What Xu Sili said to Wen Jishan made his blood boil.

But he quickly regained his composure.

The boy's eyes turned, and finally his eyes fell on Si Sheng again.

Facing the gray-blue eyes of the man, the scene of breakfast unconsciously resurfaced in his mind.

Xu Sili paused, and looked away uncomfortably.

Si Sheng didn't evade, but still stared at him steadfastly.

That strong gaze made it difficult for Xu Sili to ignore it.

What are you looking at...


He was cursing in his heart, but he only pursed his lips, and said softly: "We need the cooperation of the marshal to gather the elementalists of the local army."

Wen Jishan nodded quickly when he heard the words.

That's right, how many people's interests will be touched if this matter continues?

Most of the elemental masters are nobles - the growth environment of nobles has inherent advantages over commoners, and it is easier to produce elemental masters.

What's more, even an elementalist who was born as a commoner has turned from a sparrow into a phoenix.

Will these people give up their interests easily?I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Such a drastic reform is destined to set off a bloodbath.

Thinking about it, Wen Jishan felt his scalp tingle, and even had to admire the little emperor's foresight and courage.

However, he didn't have much fear. After all, in the past two years, for Roland's development, he had offended quite a few people.

Thinking of this, he also looked at Si Sheng.

At this time, Wen Jishan didn't want Si Sheng to confront the little emperor.

The little emperor seems to be more reliable than his older brothers and sisters!Well, you can continue to observe and observe.

Although Wen Jishan had some intentions to encourage Si Sheng to rebel, as long as it can make the country better, he actually doesn't care who will be the emperor.

But now it seems that this little emperor, whom he was not optimistic about, can still look forward to it.

As for what the little emperor said about him being useless, Wen Jishan has selectively forgotten about it. Now his mind is full of the reform of the elemental masters, and he can't wait to get up.

At this critical moment, Marshal Si Sheng, don't lose your temper!

Si Sheng glanced sideways, and met Wen Jishan's gaze.

The coldness in the man's eyes made the Chief Executive tremble unavoidably, and lowered his head subconsciously.

Ok?Does Mr. Si Sheng want to fight against it?

Cold sweat broke out on Wen Jishan's forehead, and he vaguely regretted what he had instigated before.

In the end, I heard a man's deep and pleasant voice, solemnly resounding beside me: "But at your majesty's order."


A big question mark popped up in Wen Jishan's heart.

Since you agreed, why did you stare at me just now?

You, a strong man with strength above five stars, stare at me as an ordinary person, is it scary, okay?

Li Zhecheng, who was standing beside the throne, glanced at Wen Jishan at this moment, with a hint of gloating in his eyes.

Tsk, deserve it!

The young lovers are in a good relationship. If His Majesty asks for it, will Lord Si Sheng refuse?Still need your meddling to intervene?

Li Zhecheng secretly admired the deflated expression of the chief executive, feeling inexplicably happy.

But Xu Sili also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Si Sheng agreed, his plan would be a bit difficult without the cooperation of the patron saint.

"Well, next, Chief Wen will discuss with Marshal Si Sheng and come up with a plan as soon as possible."

"Nothing else is required, but it must be specific and feasible."

Xu Sili was not prepared to do anything himself.

He is very busy now. He can only make decisions on the direction of the development of the empire. As for how far he can achieve it, he will leave it to the people below.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wen Jishan bowed and said, this time he seemed much more sincere, "I will go to the Elementalist Academy later, and learn about the current situation with Dean Justin."

Hearing him mention the Elementalist Academy, Xu Sili couldn't help thinking about Su Lin.

He opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but when he saw the "friendly" label on Wen Jishan's head, he still shut his mouth uneasy.

He turned to look at Li Zhecheng beside him.

"Guard Li, go to the warehouse now and get the seeds of Heigu."

"Black Valley?"

Li Zhecheng blinked, and still wanted to ask more questions, so Wen Jishan said, "Your Majesty, are you talking about the supplies aided by the Star Alliance?"

