Roland's Royal Guard quickly took control of the situation.

As Luoye Ranchen saw, these star thieves are only in the thirties, which is about three and a half stars.

The strength of the Royal Guard is similar to them, and Li Zhecheng, the captain, has even reached four stars.

Combined with the elemental master's natural advantages, the star thieves have no strength at all.

Seeing these Roland guards who suddenly appeared in front of them and subdued all the gangsters at once, Merck couldn't help being stunned.At the same time, I feel that their clothes look familiar.

At this time, a sad cry next to him interrupted his thoughts.

He turned his head and saw a girl about fifteen or sixteen years old, pounced on the man lying in a pool of blood, and cried out sadly.

Apparently, this unlucky guy who was used by Star Thieves to make an example of others is the girl's bodyguard.

Merck originally regained a trace of relaxed mood, and became heavy again.

I came out to play happily, who would have thought that such a thing would happen?

Although there are medical staff on board, judging from his experience, this gentleman may not be able to be rescued...

Unless he is sent to the medical cabin immediately, there is little hope.It's just that where can I find such high-end medical equipment as the medical cabin?

Thinking of dying, he suddenly lost all mood to play, and it was obvious that many of the tourists who were still in shock had the same thoughts as him.

On the other side, as soon as the controlled medical staff were freed, they quickly stepped forward to help with the final first aid.

But whether he can live or not depends only on the luck of this gentleman.

Because the nearest living star with a medical cabin is at least a day away from here...

The bodyguard, who was lying in a pool of blood, probably also knew the fate he was about to meet. He opened his eyes with difficulty, and when he saw that the star robbers had been dealt with, he was a little relieved and a little sad.

"My son... please..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes closed again, and his breath gradually weakened.

The girl cried louder, which made the atmosphere in the reception hall even more heavy, and the joy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe was also diluted a lot.

"Let it go, let it go, please let it go!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly interrupted the girl's crying, but the strange language was not the universal language, and no one present could understand it.

People looked over and found that it was one of the soldiers of the Roland Empire.

He was wearing very classical style clothing, and his handsome face looked very calm. He seemed to be the leader of this group of soldiers, and he was the one who commanded the capture of the Star Bandits just now.

After subduing all the gangsters, Li Zhecheng discovered the situation here, ran over quickly, and pushed the medical staff who were doing first aid away.

His rude action attracted angry stares from the medical staff, but he ignored it, and quickly filled the bodyguard with a bottle of blood medicine.

Naturally, the healing potions provided for the Royal Guards were of the highest grade. Li Zhecheng would not be willing to use such good things.

It's just that the situation is urgent now, and His Majesty also said before departure that the safety of the people on this ship must be guaranteed and they will be brought safely to the Roland Empire.

So despite the pain in the flesh, he had to take it out.

The medical staff watched his movements, and quickly realized that he was saving lives, and slowly restrained their glaring expressions.

Then she was surprised to see that the bodyguard's pale face quickly returned to rosy due to excessive blood loss, and even he, who had already fainted, woke up again.

The bodyguard blinked and looked at Li Zhecheng blankly. Like the other passengers, he was a little confused about the situation.

Isn't he going to die?

Why do you suddenly feel... full of strength?

Is this some special medicine?

By the way, this must be the legendary potion!

Looking at the magical skills that those Roland soldiers displayed when fighting against the Star Thief, Merck felt that he had guessed the truth.

However, things were far more than what he had guessed.

Seeing that the wounded man had regained his vitality, the medical staff happily prepared to treat his wound, but was stopped by the tall soldier again.

Li Zhecheng told her to be calm, then looked back at his subordinates, and shouted loudly: "Adam, come and treat him!"

The blood medicine can only restore vitality, but it has no effect on the wound. If it continues to drag on, this unlucky guy will still die.


Adam responded and hurried over.

The young soldier came to the bodyguard, knelt on the ground on one knee, and respectfully saluted: "Dear guest, please allow me to heal you."

He didn't know that this was a bodyguard, he only knew that the passengers on this spaceship were all His Majesty's guests and needed to be treated with caution.

However, his gentle and respectful attitude did make the injured person relax.

Adam didn't delay any longer, he gently covered the bodyguard's abdomen with his hand, and then released the magic power.

With the removal of the level restriction, the talents of Roland's elementalists have once again awakened, and many skills that were difficult to learn before have become less difficult to master.

