Adrian was also watching the live broadcast. This time, he was the matchmaker. Thinking of his surprise and confidence when His Majesty Roland proposed to him for the first time, he couldn't help feeling a little irritable. .

Seeing Roland's Eldest Princess blatantly openly recruiting scientists during the live interview, he couldn't laugh or cry again.

As expected of people from the same country, isn't this approach the same as that guardian?

In order to prevent him from advertising the Fox family through the competition, the organizers of the Talent Contest tried their best, but in the end, he took advantage of the loophole in the finals and made another meal in front of the entire interstellar people. broadcast.

This time, the Star Alliance has done a lot of publicity in order to get back the stage, and even opened a gamble. The heat of this mecha competition is not low...

Adrian shook his head, and began to struggle with how to give an explanation to the headquarters.

Because he never expected to lose, and was eager to avenge his shame, the Star Alliance agreed to this mech battle without much arguing with Roland.

In the end, who would have thought that it would turn out like this?

Even Adrian, who has been in charge of the Roland Empire, feels like a dream for the past two years.

A few years ago, he never expected that the weak country that was on the verge of extinction several times and needed the assistance of the Star Alliance would become so powerful in such a short period of time.

It is so powerful that it can shake the top ten powers and even the Star Alliance.

In other words, this country reborn from the ashes of a natural disaster is already very powerful, but the interstellar countries have never really understood her.

Adrian couldn't help sighing.

He also knows that the Roland Empire probably won't sell mechas, and at most accepts the exchange of benefits, just like the fact that they sent people to Roland to learn magic...

The Star Alliance seldom trades at a loss, but in the process of confronting Roland, it seems that they can't get much benefit.

For the transaction of sending personnel to Roland to learn magic, the Star Alliance spent a huge price, and also paid for two fixed-point teleporters. Originally thought that Roland was a magical civilization, and even if they got the teleporter, they could not research related technologies. However, As soon as these five mechas are released today, no one can be sure.

The fixed-point teleporter is the most important trade method of the Star Alliance. It is the only one in the entire galaxy, and it is also a bargaining chip for the Star Alliance to win over the Alliance.

If the Roland Empire really researches something, then sell this technology to other countries...

I'm afraid the Star Alliance will tear itself apart.

And learning magic is not necessarily effective.

Even the aborigines of the Roland Empire, not everyone can awaken their talents. It is said that the younger the children, the easier it is, so this year's quota, most of them are given to children under the age of five. There is only one nanny and two members of the Star Alliance. The researchers went with them.

In the future, even if some of these children are lucky enough to awaken their magical talent, they can stay in Roland to continue learning magic. However, are these children who have lived in Roland for a long time still considered interstellar people?

When they grow up, will they have feelings for the Star Alliance, will they be loyal to the Star Alliance, and even cooperate in various experiments?

Adrian is not optimistic, but this is a decision made by the top executives of the Star Alliance, and he can't stop it.

But Roland is so powerful, perhaps it is a good choice for the Star Alliance to maintain a good relationship with Roland through these children.

Just when Adrian was having a headache about what he had to pay this time to get a new type of mecha from Roland, the venue in the live broadcast suddenly changed.

In the Mech Contest, everyone's attention was focused on the interviewees, and so were the audience, so when the accident happened, many people didn't react, and only a few people noticed it. strange.

Xu Sili is one of the few.

He subconsciously clenched Si Sheng's hand, and with one side of his eyes, he met the man's equally serious expression.

"Brother Sheng, did you hear those strange voices?" Xu Sili whispered.

The very dense abnormal noise was transmitted to his ears through the active sound elements.

He didn't pay attention to it at first, but the voice became denser and more frequent, which made him feel a little sick, and it was hard not to notice it.

Si Sheng nodded and gave him the answer directly: "It's the Zerg."

Xu Sili was taken aback.

Holy crap, the heavily guarded planet Ampsonton has also been invaded by Zerg?

Immediately afterwards, he felt the golden spiritual power that belonged to Si Sheng. Xu Sili did not resist, but was guided by Si Sheng, and the spiritual power went down, so he saw more pictures.

He didn't expect that there was a secret laboratory hidden under the ground of the competition venue.

Si Sheng passed the message to him, and Xu Sili didn't know it until now.The construction materials of this laboratory are specially made, which can shield the perception of spiritual power.

No wonder he didn't notice anything before the game started.

Of course, these methods were scumbags in front of Si Sheng, and they were totally vulnerable.

With Si Sheng's help, Xu Sili "saw" the panicked laboratory staff and heard their conversation clearly.

"Hurry up and tell the defenders to evacuate the people on the ground, and then send people over. The king worm was awakened for some reason! It was trying to escape, but it was temporarily trapped. I will destroy those eggs now..."

