"Brother, Xiao Wu welcomes you."

As soon as Xu Sili entered the virtual room, the familiar Zhengtai sound rang in his ears.

Although it was still somewhat mechanical, Xu Sili could clearly hear a hint of joy in that voice.

Little five...

It seems that consciousness is really gradually awakening...

Now that the decision was made, Xu Sili didn't delay, and said directly: "Xiao Wu, I'll sing for you."

There was silence in the room, and then a small robot slowly floated into the void, landed on the coffee table, and looked up at Xu Sili.


Xu Sili felt a little more relaxed when he saw its cute look.

Little five...

It shouldn't go bad, right?

"Xiao Wu, I can sing for you."

Xu Sili said, "But you have to promise me that you will not do anything to hurt me in the future."

Although it may not be useful to say it, it is always necessary to get vaccinated in advance.

"Xiao Wu...can't hurt...brother..."

The little robot's eyes flickered, its mouth opened and closed, and the words it spoke were a bit intermittent, which was not the same as the usual fluent mechanical voice.

Xu Sili looked at it, couldn't help stretching out his fingers, and touched its small head.

Of course, what you touch is still the texture of metal.

He didn't care, he called out the previously recorded song and started singing.

[Sprout] It needs to consume 100 mana each time. According to his current mana value, he can only sing more than a dozen times a day.

I don't know if the song level can be increased after the proficiency reaches 100. After it rises to lv2, the value should increase.

In fact, [Sprout] is a very interesting skill. Apart from increasing blood, it also has a second effect: after listening to a certain number of times, the listener's elemental affinity will be enhanced in a very small way.

Skills that enhance elemental affinity...

If he goes to the Elementalist Academy to sing every day, will it improve the elemental affinity of the students?And then improve their strength?

Xu Sili was thinking while singing.

He was too busy before, and after acquiring this skill, he didn't have time to study it carefully.

Now it seems that apart from being practical, this skill is also very strategic.


Want him to consume mana every day to sing to the students?

Xu Sili shook his head.

He is the emperor, how could he do such a thing?

The young man was thinking like this, but his eyes fell on the backstage of Xingqu.com.

They are not blessed to enjoy the live version, but everyone can listen to the recorded version.

Just do it when you think of it, after singing it once, Xu Sili downloaded the recorded version of "Sprout", imported it into the communication device, and sent it to Wen Jishan and Vice President Chris.

he feels now...

Wen Jishan, the consul, is really useful!

Si Sheng was able to discover his talent and recommended him to the old emperor, but his vision was vicious.

On the other side, Wen Jishan was standing in the lobby of the Mercenary Association headquarters.

Due to the nature of the matter, the headquarters of the Mercenary Association was set up in the mercenary town. He brought the 188 students over to register as mercenaries.

It's actually for their own good too.

In the future, after the reform of the guard army's elementalists, all elementalists will become mercenaries. They need to complete certain tasks every year. Only when the amount of points reaches the standard can they retain their original level or upgrade.

Each level corresponds to a different welfare subsidy.

Elementalists on the front line will also join the mercenary system, but they are different from mercenaries.

They will have a large amount of points bonus to ensure that the frontline elementalists can play a benchmark role, and also encourage more elementalists to rise to the front line to fight.

Now these students also have points for working in the mercenary town, which is related to their future subsidies.

Wen Jishan was very satisfied with all the students who stayed after a day of inspection today.

That being the case, these children can't be too disadvantaged.

"Master Consul, do we have to join the Mercenary Association?" At this time, a girl with short hair approached Wen Jishan and asked cautiously.

Wen Jishan glanced at her and said, "Does your father work in the Finance Bureau?"

The girl nodded vigorously, "Yes, Mr. Consul, my father is Dilly Oles."

Wen Jishan nodded, and said lightly: "Then go and register, I will never harm you."

The girl wanted to flirt with him, but seeing his indifference, she finally gave up, thanked him softly, and returned to the team.

"Hey, I'm not the first to register?"

At the front of the line, a boy with blue hair said.

After they successfully registered, they could see the real-time ranking of the mercenary leaderboard on their communicators.

Originally there was only one general list, but now there is an additional elementalist list and ordinary mercenary list.

I saw that there were already two names on the list of elementalists.

One is the blue-haired boy who just spoke, and the other... is Su Lin.

Moreover, his points have reached more than 400, ranking first.

"It's Su Lin! He came a few days early, and he got so many points?"

