It has been more than a month since the end of the first closed beta, but because of the 6:1 time flow rate after closing the server, only a week has passed in reality.

In reality, only one day has passed since Xu Sili upgraded the imperial city to level 3.

And the fact that "the imperial city has been upgraded to level 3" was only discovered by the data observer half a day ago.

After all, the internal and external flow rates are different, and the researchers have already withdrawn from the game, so the observation will inevitably be slower, and it is easy to overlook some details.

When this problem was discovered, the game team held an emergency meeting, but after a long discussion, no result was reached.

At this point in time just after the first internal test ended, the imperial city had already been upgraded to level 3. This speed was never expected by the game team.

The level is linked to the level of the main city, originally to narrow the level gap between NPCs and players, and it is also a way to enrich the gameplay.

In the original plan, at least half a year after the public beta, and most players generally reach the upper limit of level 20, the restrictions will be released.

It was also because of the level restriction that they decided to adjust the flow rate of time during the closing of the server, so that NPCs who were originally difficult to cultivate could accumulate a little advantage.

However, no one expected that just over a month after the first external test, the development speed of the game was completely out of control, to the point where everyone's eyes were shocked.

And what's even more puzzling is—now that the server is currently closed, without the participation of players, how did the NPC unlock the level limit of the imperial city by itself?

Although they intend to increase the NPC's AI, it's not that smart, right?He actually figured out a way to upgrade the main city by himself?

"Dean Wang, is there a way for the mastermind to call up the data at the moment when the imperial city was upgraded? I'm curious about what happened in the game."

Questions were raised.

This is probably what everyone present wanted to know.

Dean Wang, Elder Wang, was also the original initiator of the Star Era, as well as the current top person in charge.

Already 69 years old, with gray and thinning hair, he lowered his head slightly at the moment, as if hesitating for something, and finally sighed: "Look at it."

Apparently he had figured out the problem before the meeting.

Everyone looked at each other, but fell silent when the video started playing on the conference room screen.

In the video, a young man with silver hair and purple eyes appeared, wearing a crown and a gorgeous gown embroidered with Roland's German emblem, he was being interviewed by reporters.

In the meeting room, everyone immediately recognized this young man with cold brows and royal majesty—Sino Rowland.

For those fortunate enough to participate in the Star Era project, Snow Rowland is no stranger, and it can even be said that he is quite familiar with it.

After all, regardless of the popularity he quickly accumulated after opening the server, his prototype, the original angel investor of the game—Xu Sili, his portrait is still hanging in the lobby of the R&D center.

For nearly ten years, they have to pay their respects every day when they commute to and from get off work, and even every new recruit will be popularized by the old man about the contribution of this big benefactor to the Starry Sky Era.

It can be said that without him, Star Era might have been aborted long ago. Without the Xu family who continued to invest because of his behest, and even went bankrupt and sold their ancestral home, Star Era would not have come out successfully.

So when seeing the game character designed based on him appear on the screen and hearing him say the following words, everyone's mood became as complicated as Wang Lao.

"As we all know, the strength of the elementalists of the empire cannot be improved after breaking through to two stars, which is the so-called star limit. This makes us very passive when facing interstellar beasts."


"And what I want to tell you today is that this shouldn't be the case. All of this is because of the seal! Or a curse would be more appropriate."

"When Roland's national power increases, the seal will be loosened, and after a special ceremony, this loose seal can be lifted."

"And today, with the completion of the mercenary town and the town of Doha, the time is ripe. The emperor will try to lift this seal."


After watching this video, everyone understood the reason for the sudden increase in game development.

It turned out to be because of him!The NPC Snow Roland!

His intelligence is so high that he not only sees that the level limit is a man-made "seal", but also finds the key to improvement - construction!

That is to say, the improvement of national power he said, this is not the end, he finally found a way to complete the "ceremony" - inserting the third-level interstellar beast core into the player's summoning circle?

No matter how you think about it, it shouldn't be something an NPC can do. Even a player will probably have to explore for a long time, right?

