"Hello, dear guest, welcome to the Star Era Experience Store."

"When using the gaming helmet to enter the game, your body will enter a deep sleep state. Please make sure the compartment door is closed to prevent property loss during the game..."

When Paul picked up the gaming helmet, a voice reminder sounded in the compartment. The front was in Chinese, and the back was spoken in International Common Language.

Paul listened carefully, then nodded and said: "It seems that the experience store of Star Era still takes care of foreign customers."

Because he has played "Battle for Hegemony", he also knows that after entering the holographic game, the body will enter an unconscious state.

He was a little worried at first, but now that he saw the safety facilities of this experience store, he finally felt relieved and could enter the game without any psychological burden.

However, he didn't rush to start, but fixed the camera, and then held the game helmet to observe carefully while explaining to the camera.

"As far as I know, Star Era has two kinds of game equipment, one is the game warehouse of the high-end machine, and the price of one is 200 Chinese coins. Because of the limited production, only about 1 million units have been sold so far. The next time the purchase quota is released, it will definitely be sold out within [-] minute."

"I originally wanted to spend a huge amount of money to buy one, but it depends on luck, so I can't get it!"

Speaking of this, Paul's expression showed a bit of regret.

From the fact that he traveled all the way to Huaguo to play games live, it can be seen that his family is rich, and the fact that he couldn't get the game equipment has always made him worry about it.

[This kind of hunger marketing method is indeed very clever, but the output can't keep up?I don't believe it]

[Is this an online game experience store?The design and decoration are great, and the compartments are also very user-friendly. Has Huaguo developed so well? 】

【I can't wait to watch Paul play the game! 】

"Don't worry, let's continue to look at this helmet."

Paul said unhurriedly, "This is another low-end machine of Star Era - the gaming helmet. Its price is much lower than that of the game warehouse. It can be bought for a few thousand Chinese coins, and the output is also larger."

"Of course, there are too many people in Huaguo, and game helmets are still hard to grab."

In the barrage, some Huaguo players also echoed, they are also suffering from it!If there is no experience store to play, I am afraid that there are still many people who have not been able to enter the game.

However, complaints are complaints, and there is nothing wrong with game companies' pursuit of quality. After all, this is not a traditional online game, and equipment that involves the human body is not a big mistake.

[The experience of the game helmet is definitely not as good as the virtual warehouse, so I will choose the virtual warehouse of "Battle for Hegemony"]

[That's right, the selling price of the virtual warehouse of "Battle for Hegemony" is only [-] Chinese coins, which is obviously more cost-effective, so you don't need to grab it]

[Do you know why you don't need to grab it?Because no one bought it! 】

[Hehe, I don’t know anything upstairs, do you need me to post the turnover of "Struggle for Hegemony" this year? 】

[That's because Star Era didn't open overseas servers!Is there anyone who doesn't know about Zheng Hege's disgraceful withdrawal from the Huaguo market? 】

Seeing that the group of people were arguing again, Paul quickly brought their attention back.

"The price of "Battle for Hegemony" is indeed more affordable, but there are still many problems. I have already talked about it in the last video. If you are interested, you can go and watch it."

As Paul's first virtual reality game, "Hegemony" really gave him a refreshing feeling, and it also made him addicted for a while.

However, some problems appeared one after another later, which greatly affected the experience. He also made a video about these problems and gave feedback to the official.

The most serious of these is the delay problem. Because of the network connection, there will be delays occasionally, and because it is a virtual reality game, the more real the game is, the more deadly the delay will be.

Usually playing games, the Internet speed is not good enough to make people want to smash the keyboard, not to mention the feeling of slow motion when typing.

Several times, because of the delay, he suddenly started to slow motion when his skills were halfway down. By the time the network was restored, he had been hacked to death by the enemy.

That aggrieved feeling was directly magnified ten times and a hundred times.

Then there's the question of authenticity.

It is true that when he first entered the game, he also had the feeling of being in another world, but after playing for a long time, he will find that there are many bugs, or places that look fake.

For example, the destruction effects of the game scene, there are only a few back and forth, and then after a minute or two, the game scene will automatically return to its original state.

Then there are slightly dull NPCs. Although "Battle for Hegemony" has tried its best to improve the intelligence of NPCs, the lines are all designed, and they basically say the same set when interacting with each player.

So the pursuit of realism is still a long way to go.

But in general, Paul still highly appreciates SB's virtual holographic technology.

"Actually, this kind of holographic game, I think the most suitable one is to make it into a stand-alone game. The experience will definitely be more enjoyable!"

【Especially that little butter, we understand】

【Hey Hey】

【I was highly anticipated by you guys】

【Yeah, when will the game company of Star Era come out with a little butter?】

[Upstairs, put on your clothes quickly! 】

Paul went on to explain the helmet.

"The helmet feels good when you buy it. The material is relatively light. It should not be uncomfortable to wear on the head, and the workmanship is not picky."