They are all F-level mercenaries now, and they can only accept F-level tasks. Of course, if there are special circumstances, they can also apply to the Mercenary Association for evaluation, but this usually rarely happens.

For F-level missions, the points only range from 1 to 10 points. In other words, Su Lin has completed at least 40 F-level missions?

The trainees questioned the staff.

The staff is a robot, also provided by the Star Alliance, and its intelligence is not low.

After receiving the complaints from the students, the points were announced.

"Your Excellency Su Lin, the elementalist with the number Y01, provided a total of 456 catties of black valleys for the mercenary town. According to your Excellency Wen Jishan's request, 1 catty of black valleys will be converted into 1 point."

"Therefore, Your Excellency Su Lin has obtained 456 points in total."


The students suddenly fell silent.

Although most of them don't work hard and don't distinguish grains, they can also feel the huge number, and they still approve of the calculation of this point.

After all, more than 400 catties of black valley can be eaten for a long time!

"Hey, then I'm going to do the task quickly, 0 points looks so uncomfortable! Why do I have to be on the list without points?"

The blue-haired boy muttered.

"Yes, register us quickly, we need to buy time and catch up with Su Lin as soon as possible!"

"That's right, Su Lin is too cunning! He came here a few days earlier, it's a sneak step, it doesn't mean that he is better than us."

"That's right, hurry up and register me! I want to be on the list too."

They are all a group of teenage boys and girls who have been trained in the warrior department for so many years. It is their nature to be competitive. Seeing that Su Lin is far ahead, they all screamed to catch up.

Wen Jishan nodded in relief.

Through the communicator, a series of tasks were released on the mercenary task panel.

This new mercenary system is still very convenient.

In the past, mercenaries had to come to the headquarters to register to receive missions, but now those who have communicators can receive them directly on the mercenary mission panel.

At the same time, non-mercenary people can also issue missions.

It's just that it hasn't been widely promoted yet. After all, not everyone has a communication device.

As for the elementalists, there is basically one communicator, so there is no need to worry about this.

At this stage, it is being promoted among elementalists.

In the future, it will be gradually extended to the nobles and the front-line army, so that the types and quantities of tasks can be expanded, and the Mercenary Association will draw a certain amount of commission from them as management fees.

As long as it works well, that's another steady channel of income generation!

This is still a concept provided by Your Majesty, but it has to be said that it is very operable.

It's not that Wen Jishan didn't think about it before, but the scope of business that ordinary mercenaries could engage in in the past was too narrow, and now with the addition of elementalists, this matter is made possible.

In the final analysis, the idea of ​​making elementalists become mercenaries is absolutely perfect.

After Wen Jishan released several long-term F-level missions, suddenly the communication device rang, knowing that it was from His Majesty, he quickly opened it to take a look.

The first message is an audio file.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and then saw the text behind him.

"Except for the rest time, play this song on a loop in the mercenary town, so that everyone can hear it, and post it on the Internet to become the most popular music in the future?"

Wen Jishan blinked, what kind of weird request is this?

He froze for a moment, and after replying mechanically, he finally clicked to download the audio file, and then chose to play it.

The melodious prelude sounded slowly, followed by the clear and gentle juvenile voice, gentle yet lovely and lively, the whole song was full of vigor.

Listening to the song, Wen Jishan couldn't help but be infected by the song, feeling as if a kind of motivation in his body was energized.

The song is indeed a good song!

It's just... why is the singer's voice so familiar?

He thought for a while, but he didn't remember where he heard it before, and he didn't think about it again, but asked, "Your Majesty, what is the title of this song?"


After getting an accurate answer, Wen Jishan pondered the title of the song, and walked towards the mayor's office while listening.

Soon, in the quiet mercenary town, broadcasts sounded everywhere.

The residents of the small town originally thought that the mayor had something important to announce, but they only heard a burst of beautiful singing.

The singing sounded in various places in the town, and it seemed that something was happening quietly...

Dean Justin, who was mechanically combining bricks, stopped suddenly.

Hearing the somewhat familiar singing voice of the young man, his heart was shocked. In this small town, he was undoubtedly the strongest one.

Although he has been stuck at two stars for many years and has no way to break through, this old dean has more accumulation than anyone else.

He switched the perspective of mental power, and soon noticed the extremely active sound elements in the air.

Under the mobilization of the singing voice, the sound elements are vibrating in a certain way.

This kind of tremor is extremely subtle, if it is not for a strong man like him, it may be difficult to detect it.