When I made this series of design plans at the beginning, I was stunned.

"And, it's not just that." Elder Wang said solemnly again.

In the information given later, there are also some pictures captured in the game, showing Chi Yu and others who are constructing a two-way teleportation array.

Of course, sharp-eyed people also found that the NPCs built seemed to be basically elementalists?

"As the imperial city has been upgraded to level 3, the ruins that hide the inheritance of the elemental pharmacist and the blueprint of the two-way teleportation array have also been dug out. They are now building the teleportation array."

Elder Wang said quietly, "The one who presided over the construction was Chi Yu."

"Huh? Chi Yu? That special talent who might grow into a master architect?" The planner in charge of NPC design couldn't help but ask.

When others look at it, they explain the special ability of this game character to speed up the construction speed.

"That's right." Elder Wang nodded, "At the same time, he was also in charge of the construction of Doha Town."

This point was also reported by testers during the internal test, but at that time they did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and seems a bit late.

Because someone quickly pointed out that the upgrade system of the character Snow Roland is linked to construction.

Whether he realizes it or not, after Chi Yu was appointed as the chief engineer, his upgrade speed doubled virtually, and the people who helped Chi Yu...

They are all elementalists!

As long as you think about it a little, you can imagine how powerful these elementalists will explode after they are put into production and construction.

However, according to the original setting for these elementalists, they should not agree to do these menial tasks if they are arrogant?

Elder Wang also sighed. Although he is the person in charge of this project, he specializes in technology. For example, he is the core figure in the holographic technology of games.

But in terms of game content planning, he was a technical person, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

During the more than a month of internal testing, he and the researchers spent more energy on the feedback of the game cabin data and possible adverse reactions.

After all, this is the first public test, and there are as many as 1000 people at one time, which is a heavy burden for the research center.

Since the start of the closed beta, many people have been working overtime to monitor, for fear of any emergency that would endanger the lives of users.

Especially at that time, more than 24 users participated in the escort mission. They were online for more than 15 hours and logged out for no more than [-] minutes.

Fortunately, under close monitoring, the vital signs of the user did not have any major problems.

As for the problem of the game progressing too fast... Naturally, it was neglected. Although some observers noticed it, Mr. Wang didn't pay attention to it.

After all, compared to the player's game experience, the safety of the user's life is the top priority. If there is a problem, the project may be cut in half, and even if it is not stopped, the research must continue.

With the current situation of the Xu family, the supply chain is obviously not enough. If the blood cannot be recovered effectively, the project team will face a severe test, and may even need to sell part of the technology, or make more cruel choices.

These are not what Wang Lao and others are willing to see.

Based on the above reasons, even if some game planners noticed the problem, they were temporarily suppressed by Mr. Wang. Without technical support, even if the problem was discovered by these planners, they would not be able to solve it.

It's just that no one expected that the game progress could be so fast!And it's an NPC who drives all of this?

"Currently, the highest level of NPCs in the Roland Empire, except for the division, has already reached level 25."

Relevant information about Li Zhecheng appeared on the screen, and everyone's expressions became more and more complicated.

Wang Lao continued: "As the first novice planet, Ai Xuexing originally hoped that the gap between NPCs and players would not be too large. It is best to maintain the momentum of keeping pace with players."

"But now it looks like the pace has gotten out of hand."

The first internal test has just ended. Although the level of the first echelon of the 20 internal test players is close to level [-], they are only a few strong players.

In the second test and public test in the future, these players will all start from level zero, and the gap will undoubtedly widen.

If it's the public beta, and both the NPC and the internal beta players have reached level [-] or [-], how can other novice players play?

No one wants to be beaten while playing games, right?

What is fatal is that there is only one server, and there is no fairness problem from the beginning.

The more everyone thought about it, the more dizzy they became, and at this moment, Mr. Wang spoke again.

"The Si Sheng mentioned just now, some people must have seen the video on the forum."

On the screen, the scene of Si Sheng showing off his might outside Lanyue City began to play.

