The second mecha competition was held on Ampsonton Star designated by the Star Alliance.

The star Ampsonton does not belong to any country. It is located near the famous three-regardless star field-the gravel star belt. The army of the Star Alliance is stationed to deter the forces entrenched in the gravel star belt.

The forces in the Gravel Star Belt are very complicated. There are interstellar pirates who cross the street like rats, wanted criminals who defected to their home country for various reasons, and some who failed in the political struggle and fled to the Gravel Star Belt to create new forces... …

Although the geographical environment of the gravel star belt is dangerous, there are also many resource stars, so it attracts these forces, whether overt or dark, to occupy them.

In order to reduce the threat of these forces to the Alliance, the Interstellar Alliance has stationed troops on nearby planets and regularly sends troops to deter them, and Ampsonton Star is the largest stationed star among them.

The troops stationed here all use the most powerful and complete mechs among the interstellar. Not only are the mechas developed by the Star Alliance, but also come from the major mech powers. The mech masters are also the top level of the interstellar. .

Finn and others who led the team to the Roland Empire before, although they are also powerful mech masters, are still a little inferior compared to these troops that are really fighting on the front line.

The mechas that were sent out at the beginning were also the latest mechs developed by the Star Alliance that had not yet been tested in actual combat. But this time, to avenge their shame, the Star Alliance took out all their wealth.

The Roland Empire sent a mecha team led by Yusen, not only Weier's Avril, but also four other mechas of different models, with different functions.

Avril Lavigne focuses on loading super firepower, while Yusen's Flying Wing focuses on extreme speed, and Brady's Shadow Envoy is a perfect fusion of technology and magic - using shadow inscriptions, plus as For mecha masters of dark warriors, after the inscription pattern is activated, the mecha can hide in the shadows and catch them by surprise.

That's right, as Val's shadow guard back then, Brady, who followed her to leave Aixuexing to wander the stars, has also undergone relevant training in mecha driving.

Although he later returned to Roland with His Royal Highness Xiaoqiong, and wandered in the wild for four years in the beast tide, under Yu Sen's training, he quickly regained his original feeling.

After all, Sensing Mechs are known for their ease of use, and require higher quality mech masters.

As a warrior, Brady is not inferior to top mecha masters in terms of physique and fighting instinct. Even in terms of fighting skills, even if he does not use elemental skills, Yu Sen is not his opponent.

So this time, he was also among the dispatched mecha team.

There were two remaining representatives, one was a young man who had returned with the wandering elementalist and had obtained Roland's citizenship.

He is a soldier who retired due to injury, and his mech driving skills were quite good. After returning to Roland with his grandmother, he received proper treatment and stayed in Roland after he recovered. He passed the naturalization application because of his contributions. .

The last mecha master was quite unexpected, it was actually a player.

Xu Sili was a little surprised when he received the information from Yu Sen. He still knew this player, and he was the Zhulin Muge who had been active all the time—that is, the deadly enemy of the Magic Box Mercenary Group and the president of Shengshi Tianxia. Lin Mu.

Xu Sili was really surprised that he was able to defeat other NPCs and obtain the qualification to serve as a representative. After all, the personal attributes of NPCs are ten times that of players.

However, Lin Mu is quite reliable based on the few times he has been in contact with him. Since Yu Sen submitted his list, Xu Sili also approved it.

This time, he didn't intend to win the mecha competition, but just wanted to show Roland's mecha to the whole interstellar world, so as to attract more technical talents to play for Roland.

The Roland Empire has more than magic!

While waiting for the competition, the latest interstellar comprehensive national power rankings also came out. The biggest change this time is undoubtedly the Roland Empire—because of the sales of the Fox family food store on the star network, as well as the popularity of the tourism industry and the beauty and medical industry. Rapid development, economic strength jumped directly from the 265th to the top [-].

And the most terrifying thing is military strength, from the penultimate to the No. 11 positive number, second only to the top ten powers.

This is still because the Roland Empire has never confronted the top ten powers, but with the brilliant record of laying down a military star within a week, its military strength ranks 11th, which is definitely well deserved.

If Roland shows more strength, the ranking may have to move up a bit.

It's just that apart from the economy and military, the other strengths of the Roland Empire are too hip. Politics is often linked to the military, but because Roland's participation in interstellar affairs is relatively low, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Needless to say, technology, culture, education, etc., Roland is still in a state of vigorous development.