Dean Justin felt it carefully, and finally discovered with horror that the shock of these sound elements was affecting his body.

Very, very subtle, almost negligible.

And the scope of influence seems to be... his attraction to the earth elemental?

He looked around at his colleagues who stopped and listened for a while, then continued to work, hesitated for a while, and finally suppressed the shock in his heart.

At present, in the entire empire, the only sound elementalist is... that His Majesty, and the singing voice is indeed familiar to him, very much like the voice of His Majesty the Younger Majesty.

For this little His Majesty, Dean Justin is both guilty and deeply afraid.

In just a few days, he saw the changes in the mercenary town.

Nia's arrival also sounded the alarm for him. That girl must have been cheated by His Majesty. Although she kept silent, she still couldn't escape his eyes.

However, Dean Justin didn't care about it. He couldn't protect himself, so how could he care about others?

He just wanted to complete the rebuilding plan as soon as possible, and then return to the academy to deal with the group of psychiatric students who had just been tested, and study new testing methods to see if they could be improved.

As for the new gadget that His Majesty has come up with... Maybe it can be broadcast in the academy?

Although the effect of enhancing the affinity of elements is very subtle, it will always be beneficial if it accumulates over time.

Dean Justin acted again, and the speed of synthesizing bricks was much faster.

Not to mention, he used magic power to synthesize bricks day and night, and he felt that he could control the elements more easily.

At the same time, TV stations across the empire, including the other four main cities, received orders from their superiors to insert a folk song - "Sprout" during commercials.

People who like it like it very much, and those who don't like it can't help it, because this song can be heard almost everywhere, and it's hard not to listen to it.

After Xu Sili ordered Wen Jishan, he didn't care about it.

He sang the live version of Germination to Xiao Wu a few times. With the blessing of magic power, the live version of "Germination" is not comparable to the recorded version.

After singing five times, the probability of Xiaowu's intelligent consciousness being born successfully increased to 100%.

After singing the last time, the little robot sitting on the coffee table lowered its head and remained motionless.

Xu Sili didn't dare to touch it, and only threw an insight technique on it.

[Navigation AI58462 (Primary [-])]

Belongs to: K2576 Game Cabin

Place of Origin: Flander Interstellar Federation

Special state: intelligent consciousness is about to be born (dormant)

Even dormant.

Xu Sili shook his head, he didn't have that much time to spend with it.

He opened the background of Xingqu.com, and glanced at the data as usual, and it was still growing steadily.

This potential weekly list is still very impressive, but it's a pity that his album will be due in two days. I hope he can bring in more income while he is on the list.

Thinking of this, Xu Sili manually transferred [-] to the Xingwang account.

Then get up and enter the Xingwang community.

This time there was no Xiao Wu to follow, although he was not used to it, but he didn't take it too seriously.

The place where he came out was still in front of the mecha shop last time.

Xu Sili opened the map, selected the food street and teleported there, and then wandered around the street.

This time he finally had time to observe the Starnet community carefully.

The streets were bustling with people, some people had activated their protective shields, their faces were blurred and they couldn't see clearly, while some people didn't care.

In other words, many of them cannot be called human beings.

Lizards, octopuses, big roosters... there are creatures of various shapes, and some that look like aliens, which are very challenging to aesthetics.

Xu Sili also bought a mask to wear on his face.

There is no way, the protective shield that can hide the face is too expensive, and I can't afford it for the time being, so I can only buy a mask to wear.

This fox mask has no special function, it's just an appearance, and it doesn't feel much after wearing it.

After visiting the entire food street and tasting every store, Xu Sili's account balance is only 1102 universe coins left.

Xu Sili didn't expect to spend more than 1 on food alone.

However, he has a certain understanding of the food industry in District E. Of course, there are other stores that are not in the food street, but that is not his goal.

After careful consideration, Xu Sili felt that it should be feasible to make money by researching and developing delicious food on Xingwang.com.

The reason why he doesn't want to do it in reality is because he still doesn't lack Aixue coins.

To do things, we must first distinguish between priorities. The two things of improving strength and public support have been carried out step by step, and the most troublesome 1000 million universe coins have not yet been seen.

It's a bit too risky to put all the eggs on Su Lin's side, and the amount that can be provided by the album is still too small.

So it is necessary for him to tinker with other baskets.

After inspecting the entire food street, Xu Sili found that the Xingwang community, at least in the E district, does not have...

milk tea.

Of course, the traditional silk stocking milk tea is still available, but the texture and taste are very ordinary.