"Doctor, it's too late! Those eggs seem to have hatched ahead of time under the call of the king worm, and the metal wall of the storage room has been eaten through by them!"

"Doctor, the king worm escaped successfully! What should we do now?"

Xu Sili: "..."

Fuck, do these people want to die like this?

Although he only heard a little bit, he has successfully captured the key words—"the king worm awakens", "the eggs hatch in advance", "protection measures fail", "the king worm escaped successfully", this is quite a secret experiment overturned On the spot!

He is speechless, what is the Star Alliance doing?

Knowing that the Zerg is such a dangerous creature, if you catch the king worm and don't kill it immediately, you still bring it back to a military important place for research?

It is true that Ampsonton Star is remote, but it is also a resource star, where countless ordinary people live!Now the king worm is out of control, this planet...

Wait, Xu Sili immediately opened the Future Forum to check, and then found out without any surprise that this Ampsonton star was one of the nests occupied by the Zerg in the early days.

And this king worm will grow into a super boss in the future, and was finally eliminated under the siege of tens of millions of players!

The fourth natural disaster in the future will also rely on this battle to become famous in the interstellar world, becoming a favorite of the interstellar countries, and finally causing a large-scale player to switch camps.

Xu Sili took a deep breath, and he didn't want to get involved with the Zerg anymore, so he couldn't let it go at this time.

He withdrew his mental power, and immediately issued a mission to the players who came with the team, asking them to bring Roland's NPC back through the home system immediately - even if he wanted to help, he couldn't lose his own people here!

Soon, he received feedback that the mission was accepted.

After a while, Aunt Weier's communication came. She had already left the front of the camera and said to him with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, we can't just leave like this!"

"If we leave, if something happens to the people here, it will greatly affect Roland's international image. Even if there is danger, we must stay and do something!"

This is a grand event broadcast live on the entire network. Even if the game is over now, almost half of the interstellar people are paying attention here. Their every move is under the spotlight, and they must act cautiously.

Of course Xu Sili knew this truth.

He said: "I will deal with this matter. You and Yu Sen and the others go back first. Even if you want to do something, you must do it under the condition of ensuring your safety."

Ordinary black-eating beetles are troublesome enough, but this king worm has undergone countless mutations and has the potential to grow into a super boss. Xu Sili dare not underestimate the enemy.

"Your Majesty, are you going to do it yourself?" Wei Er obviously disagreed.

Xu Sili smiled, "With Si Sheng here, you don't have to worry about me, you should also know my strength."

Now in the entire Roland Empire, except for Si Sheng, he is the highest level. If he can't do it, then let alone the others.

In the end, Weier didn't insist anymore, told Xu Sili to be careful, and cut off the communication.

When Xu Sili's panel reminded that the tasks were being completed one after another, the ground in the center of the venue suddenly turned, and something was about to break out of the ground.

Just when Si Sheng was about to make a move, Xu Sili suddenly thought of something, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Brother Sheng, how about I turn this king worm into a puppet?"

If it is successful, is it possible to control the Zerg by controlling the king worm?

Although the destructive power of these Zerg is amazing, if used in the right place, it may have a good effect, such as cleaning up the interstellar beasts?

Now to continue to unblock the level restrictions, all the interstellar beasts need to be cleaned up. The interstellar beasts on land are okay, but the interstellar beasts in the ocean are a big trouble.

He was afraid of the Zerg before because the Zerg was uncontrollable, but what if the King Zerg could control the Zerg?He thought he could give it a try, and if it didn't work, it wouldn't be too late to kill the king worm.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to drop by one degree.

He turned his head involuntarily, and saw Si Sheng's body was slightly stiff. After noticing his gaze, he turned his head to look at him, and his gray-blue eyes, which were originally calm, were slightly turbulent.

"like me?"

The man's tone was obviously very light, but Xu Sili was keenly aware of a hint of danger and a strong sour smell.

Oh, can this also be jealous?

He hurried over, kissed the man on the lips, and comforted him with a smile: "How could it be like you? I won't keep its sanity."

It's just a puppet for him to use. How can a bug compare to Si Sheng?

Si Sheng stared at him, and after a long time, he reached out to lift his silver hair, held it in his palm and stroked it carefully.

"Your puppet can only be me."

He said in a muffled voice, full of possessiveness in his low voice.

Xu Sili looked at him helplessly, but finally couldn't hold back, reached out to hold his face, rubbed it vigorously, and then kissed him on the cheek.

Then I heard the young man's gentle and laughing voice, "What are you talking about, you are not a puppet—"

"You are my patron saint, Si Sheng."

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