"Rebuild my ancient country of Raya? Are you sure?"

Hearing Bazel's words, Collins, the old man who taunted him the most, asked in surprise.

He is the oldest of these people, and he has a very strong and profound feeling for his homeland.

It's just that when he said this, Bazel couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"It's not rebuilding the ancient country."

He emphasized: "It is Raya City, a main city named after Raya."

"Raya..." His tone sank slightly, "Raya has already become history, and the current Aixue Star belongs to the Roland Empire, which is recognized by the Star Alliance."

"You have been walking in the interstellar for many years, it is impossible not to understand what this concept is?"

In the living room, more than a dozen old people fell silent, and the atmosphere became a little dignified.

Whenever talking about the motherland, there is no one who does not feel sad. After all, who among them would have imagined that after parting at the beginning, they would never see each other again?

Those who left were all the best group of elementalists.

The success of most of them is inseparable from the support of family and country.

Back then when they were full of ambition and left Aixue to explore and take risks in the interstellar space, which one stayed on the home planet without relatives and friends?

This is their root and their birthplace. No one thought of abandoning this place, and no one thought that they would never come back.

As a result, such a disaster that swept the world happened.

Countless countries on the planet have been destroyed, their foundations have been destroyed, they have lost their homes and all their relatives, and it is even a luxury to come back and take a look.

Overnight, they, the original favored children of heaven, lost everything. In the end, they could only become interstellar wanderers, wandering in strange countries, looking for a place to live.

They have paid countless prices to get to where they are today.

And the motherland is a pain that cannot be touched in everyone's heart. Every time I think about it, it still makes people cry.

Collins was also a little silent. In the end, he curled his lips and muttered: "I thought the little emperor of Roland was so generous that he would allow us to rebuild the country on Aixue."

As soon as he said this, the expressions of the others changed.

But Bazel said with a bad face: "Collins, call His Majesty Roland."

Although it was only less than two years ago, he had already convinced His Majesty Roland, and finally let go of his previous restraint.

No matter how good the past was, there is no going back. The living should focus on the present and the longer-term future.

He didn't want his old buddies to ruin everything he managed to manage here because of their arrogance and ignorance, and he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Bazel, you completely regard yourself as a Rolander, have you forgotten the glory of Raya?"

Collins squinted his eyes and looked at him. Apart from questioning, there was also some confusion in his eyes.

After all, having known each other for many years, he still knows Bazel very well.

"Glory of Raya..."

Bazel murmured in a low voice, then twitched the corners of his mouth and sneered, "Then what did you do for Raya's glory?"

Without the efforts of him, Dominic and others, would it be possible for Raya's history to reappear?

Because of their promotion, among so many countries that perished on Aixue, only the three ancient civilizations of Raya, Beldan and Sovo have the opportunity to reappear on this planet.

Bazel was proud of his original choice, and he chose Roland even more firmly.

Because he knows that in this interstellar world, there is no country that suits him better than the Roland Empire and gives him a greater sense of belonging.

And now, returning to their homeland can already be put on the agenda!

Being pushed back by Bazel, Collins looked a little ugly, but soon other old people came out to smooth things over.

"Alright, alright, don't say a word."

An old man said, "How old are people, and they still bicker and quarrel all day long. With this skill, it's better to enjoy more food."

Speaking of this, the other old people immediately nodded in agreement.

They originally came to the Roland Empire to find fault - what food can Roland have to brag about?Roland, who was the most powerful country back then, they often came to exchange and study, but they didn't eat any delicious food.

Those people in the Star Alliance are blowing too much!

However, not long after they came to the Roland Empire, the delicious food they ate one after another quickly overturned all their previous cognitions.

They couldn't help but doubt their memory.

Roland, so there are so many delicious food?

This time, in order to receive this group of old friends, Bazel specially ordered delicacies from other main cities, and set up a table full of them.

In addition, they have regained their youth now, so they don't need to be more restrained in their diet. It's delicious to eat and drink spicy food, not to mention how delicious it is to enjoy!

Everyone was full of praise for the delicacies provided by Bazel, and even Collins, when he mentioned these delicious foods that he had never eaten before, his expression softened a little.

However, he still refused to admit it, "That's it..."

"Then don't eat it." Bazel said unceremoniously.

Collins stared, and finally showed an expression of "not as knowledgeable as him", holding his bowl of Mala Tang, turning his back, and eating slowly.