"That's right." Xu Sili nodded.

Li Zhecheng is the chief administrative officer, so it is not surprising to know this.

"Guard Li, go and get them all."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After Li Zhecheng left, the hall suddenly fell silent, as if a needle could be heard.

Xu Sili didn't care about the atmosphere.

He was thinking about his plan for today. There was no good way to make money at the moment, so he had to put it on hold temporarily.

According to the three main goals set yesterday, today we will continue to focus on upgrading and strengthening our strength.

The level of lv7 is not particularly weak among elementalists, but his main problem is that he has no attack skills.

Needless to say, the insight skill, "Roland's Good Night Song" is a control skill, and Si Sheng's skill...

Strong is strong, but it can only be used as a trump card.

Therefore, his current conventional attack method still has to rely on the Leiyao 4000.

This is obviously not enough.

Sound elements... I don't know if there are any related skills that can be learned in the Elementalist Academy?But he seems to be able to figure it out on his own.

Like "Roland's Good Night Song", learning one song is 500 experience points.

It can be upgraded and learn new skills, which is much more cost-effective than killing monsters.

Xu Sili thought about it, and decided to try to learn a few folk songs of the Roland Empire first, and then find a time in the afternoon to go to the Elementalist Academy.

Although he said that he wanted to be the hands-off shopkeeper, he still attached great importance to the matter of the elemental master.

After all, it is related to his future background and is the basis for the development of the Roland Empire.

Xu Sili thought about today's itinerary, and Li Zhecheng just came back.

There was a small cloth bag in his hand.

The bag is not too big, and there are probably only a hundred or so black grain seeds in it.

Xu Sili threw an insight technique and made sure that Hei Gu was right, so he said, "Guard Li, go to the academy with Chief Wen and give these seeds to the student named Su Lin yesterday."

"You tell him that this is the emperor's test for him."

"If within a month, he can use these black valleys to breed a mutated plant called Xuegu, the emperor will reward him with great rewards."

If he can really cultivate Snow Valley and earn 1000 million universe coins, then Su Lin will definitely be a great contributor to the empire!

Xu Sili will not be stingy with great heroes.

What's more, Su Lin is still his diehard fan, so he can be regarded as one of his own.

Saying this, Xu Sili sent the information he had just found on the star network to Li Zhecheng with a communication device.

"In these materials, in addition to the essentials of planting Heigu, there are also some architectural drawings, and the drawings are handed over to Dean Justin."

"As for the specific reconstruction plan..."

Xu Sili leaned on the throne, thought for a while, and looked at Wen Jishan, "Chairman Wen, I'll leave this to you."

"You heard what the emperor said just now."

"After the mercenary town is rebuilt, it will soon become a settlement for low-level elementalists, and it will also become the focus of national attention."

"The mercenary town, its rebuilding means a new starting point."

"In the vision of the emperor, it will be the center, radiate to the entire outer city, and build a transportation network extending in all directions."

Xu Sili said while thinking.

"With convenient transportation, the population can flow and resources can be effectively integrated."

"Chief Wen, don't rely too much on the construction team of elementalists, elementalists are precious resources at any time."

"Like this reconstruction plan of the mercenary town, in addition to the participation of elementalists, you can also hire local residents to participate in the construction."

"Moreover, according to the current size of the town, it is not enough to accommodate the upcoming elementalist mercenaries in the future, so it needs to be expanded."

"Once it expands, it's hard to say whether the Elementalist Academy can complete the task on time."

"So you make them pay and hire residents to help."

Originally, Wen Jishan frowned when he heard that residents were to be hired, but later he frowned when he heard that the Elementalist Academy was to be hired.

As for how to get Justin to pay?

This is actually very easy to handle. If they can't complete the task, all their elementalists will have to cut half of their subsidies. In this way, how else can Justin choose?

"Residents can go shopping when they have money, and some small villages and towns around will definitely rush over when they hear the news of the expansion."