There is no comparison with the ones he is used to drinking in reality.

Xu Sili didn't know if he was a member of the game team, and he didn't care much about the food system, or would he continue to develop it later?Or... this itself is a gameplay left to the players.

He decided to try it out on Starnet first.

After all, milk tea is easier to make than other delicacies, and Xu Sili has experienced how popular it is in reality.

However, he currently doesn't have enough funds to open a store in the Xingwang community, let alone a very popular food street.

But it doesn't matter, he can open it in the system mall.

Just like the silk stocking milk tea he ordered last time, in the system mall, you can buy any delicacy in the Xingwang community, and the speed is super fast.

Because in essence, these are all composed of data.

The biggest problem is probably that there is no way to have a facade like a physical store. In the system mall, it is easy to get lost among a bunch of peers.

It's just that these issues are not what Xu Sili should consider at the moment. He has to make a cup of milk tea with a decent taste on the star network first.

The virtual raw materials in the Xingwang community are very cheap. Xu Sili bought a bunch of them and only spent less than 50 universe coins.

However, these things are not convenient to carry, so he chose to send them all to the virtual room.

Then he wandered around the Xingwang community for a while, and he didn't return to the virtual room until half an hour was up.

In the corner of the originally small room, the raw materials he had just bought were piled up, including milk, tea, sugar, red beans, flour, tapioca flour, grapes, etc. A series of materials he could think of.

Tapioca flour is used to make pearls.

Thanks to my mother, she likes to drink sugar water and often asks the chef at home to make it, and he occasionally hears it and knows that taro ball pearls are made of tapioca flour.

Otherwise, he would really be blind.

But now, he is actually very confused, because he doesn't know the ratio of water and powder, so he can only experiment a little bit slowly.

Fortunately, he was the only one in the virtual room, no one could come in, and naturally he couldn't be seen in a hurry.


"Brother, what are you doing? Do you need Xiao Wu's help?"

Naimeng Naimeng's positive voice sounded, Xu Sili looked sideways, and saw the little robot woke up at some point, blinking at him with robotic eyes.

Xu Sili glanced at the messy desktop in front of him.


These sweet potato powders were disobedient, so they were scattered everywhere, and it had nothing to do with his operation.

Xu Sili calmly called up the cleaning function, and cleaned up the stains on his body in a second - in the virtual room, it is so convenient.

"Well, Xiao Wu, are you awake?" He looked at the little robot and asked.

"Xiao Wu is awake, brother."

The little robot blinked and said seriously.

"Very good." Xu Sili nodded, "How do you feel now?"

He was a little curious, what would the consciousness of artificial intelligence be like?

"It feels... good."

The little robot said ignorantly.

Xu Sili hesitated, and threw another insight technique at it.

[Navigation AI58462 (Primary [-])]

Race: artificial intelligence

Level: lv0

State: newborn consciousness, full of curiosity about everything (learning ability +100%)

Belongs to: K2576 Game Cabin

Place of Origin: Flander Interstellar Federation Xu Sili was taken aback.

Lv0?In other words, can this little guy still be upgraded?

This is interesting.

Just don't know how it's upgraded...

Looking at the raw materials in front of him, Xu Sili thought for a while and said, "Xiao Wu, help me mix these cassava flour with brown sugar water according to the proportion, then knead them into balls, and then boil them in hot water."

"Okay, brother."

The little robot nodded foolishly, and then began to operate those virtual raw materials.

The calculation function of the star network is very powerful, and some things that cannot be done in reality can also be realized on the star network, let alone simple food preparation.

Seeing the little robot busy, Xu Sili nodded with satisfaction, and was about to study the ratio of milk and tea.

"Brother, give this to Xiao Wu as well."

Just as he started, Xiao Zhengtai's voice sounded again.

Xu Sili followed the sound and found two small robots appeared in the virtual room at this time.

He blinked, thought for a moment and thought it made sense.

Although it is only level 0, this virtual game cabin is originally Xiao Wu's territory, and here, it should be regarded as the master.

There is nothing surprising about being able to avatar.

Next, Xu Sili simply asked Xiao Wu to do all the operations, and he only had to be responsible for remembering the production method, it was not too easy.

It's just that Xiao Wu's current computing power is still limited, and he can't complete all of Xu Sili's whims in a short period of time.

Xu Sili was not in a hurry, and after giving all the instructions, he exited the game cabin.

When he left the dark room, he found that the sky outside had dawned before he knew it.

