It has been more than two years and almost three years since I came to the Roland Empire, and finally successfully developed and produced a mecha completely produced by Roland. Dr. Ding is more happy than anyone else.

And this joy, the person he most wanted to share with immediately was Will Rowland.

So at this point in time, he took the liberty of dialing her communicator.

Weier didn't delay, and immediately set off to the Imperial Research Institute.

At eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening, the research institute was still brightly lit, and the researchers of various projects were working all night long.

When she was led to the third basement floor, she saw a silver and purple mecha standing quietly in the open space, and a man in a black shirt and a white coat also stood aside and looked up at the mecha. First.

In front of the mecha, he obviously looked so small, but in Weier's eyes, he felt that he was much more dazzling than that mecha.

Noticing something, Dr. Ding turned his head and looked over. When he found Wei Er's arrival, he couldn't help but bend his lips and smile, his eyes were full of tenderness and joy.

The staff around him, after saluting to Wei Er, left with a sense of humor, leaving this place to them.

"His Royal Highness, you are here."

Dr. Ding waited for Wei Er to come to her side, and happily pointed out the mecha to her, "How is it? Isn't it beautiful?"

"We have combined the new technology provided by His Majesty and Roland's magic inscription. It not only has super firepower, but also has a very good defense ability, and it has achieved the ultimate in speed..."

Dr. Ding took Weier and explained to her the function, structure and characteristics of this mecha with great interest, as if he could not finish the explanation for three days and three nights.

Weier didn't interrupt, and listened carefully to what he said.

One of them talked and the other listened, just like when Ding Mingyu patiently taught her three or forty years ago when she first came to StarCraft and didn't understand anything.

It's also like the ten years when she became a vegetable, the man talked to her every day, talking about some research content that she couldn't understand at all.

When she was young, she would feel bored, but now, listening to Ding Mingyu sharing joy with her like a child, she felt an inexplicable sense of peace and warmth.

During those ten years of despair and darkness, it was Ding Mingyu who gave her the courage and faith to continue to persevere, and it was he who risked his life trying to bring her back to Roland, and after being hijacked, dragged his old and fragile body to deal with the star thief ...

In fact, Val had already put him deep in her heart, and she didn't mind his aging, but she understood his answer when she heard him call her "His Royal Highness Val".

Weier didn't want to force him, not to mention, she had more important careers to accomplish than her children's love.

However, during the interstellar journey, she still couldn't help but secretly followed Xiao Wu through Xiao Wu. After knowing that he had awakened the elemental talent, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She was willing to wait for him, and when he untied his knot, he came to her voluntarily.

Finally, after explaining for a while, Dr. Ding Mingyu was forced to stop because of dry mouth.

Weier took out a bottle of water from the space capsule and handed it to him thoughtfully.

"Thank you!"

After Dr. Ding took a sip of the water, he realized belatedly that he seemed to be hi again just now...

He raised his hand and scratched his hair, looking a little embarrassed, "Do you want to test drive it?"

Weier looked at the silver-purple mecha in front of him and asked, "Is it possible?"

"Well, this was originally made for you." Dr. Ding lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "You are its owner, Your Majesty has agreed."

Weier blinked, a little surprised, but the shape of this mecha did fit her aesthetics.

"Did you give it to me?" she asked.

Dr. Ding shook his head quickly, "It belongs to the Roland Empire, and I'm just one of the designers and manufacturers."

Val glanced at him, didn't express any opinion, but nodded and agreed to the test drive.

Mecha testing is also a very important link.

Although Weier hasn't piloted a mech for many years, it doesn't bother her.

In the current interstellar world, the mech control system is mainly divided into two modes: mental power control and manual control.

Mental power control, as the name suggests, is to integrate mental power into the mecha to achieve the purpose of controlling the mecha. Usually, the higher the level of mental power, the greater the strength of the mecha that can be exerted.

The manual mode is the traditional command input mode. This mode requires much less mental power, but the threshold is also high, and it takes a lot of time and energy to practice.

These two modes require the mech master to have a certain strength of physique, otherwise, under the ultra-high-speed operation, the load of the mecha itself will kill the mecha master.

However, this has never troubled Val.

When she left Aixuexing to go to Interstellar, as time passed, she found that her elemental power was gradually weakening. Although it would not disappear completely, it was not as powerful as before, not even enough to protect herself.

She was unwilling to go back to Roland for nothing, so she needed a new power to protect herself, and she began to learn the interstellar fighting style.

It has to be said that although the power of technological civilization is not as magical as magic civilization, it has greatly lowered the threshold, allowing ordinary people to greatly improve themselves through hard work.

And Weier was not an ordinary person, and with the guidance of a genius scientist like Ding Mingyu, she grew up quickly.

Ding Mingyu also knew this, so when he saw Weier driving the mecha, after some exploration, he quickly adapted and controlled the mecha to kill all directions in the simulated space, he was not surprised at all.

I just couldn’t help feeling a little bit emotional like before—she is so gentle and pleasant, how could she become so cruel when driving the mecha and controlling the gunfire?