"The food, clothing, housing and transportation of these people are all needs."

"If there is demand, there will be consumption, and if there is consumption, the economy will be alive."

Xu Sili analyzed and smiled slowly.

"Perhaps this expansion plan can go on forever. As long as the traffic is well established, no one will come. Even if there is money to be made, some people may travel all the way."

As long as there are people, there is labor.

The labor force is the productive force and the basis for promoting social development.

Wen Jishan slightly opened his mouth wide.

Si Sheng, on the other hand, stared at the young man on the throne with a pair of gray-blue eyes, and a little thought appeared in his eyes again.

"Your Majesty...but this money? Has the Elementalist Academy paid it all the time?"

Wen Jishan had to admit that the little emperor's plan sounded very tempting. If it could be carried out continuously, the effect would definitely be huge.

But he felt that the Elementalist Academy would not cooperate in this way.

After all, the elementalist mercenary plan is about to start.

The elementalists who can't complete the quota tasks will have their subsidies reduced. If the elementalists are asked to pay for the country's construction, he feels that the elementalists may directly reverse.

Xu Sili rolled his eyes, not bothering to talk to him.

Not enough money, won't you print?

Axue coins are not universe coins, so how much you want to print is not up to him?

As long as it is controlled within a reasonable range and does not cause too much price fluctuation, there will be no problem.

As for what affects prices, it is nothing more than the relationship between supply and demand. If the people have more money and the quantity of things remains the same, the supply will fall short of demand, and prices will rise.

In reality, this may be more difficult to do.

But, this is the game world!

With the supernatural existence of elementalists, there should be no problem in stabilizing the basic supplies needed for life in the short term.

However, no matter how much these words are said, they are only on paper, and the most important low-level spiritual elementalist has not been seen yet.

Xu Sili shook his head and stopped thinking about such a long time ago.

He looked at Wen Jishan and said, "Anyway, that's what the idea is. The empress told you that it's for you to have an idea in mind. When making the reconstruction plan, you have to take these into consideration, understand?"

"I understand." Wen Jishan said respectfully again.

"Okay, the matter is over." Xu Sili stood up, waved his hands and said, "You guys go to work."

He also has to work on his own plans.

In the hall, except for Janice who left with Xu Sili, the other three did not leave, watching his back disappear outside the door.

After Xu Sili left, Li Zhecheng looked away and saluted Si Sheng.

"My lord, please take care of your majesty's safety."

Si Sheng glanced at him and nodded slightly.

After getting approval, Li Zhecheng smiled, but left Wen Jishan alone.

Don't look at the gentleman surnamed Wen, in fact, he has a very dark heart. He has to go to the Elementalist Academy first to remind the old dean.

"Tsk, this kid..."

Just as Wen Jishan was about to complain, seeing that Si Sheng was about to leave, he quickly stopped talking and stretched out his hand to grab his arm.

Si Sheng didn't move, just lowered his eyebrows slightly, his eyes fell on his hands coldly.

Wen Jishan immediately let go as if his hands were scalded, and put his hands behind his back.

The green eyes behind the lens smiled apologetically, "Si Sheng, don't rush away, I still have something to say."

Si Sheng remained silent, and reached into his pocket, as if trying to find something, but suddenly paused.

The handkerchief... for the little emperor.

He pursed his lips, but at this moment, two hands held a handkerchief and handed it to him. Si Sheng raised his eyes and looked at Wen Jishan carefully.

Wen Jishan still had a smile on his face, "Use it, use it, it's clean."

Seeing Si Sheng frowning, he finally took the handkerchief, covered it on the sleeve he had just grabbed, and wiped it carefully.

Wen Jishan was still smiling, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

It seems that this should be Si Sheng's most precious military uniform.

As far as he knows, Si Sheng has many sets of military uniforms.

Both the color and the style are similar to this marshal's uniform, snow-white with gold thread, but some details are different.

