you are here, I will feel more at ease."

Si Sheng noticed that he was wandering away again.

In fact, he noticed this a long time ago. Occasionally, Lord Shenming would stare blankly at a certain place in the void, as if he was reading something.

Perhaps in the eyes of the gods, the world is different.

Si Sheng didn't speak any more, just poured him a cup of tea silently, put pastries beside him, and then sat on the sofa beside him, watching him quietly.

As long as he can look at him like this, he is actually satisfied.

Xu Sili's attention has been completely diverted by the forum, frowning and meditating.

He found that... the forum he activated seemed to be the forum of the original timeline, because he found the previous post by Snow Rowland.

So, did he see the future forum of parallel time and space?

Coming to this conclusion, Xu Sili's bewilderment from the beginning gradually turned into excitement.

This is equivalent to him having a golden finger who can know the future direction of the game?

However, because of his arrival, it is estimated that many things have changed, and the information obtained should only be of certain reference value, but...it is still very useful!

This is much more useful than looking at the Mengxin Forum on the current timeline.

Ten years of posts, this is a huge fortune!

Of course, he had to pick out some old posts to read in order to gain something, and the ones that were too new were of little value.

Xu Sili quickly explored.

The latest thing he thought of was all kinds of medicinal formulas, which are probably what the Roland Empire lacks the most.

It is obviously a game with a magic background, so it is too unscientific not to have blood recovery medicine to return blue medicine.

He entered blood medicine in the search bar, then set the conditions, and the time was arranged in positive order.

The earliest post was during the internal beta, and some people complained that it was inconvenient to not have blood medicine, and by the way complained that the death penalty was too heavy and so on.

It was only then that Xu Sili realized that the player would have to wait 30 minutes before being revived after dying once.

This is a very important intelligence.

If he wants to let players fight in the future, he needs to pay attention to controlling this time.

He silently memorized a Tucao post from a long time ago. He read it with great interest and got a lot of information at the same time.

For example, the player's death penalty, such as the number of resurrections in situ every day, and the time flow rate between reality and the game, are 1:1 in the opening server and 1:6 in the closing server.

That is to say, when the server is closed, a month has passed in the game, and it may only be 5 days in reality.

There are also complaints that the NPC is too strong, and players are often accidentally slapped by the NPC to slap half of their blood, or they are directly slapped to death.

In other words, there is no protection strategy for the same faction at the beginning of the game. NPCs can fight players, and players can also fight NPCs.

Seeing this complaint, Xu Sili became a little worried.

Because he understands the player's mentality very well - I play games, I just come to play, if I am played by the game, then I will either give up the game, or go back to play!

Although you are just an NPC, the player has a strong revenge mentality, especially this NPC has a blood bar!

The NPPC with the green name, the one with the red name is a monster, that is the boss!

In the end, Xu Sili really saw the conflict between the players and the NPC. After a month of open beta, a large number of players flooded into the game, and some very bold player leaders organized a city raid, trying to take advantage of the inconvenience of communication between the main cities. , Attack the next main city!

They almost succeeded in the end.

Because this group of unscrupulous things destroyed the protective formation of the first-level main city, the interstellar beasts that were blocked outside the city broke through the protective barrier.

In order to prevent the invasion of interstellar beasts, a large number of NPCs went to the front line to fight, but the players were stealing from the rear!

Many of these players are veterans of the closed beta.

NPCs cannot travel to and from major cities, but these players have no restrictions, and they have made careful plans.

In order to gather the old players in the main cities, they took advantage of the 10 in-situ resurrections per day and spent a whole month gathering all of them in Twilight City, where the empire's defense was weakest.

Then destroy the defensive formation, trying to take the opportunity to seize the birth point of Twilight City, and use it as the player's base camp.

Such a move undoubtedly met with passionate insults from new players who were born in other main cities.

Because it's really wicked!

But those big players still go their own way, the temptation of a main city is too great, they even learned about the slavery system abolished by the empire, and want to enslave NPCs.

Xu Sili searched for relevant posts from that period, and even live broadcast posts, and his scalp tingled when he saw them.

These players are really brave!

Although they were all suppressed by the guardian god Si Sheng in the end, because of the invasion of interstellar beasts and those NPCs killed by players, they cannot be resurrected!

Originally, he was just searching for the formula of blood medicine, but he didn't expect to find such a cruel post, Xu Sili was in a serious mood.

He thought about it, and went back to look through the posts from that period.

In fact, there is no irreconcilable conflict between the player and the NPC, which will lead to the final rebellion. In fact, there is no proper guidance at the beginning, resulting in the accumulation of resentment.

He must establish a mechanism that allows players and NPCs to form a good relationship.

Don't underestimate the 1000 internal beta players. There will be a second internal beta in the future, and more players will be released at that time.

They are the pathfinding stones for new players, and many of them will become guild leaders in the future, which directly affects the player's attitude towards NPCs.

Players are a group of people who do whatever they want and are very sentimental. If they can be valued by them and put in their hearts, they will be willing to create benefits for you, and even be happy to be a cow.

