Merk felt that the humans in front of him were strange.

Isn't the end of this trip clearly written in the brochure?

The Roland food group, location, and projects will be confirmed repeatedly in advance. After all, the trip will last at least two months. If the passengers have problems midway, the travel company will also have a headache.

Moreover, the Roland Empire has been under fire recently, and there are countless people who want to go. Even tourist visas are difficult to get approved, so the tickets for tour groups are expensive and hard to get.

The people on their spaceship are all rich and expensive, and they have a great pursuit of delicious food.

Of course, there are also those who are attracted by the "magic" of the Roland Empire and want to learn more.

In theory, there should be no oolong such as making a wrong ship.

"Don't you know? Then how did you get on the boat?" Merck looked suspiciously at the fallen leaves and dyed dust.

The clothes on him are very individual, with a strong exotic style, only the jacket is a bit familiar, it should be a new product of the season.

"Have you bought a ticket yet?" Merck asked suspiciously.

Fallen Ye Ranchen froze, knowing that she had revealed herself.

[Wow, this NPC is so sharp! 】

[Hahahahahaha, we almost went back to Roland together! 】

[Is this the first batch of alien NPCs who came to the food city to travel?Really been waiting!Can you receive many hidden missions? 】

In the barrage, the players discussed enthusiastically.

And the fallen leaves and dyed dust didn't care too much. Since this spaceship was returning to the Roland Empire, they couldn't go back with them even if they were killed.

The ship rubbing plan was declared a failure.

"It's okay, it's okay, there's still time to run!" He muttered, reaching out and patting Merck on the shoulder.

"Brother, thanks!"

After finishing speaking, Fallen Leaf Ranchen put down the dinner plate, turned around, and disappeared into the metal wall next to him.

Merck's eyes widened, and then he let out a scream, which attracted the attention of surrounding tourists and security.

The crowd was attracted by the excitement, but Ye Ranchen had quickly returned to the cabin and searched for the items left by these NPCs on the seats.

The audience laughed and laughed in the barrage, and encouraged him to take the Shunfeng spaceship to go back.

Luoye Ranchen didn't bother to pay attention to them, and didn't care about 21, and stuffed everything he could see into his bag.

He found out that taking NPC items here doesn't cost his reputation!

This is in the Roland Empire, but you will go to prison.

But think about it, he is so far away from the territory of the Roland Empire, logically speaking, the guards can't catch him.

It's just that what he didn't realize was that the indicator light on the communication device that he had worn on his hand, which had only been used as an ornament for the past few months, lighted up silently.

The communication devices provided by Xu Sili to the players are all the latest high-tech products, which are not only fireproof and waterproof, but also absorb various cosmic rays as energy.

So even if it is left alone for several months, it can still be guaranteed to run.

After entering the tourist spaceship, the communicator finally connected to the signal, and also automatically connected to the star network.

Thus, Xiao Wu, who was far away on Aixue, discovered that in its monitoring network, a point appeared in the universe far, far away from the Roland Empire.

Now Aunt Vale has returned to the Roland Empire and is in charge of the Food City and the connection with the Interstellar Alliance, so in theory, there should be no heroes in the Interstellar—of course, except for Star Star and Baywater .

And this point has almost nothing to do with these two planets.

"Your Highness Xiao Wu, what's the matter?"

Mike bent down slightly, and asked softly to the child who suddenly stopped talking.

This is the control room of the Yangfan.

Yangfan has just finished a naval battle and returned to the port to repair her body.

Among all the magical ships, Yangfan is undoubtedly the most special one, and also the most popular among players.

Because there is a control core microphone on the sail.

Although he cannot have the satellite navigation function like other magic ships, the entire magic ship is under his control. As long as there is sufficient energy, he is the master of the magic ship.

Moreover, he has a rich reserve of knowledge, chatting with him, there is a high probability of triggering clues to some hidden missions.

In short, the rent of the Yangfan is several times that of other magic ships, but the players are still happy with it.

Xiao Wu, who was born as a navigation AI, is a little unconvinced, and he also heard from his brother that this Mike is a bit like it.

So, it controlled a small robot and sneaked onto the Yangfan, but it was discovered by Mike as soon as it got on the boat.

Just like its control over the military factory, there is no corner on the Sail that can hide from Mike.

People without permission are not allowed to enter, even non-living objects.

It's just that Xiao Wu used the robot to avoid the monitoring of the magic circle, so the moment he was discovered, the little robot was aimed at by a series of magic cannons - these magic cannons were completely controlled by Mike, as long as he wanted, he could anywhere on the ship.