For example, some people in the Royal Guard successfully learned the Water Healing Technique, and with Nia's teaching, they have a deeper understanding of the Water Healing Technique.

And Adam is one of the best learners.

In barely three minutes, the horrible hole in the bodyguard's stomach was healed little by little.

When his hand left, not only the wound was completely healed, but the skin became smooth and delicate, not only could there be no scars, but it was as if he had never been injured at all.

The bodyguard, who was already preparing to die, got up in shock at this moment, lifted his clothes and touched his stomach.

"Okay? Are you okay?"

He has nothing wrong with him other than feeling a little weak!

If it wasn't for the large puddle of undried blood on the ground, he would even suspect that it was all a dream.

The passengers witnessed this miracle with their own eyes, and when they looked at Li Zhecheng and Adam, their eyes burst out with hot light.

What kind of magical method is this?

It turns out that this is magic!It's just incredible!

Merck was also trembling with excitement.

He didn't have any regrets anymore, he just felt that the trip was worthwhile!

If you can see real magic in your lifetime, even if Roland's food is not delicious, it is definitely worth a visit.

He really wanted to grab the soldier who looked like the leader, and wanted to have a chat with him. He had already seen a huge business opportunity from the scene just now.

But Li Zhecheng ignored them for the time being.

He first let these guests go back to the room to rest, then left a few people to guard the captives, and then let others go to the boat to search for the security personnel who were controlled by the travel company.

And he himself rushed to the captain's cabin.

In the captain's cabin, Scarface and his accomplices were already under control.

Before the guards showed up, they took the captain hostage, so the battle here was a little more troublesome.

Fortunately, it finally ended without any risk.

It's just that due to the delay on both sides, the star thieves who were searching for property in the cabin seized the time to escape.

But the ship of Blood Dance abandoned its accomplices without hesitation, quickly left the Feimeng, and fled with the surviving star robbers.

"It's dangerous! It's dangerous!"

Fallen Ye Ranchen and I with my long legs hid in the utility room of the Blood Dance spaceship. Seeing that the spaceship had successfully escaped from the Flying Dream and started to enter the transition channel, I couldn't help but utter a word of gratitude.

They don't want to return to the Roland Empire together. It's better to go to the interstellar wandering with the star thief than to go back like this!

"Huh? My rescue mission didn't fail." At this moment, Luoye Ranchen couldn't help but said in surprise when she saw the system prompt.

It's just that his contribution is 10%, while my legs are only 0.1%.

"Isn't this too unfair?" I was a little unconvinced by my long legs.

He also received a rescue mission, but as soon as he received it, Roland's NPC rushed over.

"Where do you get so much contribution?"

Fallen Ye Ranchen was also very confused, after all, he only wandered around the spaceship once, and never hit an NPC, nor did he have time to do any damage.

However, no detailed information was given in the system prompt, so in the end he didn't hesitate and accepted the reward happily.

Then discuss the next plan with me.

Roland Imperial Palace.

Xu Sili, who was watching the battle nervously, soon received good news.

All the passengers were rescued and the injured received good treatment. The journey finally continued without any danger.

But it's a pity that they didn't manage to bring the Blood Dance to the fore.

Moreover, the people of Blood Dance didn't know if they had discovered something. Not only was the spaceship not connected to the star network, but the communication network of Feimeng was also not connected.

Xiao Wu was temporarily unable to track them down, let alone control the spaceship.

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely catch them!" Xiao Wu said angrily.

"As long as they act in the universe, they will definitely leave clues, and I won't let them slip away!"

Xu Sili didn't really care. After all, Clive's Star Thief Group was wiped out, and with this incident, no Star Thief would dare to provoke Roland in a short time.

However, if he took over Blood Dance's base, would he be able to get the title of "Star Thief Buster"?

Xu Sili smiled, comforted Xiaowu, and then contacted Li Zhecheng, asking him to lead a team to escort Feimeng to ensure the safety of the route.

After Li Zhecheng took the order, he stayed on the Feimeng.

The person in charge of the tour group is also very welcome, because of this incident, the passengers on board have lost confidence in their security system.

Fortunately, Roland's rescue was really timely!

Li Zhecheng was very happy to finally have a place to use. However, within a few days, he regretted why he had to learn the universal language.

Because he is the only one who speaks the best common language and is the captain, the wealthy people on the ship especially like to chat with him.

It's fine to chat, those girls especially like to ask him some strange questions.

"Beauty items?"

When he complained to Wen Jishan, the CEO's eyes lit up.

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