Abel has been very annoying these two days.

As the only weapon master in the Roland Empire, he originally lived in the inner city, but was transferred to the mercenary town by His Majesty half a year ago, and he didn't have any complaints.

After all, this place has now become a gathering place for elementalists, and he lives comfortably.

However, for some unknown reason, His Majesty suddenly had a whim and asked him to accept the designated brave man as an apprentice.

Abel is not a person who never changes from old times. Given the current situation of the empire, it is natural that the more people become weapon masters, the better.

What's more, the soldiers on the front line are all wearing armor and weapons purchased from the alien alliance, and he, a weapon master, has no face. If he can increase the production of local weapons, that would be the best thing.

However, the quality of these brave men is too poor!

The weapon master he inherited was called an element blacksmith a hundred years ago, but he was only good at making weapons, so he didn't dare to call himself an element blacksmith.

But as the name suggests, the prerequisite for becoming a weapon master must be an elemental master, among which a gold-type spiritual master is the most suitable.

It is not impossible for other departments, but compared to the gold-type spiritual masters who are born to control metals, the cultivation of other departments will be more difficult and require more energy.

These brave men sent by His Majesty are indeed gold-type spiritual masters, and they can learn the skills as soon as they are learned, which made him very happy at the beginning.

However, it may be that the talent is too high, one or two are too ambitious, they want to fly before they learn to walk, not only the practice homework assigned is very perfunctory, but also unwilling to endure hardship.

How can you learn art from a teacher and leave after less than two hours a day?When he was an apprentice, he could not wait to stay by the master's side all day long.

Even the simplest blacksmithing required five or six hours a day before resting.

These brave men have become elemental masters not long ago. Although they have mastered element manipulation, they are messy to use. If they don't practice the basic skills carefully, so what if their talents are high?

For the sake of His Majesty, Abel still taught patiently. As for those who were perfunctory and scoffed at the basic skills, he also chose to stand on the sidelines.

But the two new reports today made him very angry, and he kicked them out in a fit of anger.

Hmph, if you want to forge a complete weapon as soon as you pick up the hammer, and you still don't listen to people's words, don't expect to learn anything from him!

Not far away, Deng Jian'an and Yin Xing happened to see this scene, and they looked at each other without rushing over.

"Is the era of the starry sky so awesome? Can the NPC mentor refuse to accept apprentices?"

Deng Jianan looked puzzled.

At this time, seeing someone pointing the way in the barrage, he quickly talked to Yin Xing, and then opened the Xingkong Forum.

The starry sky forum is very active, especially after the launch of the second test, the number of players has increased, causing various new topics to spring up like mushrooms after rain.

And the most topical topic in the past two days is undoubtedly the life occupation task of weapon master.

There was also an elemental pharmacist task in the previous test, but that task did not arouse such a high degree of discussion, because the difficulty of the two is not at the same level.

Deng Jianan randomly clicked into a post related to the topic.

【I have been blacksmithing for two hours, and there are still four hours left. Is this old man Abel a devil? 】

[I slipped away after playing for half an hour, time is life, I am here to play games, not to be played by games]

[Why is it so troublesome?I have learned all the skills, but I still have to forge five or six hours a day?The mission says it will last for a month?This design is sick! 】

【Yes, and if this task is not completed, you will not be able to become an apprentice weapon master. That is to say, you only need to start forging for a month, and you don’t know how long it will last! 】

[Strongly request planning to modify this setting!Wouldn't it be persuasive if the public beta is still done like this? 】

After Deng Jian'an browsed through the post, he couldn't help looking at Yin Xing, "Brother, do you still want to learn? It seems that you have to forge five or six hours a day for a month to become an apprentice weapon master."

After finishing speaking, I couldn't help complaining, "Isn't this introductory task too cheating? Who can be online for so long a day without nothing?"

It’s the end of September now, even college students have gone back to school after the summer vacation, and the working party has to go to work during the day and play games at night to relax. How can it be possible to spend precious time on blacksmithing?

Probably only those freelancers and those who rely on games for a living have this leisure.

Yin Xing also read the post, he thought for a while and said, "I'll try it."

Since entering the Star Era, he has stayed in the game for almost 24 hours, except for basic living needs and cooperating with doctors for examinations.

When he was able to walk and run again and live like a normal person, and then returned to that sick body, every moment was suffering and pain for him.

Star Era is not a game for him, but a second life, a place that gives him a new life.

All the people and things here give him a sense of reality, whether he is paralyzed or addicted to decadence, he wants to regard this place as the real world.