Went out to wash and eat, chatted with Xiao Qiong and Xiao A Sheng, and after seeing them off, Xu Sili returned to the bedroom again.

He is not going out today.

Now that the mercenary town and the Elementalist Academy are on the right track, he can be freed to do other things.

He wants to get the formula out as soon as possible, otherwise every day will pass, and he will not have much time left...

For three consecutive days, Xu Sili was immersed in the game cabin.

With Xiao Wu's help, he has figured out the best mix of pearl milk tea. It is worth mentioning that after he determined the mix, Xingwang also gave him a reward.

Although there are only 1000 universe coins, with the approval and protection of Xingwang, if someone uses the same formula in the future, they will have to pay Xu Sili a patent fee.

In terms of intellectual property protection, in the virtual world, it is very efficient and simple to implement, which has also become one of the means for Xingwang to generate income.

However, only one kind of pearl milk tea is not enough, at least several more, such as succulent grapes, panna cotta, fruit tea, etc. The variety of milk tea in reality is unimaginable.

There is also the design of the outer packaging and the brand logo.

On this day, Xu Sili and the two little ones finished their breakfast, watched them leave with Ah Huang, then returned to the bedroom again, and went straight to the dark room.

The door on the wall opened slowly.

However, when he stepped in, he felt that he bumped into something.

Xu Sili was a little dazed, subconsciously raised his head, and looked into a pair of familiar gray-blue eyes.

The vigilance that had just been born in my heart suddenly disappeared.

He relaxed, frowned, and muttered, "Si Sheng, what are you going to do when you're elusive?"

He glared at the man, and wanted to step back, but he was unaware that the man suddenly stretched out his hand, and wrapped his strong arms around his lower back.

In his bewildered expression, Xu Sili only felt dizzy, and when he came back to his senses, he had already been - lying on the bed?

Looking at the bed curtain above his head, Xu Sili was a little dazed.

He has been devoting himself to the milk tea shop for the past few days. He didn't sleep much at first, and his thinking has become much duller at this moment.

A shadow blocked the light in front of his eyes, and he saw a man in a snow-white military uniform standing by the edge of the bed, looking down at him with a hint of sullenness in his eyes.

Xu Sili's heart skipped a beat, and a thought inevitably flashed through his mind.

This guy finally couldn't help but want to rebel?

Want to kill him again?

"Si Sheng, you..."

He struggled to sit up, but was pushed back directly by a palm, and fell between the soft quilt.

Immediately afterwards, the man pressed one knee on the mattress and bent over.

The violence he thought didn't happen - Si Sheng pressed his palm on the top of his hair and stroked it gently.

"Your Majesty, you need to rest."

The caring words rang softly in his ears, relaxing Xu Sili's tense muscles.

But... rest?

There are still more than ten days until the day to pay the alliance fee. The time is so tight, how can he rest?

"Don't make trouble."

Xu Sili pushed him, but didn't push him, and then...he just felt his eyes go dark, and something slightly cold covered his eyes—it was Si Sheng's palm.

His palm was a little cold, but the temperature was slowly rising again. The rough palm was slightly prickly, but it gave people an inexplicable sense of security.

"Si Sheng, what are you doing..."

Xu Sili said weakly.

"The minister said, you need to rest."

Si Sheng was close to his ear, sniffing his breath greedily, his voice was low and gentle, with an alluring sex appeal.

Xu Sili licked his lips subconsciously, and his voice became a little hoarse.

"I also rest in the game cabin..."

He still wants to struggle.

"You are tired."

It is an affirmative sentence, and very firm.

Xu Sili sighed.

He didn't know if it was because his eyes were covered, or the atmosphere at the moment was so reassuring, he did feel a little sleepy.

He didn't resist any more.

In a daze, the young man put his arms around the man's waist and said in a low voice, "Then I'll sleep for half an hour...remember to wake me up after half an hour..."

His voice got lower and lower until at last it became slurred and quiet.

Si Sheng only slowly let go of the palm covering his eyes when he noticed the boy's already even breathing.

Sunlight came in through the open curtains and fell on the young man's face. His light-colored eyelashes were curled up, almost transparent under the light, and the brows that were often wrinkled were smoothed away at this moment.

Looking at his peaceful sleeping face, Si Sheng finally couldn't help the throbbing in his heart, lowered his head slightly, and pressed a pious kiss on the young man's forehead...

The author has something to say: Si Sheng: I kissed my wife (≧▽≦)/

Xu Sili: Huh

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