Xu Sili looked at the sunken ship on the bottom of the sea in front of him.

The shipwreck lay quietly on the bottom of the sea, crushing part of the coral reef and scaring away the small sea fish that inhabited it. It was not until a long time later that the disturbed sea water returned to calm again.

This is a very large sea ship.

The slightly dilapidated body of the ship is inlaid with stones of unknown material, exuding a faint fluorescent light, which is not bright, but it can barely see things under this light.

Of course, from the perspective of mental power, even if there is no light, the information of the surrounding objects can be clearly reflected in Xu Sili's mind.

This is also the way the intelligent creatures on the seabed observe the environment, which Xu Sili learned from the sea elves.

The octopus monster suddenly spit out such a big ship, which really shocked him.

I don't know how its stomach can hold such a large ship. This volume can hold at least 1 people, right?

"There is a lot of space in Naig's stomach, which can hold a lot of things!"

The big octopus has been lifted from its body, and it is slowly swimming not far from him.

Because of Si Sheng's warning, it didn't dare to get too close, but it could tell that although it knew Xu Sili was not its master, Naig was still very close to him.

However, Lin Mu and Yufeng Zhuimeng, who were still wrapped by it and observed secretly, were simply masks of pain.

Why is this big octopus so honest?As soon as he saw His Majesty Xiao Luo, he took out the magic boat!

What should we do now?Jump out and say that this boat belongs to them, don't you NPCs want to snatch it?

Leaving aside what reaction His Majesty Luo will have, first of all, this octopus monster will not agree.

After all, they didn't make an agreement before.

If this intention is really revealed, with the pissing nature of the starry sky era, I am afraid that the favorability of the octopus monster will drop directly to a negative number, which is obviously not worth the candle.

"It's okay, there is still a contract."

Yufeng Chaser consoled in the team channel.

"Well, let's see." Lin Mu said helplessly, "Let's wait until this episode is over."

As the triggers of the plot, it is impossible for them to return empty-handed, right?

Xu Sili nodded at the octopus monster, and then looked at the badge inlaid on the ship.

It was the national emblem of the Roland Empire. Even though it was stained with mud and looked dusty, he could recognize it at a glance.

Therefore, this underwater shipwreck indeed belonged to the Roland Empire, and the owner of the big octopus was probably an ancestor of the Roland royal family.

Although he had expected it long ago, Xu Sili was still a little bit embarrassed when he saw the objects of his ancestors in front of him.

He mobilized the water element to clean the sludge on the national emblem, and then looked at the big octopus, his eyes were gentler than before.

Xu Sili has a high sense of identification with the Roland royal family.

After all, to have descendants like Thanos and Sirin, and to breed such a simple and lovely big octopus, the character of this ancestor is definitely not bad.

Well, at most, he has a little little hobby like the late emperor.

And the octopus monster is also very friendly to Xu Sili, facing his inquiries, he almost knows everything without saying a word.

After some exchanges, it finally understood that the silver-haired, purple-eyed sea elf in front of him was really not its master, but his master's offspring.

Most likely grandchildren or great-grandchildren.

The octopus monster was a little disappointed, but also more happy.

It has been almost 100 years, and it has already accepted the reality of the death of its master—only when one of them dies, the pet contract will become invalid.

Now, as soon as you leave the trench, you can meet the offspring of the master, or the sea elf that it has always been thinking about...

When I think about it, I feel so lucky!

Moreover, the offspring of the master are so strong and beautiful, if he knows, he will be very happy.


Has the master really married a sea elf?Otherwise, how could there be sea elves in the offspring!Naig thought excitedly.

After that, can it stay in the land of the sea elves without fear of being driven away?

It waved its remaining six paws and wanted to sing happily.

As for the two severed ones, they only hurt for a while anyway, and now that the pain is gone, it doesn't care much.

After all, it can still grow out in the future.

However, after the misunderstanding was resolved, when Xu Sili looked at the two severed limbs of the octopus monster, he inevitably felt guilty and distressed.

Naig has been trapped in the trench and stayed alone for more than a hundred years. Although he looks terrifying and hideous on the outside, his heart is actually similar to that of a child.

This made him think of Ah Sheng and Xiao Qiong, and he couldn't help feeling more and more fond of them.

So Xu Sili looked at Si Sheng, wanting him to use the water healing technique to help heal the severed limb of the big octopus.

In the end, before Si Sheng could say anything, Naig said in a panic when he heard his words: "No need, I'll do it myself!"

This blond guy is horrible!After being caught by him, Naig felt that he didn't dare to move, let alone let him help with treatment.