As a visitor from "Another World", he hopes to take root in the Roland Empire and create his own value here.

He already had some understanding of the background of the Roland Empire, and perhaps becoming a weapons division would be a good choice for him.

As for the need to invest a lot of time?What he lacks most now is probably time.

Seeing Yin Xing's serious appearance, Deng Jian'an scratched his head, then saw the young man look sideways and smiled at him, "Didn't you say you want weapons?"

"When I become a weapon master, I will do it for you."

Deng Jian'an was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "That's a good thing! Let's go, I'll go with you to meet that old man."

The two walked to Abel's armory.

Halfway through, Yin Xing stopped and said to Deng Jian'an, "Chang'an, wait here, I'll go shopping."

Deng Jian'an's game id is "Chang'an for a month", and Yin Xing called him Chang'an.

After finishing speaking, Yin Xing turned around and left.

Deng Jian'an looked at him strangely, then glanced at the live barrage.

[What is handsome Xingzhi going to do? 】

【shopping?What to buy? 】

[By the way, have you seen the NPC on the road?What they are holding... is milk tea? 】

milk tea?Deng Jianan looked around and found that it was true!

There is also milk tea for sale in this game?I don't know how it tastes, I must buy it and try it later!

Not long after, Yin Xing went and came back with a fruit basket in his hand.

"What do you buy a fruit basket for?"

Deng Jian'an looked at the fruits in the basket. Except for apples and bananas, he hadn't seen anything else. He just reached out to taste it when Yin Xing slapped him.

The two formed a team, and Yin Xing's attack on Deng Jian'an was ineffective.

However, this scene still made the audience who had no idea about holographic games feel very novel.

[This interactive system is absolutely amazing]

[Ah, I want to play games, I want to play Star Era! 】

[Is it for NPCs to buy fruit at the end of the trip? 】

[Is this useful? 】

[It's not surprising that there are many people who are polite, it should be able to gain some favorability]

[Is it just me who thinks that the anchor and brother Xingzhi are a bit gay?Could this be the friendship of straight men! 】

Deng Jian'an didn't read the barrage, but now he also thought of it and asked, "Is this fruit for Abel?"

Yin Xing nodded.

"It's the first time I visit the door, and I'm learning art from a teacher, so I have to bring some souvenirs anyway."

Deng Jian'an couldn't help being startled, this is naturally the rule in reality, but isn't this in the game?


Looking at the NPCs around, feeling the incomparably real environment, and then thinking about how Abel drove the two players away in a fit of anger, and Li Lei and the bartender Pete yesterday...

Deng Jian'an suddenly couldn't treat all this as a game.

Perhaps this is the so-called sense of substitution.

"Yes, you are right, you want to bring a souvenir." Deng Jian'an nodded, "Then shall we go in?"


Yin Xing straightened his clothes again, looking very solemn.

"By the way, where did you get the money to buy the fruit basket?"

"My sister gave it to me."

"Oh, your sister in Lihai City, right?"


The two entered the armory while talking.

Relying on the identity of the brave and the order of His Majesty the Emperor, they still met Master Abel smoothly.

It's just that Abel doesn't have a good attitude towards them.

Yin Xing didn't mind, he put the fruit basket on the table, and his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, which made Master Abel not easy to lose his temper.

"Okay, anyway, if you want to be an apprentice with me, you can work hard for a month first, at least five hours a day, if you can't do it, get out!"

Yin Xing still had a smile on his face, "I understand, thank you Master."

Originally thought that this brave man would be the same as before, but he didn't expect his attitude to be good. Abel pursed his lips and his face looked a little better.

But because the braves gave him such a bad impression, he still didn't say anything good.

He only sent someone to take him to the forging room, and then left.

Deng Jian'an wanted to follow him to have a look, which was also the audience's request, but he saw a system prompt popping up——

[Ding~Successfully triggered the elite mission - Disaster Relief]

[Description: After winter, all parts of the Roland Empire were deeply affected by snowstorms, roads were blocked by heavy snow, and impoverished mountain villages in various places desperately needed food relief. 】

[Mission content: Please arrive at Leixi Village within three days, and give a ton of black grain to the village chief [Hams], reward: a lot of experience points and the reputation of the Roland Empire camp, [Communication Device]*1, Ash Coin* 1000]

What the hell!

Deng Jianan's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and a bunch of 666 floated past in the barrage.

"But... a ton of black valley? How can I transport it? My backpack doesn't have such a big space!"