Bazel didn't bother arguing with him anymore, and when everyone had eaten enough, he said, "Originally, you just arrived today, so you should let everyone take a rest first, but now the matter is more urgent."

As soon as he said this, he successfully attracted the attention of the old people.

"I just received news that part of Raya's homeland has been recovered."

Bazel dropped the heavy news lightly.

Now, even Collins couldn't help getting excited and asked, "Can we go and see?"

"Of course, but I need your help."

Bazel turned on the communicator and displayed the map captured by the satellite.

"The golden part is the land that Roland has recovered, the silver part is the war zone, and there are remnants of interstellar beasts, and the gray and black parts are areas that have not been explored."

I saw that on this map, the golden part that was originally only the size of a mung bean had expanded dozens of times.

The drawn border line clearly delineated the former land of the Roland Empire, which was a huge "bear paw".

And on the east side of the bear's paw, you can see a small part of the golden color spreading out, which is not as big as a finger of the "bear's paw".

However, Collins and others, who are very familiar with the map, couldn't take their eyes off it, especially when Bazel zoomed in on the map so that he could see the mountains and rivers on the ground.

"I believe you all still remember how big Raya's original territory was."

At least one-third of the "bear's paw" is as big, and the part recovered now is far from enough.

"Here... This is my hometown..."

Suddenly, an old man said with red eyes.

He put down the shortbread in his hand, and these delicacies lost their charm for a while.

"I recognize this river, she is our mother river... I never thought that after a hundred years, her trend is still the same as before..."

Bazel also stared at the regained land. Finally, he took a deep breath and said, "I know, you will think that this planet belongs to the Roland Empire now, and you don't want to give His Majesty Roland a free job. but……"

"This is our homeland, and she needs us."

"The sooner we expel the interstellar beasts from this land, the sooner this land will be liberated, and..."

Bazel hesitated for a moment, and said, "In this land, there may still be members of our tribe alive, waiting for our rescue!"

"Bazel, are you kidding me?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at him in disbelief, with disbelief all over their faces.

"How is this possible? It's been a hundred years!"

"Yeah, how could they survive for so long under such difficult conditions?"

"To be honest, I didn't believe it at first, but the Roland army that went out to regain the territory has brought back a lot of good news."

Bazel lays out the data directly.

"During the process of regaining this land, the army found dozens of surviving Rolanders."

As his voice fell, the photos taken at the rescue scene were also displayed on the light curtain.

Without exception, these people all looked very miserable, but at least they were still alive.

"They rely on various means to barely survive in the wild. The conditions are very difficult and they may face desperation at any time."

Moreover, some of them have lived alone in the wild for a long time, and have even lost the ability to communicate and become like beasts.

Whenever he thinks of the tragic experience of those people, Bazel feels very uncomfortable.

Thinking about the possibility that people he knows, or even his relatives, are suffering from this, he can't wait to clear the space beasts on these lands immediately!

"The army of the Roland Empire is already doing its best to regain these lands, but I don't think it's enough."

Bazel said, "One day later, these people are tortured one more day, and may even die!"

"So I hope everyone can let go of their prejudices and help the Roland Empire regain the land as soon as possible and save these people!"

When he finished speaking, everyone's faces showed a look of determination.

in the palace.

Xu Sili is preparing to hold a bonfire meeting to receive these returning survivors, and get in touch with them by the way to see how to keep these five-star elementalists.

As a result, he received a reply as soon as he sent out the invitation. None of these five-star masters could participate.

After some inquiries, I found out that these people had followed Bazel, Dominique, and Archibald overnight to form the Five-Star Elementalist Alliance and went to the front line to fight.

I believe that with their participation, the work of regaining the territory will be accelerated again.

Although they very euphemistically stated that this was only done out of past friendship and had nothing to do with the Roland Empire, they had no intention of submitting to Roland.

However, Xu Sili didn't mind at all.

After cleaning the map, don't we have to build a city?After the city is built, does it have to be inhabited?If there are residents, does it have to be managed by someone?

The distance between these three ancient countries is not far, and the cities are built, so they have to compete with each other?

It is also the inheritance of the ancient country. If it falls behind others, won't it be embarrassing?

There are really not too many ways to keep these people.

But soon, Xu Sili set his sights on the younger generation brought by the old people.

These people say no more, no less.

Now that everyone has come, how can we say that we should shine a light on Roland's construction, right?Otherwise, grandparents are fighting on the front line, don't they have the nerve to enjoy themselves as grandchildren?

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