Granted, it's a cool scene, and it makes for great promotional material, but the planners are in for a mess.

Si Sheng is the only NPC on Aixue that is not restricted by level. On the one hand, it is because of Xu Sili's will, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent the Roland Empire from being suppressed too hard and directly destroying the country.

In this regard, three years before the game time, Si Sheng did a good job, and successfully became the Marshal and Patron Saint of the Empire.


It's impossible to clear out the interstellar beasts within a few kilometers with one skill, so exaggerated!

"Si Sheng's personal level has reached level 82." Elder Wang rubbed his temples with a headache.

"The good news at the moment is that he has no interest in clearing Roland or even the entire planet of interstellar beasts except for this shot, otherwise..."

Then what's the matter with the players!

Except for some interstellar beasts above nine stars, Ai Xuexing doesn't have any creatures that can stop Si Sheng, right?

If they saw that Si Sheng had leapfrogged to kill the Nine Star Beast solo, they didn't know how they would feel.

"We seem to have miscalculated the intelligence of NPCs. After the first internal test, their intelligence performance has grown a lot compared to any previous test."

"Perhaps the data in this area can also be used as an important reference in the field of artificial intelligence, but this is not what we are going to discuss today."

Elder Wang withdrew his gaze from the screen, looked at the people present, and said solemnly: "What we need to discuss now is - should we intervene?"

Although it has always been said that after the game is launched, the game team will have no way to interfere with the game process, and they have unified the tone of the Xu family, but how could it be possible that they did not leave a back door?

Just doing this will take a huge risk. Many previous experiments have shown that the result of forcible intervention is very likely to lead to the collapse of the entire game world.

Unless it is really a last resort, the game team does not want to do this.

Because after the crash, the reconstruction of the game world will cost a lot of manpower and material resources, and even the reconstruction may not achieve the previous effect. After all, there are too many uncertain factors in the evolution of the world.

But now, no matter whether it is time or money, the game team can no longer do whatever it wants like before.

Of course, there is a more direct way.

After all, it is still in the internal test stage, and it has not been publicly stated that this is an internal test without deleting files. Therefore, in fact, it is still possible to delete files before the public test and start again, bringing all players back to the same starting line.

Because deleting files and restarting is controllable, although it still takes a certain amount of manpower and material resources, overall, it is less harmful than a crash caused by forced intervention.

All the people listening to Mr. Wang's analysis were lost in thought, but not many people spoke.

In the end, the chief planner said: "Old Wang, I think... maybe we need to seek the opinion of President Xu."

In the final analysis, the Xu family is the largest shareholder of Star Era and has the actual decision-making power, and their opinions are just for reference.

What's more, the most difficult problem this time appeared on a special NPC like Snow Roland.

Whether it is forcible intervention or deleting files and restarting, whether it is legal or reasonable, it needs the Xu family to make a final decision.

Elder Wang nodded, took a deep breath and said, "I know this well, so I convened everyone today, hoping to discuss two sets of specific and feasible plans first."

"You also know Mr. Xu's temper and behavior. Before the plan comes out, even if I, an old man, go to him, I will probably be scolded."

Because of Wang Lao's ridicule, the dignified atmosphere in the conference room became a little lighter, and then everyone went back to work, trying to discuss a plan before the start of the second test.

In the game, Xu Sili didn't know at all that not only Si Sheng, but also him had attracted the attention of the game team.

At this moment, he had just finished his breakfast, and was about to continue taking the shuttle to the next stop with the elementalist engineering team—Lanxing City.

However, before the shuttle started, the screams and sirens from outside caught his attention.

At the same time, a figure flashed beside him, and Si Sheng appeared beside him.

Xu Sili calmed down a bit, and asked, "Brother Sheng, what happened?"

Hearing him calling himself Brother Sheng again, Si Sheng's heart moved slightly, but he said calmly, "Something happened at the beach."

Xu Sili stood by the window and looked out, but he couldn't see the situation on the other side of the sea, and with his current mental power detection range of up to 300 meters, it was not enough to see such a distant place.