When Wei Er came out of the cockpit, her back was already soaked in sweat, but she felt hearty, and she hadn't felt so refreshed in a long time.

Ding Mingyu also collected enough data.

This is just the first mecha. After the specific plan is determined, the subsequent mass production can be put on the agenda.

Of course, the configuration of the mass-produced machine must be slightly worse than that of the No. [-] machine, but it is definitely much better than that produced by the top ten countries.

After all, technological civilization does not have such good things as inscription patterns. Not only can it be reinforced, but there are also light inscription patterns, fireproof inscription patterns, acceleration inscription patterns, etc...

It is the perfect combination of technology and magic!

Wei Er came out of the cockpit directly, climbed the tall fuselage of the mecha and jumped to the ground. Facing Ding Mingyu's disapproving eyes, she smiled and asked, "This mecha...what's its name?"

Dr. Ding paused, opened his mouth slightly, but did not speak in the end.

In fact, Weier already knew it. After the mental power connected to the mecha, the intelligent system of the mecha told her.

Avril Lavigne.

She smiled softly, instead of looking at Ding Mingyu, she just looked up at the silver and purple mecha in front of her.

Finally, she said softly: "I accept this gift and intention."

Ding Mingyu was startled, raised his eyes to look at her beautiful side face, and finally exhaled slowly.

"His Highness Val..."

"If you call me that again, I'm going to get angry."


"Well, that's good."


Xu Sili didn't expect that just after the war with the Baywater Empire, he received good news again, and two at a time.

Not only has the mecha that belongs exclusively to the Roland Empire been produced, but the data evaluations in all aspects are excellent, and Aunt Weier and Dr. Ding have finally come together!

When hearing the news, Xu Sili was quite emotional.

It was really not easy for the two of them to go all the way. Now that they can achieve a positive result, he is happier than anyone else. He even wanted to celebrate, but was rejected by the two.

After all, they are all over half a hundred years old. Even if they look young on the outside, they can't change the inside, so they don't pay much attention to these formal things.

Xu Sili couldn't force himself to do so, and after giving gifts to the two, he issued an order to start the production of mechas.

And the relevant training of mecha masters has finally been put on the agenda.

Therefore, Yu Sen, who has been teaching some messy courses during this period of time, can finally return to his main business and carry out mecha training!

Yu Sen: When did mecha training become my main business?I'm obviously a mech master!

Despite the slander in his heart, Yu Sen was employed soon. After all, his grandfather was here, and he didn't want to be kicked out of the Roland Empire because of passive sabotage.

His training is mainly for native soldiers.

In the manual operation mode, it is necessary to memorize various instruction codes and do a lot of practice before it is possible to make the mecha work like a finger. This is too difficult for Roland's soldiers.

After all, the Rolanders started to get in touch with Interstellar and began to receive technological and cultural education. In just two or three years, they still stumbled through the Universal Language of the Universe, let alone such complicated command codes.

Even in Interstellar, training in manual mode starts from childhood.

Yusen has already referred to the information searched on the star network and compiled a set of teaching materials for Roland's children to learn from an early age.

This will also be a good way out for children who have not been able to awaken their elemental talents.

The mental power control mode is not so troublesome, but the premise is that the student's physique is strong enough.

Fortunately, there are many soldiers with excellent physique in Roland's army. They are all ordinary people without the talent of awakening elements. They can survive such arduous battles, and each of them is a rare elite.

Of course, in addition to physical fitness, mental strength is also indispensable.

However, after testing, Yu Sen found that the mental power of the soldiers in Roland's army is basically above C level, which is the minimum standard for being able to use mental power to control mechs, and A and B level are also a small number.

After some investigation, he felt that this probably had something to do with the fact that soldiers in the army needed to practice meditation every day.

Yu Sen picked out all the soldiers above B level, and taught them how to use mental power to control the mecha while conducting more rigorous physical training on them.

In addition to the local Roland soldiers, there are also a dozen brave men.

Of course, the mechas of these brave men are all self-provided, and researchers need to help them unbind the mecha programs and rebind the masters-these mechas are snatched, and there are Clive Star Thieves on them and the mark of the Baywater Empire.

Yu Sen tried his best to teach them even though he was complaining in his heart. The brave men learned things quickly, which made him feel very relieved.

However, players don't feel fast.

I've been playing this game for almost three years, and I can finally play mechs!Who would have thought of a game with an interstellar background, and they spent so long on land?

Now that the mechs can be played, can the starship be far behind?

Although technology seems to be inferior to magic, it does not prevent them from feeling cool!

And when the mech arrives in Roland, it will definitely be stained with magic, and the players are not worried about this.

There are even some players who used the mecha to engrave the inscription pattern for a while, which gave the research institute a lot of inspiration, and further optimized the mecha inscription pattern, which greatly improved the power of the mass-produced machine.

Three months later, the first mass-produced mechs were finally delivered, ready to be put into the army and the market.

At this time, Adrian once again approached Xu Sili to discuss cooperation on behalf of the Star Alliance.

When he heard the content of this cooperation, Xu Sili showed a strange face. He looked at Adrian and said, "You mean, you want to send people to stay in Roland to learn our magic?"

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