Si Sheng cherished this marshal uniform very much, and he would not wear it every year except on special days.

This little secret is probably only known to those around Si Sheng.


He didn't remember what special day it was, why did Si Sheng wear this military uniform?

Si Sheng carefully wiped off the dust on his sleeves, and Wen Jishan could hardly keep smiling.

You're almost done, are my hands so dirty?

However, considering Si Sheng's strength, he still didn't dare to comment too much on his hobbies, but talked about something else.

"Master Si Sheng, are you going back to the front line to sit in command soon?"

If Si Sheng left at this moment, the elementalist mercenary plan might not go ahead, and he was worried that Si Sheng would leave suddenly.

"Don't go."

Si Sheng threw back the handkerchief to Wen Jishan, straightened his cuffs, and said coldly.

After getting the promise, Wen Jishan couldn't help laughing.

He put the handkerchief back into his pocket, nodded and said, "It's fine if you don't leave, it's fine if you don't leave."

Thinking of something, he couldn't help but said: "Actually, with the strength of Mr. Si Sheng, I don't think it is difficult to wipe out the interstellar beasts among the major cities?"


Wen Jishan's voice became a little hesitant, "Why didn't your lord do this all the time?"

Is it really for the purpose of training the army and making the people more aware of urgency?

Si Sheng glanced at him, then looked out the door lightly.

"My mission is to protect Roland."

He said softly, then lifted his foot and walked straight outside.

The white cloak fluttered behind him, and the short light-blond hair was blown messily by the wind.

Si Sheng didn't pay attention to these.

His gaze was fixed on the direction of the emperor's bedroom, deep in the bottom of his eyes was a violent surge of emotion.

Protecting Roland is the mission entrusted to him by God.

But he has always felt that it is just protection, not construction, nor is it to expand the territory.

It is enough to keep Roland alive.

But, is he wrong?

Si Sheng recalled all the plots that the little emperor said in the hall.

So, is this why Lord Shenming stopped looking at him and didn't appear again?

And the new little emperor...

Is his mission to strengthen Roland?

Disappointed with him, Lord Shenming sent a new favorite.

The pampered and willful appearance of the little emperor emerged before his eyes.

Such an unscrupulous and daring character, it can be seen that he has never been severely beaten.

Her thin lips were pursed into a straight line, and complex thoughts that she had never had before lingered in her heart.

Even now, he still looks forward to...

The little emperor is a god.

But will he be?

He is weak.

If it is really a god, why is it so weak?Could it be that he was injured?

In fact, it is more likely to be a new favorite.

Si Sheng walked towards the bedroom step by step, obviously with his ability, he could teleport there directly, but he chose the most primitive method.

But until he got to the door of the little emperor's bedroom, he still didn't sort it out.

"See your lord!"

The orderly and loud voices of the palace guards brought back Si Sheng's thoughts.

He glanced at them indifferently, and just about to speak, a faint singing voice came from the direction of the garden.

Listen to the voice...it's the little emperor.

Si Sheng frowned.

At this time, the maid Zhenna came from the end of the corridor with a book in her hand, and when she saw Si Sheng, she hurriedly saluted.

"Master Si Sheng."

"En." Si Sheng responded, looked in the direction of the garden, and asked, "What is Your Majesty doing?"

Jenna glanced at him, still struggling, and whispered: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty is learning to sing..."

Anyway, it can be faintly heard here.

It's just that she didn't understand, why did His Majesty want to sing on a sudden whim?

Si Sheng remembered last night when the little emperor was lying on the side of the bath, humming that song softly.

He can sing.

Moreover, it sang very well.

God-sama...can also sing.

Si Sheng lowered his eyes, and glanced at the book in Jenna's arms. It was written on it——"Rowland Nursery Rhymes Encyclopedia".


"Lord Si Sheng, Your Majesty is still waiting for me." Jenna said, "I have to go first."

Si Sheng nodded, watched her go to the garden, stood where she was, speechless for a long time.