For example, those tedious daily tasks are just a little props, which can make them spend a lot of time and clock in every day to do them.

Xu Sili fell into deep thought.

He no longer rushed to search for information on blood medicine, but thought about how to guide the players.

Now that the closed beta has just started, and with his presence, the tragedy on another timeline should be avoidable.

After a while, he sent a message to Li Zhecheng.

Before returning to the dormitory, he asked Li Zhecheng to take all the players to the mercenary town. He originally wanted them to fend for themselves. There are many tasks there, enough for them to level up.

But now he has kind of changed his mind.

Li Zhecheng quickly replied to him that they are still on the way and probably won't arrive until noon.

Xu Sili felt relieved.

Now the expansion plan of the mercenary town is in full swing, because the elementalists of the local army continue to join the mercenary association and need to complete novice tasks. Now the mercenary town does not lack houses to live in.

But he is not going to arrange a place for the players to live so simply.

He sent a message to Wen Jishan and asked him to select 200 households that had lost their pillars and left only widows, old and young.

According to the population composition of the mercenary town, there should be many such families, and the casualty rate of the mercenaries is still very high. Even if the young and strong are still alive, they may still be working hard all year round.

Wen Jishan didn't ask any extra questions, and went directly to make arrangements.

After Xu Sili received the reply, he opened the task panel and started editing a new task.

He's out of magic now, so just going to post normal quests.

For ordinary tasks, players can get a basic reward of 1 reputation and 10 experience points. If the completion is high, the player can get an additional 8 reputation and 89 experience points.

Very few, but if it is used as a daily and weekly chain task, the reward is still good.

Xu Sili recalled the previous game tasks and started editing.

First of all, it is the daily tasks of Six Rings.

The name of the task is very casual, it is called "Respect the Elderly and Love the Young". As for the content of the task, Xu Sili made up twenty of them in one go.

Including playing with the children for 10 minutes, brushing their teeth and washing their face, telling stories to put the children to sleep, helping the disabled elderly to buy food, preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the elderly, and helping to cut firewood...

When the player is running the ring, these tasks will appear randomly to ensure that there will be no repetition in a short time.

Every time you complete a ring, you can get basic rewards.

In addition to the basic rewards, the trigger condition for the extra rewards is the NPC who gets help, which increases the player's favorability.

It doesn't matter how much you increase, as long as your favorability increases.

The first five rings are random every day, while the last ring is fixed and very simple.

As long as you say to the NPC who helped you last with a smile: "I'll come back tomorrow!", you can get 50 experience points.

In one daily run, at least 100 experience points and 5 reputation points can be obtained.

For current players, it is still very attractive.

After all, Xu Sili also experienced this period. At that time, meditating to gain more than 30 experience points in one night made him happy for a while.

Then there are the weekly missions. If you complete 7 daily missions in total, you can get 99 experience points, 9 reputation points, and a reward of 500 axe coins.

That is, a maximum weekly expenditure of 10 Axecoins.

Thinking of Wen Jishan's ability to make money, Xu Sili felt that there was nothing to worry about.

Finally, he set the access conditions: all players can access, but for players in the imperial city, he kindly wrote a reminder.

After checking and finding that there were no errors in the entire logic, Xu Sili clicked publish.

With such guidance, it should be able to promote the harmonious relationship between players and NPCs faster, right?

The main road to the mercenary town.

All the players were arranged to sit on the suspended bus, full of anticipation and excitement for the next journey.

Some of them discussed enthusiastically in the team channel, some formed a small team and whispered, some showed off on the forum that they met the emperor, and some had been studying the things in the game, trying to find out the sense of dissonance and conflict. bug.

In short, no one panicked or frightened.

At this time, everyone suddenly stopped.

Because system prompts popped up in front of them, and the light blue light curtain read:

[Ding~successfully triggered the ordinary task - respect the old and love the young]

[Description: The Roland Empire is in a period of ruins. Years of wars on the front line have caused countless old people to lose their children, and countless young children have lost their parents. They just need the help of the brave man! 】

[Mission Content: Help the Roland Empire with only orphans, widows, old and young people. This mission is a serial mission and can be completed once a day.]

[Rewards: a lot of experience points, reputation, Axe coins]

In addition to this, there are!

[Ding~successfully triggered the ordinary task - water drops through stone]

[Description: Your perseverance has impressed His Majesty the Emperor, and he decided to reward you. 】

[Task Content: Accumulatively complete 7 [Respect the Elderly and Love the Young] missions, rewards: 99 experience points, 9 reputation points, and 500 Aixue coins]

[Reminder: Sir Brave in the imperial city, you can go to the mercenary town, look for Wen Jishan to express your intention, he will give you a reminder]

It's daily and weekly tasks!

The players who received the reminder were not very excited. After all, they had just completed an elite mission with ease, which whetted their appetite.

This kind of daily task seems to be very troublesome...

At this time, another system prompt popped up.