He looked at Si Sheng unwillingly.

But Si Sheng had already seen through his mind, and ordered the pilot to wait on the spot, then stepped forward to embrace him, and led him away from the shuttle.

The place where the shuttle stopped was not far from the sea, so Si Sheng didn't summon the Shadow Leopard, and took Xu Sili directly to the coast where the battle broke out.

I saw that the beach where they had grilled fish last night was now full of ugly interstellar beasts.

They have the body of a fish, but they have the limbs of an amphibian. At this moment, the defenders on the coast are constantly shooting with bows and arrows to cover the escape of civilians on the beach—although they cannot go into the sea, there are still many of them every time the tide recedes. Commoners ventured to the seaside to collect shellfish, and occasionally they could pick up small fish and sea beasts, which were regarded as one of the sources of food.

There are about 1000 civilians scattered on the beach now. They dropped their things and ran back as soon as they found the sea beast ashore.

However, the speed of this four-legged fish is extremely fast, and its bite force is amazing. The civilians who are already hungry can't run, and they basically have no force after being bitten.

When Xu Sili and Si Sheng arrived, some civilians had already been dragged into the sea alive, and the blood gushing out from the bites dyed the nearby sea red.

Looking at the scene below, Xu Sili couldn't help gritting his teeth, feeling like he was going to vomit his breakfast.

Enduring the strong nausea, he took out the piccolo that Si Sheng gave him before from the space capsule, and this was the first time he used it in battle after getting it.

【The Piccolo of the God of Temperament】

Description: According to legend, it was forged by the partner of the God of Temperament, and after the fall of the God of Temperament, it was left in the world.

Quality: Mythical Equipment Effect: Double all attributes

Unlocked: 1. Enhancement: passive skill, when wearing the piccolo, the effect of the phonological skill will be increased tenfold.

2. Advance: Active skill, which can increase the effect of sound system skills to 100 times in a short time, lasts for 10 minutes, and cools down for 1 hour.

3. Guardian: When using the skill of Piccolo to play the sound system, a protective shield will be formed around the body, which can absorb 99% of elemental damage.

Unlocked: Unknown.

After equipping it, his spirit attribute, which was already as high as 235, directly doubled to 470. In an instant, he felt sober as never before.

And the exploration range of mental power is not simply doubled, but from the original maximum distance of more than 300 meters to more than 1000 meters!

For this battle, it is completely enough.

Xu Sili didn't say anything, and started playing directly.

As a Uranus superstar, he has composed many songs by himself. He has mastered countless musical instruments, and a mere piccolo is not difficult for him.

As he played, the quiet and soft melody, with the unique lightness of the piccolo, rang out in the battlefield.

Roland's good night song, start!

The good night song, which was originally upgraded to lv2, has achieved a terrifying effect with Piccolo's passive bonus increased by ten times.

As soon as the soft melody sounded, the originally fierce and cruel battlefield suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Whether it was the four-legged fish that had reached Samsung on the beach, the soldiers shooting at the guard barrier, or the civilians fleeing with all their strength, everything suddenly fell silent.

They didn't fall into a coma, but were controlled by some kind of hallucination. Many people still had a smirk on their faces, showing a peaceful expression on the bloody battlefield, which looked so strange.

Because it was the first time to use piccolo to deal with such a big scene, Xu Sili didn't use mental power control at the beginning, so it caused a situation where there was no distinction between the enemy and the friend.

But at any rate, it prevented more civilians from being dragged into the sea.

He played the piccolo calmly, seeing the situation below, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although these four-legged fish do not seem to have hearing, the domineering sound elements directly act on the brain nerves, so they are still under control.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Sili released his mental power and began to control the spreading sound elements to gather back.

The archers on the long-range cover on the shore regained their sobriety first, but when they saw clearly what happened on the beach, they fell into confusion again.

Because of Xu Sili's control, they could no longer hear the sound of the flute, and the people who heard the sound of the flute were hypnotized again, so no one understood what happened for a while.

And later, more and more people woke up.