Lord God...

Do you like to sing nursery rhymes?

Of course not!

Xu Sili looked at the book that Jenna brought back as if offering a treasure, and was quite looking forward to it, but when he looked at the big characters on it, he felt speechless for a while.

"Jenna, is there only one songbook in the palace...?" he asked unwillingly.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Jenna nodded, "If you want to learn other folk songs, I can also sing them to you."

"But I only know the climax part, and maybe I can't remember all the lyrics..."

Xu Sili looked at Janice for help.

Janice looked at him very apologetically, "Sorry, Your Majesty, I can't sing."

She will fight!

But singing... don't come out to be scary.

Xu Sili had no choice but to hold up the children's song collection.

Thinking of these nursery rhymes, which can help him level up, he can bear it.

Never mind, let's talk after learning!

It's just that after Xu Sili spent three whole days learning all the nursery rhymes in a whole book, he...

No epiphany new skills!

Xu Sili was numb all over.

He really didn't know what went wrong. After learning "Roland's Good Night Song" that day, he realized it easily.

But these three days, he worked hard to learn the whole nursery rhyme, but got nothing.

Seeing the sunset glow reddening the sky, Xu Sili put down the book in his hand.

He doesn't have time to go into a corner here.

In fact, besides this nursery rhyme, he also took other maids who were good at singing to teach him songs, but it was useless to learn them.

Maybe he was thinking too simply.

It's not feasible to learn songs and upgrade, you still have to fight monsters honestly.

Xu Sili got up and walked out of the garden.

If this doesn't work, let's put it aside for now.

The plan that was delayed for learning songs should also be put on the agenda.

Xu Sili was thinking while walking, when suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a pair of military boots.

His heart skipped a beat.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Si Sheng's handsome face.

He stood at the exit of the garden, looking at him complicatedly.

Xu Sili blinked, what is this guy doing here?

In fact, these two days, in his spare time, he also thought about things related to Si Sheng.

He hesitated for a moment, and called out to him, "Si Sheng."

Si Sheng stood there staring at him, then bowed slowly, "Your Majesty."

Xu Sili was not polite to him, and said bluntly: "Si Sheng, I'm going out of the palace now."

Si Sheng had a meal.

Then, he heard the silver-haired boy say: "You will protect me, won't you?"

Si Sheng raised his eyes and looked into the young man's lavender eyes.

He has a pair of beautiful eyes, clear and clean, as elegant and moving as violets.

At this moment, he was looking at himself, no longer frowning coldly, nor ignoring him indifferently.

Si Sheng looked at such a young man, nodded slightly, and slightly parted his thin lips, "Yes."

"But I don't believe you."

Xu Sili said, "You have changed too much. Even though you wanted to kill me the night before, you completely changed your attitude the next day."

"I can't trust you."

Si Sheng lowered his eyes, thought for a while, and said, "You are not the one I want to kill."

"the same."

Xu Sili looked at him, his small face was heavily colored by the sunset, "Sinuo Rowland is me, I am Sinuo Rowland."

Si Sheng was a little dazed, looking at the boy's eyes with confusion.

"Forget it."

Xu Sili shook his head suddenly, "You don't understand even if you tell me."

He looked outside the palace and said: "Let's go out with me, I'm going to stroll around the imperial city, I'll come..."

"I have grown up so much, I have never visited the imperial city."

The boy took two steps, then looked back at him, "What are you still doing? Didn't you say you want to protect me?"

"You are my puppet now, if I die, you will not be able to live."

Si Sheng looked at him, although his feeling told him that the truth should not be what the boy said, but...

"it is good."

he said softly.

Only then did Xu Sili look back in satisfaction, and after taking two steps, he stopped again.

In front of him, a light screen suddenly popped up.

It reads - [Ding ~ [Imperial City·Mercenary Town] New [Wooden House] +1, EXP +100]

Xu Sili's eyes widened.

Holy crap, can building a house still gain experience points?

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