Then, Naig stopped talking, holding his breath as if he was trying to suck his milk, and he could vaguely see meridians protruding from its round head.

The miraculous thing just happened.

The front ends of the two severed limbs of the big octopus wriggled for a while, and soon new tissues grew rapidly.

In less than a few minutes, the severed tentacles grew back again, as if they hadn't been broken.

And Naig, who was still full of energy just now, also languished in the whole octopus.

Lin Mu and Yufeng Zhuimeng, who were caught in the tentacles, also fell because of the loosening of the tentacles.

Xu Sili took a glance and saw through their disguise.

It is already difficult for ordinary elementalist warriors to hide the transformation technique from him, as long as he sweeps it with mental power, he can see it from the abnormal elemental fluctuations.

Naig didn't mention them just now, and only said that he dared to come out when he found that there were fewer sea beasts outside the trench-it didn't lie about this.

If Lin Mu and the others didn't find the trench, it was going to come out to have a look in a few days.

Xu Sili knew at a guess that these two elemental warriors were players.

Only players would go so far into the sea, go deep into the trench without fear of death, and then bring back such a big octopus.

He didn't care about it for the time being, just looked at the sluggish big octopus, and asked, "Naig, are you okay?"

"Naig is fine, Naige is just hungry." The big octopus said sadly.

Apparently, it took a lot of energy to repair the severed limb.

Xu Sili nodded, took out several cards directly from the storage capsule, transformed the corpses of sea beasts sealed inside, and piled them all up in front of the big octopus.

Naig's eyes lit up immediately.

"Can I eat it?" it said happily.

"of course."

After Xu Sili answered, it happily waved its tentacles, dragged the sea beast to its side, and began to eat.

Looking at the silver-haired and purple-eyed young man in front of him, it had a vague feeling of going back to the past and being fed by its master, and the more it ate, the happier it was.

Seeing that it was really fine, Xu Sili shifted his gaze to the magic ship.

This is a relic of an ancestor of the Roland royal family, and I don't know if there is anything left in it.

After greeting Naig, Xu Sili and Si Sheng sneaked into the magic ship together.

The hatch of the magic ship has disappeared, probably broken by Naig, and the interior of the cabin is also a mess, with many parts damaged.

However, after all, this is an ancient ship with a history of more than a hundred years. It has been soaked in the deep sea for so many years, and it can be preserved so completely. It is already considered rare, and it is not easy to expect too much.

Soon, they found the control room of the magic ship, and found that it was well preserved, with almost no damage.

Next to the console, you can also see a delicate water tank.

This can't be Naig's previous nest, can it?

Xu Sili looked around the room, and finally looked at the console.

He had seen the blueprint of the magic ship, probably knew a little about the composition of the magic ship, and heard Ms. Aina's story about the past.

After some groping, he found the energy center.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Xu Sili took out a few star cores and stuffed them into the grooves of the energy center.

The control room is so well preserved, maybe it can still be used?

As a result, when he closed the cover of the energy tank, the console that was originally dusty actually lit up.

Xu Sili watched this scene happily.

At this time, Naig, who was chewing the sea beast outside, seemed to have sensed something, stopped suddenly, swam towards the bow of the ship, and lay on the damaged viewing window to look inside.

Lin Mu and Yufeng Zhuimeng, who had already recovered their human bodies and were thinking about what to do next to gain the greatest benefits, were also attracted by this movement and hurried over.

The changes in the control room soon spread to the entire magic ship.

This ancient magic ship seemed to come alive, the dirt on its body was purified by the shining rays of light, and within a few minutes, it returned to a brand new appearance.

Those dim stones also became brighter.

What's even more amazing is that the damaged parts on the ship also began to repair automatically - this turned out to be a magical ship that can repair itself!

Lin Mu and Yufeng Zhuimeng discovered this, and couldn't help but look at each other, and they could see inexplicable excitement in each other's eyes.

Fuck, such a magic ship is too cool!

After this episode is over, will the expansion pack of Age of Voyage be about to start?

But after a while, the repair of the magic ship stopped, less than one-twentieth of the repair.

Xu Sili quickly opened the energy tank to have a look, and found that the star core inside had indeed been exhausted, so he quickly stuffed it in again.

In addition to having more land, he now has more star cores for interstellar beasts—since the closed beta, the rewards for collecting star cores have never stopped.

After stuffing the star core for an unknown number of times, the entire magic ship was finally repaired and restored to its former glory.

And when all the magic ships were repaired, a voice full of aura rang out from the center of the control room.

"Ooooh oh oh, I'm alive again!"

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