Despite this, overseas audiences still sneered at the gaming helmets, thinking that the experience of the helmets must be particularly poor, definitely not as good as the gaming cabin.

"After all, you get what you pay for, and the game company has also marked it. If the authenticity of the game warehouse is 99%, then the game helmet is probably [-]% to [-]% behind."

Although he didn't expect [-]% or [-]% of it, Paul still cautiously didn't say anything.

"Okay, I'm going to start entering the game, and then start the live broadcast after entering the game."

After Paul finished speaking, he reconfirmed that the door of the compartment was locked, and then put on the helmet.

When the helmet was turned on, he only felt that his eyes were dark, and when he opened it again, a login interface appeared in front of him, prompting him to enter the account password.

He looked around regularly again, and found that he was actually in a vast starry sky at this moment, while he was floating in the starry sky in the form of a light man.

The modeling of the login interface alone stunned Paul, but he quickly regained his composure.

Game CG is often done very beautifully, and the real content is king!He reached out and clicked the cursor, and a virtual keyboard popped up.

He scratched his palm again, feeling that the fluency was very good, and he felt a lot of expectation in his heart.

After he entered his account password to log in, the system prompted him whether to connect to the live broadcast room of the forum. Paul quickly chose "Yes", and then an interface of the live broadcast room appeared on his right hand side.

He was able to monitor the live broadcast, but the live barrage could only be seen by players on the Starry Sky Forum, and he couldn't interact with the original platform.

It doesn't matter to Paul, click Next to enter the face-squeezing and naming process, and then choose the talent route.

Originally, Paul was worried that he would not be able to understand, but it turned out that there were foreign language translations. This can break the xenophobic remarks of the Starry Sky Era.

"At present, the initial occupation of all players is an elemental master. There are two career routes to follow, namely warrior and spiritual master, and then differentiated into ten elemental systems of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, dark, wind and thunder."

Paul explained patiently, and was going to play all the demonstrations of these twenty occupations.

Compared with when the server was first launched, the guidance link of the Star Era has been improved a lot, so when Paul chose Warrior, Metal, and clicked on the demo...

He didn't see any video demonstrations, but discovered that a towering mountain appeared in front of him, and he himself turned into a metal epee!

Metal Warrior - Metal Transformation · Epee (full level), released.

As these words appeared in front of his eyes, Paul felt that his body was uncontrollably splitting towards the mountain in front of him!

He closed his eyes subconsciously, but the pain didn't come, instead, he felt a strange feeling. At the same time, he heard the loud rumbling sound of gravel.

Paul quickly opened his eyes, and saw that the mountain peak at least a few hundred meters high in front of him was directly split by him!

And he also had a feeling, as if he had really turned into a sword, or an epee full of crazy destructive power!

Just... very cool!

In addition to the epee, there are many other weapons with full-level transformation skills, and the scenes they face are also different, but Paul's impression of each scene is-it's so cool!

"Guys, I feel like I'll be playing for a year with just this introductory demo!"

Paul couldn't help but said.

Maybe it was a demonstration, so it was done more carefully, but he really couldn't feel the smoothness and refreshment. This turned out to be an effect with only [-]% to [-]% authenticity?

Paul would love to jump into the game, but this class demo is so much fun!

He tried all the combinations, and finally couldn't help but get entangled, should he want the warrior system or the spiritual system?

Although the spiritual system has greater potential and can move mountains and seas, the experience of warriors who can transform into various natural phenomena is also great!

In the end, Paul gritted his teeth and chose the wind warrior.

Become a wind, come and go without a trace, it's so cool!

On another platform, following Paul's demonstration, the number of viewers in Paul's live broadcast room has reached its peak in the past and is still rising.

"Ah, I really became a magician! I can control lightning!"

"Look, look, I'm flying!"

"I'm going, I turned into a puddle of water, ahh, I turned into a tornado!"


Gradually having fun, Paul, who seemed to have forgotten that he was on the live broadcast, made the audience itch.

【Damn it, it looks like it's fun, I want to play too! 】

[Paul, wake up, these skills are all at full level, you will definitely not be so powerful after entering]

[I just want to know what it feels like to become water? 】

[Aside from other things, I really love this fluency, and there is no frame drop at all]

[Fluency still has to wait until entering the game! There is no lag in the boot interface of "Struggle", Paul, please fast-forward the game and have a look! 】

Paul just finished choosing a career when he saw a system prompt pop up.

[Duration of this experience: 1 hour remaining (remaining number of renewals: 1)]

Paul:! ! !

The duration of each experience is only two hours, that is to say, he only has the last three hours left, so he hastened to get into the game as soon as possible.

When he chose to confirm, the surrounding game interfaces disappeared. He saw the starry sky in front of him flow rapidly, and finally settled on a beautiful planet—Aixue.

Then, his body turned into a meteor and fell towards this planet!

So the next moment, Paul's screams sounded like killing a pig in the live broadcast room.

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