[Anchor, you are stupid, as long as you arrive at the place, you can exchange it from the camp warehouse]

[I saw that someone posted a guide on the forum! 】

[Yes, now the wind elementalists in the five main cities have received this task. After arriving at the designated place, they can exchange the corresponding amount of food for free at the camp warehouse]

[Hahaha, so the anchor is going to deliver the courier now? 】

【Am I the only one who saw a thousand Axe coins?That's [-] real coins, admiring admiring]

In fact, Xu Sili felt that one thousand Aixue coins was a bit small. After all, for such an important task, if Qiu Zheng and the others arranged the manpower, it would definitely cost more manpower and material resources.

However, considering that it is the second test and the game has not yet opened the recharge channel, the Aixue coin should be quite valuable to the players, so he wrote a zero to avoid affecting the balance of the game.

After all, if the player runs for a week, all they can get is only seven or eight hundred Aixue coins.

At this time, the role of the player finally came into play well.

Although their strength is not strong and they are not useful in battle for the time being, their enthusiasm when doing tasks is still very different from that of the local people.

What's more, there is a game system to assist, which is cheap and easy to use. This task can also enhance the emotional bond between the player and the NPC, which can kill three birds with one stone.

After finally editing the last task and confirming to send it, Xu Si immediately collapsed on the sofa from exhaustion.

There are more than 200 villages in need of relief in five major cities across the country, and each place is different. He needs to edit one by one, and he is busy from morning to afternoon to get everything done.

As players continue to accept missions, his magic power is gradually draining, but each elite mission only requires 10 points of magic power, which is more than enough with his current total magic power.

After lying down for a while, Xu Sili cheered up again, confirmed that every village had been arranged, and there were no repetitions or omissions, and then sent a message to Qiu Zheng.

When Qiu Zheng received the message, he was also a little confused.

There are more than 200 villages, including the other four main cities, and the arrangements are completed in less than a day?

The few ministers who heard his report showed obvious suspicion.

They felt that it was unreliable to leave this matter to the brave.

Although the brave men seem to have the talent of element masters, they have also received news in the past few days that the Element Master Academy and its branches in various places receive hundreds of brave men who come to test their talents every day.

But if the talent is measured, is it an elementalist?

And even if it is an elementalist, can it transport so much food in one go?

They have counted, and the number of brave men who were summoned this time is only a few thousand, and they are scattered in the five main cities.

Can they really solve the food transportation problem in more than 200 places across the country by relying on them alone?

Qiu Zheng also has such worries.

He stays in the palace every day to deal with government affairs. Apart from getting to know the brave men from the report, he has never had any actual contact with them. He doesn't understand why His Majesty trusts the brave men so much.

However, thinking of Wen Jishan's point, he still said: "Let's take a look at the situation first. Everyone should always pay attention to the feedback from various places, and solve problems in a timely manner."

"Well, that's the only way it can be."

"Let's discuss possible problems first, and formulate countermeasures. Don't waste time in a hurry."


Everyone nodded in response, without saying anything more, and everything will come to fruition in a few days.

On the other side, the young man got up slowly, and lazily walked into the dark room in the bedroom.

He was tossed so hard last night, and today he will take a good "revenge"... Thinking that Si Sheng still doesn't know that he has been exposed, Xu Sili curled his lips, as if the fatigue on his body had eased a lot.

Lie down in the game cabin, came to the virtual room, and saw the little robot happily appearing in front of him, opened his mouth to speak, but lowered his head a little nervously.

Xu Sili ignored it and walked to the entrance of the Xingwang community.

After standing still, he looked back and saw that it was still bowing its head, its fingers twisted together, looking sad and depressed, he finally couldn't help but bend its lips.

"Not coming yet?"

Xiao Wu raised his head in a daze, disappeared in place, and appeared on Xu Sili's shoulder the next moment.

"Brother, are you calling me?"

"Apart from you and me, is there anyone else here?"

The little robot laughed, "Brother, are you not angry with me?"

"Well, I'll forgive you this time." Xu Sili nodded his head, "But it's not an example."

"Hmm! I won't dare again!"

The little robot was so happy that he couldn't find the north, and said enthusiastically, "Brother, is he going to the community? With his current spiritual level, he should be able to go to Zone C to play."

He is now level 25, and he can go to Region C.

Xu Sili sighed when he thought that he could only transfer in the E area before.

But thinking about the purpose of this trip, he still said: "Let's go to District E, and take a look at how my milk tea shop is doing."