Of course, with its outstanding military and economic strength, the overall national power ranking of the Roland Empire still ranks among the top [-].

Everyone knows that this will not be the end, and no one in the entire interstellar world can stop the rise of the Roland Empire, unless the Ten Great Powers launch a war against Roland.

However, no one can guarantee the victory of this war, and it is impossible for the Star Alliance to allow such a thing to happen.

People seem to have seen a rising star. Perhaps in the near future, the Roland Empire will become another interstellar overlord.

Xu Sili is still very satisfied with the current ranking.

After all, it took only three years since he came to Roland. He was able to rise from the bottom to the top hundred.

Moreover, he already had a premonition that the era of interstellar turmoil was about to begin.

Three months ago, his warning to the Star Alliance did not seem to be taken seriously, although with Adrian's efforts, the Star Alliance still sent investigators to that remote star field.

They did find unknown beetles there, and after eradicating these insects, nothing happened.

According to the information sent back by Xiao Wu, in these three months, among the 266 countries in the Star Alliance, hundreds of countries have experienced bug plagues, which can be said to spread over half of the stars.

Moreover, these insects have changed a lot from the information received at the beginning, and their physical characteristics are different in different regions.

The black-eating beetle they encountered was about the size of a fingernail, and the whole body was pitch black. According to Xiao Wu's collection, at least ten mutants had appeared.

First of all, in terms of color, in addition to black, yellow, red and turquoise also appeared.

Black-eating beetles are omnivorous and will eat just about anything, while those of other colors—yellow ones like metal, red ones like flesh, and turquoise ones like plants.

Although the range of recipes has become smaller, the terrible thing is that the fire resistance of these colored bugs has increased.

Then there is the body shape. Now there are bugs the size of a fist, and I am afraid that there will be larger bugs in the future, just like the giant Zerg in the interstellar novel.

In addition to being gigantic, there is also a small evolution, this kind of bug that is only the size of a mung bean flies faster.

The troublesome thing is that no matter what kind of bug, the attack power is very strong.

Every time Xu Sili saw the information sent back by Xiao Wu, he felt a headache. Those densely packed photos of insects would definitely make the intensive phobia patients vomit and faint.

In order not to expose Xiao Wu, he could not directly submit these detailed information to the Star Alliance, so he could only gently remind Adrian to pay attention to the situation in various places.

Fortunately, his reminder is effective.

After all, he is the monarch of the Roland Empire, representing the 11th-ranked Roland Empire in terms of military strength. When the latest ranking came out, the weight of his words also rose sharply.

This is not a kind of awe of unspoken rules, but a real elevation of authority.

Just like Roland, who was at the bottom before, the Star Alliance only had some very basic things in the procurement column. Now that the ranking has improved, there are more things that can be purchased.

As for what he said and what he wanted to do, the priority of the Star Alliance would be raised accordingly, and even the liaison officer team led by Adrian had all been promoted and their salaries raised.

Because he reminded from time to time, the epidemic prevention department of the Star Alliance finally realized the seriousness of the matter after a detailed investigation, and is now urgently mobilizing manpower and material resources to take measures against this latest species.

However, Xu Sili was still not very optimistic about their actions.

After all, in the future forum, according to the posts he searched, when the players entered StarCraft five or six years after the server was launched, the entire StarCraft fell into chaos. Some countries were even destroyed by insect plagues, and the entire planet was destroyed. They were all reduced to nests of Zerg.

It was the players who finally liberated the planet.

Of course Xu Sili sympathizes with innocent people in other countries, but he knows that he is not the savior, and these people are not his responsibility.

He has already made reminders and warnings that they have to take actions to save themselves. After the interstellar beasts on Aixue are cleaned up, he may send troops to help other friendly nations, but it is impossible now.

Taking advantage of the fact that Interstellar is still at peace, Xu Sili decided to go out more, so he also came to the scene of this mecha competition.

Although the Star Alliance attaches great importance to this competition, it can be seen that their mech masters are very confident. When Xu Sili came to the venue, Xu Sili's spirit was swept away, and he heard a lot of arrogant discussions.

He, who was originally calm, couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

To his surprise, Roland's unpopular mecha team actually achieved good results.

Among them, Aunt Weier was the most ferocious, directly blowing up the opponent's mech. Fortunately, she kept her hand so that the opponent could activate the emergency escape device.

When the result of the battle came out, the audience was silent.

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