The soldiers naturally reacted quickly and hurriedly dragged the civilians away, while the ordinary people who survived the catastrophe also frantically ran to the shore.

Xu Sili gradually narrowed the scope of the flute's sound to the four-legged fish, but as the scope narrowed to the middle of the battlefield, which is the most serious part of the mixture of civilians and interstellar beasts, he felt the difficulty.

However, he felt the familiar light golden spiritual power.

He paused for a while, and then continued to focus on playing the flute. With Si Sheng's help and guidance, he felt a lot more relaxed, and at the same time, he had a new understanding of the control skills of mental power.

Moreover, as his level of spiritual power improved significantly, he also felt more and more special when the two people's spiritual power was intertwined.

It's as if their souls are closely connected, and they can easily perceive each other's emotions and some faint thoughts.

All in all, it was a wonderful experience.

Xu Sili tried his best to ignore this abnormality, and focused on the control of phonological skills.

After this battle, he also clearly realized that no amount of practice can compare to actual combat.

He used to think that as long as he was within the coverage of his mental power, he could control everything, but the reality was that his control was still insufficient in a situation where many people were mixed.

This is still a small battle with less than a thousand people, and the confusion is not serious. If it enters a real melee, he may not be able to completely control the blood increase effect on his own people.

Therefore, even if his sprouting skill is upgraded to the sky-defying effect, which can make people full of blood in seconds, it cannot be used at will.

Otherwise, if it is added to the enemy, it will be fun.

It seems that being a nanny is not so easy...Xu Sili thought sadly.

The civilians below quickly ran back into the protective barrier, while the soldiers saw that the four-legged fish was still dizzy, and they were vicious. They raised their weapons and slashed wildly, and some elementalists rushed over to join the fight Unilateral massacre.

Although the level of four-legged fish is generally two or three stars, but who told them to be controlled so tightly by Xu Sili?

Soon, more and more fighters joined them.

The speed at which the four-legged fish were cleaned also began to accelerate. In less than half a day, the defenders slaughtered nearly a hundred four-legged fish, and then dragged them back to the protective barrier.

Xu Sili stopped playing until the barrier was closed again and no one was left on the shore.

In about three hours, he played almost 40 times. Fortunately, the blue crystal necklace Si Sheng gave him increased the upper limit of magic power, otherwise it would not be enough to consume.

And he felt that his mouth was numb from blowing, and he didn't want to play this song again in the future.

The people below cheered and cheered around the piles of interstellar beast corpses, and the families of several dead people wept together.

Seeing this scene, Xu Sili didn't feel so relaxed.

He felt that he still didn't do enough. If Roland could get stronger quickly, these people wouldn't have to die at all, and the people of Lihai City wouldn't have to retreat to the city, helpless against the interstellar beasts in the sea.

"Go back." He said to Si Sheng.

Seeing that he was depressed, Si Sheng didn't say anything, just kissed his forehead, and then took him back to the shuttle, ready to leave Lihai City.

After all, apart from Lihai City, the situation in Lanxing City and Mushuang City is probably not much better.

They want to send the elementalist engineering team there as soon as possible.

As for the small battle that just guarded Lihai City, neither of them took it seriously.

For them, it's not a huge feat.

However, the guarded people obviously didn't think so, and soon some people thought of Si Sheng who escorted the elementalist over.

And after inquiring, it was indeed found that the shuttle, which was supposed to leave, stopped halfway through the flight.

So, after a lot of thinking, the people put all the credit on Si Sheng, thinking that it was the patron saint who protected them secretly.

When Xu Sili received Xiao Wu's complaint about this matter and was angry about him, he couldn't help but laugh a little.

He had originally escaped secretly, so it would be good to count it on Si Sheng, so as not to be falsely claimed by others, and Si Sheng didn't care about such things anyway.

In the end, under the enthusiastic welcome of the people, their shuttle left Lihai City and continued to fly to the next stop.

In reality, after some discussion and agreement, the game team finally compiled the problems and solutions they found into a report and handed it to Xu Fengqing's desk.

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