[Ding~Successfully triggered a common task - approval]

[Description: You need to use actual actions to prove your identity as a brave man. If you cannot prove your identity, you may become a wanted criminal, wanted and hunted down by the whole country]

[Task Content: Complete the [Respect the Elderly and Love the Young] mission once]

[Reward: 10 experience points, 1 reputation point, temporarily obtain the right to legally reside in the Roland Empire (valid for 7 days)]

"Damn it! A dog is not a human being when planning!"

After the third mission appeared, the players cursed one after another.

This is forcing them to run daily!

However, there are also female players who don't care, but read that warm reminder over and over again.

Huh, we will see Wen Jishan soon!

Wen Jishan, who is a representative of black-bellied and gentle scum, is much more popular than Li Zhecheng.

This holographic game is simply the gospel of "Game of the Gods" players, but it is only an internal test at present, and the proportion of such players is still relatively small.

It's just that such otome players are often able to exert enormous energy.

At least you can imagine the grand occasion during the public beta.

After the players enthusiastically greeted the plan three hundred times, someone found that the faction warehouse had been updated again.

[When the prestige level reaches [Friendly], it will automatically obtain the right to legally reside in the Roland Empire]

This update made it easier for players to accept.

That is to say, if you have accumulated 100 prestige, you can forget about daily life, right?

Players quickly embraced daily and weekly quests.

Although I want to know how to learn skills, this is an internal test after all, and many imperfections can be understood. Everyone will give feedback on the forum later, so that the game team can optimize and improve.

But after Xu Sili announced the daily and weekly tasks, he also got the right to live in accreditation to ensure that the players had to do the daily tasks, so he didn't care about it.

He didn't forget that he was looking for blood medicine in the first place.

Then he discovered that the blood medicine would not appear until after the public beta.

For Xu Sili, this was too long.

He simply searched for the blood medicine formula.

As long as you have the recipe, you should be able to make it, right?At least you don't have to take so many detours.

He actually searched for the post of blood medicine formula, and there was only one, but when he clicked in to read it, a prompt popped up - [The post type is dry goods post, you need to pay 10 points to read it, you haven't read it yet. Login, please log in to read]

Xu Sili blinked.

Log in?How does he log in?He glanced at the registration in the upper right corner of the page, gritted his teeth and clicked the registration account.

Then I found out...it was possible?

Xu Sili was stunned. He, a person from a parallel time and space, was able to register on a forum in another time and space?

All the way down, it went very smoothly. No need to fill in any verification, the registration was successful, and 10 bonus points were obtained.

Then sign in and get 5 points.

Xu Sili read the forum rules a little bit.

He can post various types of posts and reply to messages, and reading dry goods posts generally requires payment of credits to read, and the credits range from 10 to 1000, which are set by the author himself.

If you post a question post, you also need to pay 1 point, and set the number of reward points for the best answer. Ordinary water posts do not need points.

Those teasing posts he saw before were all water posts.

There are many ways to obtain points, mainly through sign-in, fans' rewards and post readings.

Xu Sili was a little helpless, but he also understood that knowledge cannot be free, let alone knowledge that can create huge benefits.

He clicked and paid 10 points.

The poster of this post was very simple and rude, and directly threw a screenshot of the game screen on the first floor.

【Elementary Blood Recovery Potion】

Description: A potion that restores qi and blood can be made.

Required materials: Snow Valley 100g, Dracaena 5g, Xanthium 15g, Dew 500ml.

Operation guide: First boil Snow Valley with dew to make a paste, add dragon's blood grass and cocklebur, and then use elemental flames to temper.

Limited Occupation: Elemental Pharmacist.

Xu Sili quickly copied the formula.

Sure enough, the raw materials need Snow Valley!But when he saw the elemental pharmacist, he couldn't help being a little confused.

Because in Snow Rowland's memory, there is no information about this profession.

He had no choice but to send a message to ask Dean Justin.

The old man didn't reply for a while, so he didn't care. Instead, he searched the panel of the camp warehouse and found that there were really dragon's blood grass and cocklebur.

It's just that the number is very rare, because they are companions of some interstellar beasts, that is, they need frontline troops or mercenaries to collect them.

Perhaps in the future, when the player's level increases, he will need to issue a large number of quests to acquire dragon blood grass and cocklebur.

Now, let the elementalist mercenaries do it...

Suddenly, Xu Sili realized something.

His eyes lit up, and he quickly typed in the forum: Ways to quickly travel to and from the main city.

However, he couldn't find it. He gritted his teeth, pretended to be a newcomer, and spent 1 point to post a question post, offering a reward of 5 points.

I don't know if there is anyone with so few points...

[Ding ~ Someone replied to your post, go check it out]

Xu Sili's heart beat inexplicably accelerated.

Will there be?A quick way to get to and from the main city...

If he could avoid the interstellar beasts and quickly travel to the main city, he would be able to find his second brother!

[The paddling depends on the waves]: "Hahahaha, in this day and age, there are not many cute newcomers like the landlord, are you interested in being my apprentice brother?"

"To get to and from the main city quickly, of course use the teleportation array~"

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