Only then did Xiao Wu reluctantly reveal his identity, and then Mike, who had asked Xu Sili for instructions, respectfully invited him to the control room.

Because he didn't like the clumsy body, Xiao Wu simply abandoned the little robot when he came to the control room, and reappeared in the form of projection.

When he saw the little boy with silver hair and purple eyes for the first time, Mike was obviously taken aback, and then smiled softly.

Looking at his smile, Xiao Wu gradually relaxed. He was actually very curious about the artificial intelligence that controls the core magic civilization.

However, it feels that it is actually a product of half magic and half technology—because it only awakened consciousness under the power of its elder brother.

After it indicated its intention, Mike generously showed the control core, and let Xiao Wu study it casually.

Xiao Wu looked at the glowing sphere and asked him: "If this thing is broken, you will be destroyed or disappear?"

Mike paused, nodded and said, "Yes."

In the end, Xiao Wu patted his chest and said happily: "Then I'm better than you."

Even if the baby robot is destroyed, it will not take any damage.

As long as there are backups, it can be resurrected infinitely.

Mike was startled, and then smiled again, "Hahaha, His Royal Highness Xiao Wu is indeed better than me!"

Hearing his hearty laughter, Xiao Wu looked at him curiously for a while, then suddenly pointed to his blue hair and blue eyes, and asked him what was his relationship with Xiao Haige.

After asking who Xiao Haige was, Mike's expression became more gentle, and there was even a bit of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Because my master yearns for sea elves so much, he gave me such a setting."

"Then do you have a fish tail?" Xiao Wu asked curiously.

"No." Mike shook his head, "I was set based on the memory of the master... the former master, and when he created me, he hadn't seen a sea elf yet."

Xiao Wu was immediately happy again. He raised his head and said triumphantly, "Then I am more powerful than you."

As a data life, changing one's image freely is the most basic ability.

Its current image changes according to its own will.

"Oh? Can His Highness Xiao Wu become a sea elf like the master?" Mike asked curiously.

"Of course!"

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, he wanted to change his fish tail, but he noticed the abnormality from the monitoring program.

But it soon had two purposes, while showing off its fish tail to Mike, while distracted by paying attention to the signal that suddenly appeared in the universe.

Soon, according to the positioning of the communication device, Xiao Wu invaded the system of this tourist spaceship—a tourist spaceship like this is almost undefended, it sneaked in very easily, and then found something wrong.

As for Fallen Ye Ranchen, he had already packed his personal backpack to the brim and couldn't fit it anymore, so he greeted me with my long legs in the team channel, and prepared to run away.

However, my legs are special, but I said in the channel: "Brother Chen, I saw another spaceship, and I am about to transfer there."

Another spaceship?

Fallen Ye Ranchen hastily switched the angle of view, watching the picture on the side with my long legs through the live broadcast room, and sure enough, I saw a black spaceship approaching the Feimeng silently, completing the final docking.

At this moment, he heard footsteps coming from the corridor, and the fallen leaves and dust quickly merged into the metal wall and concealed himself.

I saw four big men with laser guns break into the door, and then began to search for things left by passengers on the seats.

When he found that there was almost nothing good on the seat, he immediately started cursing.

"A bunch of poor people! A waste of my time!"

Fallen Ye Ranchen checked the levels of these npcs, and found that they were all elite monsters over level 30. The danger level wasn't high, but it wasn't very low either—although he was nearly ten levels higher than them, he didn't dare to take it lightly , after all, the opponent has a large number of people, and npcs have always been thicker than players.

Although the four star thieves were angry, they still carried out a carpet search without giving up.

"The Flying Dream Tour Group receives rich people, search carefully, don't miss anything!"


Falling leaves and staining dust didn't look any further, Shi Shiran left the cabin, remembering that green NPC, finally couldn't help but went to the food area to have a look.

I saw that in the originally harmonious and comfortable reception hall, the friendly atmosphere was no longer—hundreds of passengers were gathered in the center of the reception hall, all squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, controlled by about seven or eight vicious star thieves, and Some are being brought from the restroom.

"Excellent, we seem to have encountered an interstellar pirate!" Fallen Ye Ranchen said excitedly in the channel.

"Yes, yes, they seem to be a star thief organization called Blood Dance!"

I exchanged information with him because I have good legs, and in the bullet screen of the live broadcast room, a group of players were screaming with excitement.

【A group of star thieves come again! 】

[Brother Chen, lurk in, and then take down this star thief base, and eliminate harm for the people! 】

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