Xu Sili looked around in bewilderment, a soft light enveloped him, such a change should have made him vigilant and fearful, but he felt very stable in his heart.

Bathed in this light, he actually felt very kind, as if he knew that he would never be harmed.

"Good boy, we meet again."

The light voice sounded in his ears again, Xu Sili looked around, but he didn't see anyone, but he quickly understood...

It is this light.

"Are you... an elemental elf?" He said his guess.

The voice laughed, as if circling around him. During this process, Xu Sili got some information.

He was a little dazed.

The elemental spirit turned out to be...

"Aixuexing's world consciousness?"

Or rather, part of world consciousness.

Because the barriers of the world suddenly collapsed and the interstellar beasts invaded massively, the world consciousness tried to repair the barriers of the world by sealing itself.

Before falling asleep, he left behind the elemental elves, and the elemental elves became very weak because of his relationship.

Only when Ai Xuexing returns to prosperity can his power be revived.

Xu Sili also accepted this information well. This is indeed a reasonable explanation. It is probably only the world consciousness that can have such a great influence on Ai Xuexing.

No wonder he felt kind, like returning to his mother's arms...

"So, what did you just say... mean? How could I be Snow?"

"He is you, but not you."

Accompanied by these words, a lot of information flooded into Xu Sili's mind again. His current mental strength is enough to accept it safely, but he still feels a dull pain in his brain.

He couldn't help closing his eyes, and the memories belonging to Si Nuo surged in his mind.

The magic circle for summoning the brave was indeed set up by the elemental elves. This was done before he fell into a deep sleep.

However, during the past hundred years, when he recovered his perception intermittently, he found that the summoning circle was not working, so he chose a soul and sent him to the world of the "brave".

Snow Roland is that soul, and he became Xu Sili in the world of braves.

Xu Sili tried his best to digest this information, and he asked in confusion: "So, is this really a real world?"


The usual cognition was broken, and Xu Sili was a little confused. Everything in this world is real, not the setting of the game plan...

Therefore, the game team cannot control the development of this world!

What about the future forum?

and also……

"If I'm really Snow Roland, then... what about Snow who stayed in this world before? You said that he is me, but not me. What do you mean by that sentence?"

Xu Sili had never been so confused before.

The memory that he received belonged to Sinuo, which was obviously complete. This cowardly third prince was completely different from him, but he was indeed a person!

As he questioned, those answers came to his mind.

Those were pictures that were sealed deep in memory.

Little Sinuo, who was about three or four years old, nodded resolutely towards the void, and the scene turned to a scene of him rolling on the ground with his head in his arms.

I don't know how long it took, when he opened his eyes again, there was a lot of aura missing in his eyes, and beside him, there was a transparent spirit body.

The spirit body was sucked away by the void, leaving only the ignorant little boy sitting there, and soon burst into tears.

Xu Sili understood.

That is soul division, a top-level secret technique that can divide a person's soul into two.

The spirit body that was sucked away was the main soul, and went to another world with the mission of saving the world, while the remaining soul was just a touch of consciousness, more driven by instinct.

The split soul maintains the vitality of the body, ensuring that the body still retains its activity after the return of the main soul.

And he is the spirit body that was sucked away.

Although in a different world, he lost all his memory, but there are still some things in his subconscious mind.

For example, his phonological talent.

For example, he is full of longing for another world. After coming into contact with the holographic game project of Star Era, he invested all his wealth without hesitation, and finally connected the two worlds in this way!

On the surface, the game team created Star Era, but in fact, all their designs and choices about the game background were produced under the guidance of world awareness!

and so……

"Reality... that is, the world consciousness of the brave world, also... participated?"

Then, Xu Sili got an affirmative answer.

He felt that things were becoming more and more magical.

So, the previous Sinuo and him were similar to the relationship between Xiao Wu's sub-program and the main program, but his sub-program was mentally handicapped?

Of course, this cannot be said completely, at least from the point of view of insisting on practicing meditation, there are still some advantages.

It's just that he couldn't accept the matter of handing over the power to the Baywater Empire.

"Because of the incomplete soul, you will not stay in that world for long, and you will come back one day."

The voice of the elemental elf sounded again.

"It just so happened that something happened to you. At that time, I took advantage of the opportunity to summon you back, and the timing was just right."

So, he got an incurable disease for no reason?

The timing was indeed just right...Xu Sili recalled the scene at that time, and he was almost killed by Si Sheng for treason...No...

"What about Si Sheng? There are also people like Li Zhecheng. They are clearly characters from another game. How could they appear in Star Era?"

The elemental spirit didn't answer directly, but said: "What's the name of that game?"

"The game of the gods..."

Xu Sili was stunned.

So this is another thing where he thought it was a chicken and an egg, but it turned out to be an egg and a chicken?

"Si Sheng and the others also lost their souls?" But it was a mobile game!Every player's game has the same characters!

"That's not true, my strength can't do that."