He was frightened by the "Guardian of Roland" before, thinking that some alien force was eyeing him. Considering the situation of the Roland Empire, he decided to retreat back, even ignoring the milk tea shop.

I don't know what's going on now. Although the program is set, as long as someone buys it, it will be produced automatically, but there is no publicity...


Xu Sili couldn't help being stunned when the backstage of the shops in the Xingwang community appeared in front of him and saw the figures in the column of revenue.

1057 billion?

Is this serious?

He sells a cup of milk tea for one yuan, no matter what flavor it is, 1057 billion, that is, he sold 57 billion cups of milk tea?

Xu Sili was a little confused.

According to the cost of 900 cents per cup, the actual profit is more than [-] billion!

Thinking of something, he looked at the little robot beside him with a serious expression.

"Little five."

"Is something wrong brother?"

"Did you change my background data?"

"No, Xiaowu can't use Starnet now, or he will be discovered."

Xu Sili thought for a while, and it seemed to be the same.

Xiao Wu is only level 10, no matter how powerful he is, if he wants to do something on the star network without anyone noticing, he probably won't be able to do it.

"What's going on? How can my milk tea shop make so much money?"

The little robot scratched its head and said, "Brother, wait, I'll check."

Then, it quieted down, and its electronic eyes flickered, as if it was calling for data.

Xu Sili hugged it and started walking on the street.

He was offline at the food street before, and now he is online here.

Just like the last time when we went offline, almost everyone in the food street has a cup of milk tea. Isn't the familiar packaging and logo the "Fox House" designed by him?

Of course, besides Fox’s milk tea, there are other brands, but Fox’s milk tea accounts for the majority in terms of quantity.

Xu Sili also saw a newly opened milk tea shop on the food street. It was not owned by the fox family. It should be a new flavor developed based on his milk tea, and the business was pretty good.

He went over to look at the price, a cup cost five or six universe coins, and several varieties were obviously imitated from the Fox family, even the names were very similar.

"It's so expensive, it's not as good as the one from Fox's." At this moment, he heard a little girl beside him complaining.

"Compared to reality, it's already cheaper."

Her companion said, "Who said Fox's doesn't have a physical store? This store is a bit expensive, but the decoration is very special, and a new flavor has been released recently. Let's try it."

"Okay, okay." The girl said, "It will be great when the Fox family releases new products..."

Xu Sili watched them walk into the store, and silently looked away.

new product...

Maybe you can find the second brother and get some recipes from reality?But at present, he still wants to know how the fox family became popular!

Could it be... Si Sheng?Apart from him, Xu Sili couldn't think of anyone else, but how did he do it?

"Brother, I'm back."

At this time, the electronic eyes of the little robot stabilized again, and said in a childish voice.

Xu Sili nodded, looked left and right, and finally retreated to the virtual room, and then asked it: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"According to the account situation, of the 1057 billion revenue, 100 billion came from Roland's guardians, and the rest came from Starnet users in the other ten regions. Except for Roland's guardians, Damengmiao is buying second largest customer.”

Xu Sili was taken aback, 100 billion?

"Where did he get so much money?" Was it used to buy his milk tea?

The eyes of the little robot flickered slightly, and then a screen appeared in midair, and a video was playing in the middle of the screen.

"This is a video from the Talent Contest in the SP Region."

In the video, the blond boy wearing a white fox mask is holding a cup of milk tea with the fox logo printed on it in his hand, and is sipping it seriously, his cheeks are slightly puffed up, pure and harmless.

On the opposite side of him, a huge octopus-like monster was wriggling towards him, making a hissing sound, as if it wanted to tear him apart.

This scene looks so heart-wrenching, but the subtitle reads—High energy ahead!

The boy raised his eyes and glanced at the large octopus. His gray-blue eyes turned golden in an instant, and then...

"Bang—" There was a huge roar, and the octopus, which was showing off its power just now, had no time to make a scream, and it exploded like this, splashing the broken limbs and wreckage all over the ground.

There seemed to be a shield of light in front of the white fox boy, blocking the splashing octopus legs and viscera. Then, he looked away indifferently, and continued - sipping milk tea.

The camera also specially gave him a close-up, and clearly captured the logo of the fox family.

Xu Sili: ...

The author has something to say: Si Zai: Make a little money for my wife (≧▽≦)/

Xu Bao: For the 100 billion milk tea money, 10 billion will be deducted... My heart is bleeding!

Secretary: QAQ

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