The elemental spirit gave an answer, "They are just projections, in order to strengthen the connection between the two worlds, but..."

"This kid, Si Sheng, did have an accident."

Xu Sili froze, "What accident?"

"Because you came into contact with that game... My good boy, as long as it is your wish, I will fulfill it for you."

This is the rule that he secretly wrote down when the world consciousness was asleep, and it is his favor for this child.


Xu Sili was silent for a long time before saying, "So it was my game behavior that affected the real him?"

"not quite."

In fact, what played the most important role was that he hoped that Si Sheng in that game could be imported into the Starry Era, and he also wanted him to become the marshal, the most powerful person in Roland, and guard the world of Si Nuo Roland. Germany's left and right.

As long as it is his wish, the world consciousness will realize it for him.

Thus, the projection replaced the master, and became Ai Xuexing's most unstable accident.

Of course, when the world consciousness that had just awakened not long ago discovered this accident, it had to admit that it was a stroke of genius.

Anyway, this accident has been firmly bound to his beloved child, and they can no longer be separated.

"Good boy, you have perfectly fulfilled the task I entrusted to you, and you are the one who saved the world."

The brisk voice sounded again.

"Your father, I have explained to him clearly that you are Snow Rowland, my favorite child, and no one can question this."

"Go back, the world will be better."

Xu Sili had a premonition, and he quickly asked the final question: "Then what happened to the future forum? Are the things on that timeline true?"

"My dear boy, how can there be no golden fingers?"

The voice became more and more ethereal, and the next moment, Xu Sili suddenly opened his eyes and found himself back in the same place.

And Leopold, who was standing a step away from him, also opened his eyes with a complicated expression.

He looked at the silver-haired young man in front of him who had changed greatly, and finally without any hesitation, he opened his arms towards him, embraced him, and hugged him tightly.

"Sinuo, you have suffered."

Xu Sili leaned on his shoulder, closed his eyes slightly, his brain was still aching.

Although I have seen all the truth, but...

Maybe it's because of the soul splitting, even if he received the memory, it's like looking at another person's life, and he can't enter it at all.

What's more, Fenhun's personality is completely different from his...

However, feeling the man's strong embrace, Xu Sili slowly relaxed.

He thought of the short time he spent together in the trial world, and he also thought of Thanos and Sirin, and Aunt Weier and Xiaoqiong...

It's nice to have such a family.

And he himself finally didn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Father, welcome back." Xu Sili hugged Leopold back and said softly.

The father and son hugged each other, but soon separated.

Leopold looked at Xu Sili with guilt and relief in his eyes, but he froze slightly when he saw the blond man standing behind him.

It is true that Si Sheng is really strong, but he has already learned about his relationship with his son from the elemental elves...

He didn't know and was not qualified to say anything, so he nodded to him, trying to maintain his previous attitude.

At this time, Xu Sili took out a card, released his mental power, and Thanos, who was sealed in the card, appeared in front of Leopold.

"Father..." Tears rolled down Thanos' cheeks, he never thought that one day, he would see his father again.

Although Leopold was also very surprised and was very curious about the cards that Xu Sili showed, but the moment he saw his eldest son, these were forgotten.

"Sanos, you are really alive!"

He really wanted to maintain his majesty as a father, but in the end he stepped forward and grabbed the elder son's shoulders and hugged him tightly.

"Yes, Sirin and I are both alive, and it was His Majesty who rescued us."

Thanos' voice became choked, what kind of shackles were disappearing from him with the tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

"Father, many things have happened, Your Majesty..."

"Well, I know, let's talk about this when we go back!"

Looking at the reunited Roland father and son, no matter what other people thought about the battle just now, they couldn't help but feel envious at this moment.

Elvis stood aside, his smile was full of joy and relief.

Although the entire Roland royal family is only left with him as an elder from a hundred years ago, he is not so lonely when he thinks of Mike who is still waiting for him by the sea.

In the void, the sky dragon beasts chased by the swarm fled in all directions. For a while, no interstellar beasts dared to approach this piece of land, and they were temporarily safe.

Just when Leopold and his eldest son had finished greeting each other, feeling that it was almost time for everyone to deal with business first, a small figure emerged from Thanos' communicator.

"Dad, and me!"

Looking at this little boy with silver hair and purple eyes, Leopold was startled. When did he have another son?

Seeing this, Xu Sili couldn't help coughing lightly, and said: "Father, this is Xiao Wu, he is an intelligent life, I recognize him as my younger brother."

Thanos also said, "Yes, Xiao Wu is a very good boy, and it was because of him that His Majesty found us."

Although Leopold still didn't quite understand, he still nodded. Since the sons all accepted it, it would be fine for him to have one more son.

Then, he heard the little boy say: "Dad, don't you remember me? I'm Navigator AI58462~ I'm rich now, and I bought you a lot of games, you can play them when you go back!"

Leopold: "..."

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